>Steam is getting proper season passes support, all DLCs must be listed with expected release dates. If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.
>buying season passes>buying any kind of DLCs at allKill yourself steam goyslopper.Also you will own nothing.
Never once have i bought any dlc at all ever.
>>695198901> thinking you own anything in an age of subscription servicesNgmiYou already don't own shit. Everything is a subscription now and it's not like you're gonna buy a house with whatever you save by pirating. Kill yourself NEET
>>695198976You're missing out.
this hurts devs
>>695199156No, no im not.
>>695199191Good, they should suffer and release things when they promise.
>>695199191Good, they are entitled fags who need a reality check.
>>695198809>If DLC is cancelled, refund for the value of unreleased DLC will be offered.I don't see this in your pic. Good if true though.
>>695198809Examples of recent game affected by this? Did Homeworld 3 promise DLC?
>>695199191Not the good devs, it doesn't.
>>695199242You are, there's plenty of good DLC for many games.You're just a lying jaded sad cunt of a cretin who felt the need to go into a thread and be a contrarian faggot for attention
>>695198809Who takes over Value when Gaben kicks the bucket eventually?
>>695198809I am genuinely anxious about what will happen to gaming as a whole medium when Gabe is gone
>>695199156nice example of putrid dogshit you fucking retard
>>695198809Was that last not the case before?Were there companies that were just cancelling DLCs and keeping people's money?
So, what kicked this off? The only big DLC fuckup I can think of is AC shadows, and that shouldn't be affected here.>>695199191I disagree. Customers having faith that a DLC offering will be enforced is good for everyone.>>695199743We don't know what his will looks like.
>>695199743The Gabe AI they've been developing instead of HL3
>>695199539>provide 3-month span to release single DLC into Season Pass>if not, DLC can be delayed for 3 more months>but if not, contact us>Valve -may- take action if no DLC beyond 3 months>Valve -may- take action if no Season Pass content beyond a yearliterally nothingfucking apply this shit to Early Access rather
>>695199895Redfall is the only one I can think of. There was a long, long period where there was no new content for the game, and then it was cancelled, but people did get refunded.
>>695198809Have there been bad egg developers doing this sort of thing that this had to happen?
>>695199895>>695200224Redfall was a Microsoft published game, and to be honest, if it wasn't, they probably would have fucked over people that bought the season pass.
>dlc>season passYeah, I really feel like this is going to save gaming
>>695199895I believe this is a thing for live service games in general. When they shut down you dont get your money back for dlc/mtx. Mobile games would refund you if you bought as it's shutting down like Dragalia Lost & Nintendo but Steam doesn't do this.
>>695198809Based. I love paying for stuff that doesn't exist. Also>Rlease review Season Pass Release Documentation for details.Someone should tell them to correct that.
>>695200606Well, yeah, and it's gay, but they never pretended otherwise.In this case we're talking about selling people a DLC stated to contain "X" things to be completed and made available later. I was wondering if that'd ever happened - a company just cancelling unreleased content that was paid for in advance such as a season pass, and fuck you imma keeping the money anyway.
>If you aren't ready to clearly communicate about the content included in each DLC AND when each DLC will be ready for launch, you shouldn't offer a Season Pass on Steam.ssssssssssshhhh...
>>695199191This hurt scammy studios.Which is good for devs, at it will bring back some semblance of customer trust in season passes.
>>695198809wait, there are idiots who even PREORDER DLC?Are these people fucking insane?>oh no, maybe it will sell out>the bits might be gone>need to preorder right now>yes, I have no clue how woke GTA6 is going to be, but I need that extra story DLC too!!!
>>695199895Recently, several semi-high profile games decided their newest, most expensive DLCs weren't actually part of the Season Passes.Guess Steam got fed up receiving a bajillon refunding demands each time that happened.
>>695200846>>695199895Its likely related to the stopkillinggames stuff. Rather than the goal being the refunds it seems more like they wanted to make devs give clear timespans on shit they are promising people. If they are going to make devs give clear timelines of promises content people are paying for may as well make it so they can't be scummy fucks at the same time as it will likely be attempted when its put in place.
>>695199156Wow, rocks
>>695201170>loser who can't afford to play the game 3 days earlykeep crying over those sour grapes kek
Why doesn't any studio make expansion packs anymore?
>>695199191I know you won't answer, but I'll ask for the record: which devs would be hurt by this?
>>695199743Gaben may be fat and getting old but he's been improving his weight and can easily afford healthcare, personal chefs and fitness trainers, dunno why people are so eager to see him kick it within the nsxt couple years.
>>695199191it only hurts developers who refuse or fail to deliver on promises
they also need to abolish "TBA" as a release date
Still waiting on Steam to add a DLC tree list view so CERTAIN GAMES can organize their stupidly long lists into groups/content type.
>>695202882Silksong bros...
>>695202882Isn't that just grandfathered shit? I thought any new entries on Steam had to actually come out within a year or they'll get a warning or some shit.
>>695199191oh noi'm sure the noita devs and factorio devs and blade and sorcery devs are all going to go under in 2 weeks thanks to this change
>>695198809More than that I'm glad they added that auto-record last 120 minutes of game footage with blacklist/whitelists.Shit's pretty useful.>>695199191Womp womp
They need to enforce more strict or open roadmaps for early access titles.As it is, most devs just fill in an estimate they'll never meet or adjust when initially making the early access page and you end up with wishlists containing a gazillion EA titles because it's unclear when they're leaving EA.Or you get the inverse issue where they leave EA without actually fulfilling all the requirements they claimed would be in the 1.0 version.
>>695199191it doesn't>promise something>deliver utter shit>no refunds"quality" is subjective, devs can easily release shit they made in one hour and pretend this is what was promised to begin withno idea why retards pretend this will change anything at all
>>695199191Devs need to be hurt, they can't be trusted not to lie and cheat otherwise.
If a dev or a publisher decides too keep a game off steam because of these rules, you automatically know it's because their intent is to scam people. Devs without plans to scam will have no problem adhering to this, but I've no doubt it'll make some of the big flop creators like Sony more hesitant to put their filth on the platform because for them it's even less control over the consumers dumb enough to buy their shit.
>>695199539I rarely buy games where this is a concern, but it's nice to see Valve taking steps to hold publishers accountable, instead of just sucking up their 30% and jerking off all day.
>Publishers must know ahead of time exactly how much DLC a game will have and when it will releaseTypically, DLC is DLC because it's not ready at launch. To know precisely what, how much, and when means they know ahead of time they're not providing a full game up front. Publishers will want to make sure all DLC is ready before committing to this kind of season pass. The result isn't fewer broken promises, it's more games with Day 1 DLC and fewer games that offer a cheaper option for future content. This is bad for everyone except the publishers looking to nickel and dime their customers anyway.