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So they're going for the urban audience aren't they?
I can still hear her song in my head
3 pinch
They're going for the OP is a giant faggot audience.
Why are you c*ck faggots so obsessed with this bitch? I can understand the Marika posters, because she's actually the perfect ideal Goddess woman, but this?
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theyre going for the "men have dicks, and will throw money at anything that makes their dick twitch" audience
>not posting the best girl
The snacks are real nice
The urban audience is too poor to gamble
Other people being judgemental of their fetish is part of their kink.
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Its just picking optimal targets for bait. The biggest groups on /v/ are fromsoft fags and hoyo fags, that plus race baiting is the biggest net you can cast
They're going for the shota audience
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dicks out, dick rolling
BWC slut
Lucy's great but it's a shame they made her a boring support. Not even M6 can make her out to be anything else.
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mihoyo has nothing to offer besides some nice free porn that I will never pay for
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girls that have sex with their own brothers have no right to use such offensive language
Anon her brother fucks caesar
Party girls should be bullied into suicide

Burnice's retarded dancing is the only time ever that a character reveal trailer has gotten some kind of a reaction out of me.
>blackedcore character design
no thanks
Kinda, this feels like trying to appeal to the "Autozone street racer with anime decals" audience.
the webm...
What the fuck is this degeneration?
I wish we could get normal threads about the game and not these bait threads that only the same faggots keep posting in.
I love burnice
How are the snacks again
Chinks are desperate for their Get Jinxed/POP/STARS moment.
Good but sour
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Then start talking about the game.
How did you like the TV event? Seemed like they really half assed it to me.
>all those mechanics
>none of them matter because you easily get infinite stats every time
>exploring the level is pointless because progress resets all the fucking time
You just know Caesar fucked her good after that lust provoking dance
They are removing the TV btw
why do americans not comprehend this ?
Yea, it could have been a bit more fleshed out.
It's a dream sequence.
How good...
>It's a dream sequence.
You just know she dreamed of Caesar fucking her real good after that provoking dance.
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nutted to burnice yet again
it's all so tiresome, I don't even like her that much. The song is annoying and the burnice fags who start these shit threads are even worse
They better fucking not.
They are going for the zoomer trannies
Nut to koleda instead fag
>zoomer trannies looks like burnice
Might as well
I have no fucking clue how to use Yanagi.
I just mash everything and everything dies.
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I pulled this cat
She's ugly
Personally I wish I could jerk off to her. Almost everything about her is awful, the quirkiness, the humor, the stupid song and dance, the stupider glasses, did you notice her hair pieces spell out 'fire'? How did they fuck up this badly? She's a fucking slutty spunky pigtailed blonde wearing a shortskirt. I shouldn't have been able to walk for a week after I first saw her, but I can't stand looking at her. Swathes of good porn just down the drain. Porn is shit too. I don't even know why, it just is.
mash normal a few seconds
tap special once
mash normal a few seconds

hold special to do an EX that i have no idea what it does
how dare you
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>only negroes like girls with big titties in crop tops and skirts
Grats. Welcome to the cat clyub.
The dark id of China crawling out of the collective unconscious into reality.
I thought her banners ended long time ago already, why is she still being posted?
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Lighter looks cool, but I don't have Ellen or S11 so seems like its pointless for me to roll for him.
Because they sure as fuck aren't gonna post about the no content the "game" has.
It's almost as if these threads aren't for people who play the game and the only people posting here are AGP ERPers...
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Bro, your Mibibi..
>still pretending this shit board ever discusses gameplay
Shut up ffs.
New banner is boring, cow titted, pink haired OL with mandatory glasses, so no one gives a fuck about her
>no ERP in the thread
Anon, what?
Read my post again
I'm agreeing with you
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First time being in a ZZZ thread?
>Ethereal outside a hollow
And people thought this wasn't a dream sequence.
I've never seen any ERP in these threads. I've seen people bitch about it though. Maybe people don't know what Erotic Role Play is.
There was a guy in a thread a while back that was trying to convince everyone it wasn't a dream and was just bits of her day.
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The fuck was his argument? That a hollow briefly swallowed Blazewood just in time for Burnice's dance party?
Seems pretty limited to me, can only be Miyabi, Lighter and Burnice/Lucy to get their :)
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She's OP as fuck though, also milkies.
>Entire Sons of Calydon Team is based
>by far the best characters added to the game both storywise and gameplay wise
>Sokaku accompanied by 2 wet blankets and a retard
>House Victoria MIA since the end of their story
>Belobog busy building shit
>Only hear whispers of The police now despite how popular they were and how involved they are with everything.

I'am not gonna lie I dont like that some of these characters are simply fading away like that its kinda weird.
Why doesn't Ellen have an Agent story?
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Bro, relax. It's only been a few months, they can't have everyone involved in everything all the time.
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ERP complaints are often directed towards "slutposting" and other related annoying /trash/faggotry that shouldn't be on /v/. You know, those tard faggots "discreetly" encouraging jacking off and other shit instead of just posting Burnice and keeping their mouths shut lest more cringe spill out. Hardly an accurate use of the term, but it's convenient.
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Rushed reminder
Yeah...very convenient...
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Game is pure dogshit and coombait is the only thing it has going for it.
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Sex appeal is a valuable asset in video games.
Only retards hate it irrationally.
Wait, you can actually move and fight in this? I thought gacha were just turn-based boring rpgs. I fucking hate turn based rpgs. Anything with action is better than choosing words in menus. If I wanted to look at words I'd read a book
it's mindless button-mashing if that's your thing.
Being able to actually control a character is already leagues better than those other gachas I tried.
It's mindless button mashing in the same way Sekiro is, it's more like a rhythym game where you make sure to abuse parry/dodge frames correctly and not get hit.
I am kinda getting mixed messages from this post but putting that aside, I always see people shit on this game. Is it that bad? Wanna try it for myself honestly after seeing it so much here.
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>Expecting good gameplay from any gachashit game
>It's mindless button mashing in the same way Sekiro
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It's a free game I know this is fucking crazy but have you considered trying it personally and forming your own opinion about it instead of listening to /v/?
Turn-based rpgs are also mindless as fuck. RPG niggers think their games are RTS. RTS games are what RPG faggots think their games are. All turn-based jrpgs have no entertainment value and no actual interactivity. If I wanted words I'd read a book, If I wanted strategy I'd play RTS. I'm glad some gacha actually have characters you can control. I'm so tired of the "game" part of videogames being phased out.
Does anyone have any webms of the huge muscled werewolf man who's also a playable character in this game?
As opposed to intellectual mashing? What games have intellectual mashing?
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Sex appeal doesn't make up for shitty gameplay and scummy monetization
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You come home after a long day at work to find your wife Burnice being interracially blowbanged by a bunch of niggers in your living room.

“Welcome home, Anon! Give me just a second and I’ll fix you your dinner!” she says, popping a big black niggerdick out of her mouth to jerk it off into a glass beer mug. The nigger’s ballsack flexes as your stacy wife expertly milks his cock into the glass, his creamy niggercum filling it to the brim. Not only is the glass full of ten niggers’ chunky, yellowish jizz, there’s also some pubes in there, in addition to your lovely wife's spit.

Burnice walks over to the dinner table, her huge tits bouncing with every step. After three pregnancies, her breasts are much bigger and saggier, the nipples all swollen and chewed up and leaking milk. On them, underneath her collarbone, are tattooed the words “BLACK BREEDER”; around one of her areolae are tattooed black sperm cells approaching her nipple; between her now considerably widened hips, above her pussy, is a Queen of Spades tattoo, and on her right ass-cheek are tattooed the words “WHITE BOYS”, in a struck-through red circle.

She places a mug of the disgusting concoction on the dinner table. It’s overflowing with smelly niggercum.

“What are you waiting for, Anon? Drink up!”

Too meek to protest against your wife, you pick up the heavy mug and begin downing the gross “milkshake” Burnice worked so hard to make you. She looks on approvingly as you slide the contents of ten niggers’ balls down your gullet. Since you knowingly married a nigger-owned whore, such degrading rituals were an everyday occurrence for you. You just hoped that tonight she’d take pity on you, unlock your cage, and consent to stomp the colorless *semen* out of your balls with her sweaty feet.
>we have monster hunter or dark souls at home sweaty
>scummy monetization
You say this but gacha is better value for money than triple A slop, assuming you have even a modicum of self control about you.
You get very regular updates on a cadence previously unimaginable and you get it for fucking free. And you cry about it because some people are spending more money than you can afford to.

Jealousy is a very ugly thing.
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Mixed messages? I just like the girl and hate faggots like this >>695203478 tard nigger. Don't mix me with them.
You should know by this point to never trust /v/ on anything. As the other guy said, the game is literally free. Figuring out if it's "good" will at most cost you an hour + the time spent downloading. If it means anything, I like it.
Yeah, you are right. I personally believe the worse your opinion is of something before you try it. Makes you love it even more when things turn out the opposite. I guess that is why I asked here. Thanks for the advice.
Atrocious VA ruins it
The opposite of mindless button masher would not be a button masher at all you fucking retard
The opposite of mindless something is intellectual something, retard. Same as a game not called a masher can be mindless and intellectual. Are you gonna play semantics or actually name games?
Noted! I honestly think that giant wall of text guy is worst than ERP but thank you. I will play it and see for myself. Have a good one.
What is the point of being this belligerent and moronic?
Ah, I see. Stalling till the thread 404s because he can't name any. Typical coward move.
Incredibly ironic of you to talk about self control when I can simply not play shit games, whether they're AAA garbage or freemium gacha garbage. The monetization is scummy because in a halfway decent product it wouldn't exist at all. The constant updates and their cadence don't matter because a constant stream of trash is still trash, no update is going to make any given gacha a good game.
>when I can simply not play
Good for you bro.
Go meditate on the top of a mountain until the heat death of the universe.
I'm very happy you attained enlightenment.
Why do you gachafags always have to compare your games to AAA shit as if those are the only options available?
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All the same degenerate shit in my books. Not that I'm not a degenerate myself, but keep that shit where appropriate and not in the god damn vidya board. But yeah, enjoy the game and remember to abstain from giving in and spending money.
You're an actual fucking moron. Asking someone to provide evidence of an "intellectual button masher" because they called your trash a mindless button masher. The opposite of a button masher is not also a button masher, it requires that you actually do the opposite of mashing which is pretty much every well-designed action game ever
...Still can't tell if this anon is an AGP anon
Because they're the only comparable.
Indie games and retro games are stagnant, they aren't receiving continuous support or any kind of updates.
If you enjoy playing Zelda 3 with item randomizer or speedrunning Mario 64 until you die I'm real happy for you bro, but without autism that's hard for a normal person to get into.
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>Indie games and retro games are stagnant
gacha tards, everyone.
I don't even know what OP's game is, all I did was appreciate the fact that a gacha has a manual control system instead of being text-based turn-based garbage. And you start going on about mindless button mashing, and when asked about it you can't name the opposite. You're still stalling. Name all your amazing intellectual action games please. So I can laugh.
No, fuck off.
Will do! One las question! Is the gacha rates bad? What is the character I should be trying to get at the beginning to have an easier time?
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When was the last time Nintendo patched Ocarina of time?
There's more time between today and its 3DS remake than there was between the 3DS remake and its original release.
>I NEED a constant stream of low effort exploitative "game" as often as possible! If you like cohesive, complete experiences you are weird!

Sounding real normal and well adjusted there champ. Gacha players cant even see how stupid they sound marketing any of this as a positive.
Wow, I got a boner reading this and I don't even like cuck and interracial shit. What gives?
Cocks in mixers nice
I don't even know what your point is?
Dark Souls is a fantastic game and a well rounded standalone experience but it still got sequels.
Pretty much all successful games are iterated upon and advanced by their developers.
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>Name all your amazing intellectual action games please
You're an idiot and you're completely misrepresenting what happened but if you'd like to know some actually good action games sure.
>The World Ends With You NEO
>Devil May Cry 3 and 4
>Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
>Monster Hunter (series)
>Ninja Gaiden 2
>Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner
>Lies of P
>Metal Gear Rising
> Double Dragon neo
>KAGE: Shadow of the Ninja Reborn
Off the top of my head
>Double Dragon neo
Fuck disregard, I meant streets of rage 4
Just got two +3 AP disks, let's go
I've playd most of these and I'm playing ZZZ.

p.s Bayonetta is garbage and Kingdom Hearts is for brony level losers.
I just can't bring myself to care about secondary stats on discs. Yeah, cool, I can get +12 atk. Caesar gives +1k atk just for existing.
You're definitely not a faglord who hates fun
I'm not sorry you are a loser who likes button mashers for disney kids with even worse token japanese story from nomura
That is was showing different parts of her day before she passed out on the counter. He didn't know that Ethereals couldn't exist outside hollows so he didn't see why that was odd.
The point is gacha is inherently worthless. You're talking about the constant changes and updates as if that gives the format any value, I'm telling you it does not. The differences across iterations in a video game series and differences within a live service game between updates are very obviously not the same in terms of what they offer or change. If you don't see or don't value those differences, then you're either stupid, committed to enjoying lowest common denominator entertainment, or trolling me. Sure hope it's the last one.
It's jarring how far Genshin and ZZZ are in the artifact department. For Genshin I will spend an entire patch farming an artifact set for a character released in the next one and still struggle to get decent pieces, whereas in ZZZ it's so fucking fast and they give you stat choosers out the ass. Then GI goes and adds this artifact selector thing and it's the worst POS they've ever done that takes like 2 patches to get one item whereas in ZZZ you'd have like 6 selectors by that point.
Hating on Kingdom Hearts for having Disney is a litmus test for having irrational shit taste.
Half Life Episode 2 recently got an update, but I'm not sure what you mean by Indie games are stagnant.
the grub hub dance is going too far.
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The face you are trying to prove how superior you are for playing Kingdom Hearts is a joke. Your opinion has less worth than a woman's.
How is he wrong?
>EarthBound but about depression with gay furries
>Sonic Adventure/Mario 64 clone with ugly protagonist
>Doom but faster and more blood
>and how involved they are with everything.
We as Proxies still don't know them that well, our only bit with them was getting the remains of the unknown creature from whoever was trying to steal it. Their department isn't really high up on the chain of command so it will be a bit before they really get pulled into what's going on. Victoria will show up at some point because they are keeping tabs on us, it's just a matter of when.
It's what you chase when you leveled all your main bros
As I said, your posts have devolved into irrational retarded drivel, here's your last (you)
I'm not even sure what most of these are analogs for but having derivative gameplay of an older classic should not be something that gacha fags should take issue with, it's more about how well it's executed rather than what it might literally be to you. Of course, this is ignoring games like Animal Well and Balatro which don't fit into your narrative.
>The point is gacha is inherently worthless.
To you.

Why do you take it so personal?
I'm genuinely curious but what is it about the mere existence of this monetization model that drives you to such irrational fury?
You're extremely mad about other people enjoying something you don't, I wish I could understand why.
To any objective bystander, the payment model has little effect on the quality of the game itself, you get good gacha and shit gacha, same as any other type of game. What matters is the substance, but to you the only thing that matters is the monetization.
I've never played ZZZ so I looked up some of the characters and came to the conclusion that this one is the hottest
>Animal Well
It's just a 2D adventure game.
>Why do you take it so personal?
he hasn't had sex
And ZZZ is just a shitty 3d action game. See? I can be reductive too.
>Animal Well and Balatro
and noita and factorio and vampire survivors and magicraft and v rising and...

anti-indie posters are permanently stuck referring to a half dozen specific games, including braid, a nearly 20 year old game
>gacha fags
The fact the retards don't understand that a lot of the people who play these games do in fact play other non gacha games (even old games, shocker, I know) would be astounding if not for it being clear they are just fan base warrior faggots. It's completely pointless to even talk to them because all they want to is fan base war.
>hurr durr look I just push button!
you could do this stupid strawman with any game
>to do is
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Not really. I called you out on your semantics playing and stalling. And even your semantics make no sense because the opposite of mindless something is intellectual something. Mashing or however you press buttons can be calculated or not, it isn't inherently mindless. Even your own semantics are retarded. For example, in God Hand you can extend your combo with the mashy kick after launching enemies up and even time it so he's doing the animation beforehands, letting them fall on it, or timing when to prompt it. In MVC2 if you're good enough to deal with all the fast paced bullshit you can mash during hyper combos to do more damage. Even in technical games like Virtua Fighter if you're playing at a casual level you can just mash low punch at certain intervals with tick throwing for a valid mixup and just win this way. Actually there are some pros in games that outright say you should mash during certain sequences, throwing out moves that can be rewarding in certain situations is a valid tactic it's different from a child just randomly mashing with no thoughts behind it.

>all console games
Yeah man, you're comparing a free gacha app largely meant for phones and casuals to these. Which is not a 'gotcha moment' at all, it just makes you look like a tryhard hipster who got BTFO on his semantics. But let's laugh at these games you say are the opposite of mindless.

>TWEWY, DMC, Bayo, KH, MH, NG2, ZOE, Onimusha, LoP, MGR, etc.
You technically can mash in any of these. For such a tryhard on a high horse, I was expecting some godlike intellectual marvel of a game. DMC is just you clobbering puppets that barely fight back, even the boss fights are a letdown because they're all piss easy so you never get to have a great back-and-forth with your extensive moveset with them. MGR's parrying is literally mashable, I remember finding out you can mindlessly mash the parry and it always works. So you're actually just laughing at the games you like.
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>Wait, you can actually move and fight in this?
I'm playing Ys X Nordics on Inferno and I would literally not be allowed to get away with what's happening in that webm. Not even that's it's an incredible game, ZZZ is just shit.
>You technically can mash in any of these.
And you would be punished for it, try again.
>And you would be punished for it, try again.
He gave examples where you're not and you just gloss over them, good one.
Your entire post is complete bullshit semantics trying to go against what people mean by mindless button-mashing, it's moronic and a waste of time.
She is literally dancing with whites in that video
Translation " I have no comeback and haven't actually played the games I'm boasting about "
Nah, I don't waste time posting to retards who already made up their retard mind. Props to him though for actually give examples about something unlike your shitposting ass.
>And you would be punished for it, try again.
Yeah, you would be punished by the fight taking for fucking ever, same as in ZZZ.
Wrong, you asked for good action games and I listed them, it had nothing to do with trying to define what a "intellectual masher" is all because someone called ZZZ a mindless button masher, it's a complete waste of time. This isn't about being able to repeatedly press the same button in a game, it's that ZZZ's gameplay requires no thought.
>trying to go against what people mean by mindless button-mashing
The original webm isn't mindless button mashing either. He's clearly timing his dodges at the very least.
You listed braindead shit like MGR, Bayonetta, Kingdom Hearts and even pretended Onimusha is an "action game"

You are an idiot and you listed games you haven't played.
For me it’s Lucy, the RIGHTFUL leader of the Sons of Calydon.
Being a live long MonHun player, I can tell you that it's not a complex game. Depending on your weapon you just reuse the same moves over and over and all that consists of is light attack a few times then a heavy, maybe with some mix up every once in a blue moon. Greatsword for the longest time was just attacking after you draw (one button) and then charge attacking when you know a monster is going to walk or attack into you hit (holding one button). Even once they added Insect Glaive, the best combo for it was literally Light+Light+Heavy for every game after its addition until World where they lowered the damage on that combo to get people to use attacks (they still suck).
Dual Blades is nothing but spamming lights until you fill your meter when you then spam the same move over and over.
People ignore this because it's fun fighting the large ass monsters.
>a life*
>your hit*
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>Onimusha isn't an action game
you're a fucking idiot.
>You listed braindead shit like MGR, Bayonetta, Kingdom Hearts
You didn't actually make worth while criticism of any of these games.
You incorrectly referred to a DMC as a game where you
>DMC is just you clobbering puppets that barely fight back
Meaning you've only ever played of devil hunter or human and your opinion isn't worth entertaining
same thing to your bullshit claim about MGR's parrying which means you've only ever done one normal mode run of the game and never gone for s rank, though I will admit that you can spam parry it's still not optimal at all. You're a fucking idiot also nothing about Kingdom Hearts because you'd be exposed a total moron whose never played the game on critical. Fuck off gacha tard
The monetization, the live service nature, inherently demeans the entire package. You miss a banner? Locked out of gameplay options till the next time it's there. You stopped playing and wanna go back a few years later? The game hits EOS. Curious about a story? It can at best offer interesting episodic stories, but the endless nature of a live service game means they will never write a real status quo change. Video game equivalent of a sitcom.

It sucks. The whole thing sucks. It's so irredeemably garbage that it's cathartic to shit on it. But hey, if you like this garbage then chow down friend. They keep it coming for you, just how you like it.
>you're a fucking idiot.
You haven't even played the game. Sorry, but when this thread 404s you'll still be a loser.
>Animal Well
Oh sorry i forgot
>metroidvania with furries
I played Hollow Knight so i played all of them silksong never btw
>Depending on your weapon you just reuse the same moves over and over and all that consists of is light attack a few times then a heavy
Totally moronic non-complaint that completely ignores various positioning that comes with specific combos and weapons as well as dealing with enemy attack patterns. Also extremely disingenuous for upper-difficulty hunts. Get real you try hard faggot.
No one cares about you trying to get the last word in tryhard gacha fag.

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