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>Go into Persona 5 expecting to dislike Makoto from how much you guys complain about her
>She's actually the cutest girl in the entire game and not a girlboss mary sue at all
Why did you guys lie?
This bitch named herself Queen and made herself the leader. That's Ren's job.
her ass is too fat
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When did she lead?
Persona games are almost obnoxious about how subservient everyone is to the main character.
I'd take you being irritated by her more seriously if Makoto didn't constantly beg for your approval anytime she made a plan
>>She's actually the cutest girl in the entire game and not a girlboss mary sue at all
why do you lie?
>It's weak to--
Shut up
It's bad enough having a navigator
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The only people that hate Makoto are women or women brained men.
If you can't see the appeal in her archetype than you're probably homosexual.
Anal Queen
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Sex! Ha ha ha, SEX!
Those thighs are absolutely fucking ridiculous.
I can't choose between her and Ann
>She's actually the cutest girl in the entire game and not a girlboss mary sue at all
Just admit you want a shit template image dump thread, dont need to lie about it.
When does Makoto act like a girlboss?
GIve some examples
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Makoto is very good, but Ann is still the best.
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Haru for me
Why the fuck does she even play the Navigator role at all? Unlike Mitsuru, she has no analysis capabilities. And it's not like she's stepping in because of an emergency scenario like Akechi did for a while.
Haru is Ren's canonical wife.
The problem isnt Makoto exactly, but rather that the main cast is too big and some characters fall to the side. Should have trimmed the castm Yusuke should have just been merged with Ryuji as the "bro" character, Haru should have been cut all together.
Makoto's problem is they cut Hifumi from the party and just shoved her role as the strategist onto Makoto who was also meant to be the advisor so she ends up being the only person that does anything and everyone else follows along listening to whatever she says
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Based and true
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>Girl that tries to act calm and composed but actually is really anxious and depends on you
Yup they knew what they were doing.
Yusuke is fine, but Haru and Futaba should have been cut. Haru does nothing and Futaba does too much, having Makoto and Joker be the "smart ones" is more than enough for a gang of dumb teenagers we don't need le epic hackergirl deus ex machina as a party member. Not to mention you also have to take Akechi into account, who should have been a party member longer so his betrayal actually feels like anything
gonna be hard to top ann/makoto/futaba/haru in P6
>Joins 60+hrs into the game
You might be right, but I was out of fucks to give and just auto skipped all her dialogue. After 70hrs of playing a linear story game, i'm out of fucking patience. Just end that shit, let me go. Put me out of my misery. Fuuuuuck.
>Yusuke is fine
My problem is more with Ryuji, he's just there to fill the generic "bro" archetype and just Yosuke 2.0, Yusuke could have filled a similar role while also being more unique
>sticc thighs
She's too popular. She can't be allowed to win
You can argue if she is or is not a Mary Sue, but she is a girl boss. That's not up for debate
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She's a former ballerina
Those thighs will make your head spin
Atlus will never fucking learn to stop putting a party member in the last 1/4 of the game so they end up having no time to do anything
Can you explain what is girlboss about her?
>"Looks like I'll be the brains of this operation"
>Joker has nothing to say about that, ever
Makoto would be fine if Joker wasn't shit but here we are
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>Atlus will never fucking learn to stop putting a party member in the last 1/4 of the game so they end up having no time to do anything
Haru in Persona 5 and Basilio in ReFantazio. I did the same thing with Basilio; skipped all his shit and side lined him and never used him, not just because he's a black furry mind you. Luckily, Persona 5 and ReFantazio were so far apart in years, that I didn't mind diving into another 100hrs RPG.

Party Members in an RPG should all be in the team proper by 20hrs of game time, in my opinion. That gives you time to develop a bond and care about them. Haru is exactly my type of girl but I have real life shit to do. I can't spend another 40hrs of game time reading text and watching cut scenes. I gotta go fast.
Ryuji and Yosuke are both bro types in sporty and artsy varieties respectively, and there's enough difference between them that I never noticed any overlap. They're kind of like how Ann and Makoto are both hot girls but ones a model and the other's a librarian, there's a difference but they fill similar roles
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Basically a slut
I hate nerd/geek girls
Not enough time
Out of the main Phantom Thieves she's the only real choice desu
Basilio was introduced halfway through the game and spent tons of time with the party before officially joining
You can'y even compare him to Haru.
Also you can't really be complaining about characters and then admitting you skipped most of their lines at that point you're not even playing the game anymore.
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>only real choice desu
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The way they write Haru is fucking insane because she just acts like she has been part of the group the entire time from the moment she joins. Even when she's hanging out with the guy that literally killed her dad she does nothing
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doesn't simpgana come up with that nickname
Haru best girl…
>Also you can't really be complaining about characters
Yes I sure fucking can. Reading a 400page book takes less time than doing the final quarter of ReFantazio or Persona 5.

>admitting you skipped most of their lines
Oh no, I skipped exposition and sob stories of these fake characters that don't exist, 50hrs after I've already been playing the game. Like I said anon, I'm out of fucks to give after a certain amount of game time. The villains, cast, goals and expectations are set in place by that point. I already know what the ball rolling down hill will hit, don't need to stop the momentum for a side show.
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Joker has the option to call her that and she's fine with it
not sure whether or not the game's for me; dropped it after Madarame's palace. didn't want to spoil myself with a guide for the calendar but i feel like if i'm not optimizing my game plan then i'm gonna lock myself out of some good stuff and maxing out s-links. add all the dialogue and it's just a slog to get through. a shame; i really liked the little group we had up until that point
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If you pick one of the others then Morgana says she acts like a queen and Ryuji says they should go with that
Who's the better kisser Ann or Makoto
Don't you think that story focused jrpgs just aren't for you then?
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>Persona 5 girls have tits and hips
>ReFantazio girls are all flat boards with no sex appeal or flirty interactions
I'm not a coomer but girls should be sexy.
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Ann. Makoto doesn't even know what a kiss looks like
Neither of them since they're both romance options in a persona game.
They're inexperienced in everything so we don't feel cucked.
The memes about her being autistic kinda ruined her character for me.

Persona 5 sucked btw. I have no idea how you guys enjoy Atlus slop. Maybe it's because I minmaxed the day-to-day as much as possible and would run an entire dungeon in 2 days and then spent the next like 20 fucking around doing the social stuff.
That's why there's no romance.
With the exception of Eupha whose body outclasses every other girl in the game
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it does fit her doe
She is a girl and she acts like your boss. That is what a girl boss is
Objectively the best choice for a wife.
Again when does she act like your boss?
Does she order the protag around or something?
>minmaxing in a singleplayer game
guides are cancer, get a grip on your adhd and play for fun
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Sheer contrarianism. The majority of people recognize her as their Queen, as she's rightfully called.
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Yes I remember her ordering you around to meetings and helping her with socializing etc
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Alright enough of this retarded squabble. You people can’t recognize TRUE perfection when it’s legitimately staring you down the face. Move over and KNEEL, goddamn it!
How would you rank the girls in terms of wife material?
>Don't you think that story focused jrpgs just aren't for you then?
Nah, they're fine. I don't play RPGs every month, I take long long breaks in between RPGs. A linear story should be succinctly told in a griping manor. Skipping a side character's side story doesn't affect the main story or circumstances one bit. That's why I can skip them and lose nothing. I still have to do their arc, I still have to interact with them for the sake of completion. I just skip the dialogue and cutscenes.

I don't need to read every line to understand Haru or Basilio's motivation/goals/purpose/quirks. Gameplay, bosses and the main story does that for me.
That is the fun way.
Everyone knows Elly holds the crown. All this squabble is who comes afterwards.
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makoto > haru > futaba > ann
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>from how much you guys complain about her
What are you talking about? Makoto is easily the most popular girl by every metric.
The color of Makoto's sweater always made it look like she was nude with overalls on
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for me, it's anne.
>Futaba higher than Rise
because she carried me with aoe spells late game, of course.
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> “Everyone knows Elly holds the crown.”

Damn straight she should. Too bad many anons won’t ever give her the time of day because they wouldn’t dare touch a PS1-era JRPG if their life depended on it. Hence, the amount of slop we got post P2EP with Neo-Persona.
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Everyone takes the Makoto-pill eventually.
Honestly the red is what makes me like her. Any other color and I would've forgotten about her
We get it, you're 12 and still like quirky lolsorandum not-like-the-other-girls girls.
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i think pink gloves clash with the rest of the outfit
makoto's PT outfit is my fav
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>Why did you guys lie?
So you could find the answer by yourself anon :3
she's a massive cunt for not even considering hanging out with you unless you have high enough charm to be a trophy bf
i saw that and instantly benched her
Not huge enough
Hell yeah Harubro
For me it's Yusuke don't like the rest of P5 cast
her and makoto are both great, ann has the red suit + whip, and makoto has the black suit + biker theme
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>Personafags pretending that their game has good writing again
She's still a Mary Sue kid.
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uhoh, someone got filtered
Is that what she says if you’re low int?
yea, it's the knowledge 3 check
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I liked Makoto, but the Doc won it for me. With the nerd probably at number 3.

But that's only out of who we could actually pick.
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A quality woman deserves a quality man.
>Posts game with even worse writing
Why do people here dislike Makoto so much when Futaba is obviously the worst girl in the Phantom Thieves? Haru is barely a character at all, so I don’t have any negative or positive impressions of her, but I really came to dislike Futaba. Do japs like her?
They're already outclassed by the cast from 2, 3 and 4 thoughever
I legitimately thought prez was going to be her moniker and was confused when she gets offended if you suggest it.
>No I'm QUEEN!
uh ok then
>ywnb smothered by Makoto's ass
Does Morgana get pissed off at Joker if you choose to have him date Ann?
Haru's a lot worse than Basilio because you actually get to see the two mutts be good boys, as well as
>antagonist turned ally
is a kino trope near the end of the game. Yeah he gets dumped on you with no basilio dungeon and like not much game time. But at least it's not Haru's
>Two dungeons left
>slow social link
>basically a small pre-introduction
At least they learned to introduce characters before adding them (every nigga past Heismay)
futaba is a loli neet otaku and basically your stepsister
I don't get why nobody got a showtime attack with the protagonist aside from the pushed DLC characters. Makoto got one with Ryuji of all people, they interact like twice total
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But your skull would surely be reduced to dust by the weight! Is it really worth it?
He's not angry; he 's just disappointed.
It's simple
They wanted every original party member to have two
Therefore Joker got the short end of the stick and got the fujo bait and the redhead
There were more planned showtime attacks, but they were scrapped.
>Ryuji and Morgana
>Ryuji and Ann
>Yusuke and Makoto
>Akechi (pre-traitor version) and someone else (likely Joker)
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From the very fucking beginning of P1:
> Eriko "Elly" Kirishima studied in Europe and came back to Japan with beauty and knowledge.

Sounds more like your projecting your retarded waifu, Futaba, own personality onto Elly which clearly shows how you completely drooled over fatass smelly man-tits typing out your retarded response, instead of, oh I don’t know, actually playing the fucking games?!

Whatever, you sub-humans stuck with P3-5 are clearly beneath me. Keep arguing about your stupid little Yukari, Chihiro, Aigis, Chie, Rise, Ann, Makoto, Futaba, that red haired P5 bitch, etc.
I didn’t max her social link, but I was tempted to due to how annoying Morgana’s Ann comments were.
Again, I don’t understand why she would be anyone’s top pick among the girls in the Phantom Thieves.
Still pretending that S;G has good writing then?
AmateurThrowaway if you're in this thread stop making NTR animations please
he is brazilian, it's in his blood
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no, you basically get defeated male leaves meme on valentines
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Explain your logic
Mako is bae.
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Makoto is a prostitute.
Hmm, I'm fully convinced. Expelled!
I'm convinced their outfits do not come with underwear.
made for BWC
Ren Amamiya isn't a white person name
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Haru is at least a Norwood 3
>bookworm who takes the "let me talk to the manager" approach with fucking yakuza
>wants to be the future police chief
Tokyo is doomed.
>mfw III-vertex
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Good thread~
That's a phat butt tbqh
I will say Ann's love confession is really good
good thread, shit image. I know you can do better than this
>you have me
>you have the others
makoto is basically a perfect urban wife, she will have a good career and can be good at home (makoto can cook and she will probably be a good mom given how she basically played the role of PT team mom)
haru is useless at home, but she doesn't need to do anything, she can probably fix any problem with money, she is basically an 18 years old cougar
futaba is autistic as fuck, it's hard to gauge her, you could write entire fanfics about her hyperfixating on parenting
ann's career is a complication and she doesn't seem like marriage material
Not that I would have went for Ann anyway, but I didn't want to crush Morgana's dreams by dating her.
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Better how?
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he never stood a chance
That's a good start right there
I will forever hate Morgana for spewing his existential bullshit during my wife Haru's character arc
Makoto's best outfit is actually her Strikers summer outfit
How is her ass so big?
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So huge not even two hands can hold all of it
Off-model fan art.
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Why are there way more female social links that require maxed out social stats than male ones?
I will forever hate Haru for inserting her non-existent character arc into Morgana’s existential crisis.
A couple of reasons. Eiko and her host bf want max charm rather than Makoto. Haru wants max proficiency because that's required to fully enjoy the coffee or something and I can't remember the rest
it's was morgana's arc, haru just happened to be introduced during it
To be honest, the first time I played this game, I feel in love with her. Like I developed strong feelings for this fictional character, which has never happened before or since. And it was my favorite game so I played through it again after that, and two playthroughs of Royal, and I never felt those strong feelings again.
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Officer Niijima kneeling on my neck while I go for a whiff of her sweaty panties
I didn’t interact with Haru at all, but this fact alone automatically makes her the worst girl in the Phantom Thieves.
I actually didn't do Makoto's sl my first time playing. I completely missed her due to all the fast travel
Haru isn't useless bro. He wants to own her own cafe, is pretty good and gardening and is good at the kitchen according to strikers. Plus she's rich. Imagine how comfy would it be to work with your wife in a cafe every day.
She's cute and clealy meant for anal sex.
>Imagine how comfy would it be to work with your wife in a cafe every day.
Even more so because you never have to worry about turning a profit since your wife is doing it as a hobby
Counterpoint: she is the ugliest girl in the Phantom Thieves.
Anal sex is for homosexuals. She’s made for vaginal sex and impregnation while her sister watches.
That's Futaba actually
>cute girl
>cute butt
>not meant for anal

WTF, dude?
Oh yeah, she exists, too.
i can't take her cafe thing seriously
she is basically an anime equivalent of one of those trustfund tiktok whores larping as entrepreneurs
Would she be weak to anal? She's not a tomboy
She cute
Doesn't need to be weak to it, just needs it.
Like all cute girls.
why not?
>short hair
>into martial arts
>into yakuza movies
>fucking an asshole when the pussy is right there
You are a faggot. Possibly HIV+, but infected with monkeypox at the very least.
Narratively, Basilio is handled fine. So is Naoto. Both those characters are relevant before they join the party, so their introductory arc isn't square one for them. Haru's introductory arc is square one for her and that arc also gets hijacked by Morgana so there's even less focus on her.
Sometimes I feel like the only one who likes her.
I was genuinely shocked when it turned out she wasn't actually a Shogi genius
I was a bit disappointed.
Haru looks incredible in her PT outfit, but kind of derpy out of it.
It's also a shame that she's pretty much the only example of bad voice acting in P5
>the only example of bad voice acting in P5
That's all the female characters
I think the voices for the other girls all fit them very well. Haru sounds totally miscast however.
She dresses and acts feminine. She comes off as the serious/team mom archetype to me.
>serious/team mom archetype
An archetype meant for anal.
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Lavenza>Justine>power gap>Caroline

It'll help keep your kippah close to your head
You'd have a point if you weren't ignoring her entire character development.
Hell, not even the entire arc, just her initial one after joining the Phantom Thieves.

Afterwards she's more likely to beat the dogshit out of yakuza until she finds the one responsible.
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Persona porn really is mediocre huh
It provides balance among the team.
Makoto has the best ass, Haru the best tits, Ann is a strong all-rounder, Futaba's appeal is her lack of assets other than wide breeding hips, and Sumi is similar to Ann in being well balanced but specializing in Leg focus.
wait I thought P5A was bad
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Only sometimes. There's a scene where Ann is bathing for a few seconds before it cuts back to the dudes in the bath house. I'd link to it but it'd dubbed
I’m not a jew.

My point still stands
Too safehorny
Ann's tits vs Makoto's ass
I think she sounds good. Marianne is best girl in 3H too.
I prefer Haru's thighs and her bouncy titties during her item use animation.
Haru's everything.
You're wrong about Haru tho.
It basically depends of what do you value more in life. You have the urban wife, the comfy wife, the nerdy wife or the outgoing wife.
does this game not have japanese dub on ps4/5? couldnt find the option for it the other day
Pretty sure the OG P5 came with it due to all the delays it had to experience because of the English dub taking so long.
For the vanilla release it was free DLC that released on launch, I believe. I played it in Japanese on launch when I first played it so it definitely should be there. I think it's built in to Royal.
futaba is the most r*ddit wish fulfillment girl of all time, I like her but if shes your choice its basically an admission that you think the only way a woman could love you is if she is literally terrified of interacting with anyone else, throw in the gamer girl persona and she is the obvious choice for the socially inept
Atlus never stops sucking off this cunt at the expense of the entire cast and story. She can eat shit.
>classic Makotofag tactic of shitting on every girl that isn't Makoto
Rent free.
>meanwhile in reality, Reddit's favorite girl is...
They're the eternal shitstirrers in Persona threads
Why is it specifically always them doing this bullshit?

They literally do not get along with anyone else, or believe anyone should be allowed to like anything different or ever have preferences.
You can have Makoto. Schizo ballerina is best girl.
preference becomes identity (standard waifufag tribalism) + preference based, in part, on sense of being 'right'
What’s the P5 equivalent of this image?
She's good, but Ann is a hot naive virgin sex doll, and Haru is rich.
me on the top right
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Unprotected hand holding with Chie
>that bounce during the Morgana combo attack
Is... Is that allowed?
You have no idea what you're talking about or what a mary sue is.
>retards on /v/ unable to even slightly judge a female character
is this your first day cunt.
Nobody else is allowed to like anything though

You say this, but I see way more threads about Makoto being shit than about other Phantom Thieves girls being shit.
This post is sponsored by Atlus
What will be P6 gimmick? P3 had guns, P4 glasses, P5 masks, Metaphor heart-microphones
the funny part is Im not even a makotofag lmao, I just explained the appeal of futaba which I said I liked and they are so mindbroken because I called her r*ddit waifu they are just flinging shit
idol dances
All the budget went into the chicks
I liked her, but I barely ranked up her Confidant because I only remembered to right before the last Palace and I did it almost purely to get the ability to switch out party members before I did the final boss.
who are you quoting
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I went into P5 expecting to like Takemi. I did, but I ended up liking Makoto a lot more in the end.
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>Went into the game thinking that the goth doc was going to be best girl
>Drunk hag blew her up the water

In the 4 persona games I've played she is still the best
>journalist is the devil arcana
Just like real life.
>I ended up liking Makoto a lot more in the end.
I need to go to bed
Oh shut the fuck up. That's because she's the only one you aren't allowed to say anything bad about that it stands out, meanwhile shittalking the others is the default. Faggot
She's underrated.
>you aren’t allowed to say bad stuff about her which is why there a more threads saying bad stuff about her than any other girl
Stop lying dumbass
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When I saw her stalk the MC hiding behind a book in the school hallways, I knew she was the best girl
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Didn't read but I want to impregnate Makoto so bad
why, in gods name, would you ever give a single shit what people on 4chan think, let alone adopt their opinions?
Who cares, the game fucking sucks.
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I'd shoot a creampie into you too, Sae, all things considered.
she gets fucked by how fucking utterly worthless her slink unique is sadly.
>purposefully let timer run out on kaneshiro so she gets sex trafficked
i beat the game
Is there any mod that overhauls the combat because it was seriously handholdy garbage so much so that I couldn't stomach more than a few hours of the game before dropping it
But Makoto is fucking sex incarnate
Such a shame, honestly. He's the only guy who bothers to make the Persona models look good
Prove me wrong.
Is persona good for you?
There's not a single attractive female character in P5.
>posts the best VN ever written
I kneel
>t. homosexual
>Makoto becomes Kaneshiro's personal toilet, later sold as sex slave
>Ann would get eventually plapped by Kamoshida
>Haru forcefully married off and becomes her husband's fucktoy
>Kawakami actually turns into a prostitute

Kek, did some dev at Atlus have a rape fetish with these bad ends?
I think it's just an easy representation of someone in power using it to take advantage of someone beneath them, which is a prominent theme in general. Not really as much for Kawakami, but that's how the other 3 feel anyway.
v used to force a meme that Makoto was autistic beep Boop etc when Andromeda released
Persona 5 is still mediocre
Makoto is an autistic beep boop
Sex with autistic beep boop
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she probably is
just not to that level from the copypasta
I remember that. There used to be pictures of Makoto with the “please be patient I have autism” hat.
Didn't one of the SLinks in Persona 5 actually wear that hat?
That kid in the arcade, but it says get smoked on it.
>Sae lecturing the player about sexism in japan
This game was ahead of the curve, huh.
Divine ass
I enjoyed every second of rejecting sumire and breaking her heart
Having a relationship with a bossy woman like this would be a huge pain irl. You virgins don't know what you're getting into
Persona girls live in modern days, which means they are better fed and thus taller and thicker.
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Yusuke knew
I feel the same way when I see people posting about “hags” and “mommy”.
Orgy in the back of the Morgana van
Yusuke was the most based friend, and I won’t pretend otherwise.
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makoto having to do tard wrangling doesn't mean she is bossy
>gay sex with masks on
>P5:"Our guns are toys, but because of magic they work like real guns"
>P1:"Yo lets raid the police station and snatch the guns"
Persona 1 is too based.
>literally wants to become a police officer
You're a deluded waifufag
Yusuke would let the homie hit it from the back
If you want an example of what a 30 year old Makoto would be like just look at Sae
But sae isn't an insufferable writer's pet
I want to racemix with a Japanese girl NOW
Realistically speaking, how would you prosecute the Phantom Thieves for breaking into someone’s palace and stealing their heart?
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Sae is 24
You can't, it'a not covered by law and it's not really provable. The PT has free reign to dish out whatever vigilante justice they want which was Akechi's argument before the plot made him retarded for no reason
Prosecute them for harassement, tresspassing and death threats.

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