why do games all have to look the same now?
>>695192928>A multiplatform game engine>Women consoom games in phones>A PC only game engine is dragged down by woke shit1+1+1=?
>>695192928Companies are losing the talent needed to build their inhouse engine. It's only matter of time before they switch to the engine that are more accessible to wider audience.
>>695192928I'm more annoyed by how it makes a single game be 140gb, and it does this to every game.Also every fucking time I run a game in UE it ((COMPILES SHADERS)), again and again, every time.Recently I actually tried the engine itself and it also did this thing, took half an hour to compile shaders at the first launch.And it also was like 100gb download.
would you say your hatred for it is unreal
>>695192928Unity trannies made ue slop looks better than their dei asset flips
Marvel Rivals looks great doe?
>>695192928Mr. Santamaria will save the industry from engineslop with his framework.
>>695193032Phone games are all in Unity.
Easy outsourcing to jeets
You dare to question Nvidia?
>>695194302>two multiplatform game engines *