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Please help me undertand the appeal of the '4 niggas in a row' genre. These games are always long as fuck, usually have slow/repetitive/brainless combat, and have less agency and story telling than a VN. Whats the point?
It's outdated trash only liked because the shitch isn't powerful enough to run anything in real time
>two namefags appear
>give shit answers
A lot of the genre is shit, but a lot of any genre is shit. Also you can ruin otherwise good games by grinding, which a lot of people do and then call the genre grindy.
They presented a world to explore in the 80s that no other game did, casuals loved them
Today? There is no reason for them to exist since the gameplay is and has always been, braindead. They are still propped up by nostalgiafags and pokemon.
Story, character building system sometimes and the adventure scenarios are a lot of fun at least for some of us. Combat is as difficult as the devs decide to make it but it's true that a lot of the games aren't made to be super challenging outside of the occasional super boss.
Once ATB gets involved you also get a nice active element to your decision making though not all of the games take full advantage of that either.
In the past they sold because they were the only genre where you could walk around and talk to NPCs and shit
Its pretty much a dead genre in the current year and the main reason is that the gameplay presents no challenge.
Persona and pokemon are still around and are huge thanks to the characters/fluffy animals and people wanting to live in those worlds and immerse themselves, selfinserting/masturbation purposes basically not because of the gameplay.
The entire gameplay, and the real reason people play four niggas in a row games, is building your party and seeing how they perform. The "just press attack" part of the genre is just a visualization of your plans and strategies in action. This is very satisfying to people like me who love planning and strategizing and it's why games like HSR can get away with autobattling.
Its the sense of forward progression.
You know you are progressing even just by pressing buttons carelessly. It feels good in a specific way when a character levels up.
>"why does this genre suck so much"
>FF pic
Every fucking time.
Its my to go relax genre after 10 hours straight of grinding a cave shmup
subhuman hues will never EVER know this feel
yeah they're all brainless all you do is mash attack lmao
Talk about a cherrypicked webm.
You know you can do more than just attack right?
>look I fought a strong monster while underlevellled that means the genre is hard
Come on now
You're not supposed to grind like crazy. I wish the developers had more brains and made it so that fighting the same enemies in one area for an hour would eventually yield 0 exp and force you to move on.
Pirate Etrian Odyssey 3, which this vid is from, or any of the others and report back retard.
Anon, I'm not stupid. Don't sit here trying to bullshit me like I don't know what that webm did.
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The combat is brainless. You just smash X to win. Simpletons love that shit.
some things never change
that's floor 1, that's the fucking first enemy you encounter
I could tell you succinctly, in about 1 to 2 sentences, but there's no point.
>Faris spot 1
>Leena spot 2
For retards that like watching numbers go up while listening to good music.
Play play any mainline smt game from 3 onwards and you'll see.
It's not as hardcore/obtuse/autistic as, say SaGa, but is challenging enough to show that turn based can >fun
that's a common enemy from the tutorial area
It's fun
FF3 is actually a pretty short game, they only got stupidly long with FF7 onward.
This, I didn't grind in any of the 2D FF's. People are just bad and retarded.
>'4 niggas in a row' genre
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>Please help me undertand the appeal of the '4 niggas in a row' genre. These games are always long as fuck, usually have slow/repetitive/brainless combat, and have less agency and story telling than a VN. Whats the point?
why WHY WHY? you dont have to like what you dont like, but WHY cant you let people like the things they like? i dont understand this mentality. you dont have to understand it, you dont have to also like it but why cant you just comprehend that some things aren't meant to be for you to enjoy but others can? does that annoy you, make you angry, do you get jealous? is it main character syndrome?
it's crazy people actually look like this
like what?
Worthless brown people struggle to comprehend opposing tastes. And the brown retard OP is clearly an American nigger zoomer which makes it even worse. His IQ is likely 40 or lower.
Like ungroomed brown manlets with greasy Mexican hair wearing shitty clothing
its cringekino, bro, hermano, you wouldn't get it.
He doesn't look ungroomed to me, eyebrows and facial hair are clean, its just the hair thats messy
anon every FF game from like IV-X are 30-45 hours
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>No tutorial
>No directions
>Everything is bugged
>Excessively difficult
>Zero online capability

Kino. Enjoy paying to play your transgender school assignments zoomies.
this is literally just japanese dnd
Yeah I'm sure when you look at someone who is also ungroomed you see nothing wrong you filthy ghetto nigger
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is your ideal world one where everyone likes the same shit or just one where everyone just likes what you like? Which is it?
i LITERALLY look like that
speed up setting and story and job customization, who tricked you into playing the NES originals? you are a retard for believing him
Math and imagination
its just imagination you can get on a lot of JRPGs by just mashing X if you are well geared and a good level.
>mfw I can imagine these cutscenes vividly
Feels good man
FFIII is like 20 hours.

That's one of the ideas of FFII and you can see how that worked out.
I never understood rpgs
>difficulty is nullified by playing suicidally to take notes, then reloading your save and re-equipping to counter enemies
>unique one-use items that nobody uses because you're stuck thinking about a superboss where you'll need them
>you can't re-do your stats or build so if you fuck up (and you probably will without a guide) you'll be left with a weak party
they're only good for the story I guess
who the fuck gives a shit about story branches? they're always done like shit as they end up merging. besides, people don't like replaying games to get 1 or 2 extra lines of dialogue
hm yes the game you are talking about definitely exists
Famicom is the best version of 3.
dragon quest 1 predates FF and even that game had it figured out.
>great lynx
No, it isn't.
I occassionally like going on a little adventure where I don't need any reaction time whatsoever.
I like to see the numbers go up it's that simple
Melee combat doesn't requiere the same skills as ranged combat because you don't have to aim.
That's why roll and parryslop are basically the only games with truly engaging real-time melee combat.
Turn based systems are primordial ludo and will be always be around.
Also use your imagination, 16 bits games leaves a lot of room for imaginations, you're supposed to immerse yourself through visual clues.
You're a stupid retard, so you will never understand.
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Most JRPG are pretty annoying to me because of that.
Some people like them, I dont.

I prefer the Dungeon Crawler style.
Yeah it's still grindy and repetitive, but the element of poking and prodding for your enemy's weaknesses is much more rewarding. The fact you can get wiped or walled more often and be forced to change your tactics makes them the best.
I want to like dungeon crawlers but I can't ever bring myself to beat most. The genre usually uses my favorite battle system among the turn based variants, I'm into the resource management, and minimal interruptions during gameplay are nice, but it feels like exploring huge mazes is only fun for a relatively short while.
That's the best part, the exploration, discovering puzzles and secrets. Legend of Grimrock 2 did Real time combat with a huge map.
I can't even explain why I like these games. I play them and think "wow this is great" but then I get into a dungeon and it's just a pain in the ass having to backtrack to explore every dead end because you just know one of them is going to have some treasure you don't want to miss. then you get out of the dungeon and go to the next town which is cool but becomes a pain in the ass again because you have to talk to every single villager and look in every trash can in case there's some other missable shit that would absolutely ruin the game for me if I found out I didn't get it. then after 40 hours of not actually liking the gameplay I finally finish it and think "wow that was great." I don't know maybe it's the soundtracks.
The gear is one of the elements of the math.
more or less sums it up.
it's even more of a pain when you're learning jap and you have to do 5 lookups per NPC
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Rows are overrated. Switch to spinnable diamonds.
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Wtf I don't remember making this post.
Same, turn-based RPGs are among my favorite genres, except I don't get to practice the cave shmup for 10 hours straight unless it's the weekend.

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