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another thread so anons can post lobbies and play together
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holy FUCK
Waiting for it to go 50% off and to remove the Epic account shit. If it doesn't I won't even pirate it (again; even the pirate version requires an Epic account).
Feels like power blade + spine driver is the more preferable default loadout for fencer
>new fencer katana is lv8 and above
>only the dlc katana is lv0
Good thing I could creamAPI the stuff. Bonus points for extra decoys to harass others with.
>Another game of pretending that Fencers aren't just carrying everything effortlessly
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This, but Ranger
Good joke
Now pick up that box
I just crashed in the first mission on steam deck
What the fuck? What is going on??
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ranger Storm 1 is canon
all other classes are canonical jobbers
cope and seethe and dilate
Dunno what to tell you. I played through the first combat mission on my Deck without a problem, just to see if it worked.
Anyone noticed how rabid the Faggotdivers are these days?
Must have been horrible learning that your game was in fact some cheap fucking knockoff of the real thing
Anon...it looks like your game crashed on the steam deck.
i stopped giving them and their faggotry raiding party attention for a while now
they'll crawl back to suck the swede's cock when their update drops so we just need to ignore them a bit longer
>phalanxes the 7th teleportation anchor after dodging through 4 hordes of drones and kruuls
ah yes the men are working so hard for the team
>The wing divers think they have mobility again
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New song sucks. Ranger feels fucking NICE this game though
>without a problem
>game doesn't go above 40fps
are online and single player progress still separate
what settings do I use to make this shit run better
You keep trying to push this wedge, but I really don't care. I'm just here to defend Earth with my bros.
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>he boughtded the indie version of hd2
Dude actually thinks people are so stupid they'll turn on each other with just 1 low quality retarded meme
i like both
we should purge xenoscum together
>helldivers 1, fun game for gamers
>got along fine with edf, people doesn't flame each other
>helldivers 2, infested with trannies and activists
>constantly goes out of their way to shit on edf
really makes you think
>ip count doesnt go up
yeah right.
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>EDF 6 is the most successful EDF game on Steam yet
>It still remains niche
Holy fucking based
>IP count
>when it has been disabled for a while
lol newfaggot
I'm only on mission 15...
I'm on 11, i'm willing to go all the way back to 2 again with a different class or up to like 20 but holy fuck not that far forward
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Remain ignorant
It's ok, anon. Most people do a single player run before multiplayer anyway. I know I do!
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There ya go. One not at lv 40.
i'll join, and get carried
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Its nice that they brought back the VAs from 5. I just wonder how much of the voice lines are reused in certain mission or if they are re-recorded
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>download and play the game easily
>friend whos played every edf game with me gets the game too
>cant play because epic game store bullshit is giving him an error code
>no matter what he uninstalls or reinstalls, he cant get into the game

im sad
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Re-used. Some new voice lines added inbetween.
Sometimes numbers change. Like from 500 survivors to 300.
I wonder if sandlot planned this from the start...
I've read that happens if you try to use you're actual epic account
at least two anons have mentioned it already
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theres no way to choose
the game starts up with the error code, its out of his hands entirely
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kawaii desu
Any way to get it to run at 120 fps? I heard lossless scaling is good.
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I'm getting this shit right now on a new computer, no epic account. The eos installer keeps hanging on "installing dependencies" at random points. The worst part is the installer counts as playtime on steam since the eos installation activates after hitting play, so it's eating into time to refund the game. About to give a bad review and refund until they remove this garbage if I can't find a solution soon.
lobby doko?
>Error for using your actual epic account
i will be honest, I really loved the Air raider gameplay. I mostly stick with Wing Diver but it is pretty Fun
>The EMC costs 100million
>They act like this is a lot
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>tfw can't play because this is the only game my brother and I both like playing and I don't want to spoil the shared surprise at each event
i know a low camera helps with the scale and immersion but i really wish there was a way to make it higher or further back
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>use an actual account for a related service
>money stolen
Outside of PlayStation crossplay the whole thing has been a confusing shitshow on PC.
Glad they are looking into it though.
It was one autistic retard raiding HD2 threads for months with EDF spam. Now he's here in the EDF threads doing the same thing with HD2 spam. No one cares about his failed attempt to start a war.
>cheer squad from space
>give me an E
>give me a D
>give me an F
>what does that spell?
The alien invasion wasn't very good for the economy
Game settings > Camera Type 1
>147 missions in the base game (more than EDF 5 + 2 dlcs)
>goes up to 206 missions with the 2 dlcs
What the fuck did those faggots smoke
I’m not complaining btw, and the enemy variety is exceptional, best in the whole series
Only 10 missions in and you already fight those weird ass robots, and in mission 3 you already fight an ant queen
You play the same missions with slight variations like 4 times in a row
Jesus christ the Giant Androids are like Hectors on crack
why do they have so much HP
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Absolute confusion from japanese devs trying to implement something that every other game does automatically and in the background without telling the player. You can't use your actual Epic account because its not supposed to be your actual account, its meant to be a throwaway dummy link that the player never has to interact with or even know its happening.
Every single game that uses EAC does it, including Elden Ring, but the EDF devs saw the word "account" and thought it meant an actual normal account you had to do manually and with player consent and stuff, so instead of letting it be handled in the background automatically they brought it up front for all to see and now we're suffering the consequences.
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how do I make this game run above 40fps on steam deck when anything is actually happening?
I don't like my fans being at 6000+ rpm perpetually either
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buy a pc
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It only ever gets worse, anon.
Play on console and you won't have to deal with your PC not being good enough.
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Earrape is the name of the game
do I turn off anti aliasing and shadows
what even is anisotropic filtering
do I turn that down too??
do I turn damage numbers on or off
Lobbies doko?
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Better angle just 4 u
keep em on when trying new weapons to see if they actually deal damage or if their damage falls off to 2.3.

I'd be up for it
but where do I place them on screen
Skipped a few missions in MP realized my account only goes up to the latest I played before the gap. They'll all show up when I finish the missing ones right?
Anywhere but this
It's not about muh graphics but about the limiting cpu. Can't you just accept you are playing on a fucking handheld and cap the fps to 30?
You are retard if you think you need 60 fps on a tiny screen.
fuck you faggot I want high framerates
So get a better PC faggot
Then breath in the Steam Deck fumes till you perish
Is EDF 4.1 or EDF 5 better?
second time crashing despite relatively nothing happening on screen
no error messages
what is with edf on PC that is just impossible for d3 to get correct?
Should I just wait for the patch before buying EDF6?
How fast are your load times? It takes like 20-30 seconds to load a stage.
Finally home from work.

Anyone down to help me get started in Hard Mission 4?
Room: Sup /v/?
If yous see it stuck at Dependencies (1/1) but without any numbers, try closing (X button) it and launch anyway. I was stuck at it for about an hour (while actively fiddling around and not just let it be, mind you)
Make it so that the EoS verifies itself upon launch while not checking for file Integrity through Steam.
2-3s for me. Also
>3060, i3 10100F
>60FPS @ 4k
how are you fucks getting low FPS?
how many missions are lifted from EDF5 exactly? I keep seeing people say different shit from like half the game to only a couple
I liked HD2 until the devs totally fucked everything with their "balance" patches
steam is pretty flexible when it comes to refunds, just tell them the eos launcher took up a lot of time
>edf5 drone stage
>call down kepler at the same time as the ai ones roll in
>everyone brrrttting
devilish levels of kino
Kepler pushes the Drones away too much instead of just outright killing them
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now that vtrannies and doomposters are gone.
hows the game?
is the good still campy and good?
any update for the grind or its the same as edf5?
Manually cap your FPS to 60.
So i just unlocked the first Machine Gun dart drone and holy fucking shit
>tag enemy 3 times
>1 number, followed by a giant line of white behind it
These fucking things are shooting Vector KRIS'
Also, normal airstrikes really suck now huh?
Ive just been spamming 2 dronestrikes in horde heavy missions and so far it makes airstrikes feel obsolete with their ridiculous point requirements
Maybe on Inferno theyll be better?
How is wing diver in this game? I played her way back in 4.1 and I'm curious if I should stick with her or play another class
Pretty good, probably the least changed of the classes, Sword/Saber weapons are fantastic
Still meh mobility
I stopped using grenades on my ranger because I kept killing myself to them when an enemy corpse goes flying my way...
Retard use turrets and bikes
>pick wrong weapon
>mission becomes unbeatable
Using it now
I keep flipping on terrain and ragdolling...
Try mines. Claymores whip ass against ground enemies. Note you can hold the button to remove them if they're placed where they won't go off, because the meter won't recharge while there are any out on the field.
Any fast moving vehicle is fine, i cant remember if Rangers get Grape
As the other anon said, Mines FUCK
or just bite the bullet and learn to be more careful with nades, Firecracker is way too fun to me to pass up
Post a lobby please.
>make one
Nobody joined.
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very well
Mega Buffed like ranger. Mag blasters are very viable now due to the new reload/recharge mechanic.
What should i lookout for early on? Fighting the androids is aids
>some nigger drops a vtumor decoy
>immediately gigacopter his ass and the decoy
Mag blasters...
beam saber or the laser
Shame those fuckers don't chain explode each other.
short saber annihilates them
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I might be dumb but what is the passcode
>mission 47
>ragdolled all over the place
>way too much of those spawn if not taking out the far ship asap
post yfw "I found a safe place, it's behind you."
I found nanothermite rounds to be good at blocking off one entrance with stunlocks
A pocket flamethrower grenade is pretty gud
Are limpet guns good now?
They are even worse than in 5.
drones are better in every single way
>can attack from all angles
>better tracking then gun ships
>shotgun, cannon, and machinegun
>rockets are usable and don't take 9 trillion years
>guard drone is better then turrets in every way
>Roomba bombs are good
Air raider is the best it's ever been
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edf 7 begins
>Pulsar Spear + attacking with Rapier at the same time

>the shielded teleporters
the only use for limpets i found so far
No but I still use them.
luv limpets
simple as
I've had three crashes so far on steam deck. They all happen at different times, one was at the start of a mission, one at the end, and one on the equipment menu. This is after 10 or so hours of play so they're not super frequent at least. No idea what the cause is
That reminds me, what DOES Air Raider use for those? Drones just fly outside the shield and do no damage
I heard good things about the saber but the pulsar spear also fucks shit up, especially structures
Buy a SSD already you cheap fuck
>give me that thing....your earth defense force 6....

you slap your wing diver's ass and tell them to get to work
Direct attack suicide drones from directly next to the pillar.
>bumass droid waddles into your fov, looking down at you
but yeah good point
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>trying air raider on the first real mission with no knowledge of his changes from 5
what am i in for? cause i feel like this ain't the ranger i know
also am i insane or is the epic shit now just hidden when you install and boot the game? i dont eve see a prompt for epic account making
No prompt? Are they already deleted or hid it?
wtf they're just like us...
you only get the prompt when choosing multiplayer
i played singleplayer for 5 or so hours without knowing it needed the ebin account
>wing diver military fatigue was cool
This one is very unfriendly to NPCs.
>suicide androids
NPCs genuinely cannot survive a single encounter against these unless you park them out of the fight even on normal difficulty.
A giant mole huh? I bet it'd be pretty cute.
yeah but rangers can heal npcs around them now to
Mine crashes on deck whenever I go into the equipment menu. On PC, I can't see the skybox or anything in it for some reason so I had no idea what ships they were talking about in mission 9.
>wing diver Jet Core
how am i supposed to use any core/play any other class after getting this?
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Mission 51 is a pretty good farm stage for rangers and air raider, so if you're looking shore up weapons for those two classes then it's a good point to do so
you simply unlock the big bang core and rapid fire plasma cannons
use proton 9.0-2
So some indian told me that the slow loading times on nvme was just a bug and not to worry about it. What's up with that?
Lmao play Helldivers
Those two mobs 1 shot entire groups if the NPCs try to fight them so healing won't help. idk what the kruuls do but one of their attacks if it gets lucky just 1 shots a group of allies, I think it's the cluster shock grenades attack.
Laser guide kits are fucking unusuable with the game's netcode, Jesus.
you can say that kruuls aare cruel
I used a trainer to pick up all the boxes at the end of a match. I don't want to play edf without it.
No luck, still crashes as soon as I enter the equipment menu. Thanks for the suggestion though
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I'm glad the early missions aren't boring as hell anymore, they throw you right into the shit
I wish there were more winter missions.
>i will add my personal subordinate to your squad because youre the best
>nothing happens
she's the egg girl that watches your action
>friends don't want to pay full price
>I don't want to do my first playthrough without them
I might only be able to play after the halloween sale. IF the game is even on sale. I am frothing at the mouth wanting to play it.
pirate and play together
Just play solo with your least favorite class.
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>impulse mines now generate a wave clearing wall of death for a single button press
>my 10yo toaster CHOKES in big fights
zamn... new superior graphic fidelity... i can taste it...
>Just unlocked the blazer
Fucking hype. I never was able to get the dlc for 5 so I'm excited to finally use it.
I recognized one line they seemed to do a new take for, and uncovered that they've actually done some modest rewrites for the script.
In the snow mission when you get to the first EDF5 content, there's a line about how 20% (30% in EDF6) of the human population has died. The commander has a response along the lines: "That's not too bad..."
In EDF6 he sounds a bit more deflated, and like he's trying to weigh up humanity's odds of continued survival. I distinctly recalled in EDF5 he says that same line much more pouty, like he's trying to play it off more that humanity still has a fighting chance.
There's some minor dialogue changes otherwise. Check it out:
I feel you, man. I just want to play, but I'd feel like such a piece of shit to play it without my brother.
It's a shitty low level blazer. The good one in the DLCs.
I heard playing on borderless gives you more fps, can you confirm ?

//Unrelated// Any pirates know if online is available?
Still seems pretty solid for hard mode.
I think I just fixed my equipment menu crashes on deck by disabling the framerate limit in ... -> Performance. Looks like it was set to 60 by default and I saw people saying they were fixing it by limiting framerate to 58/59 in their nivida control panel on PC so I figured it might have something to do with that setting. Weird that disabling the limit fixes it here, but I guess limiting framerate via deck menu is known to cause input lag in some games too so maybe it's just not a great setting to have on in general compared to limiting framerate in-game when it's available. Didn't need to force it to use a specific proton version.
What mission are you at? I have an SSD and mission 53 takes about 20-30 seconds for me to load on SSD due to the sheer size of the stage
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pls join
password is rage
Hard drives and mission doesn't have anything to do with it. The engine is just shitty.
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Limpet guns will never be good.
I remember them being kinda decent in 4 but it's been a long time
imagine that you storm 1 and you keep going on a retarded missions because becuase command wont listen that your stuck in a time loop.
they did called brofessor nuts and chucked him into the looney bin
he broke out and nuked his lab
I'll retreat if anyone joins
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>actually had a legitimate use of the vtuber decoy balloons on mission 53 as bait against these kruul fucks
Thank you for tanking the shock rays gura
How much health do they have? The DLC ones in 5 had like 500 and were basically worthless.
EDF 6 to EDF 7 the war got progressive worse for humanity because we got transported back to EDF5 mission 13.
EDF 8 things got better by transported to EDF5 mission 4 but still not enough
EDF 9 transport back to EDF 5 mission 1 and had the best outcome so far but still not enough?
Where does EDF ??? come into play? Did we continuously jump back in time multiple times to do micro adjustments or something?
Sounds about the same, since these mobs were pretty much 2-3 shotting me with the shock rays on hard
Had to switch off wing diver and air raider for this mission because these shields are no fun allowed for those classes
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has some QoL features, and for the story I didn't liked the time travel thing at first, but after seeing how it played out, I liked it
Thank god, a bug killing simulator that lets you play singleplayer
Thank you for the lobby, time to sleep (5 AM).

That windup 10m grenade is suicide city, only lasted 1 mission with that.

Not much even for hard, good for gathering enemies around it for a fencer or air raider to AoE down.
Damned if they aren't annoying though
>red drones
Absolute cancer
>mission 130
>its edf5 right when you leave the base and the attack starts
>Plany fencer anyway and blade+dash all day
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buy cucks
>laughs in Lysander
anyone missions 122+ to finish interested?
Wait a minute this isn't Austerlitz... this is Waterloo!
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You can unlock mission packs just like in 5.
Play them online too.
>>constantly goes out of their way to shit on edf
This doesn't happen you faggot brand loyalist nigger, HD2 threads were shit up by EDF fags like (You), there was no enmity before.
Nice revisionism Trannydiver
Go back to your shit dead game now
Jesus christ they really throw everything at you on these missions, playing on Hard was a mistake
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That's fucking cool.
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fuck off schizo tranny
What's the usual most and least played classes in /v/ lobbies?
So I heard cracked versions can't play online anymore, is that true?
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playing edf7, M55
>Had to switch off wing diver
Your dragoon lance??
I got sniped off from half of the map, didn't even get a chance to get close to them with lance
How do i do that?
i just fly up and pulsar lance + rapier them
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hear me out
tight camo pants
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>not posting the webm
post the future outfit
Which core are you using? The 20% flight movement speed one?
I used jet which had 100% forward boost speed but now im just using a generic core because it's much higher level
I'm so fucking sicknasty.
Impressive as always, Storm 1.
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>target half the size of your screen
Storm 1... is strong!
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Yeah this was a good surprise
5 took too much time introducing new enemies, you had to wait the halfway point to get the curazy shit
But then again they really cranked up enemy variety in 6, it's fucking crazy
Honestly this is impossible to go back to 5 now, 5 is barebones in comparison
And having a dedicated grenade slot for the ranger is so fucking good, grenades went from worthless trash wasting a weapon slot, to an actual useful tool for crowd control
Maybe it's more of a different experience on a controller after all.
I've missed EDF, they took their sweet time but 6 is finally here
I've been playing Helldivers 2 earlier this year and this game and community is so fucking gay
I've lost count at how many times I got kicked out of a session because I dared fighting enemies in a game about killing bugs and robots
This never happens in EDF community, unless you join an Inferno tryhard lobby in which case I understand being kicked out for being a useless faggot
Other than that people play these games for the memes and for the fun of killing huge bugs
And you are not even forced to play online, you can play singleplayer just fine.
is the game really worth it? this will be my first edf
This worked for me. I went from 20-30s load times to about 2s
I already have 24 hours of play time
I have 250 hours of play time in 5
If you think it might be fun go for it
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>Farewell my comrades, the time has come~
>It's over now my love, and my family are all gone~
Yes it's fun as shit
Just a simple yet crazy arcade shooter where you just shoot huge things until they die, and you pick up crates along the way to increase your armor, upgrade and get new weapons
It's fun singleplayer, and it's even funnier with friends
Also the story and dialogues are completely dumb and funny
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Try aiming next time.
Has anyone saved the scout in that hilltop mission? Fuck that when there were hordes of spiders jumping to his location
That's because HD2's meta is actually not fighting things at all and just running from point A to point B and do the gay little objectives
I find it incredibly lame honestly
In EDF the meta is just killing everything in sight in any way you can
They totally fucking did.
There's TONS of dialogue in 5 that only makes sense when you return to those missions in 6. Not to mention there's a lot of details in 5 that only make sense in the context that 6 provides, like why Base 251 containing the Barga was one of the first strike targets, or the later game mention of a crashed alien ship found in India dating to thousands of years ago
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i couldn't save bro..
>mindlessly killing bugs, frogs, ayys and bots as the main goal for 140+ missions
Even that becomes boring as fuck sooner or later
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i trust you guys, dont let me down
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>mindlessly killing bugs, frogs, ayys and bots as the main goal for 140+ missions
That's the sole reason why I buy those games.
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>start late game level
>dragon theme from edf 4 starts playing
I played 30mission and decided to buy
My first ever 60$ game
Well yeah. That's why you have such outlandish weapons, four classes to play with, lots of enemy types, varied missions with different spawn patterns, etc.
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do you have allow tearing on
what do you have the graphics shit set to
What is this laser weapon?
I love you!
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seems like im gettingg this hmmm
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Have fun defending our mother earth bro
Fencer is so cool but so hard, any build recommendations?
>outlandish weapons
>standard weapons
>slight upgrade standard weapons
>trap weapons so bad that you are basically griefing
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Ai is really good to
I once saw a frog dodge 2 of my missiles and bugs also looks so cool when climbing building
I was impressed at how they improved AI and animations even further in 6
It was already really good in 5
>Fencer is so cool but so hard
One of your weapon combos needs to always be a melee and a minigun or shotgun, that's not only generically good but it also makes you the most mobile class in the game.
Holy fuck looks so cool
When do you unlock this
Something about this game's audio is fucked, the music comes out the same volume from all my speakers but the voices and SFX become so quiet they're near inaudible if they're not coming out of the front two speakers.
>red ants swarm from all sides
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change this to All
You'll eventually loot one of these
Just keep on picking up crates
I wished devs didn't nerf the dash jumping, Fencer feels kinda sluggish now. 5 was perfect.
we really do share the same brain cells
I hate air divers so much
Faggotniggers loot every single crate
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anim cancel using a weapon like the weeb stick, spine driver or blast twin spears
That's for radio, not NPCs present on the map.
Crates are shared.
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>the last of the tortanics/helldiverfags
You lost,
Blazer is level 20 thought it would stink with that low level but it's carried me for a while
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rejoice, blazer enjoyers
Planet blazer...my beloved...
run up directly under the pillar and throw drones at it, there is a gap under the shield.
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mission 125, lets go, we had one retard one
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>Planet Blazer
Too bad about DLC.
I'll spoil it, but ranger can get railgun. Not sure if it DLC only.
You mean like a handheld railgun?
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both are DLCs
Is this machine translated where did you find it
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Why did they do it, bros? Is Epic really worth wasting time putting games on?
what does it do? I am having having trouble figuring how/when my dashes and jumps reset in this game, and I had no issue in 5.
I often will do like 2 boosts and then choke despite having 5 because I didn't wait long enough.
>game keeps emphasizing to shoot the eye on the giant android
>kill it significantly faster by lobbing timed grenades at its feet instead of wasting a ton of time focusing the eye
gee thanks game
I think I've encountered this before in a different game.
Do you have windows update services turned off?
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goliath in cave missions are fun
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Cute asian girls
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>Mission 13
>As soon as you go back to main menu, EDF 5 main menu theme hits
>You also realize that main menu is now blue like in 5
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just got the game join you fucks
pass is ayys

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