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It's been five years since Three Houses, how do you feel about where the franchise is now?
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Edelshart ruined the franchise forever. We'll never have another FE that isn't a gay orgy all because of that dyke.
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My husbando, Claude!
3H has done irreparable damage to the fanbase
Half of them want shallow, pseudo deep games with a focus on characters with le tragic backstory and non-gameplay chores now
Better when we move away from 3 Houses.

It’s ironic that people latched onto it because they were getting sick of Fateswakening but 3 Houses ends being the bigger cancer in the long run.
>Better when we move away from 3 Houses.
Hahaha you naive little thing.
Things are looking dire
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Genealogy of the Holy War Remake any day now.....
I'm older and still not hung
I do not feel well.
>It’s ironic that people latched onto it because they were getting sick of Fateswakening
more like because they are tourists trying to displace da ebil weebs
I want a new game, I skipped the last one because I couldn't stand the art style and the goofy spirit summoning, please just not thr mobile game style again, 3h wasn't even that bad I would take another 3h style game
what happn
Intelligent Systems shouldn't handle FE
All I care about is my wife Shamir
>several years of a remake of the worst game in the series
Why do people fucking want horse emblem with shit tier wide open maps? Why?
Well, 3H killed all the momentum the series was gaining, doing irreparable damage.
Just when the series was getting quite popular, if got a release on Switch with it's huge installed base, and lot of new potential new fans interested into trying it out... and pretty much 99% of the newbies sweared to never buy another FE game again (understandable, sadly). What a waste. The new fans are mostly LGBTQ shippers who enjoy how full of gay/bisexual characters 3h is.
Luckily Engage is one of the best FE ever so it's possible that the series will heal faster from 3h's damage than what we initially thought.
You’re always complaining about people not acknowledging the series anime traits and influences but then pretend 3H isn’t anime like the rest
Three Houses NG+ features should be the standard for the series
donclave working overtime
Yeah, if they had released Engage first, it would have sold 5 millions, and the next game would have sold at least 7 millions.
Pretty good. 3H and Engage were fun so I’m expecting the next will be too
*mandatory "no you cant hecking say that" pisscord comment to try stir up shit*
5 kids minimum
Can't believe it took them 5 years to finally make a post-TS Dimitri figure.
Sex with Seth.
Ahhhhhh holy shit they finally did it
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The way I feel about the franchise is

I'm gonna be real with you all.
This is probably the first FE game where I got bored of the girl I romanced by the endgame.
Mercedes is dull and I wish I romance that hag, Manuela instead.
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More students are getting figures.
You pick your romance option like 1 chapter before the end of the game, what do you even mean
It's kind of sad that we have a small group of people who spend most of their free time hating on a game on a Tibetan Hopscotch board because they can't comprehend that someone likes a thing they don't.
It's also kind of sad that I know exactly when they are in a thread because I've been in most of them and can tell them apart from seeing them post so often.
Mercedes is a character that took me a while to get into. Considering her interactions with Dimitri and Jeritza, she's a true healer both in game and in character.
Based yumes.
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Marriage with Marianne!
I wish it would just die.
Hopefully with the success of 3H they give the next generation Fire Emblem a bigger budget. The production values were severely lacking even though the gameplay and design were great.
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Blue Lions is still the best house.
What do you think of donlot’s contributions to this general, Raul?
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who wants to discuss fire emblem gameplay instead of persona?
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>And the Conquest/Engagefags are already seething.
>3H thread
>grrrr why are you talking about 3H
Nah, it's all mangs. It's his honeymoon and the most important thing for him is to shill his wedding (using fake accounts) in places with people who disapprove of him. And he's hearting every comment on his main account, this desperate for validation.

Mangs, we get it. You've had your 10 minutes of fame. Somehow managed to make yourself look even worse. Now stop reviving old drama only you care about at this point.

Mangs: See! I got married! Am I grown up now? *shills his wife to prove a point like his shitty romhack*
Grown ups: Nope.
You still have to build support with them to have them show up as an option. Once I chose, I thought about it for a while during the Hagemon Edelgard level and just thought that she had nothing to her besides she's nice and having a crazed edgelord for a brother
It's strange too, I don't really think too much of the girls in this game, while the guys are some of my favorites in the series. People give Fates's characters a lot of slack but often I find the girls in that game far more endearing than in 3H even if they are rather simplistic due to bad writing
Also, I was also part of donlot's server for a short while. That's basically the new mangs community server (without mangs). I was friends with donlot and to this day hold nothing against him. Many of mangs' inner circle is in that server and the overall atmosphere is sadly similar to 4chan. I left when Oof (another mangs mod) wouldn't stop calling me an autist. (This detail will be only interesting to MasterKnight: I started that vandalism on your wiki userpage, where I added you defend Chaz solely because he went after mangs and misgender my friend Xenesis. This was to give you a taste of your own medicine for your constant harassment of me, but mainly out of boredom. I was not emotionally involved. Then donclave members joined and added unacceptable s***. Looking back, the username 'SommieClassicSonicFan' is clearly 4chan /feg/ lingo and clearly indentifies the type of people they are, which I was oblivious to at the time.)
>sommiefag is actually involved and it’s not a shitpost
Fuck me. Is there anymore undercover schizos we should know about?
5? what kind of faggot are you?
I’m sorry is this eceleb dramawhoring general? Y’all need actually talk about fire emblem instead of this irrelevant garbage
back to your discord with your shitty damage control
I liked that engage was harder than three houses
Filter "discord", "mangs" and "donlot". You won't see that garbage ever again.
Dimitri sex
Cry about it donlot
I don't think it was "harder".
Honestly, the first few chapters of 3H are harder than any Engage chapter, except maybe trying to kill all the 4 hounds on chapter 11.
The difference is that Engage's maddening in nicely designed, while 3H's is an unbalanced mess.
Harder =\= better, of course. But to be honest they are both pretty easy overall.
Sometimes i feel like Engage's maddening should have been "hard", and the game should have had a level above that. The first blind playthrough was nice, but the second felt too easy.
Not saying that for 3H because it's already a mess as it is, so it makes no sense to talk about it.
My theory is that 3H maddening was balanced around your endgame stats exclusively. Reason being that in 3H there are so many ways to turn your units into living gods. So enemy units were given similarly high stats and skills. It makes sense by the time you approach the mid or endgame, but in the early game you have very few options to defend yourself. The enemy stats are so high and the enemy skills are so oppressive that unless you know far and away what you're doing, any encounter will end in immediate death. Defensive walls don't matter when the thieves have Pass. They matter less when the Archers have Poison Strike. So your options are to either go broken weapon grinding against the Bishops on aux maps or play extremely slow.

Engage is more fair because it doesn't have to account for potentially 3 different starting armies and the enemy units are only just above where you are. So it's harder but not oppressive
The only thing hard about Engage maddening is that you’re stuck with a bunch of shitters in the early game
Three Houses was a positive direction for the franchise, things are looking good.
Listen, i know people are critical of Donlot and Chaz here but... they did the right thing. I think y'all are looking at it wrong, and are biased by the actions of the persons themselves, but there's nothing wrong about them putting their Mangs information out there. People need to know this stuff. You can look at it as hypocrisy or trying to play prosecutor or conspiring to take Mangs down, whatever, but at the end of the day, it's valid information that needs to be known. Plain and simple.

And on a personal note... I WANT Mangs to fall. Because people who thrive that don't deserve it piss me off. The stupid Pink Sauce lady from TikTok is another example: she sold poison to people and then took no accountability for it, and then she struck a deal to sell it on Walmart. Why does she get rewarded for her actions? I know this topic is not gonna bring about Mangs's downfall, nor is the Youtube vids, this is just me musing lol.

Anyways, I will die on the hill that Mangs is guilty, too many signs point to it. The fact that he changed his story at least twice, one time he said it was a sex dream, one time he said he did it because he thought it would be romantic to wake up spooning with her. One time he even BRAGGED about it. So that's at least two confessions. Plus, the coaxing of Goose to delete their conversations, covering his ass.

I'm nobody of power or authority, im just a guy. But i think he's guilty, and y'all can feel however you want about Mekkah, Chaz, Goose, Donlot, but they did the right thing putting the information out there. Masterknight is doing the right thing too, unorthodox though he is.
They've been releasing a shitload of FE figs at a worrying pace for my wallet recently, very glad they made one I can skip. Many if you count the Popups.
It's three guys replying to themselves because of autism.
Post your figs, if you're so great.
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I'm on the opposite end, I don't give a shit about the figs they've been making for the Avatars lately, so it feels nice to finally have one I'm interested in.
I still haven't played a single fire emblem game
What your point?
It's another schizo
I have a feeling Fire Emblem is going to become the next Final Fantasy. A great series of games that eventually gets milked into irrelevance by the people who own it.
Why did 3H sucked?
not made by IS
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I need a better bookshelf for display, I'm considering doing a DIY job to maximize shelf-space for books and other knicknacks.
That's fair. Me personally, still holding out hope for a Chrom and Celica. I got the Amiibo on another shelf, but that ain't enough.
nice gameplay thread lmaooooo
Nice collection. Not into figs myself but I get the appeal
based play good games like xcom and wasteland instead.
Three Houses was a better narrative experience, Engage was a better gameplay experience. Hopefully the next title can combine the two.
The next game will combine 3H's gameplay experience with Engage's narrative experience.
The difference between 3H and Engage’s performance has to be the biggest blow to Intelligent Systems ego.
Engage is widely accepted as the superior game between them.
Sales are a bit sad, but it's 3H which killed the enthusiasm, so it's not Engage's fault. Surely they realize this.
Genuinely don't care
>Engage is widely accepted as the superior game between them.
most of us live in reality anon.
is he just bumping his own thread?
>but it's 3H which killed the enthusiasm, so it's not Engage's fault.
Is this the newest cope?
Oh yeah?
Would you say 3H's gameplay is good?
Not excellent, just least pretty decent.
>3H which killed the enthusiasm, so it's not Engage's
Yes, the highest selling game in the series killed enthusiasm. This is why everyone laughs at engaygies.
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I love my wife, Annette.
>no Annette yet
I can wait
Let's see...
>Interest in the series is high -> people buy the next game
>Interest in the series is low -> people don't buy the next game
Now, considering these simple facts... at what point was peopleìs interest high, and at what point was it low?
And what happened between those two moments?
Correct answers:
>Interest was high before 3H's release, and low after 3H.
>In the meanwhile, 3H was released and people tried it out
It's simple logic, anons.
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I mean it ain't exactly COD we got the ongoing mobile game, another musou and Engage. It's hard to tell what exactly the franchise is doing with 3H still looming large over everything and them starting another 3H merch push with the 5 year anniversary.
It'll be hard to tell what kind of course correction they decide to do with the franchise until the next original game comes out. It's not hard to notice Engage's sales stalled out by Awakening who had to do all the heavy lifting for the franchise to get to this point, much less 3H doing 3H numbers on a much younger Switch.
Yes just ignore that everyone laughed at Engage from the leaks and trailers. I’m sure that had ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with that.
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I wonder how they feel that all random ass 3H posts on the official FE accounts do better than anything Engage-related. Like the thing that got the closest was Alear getting a statue announcement. You could probably just paste the 3H Lords on cardboard stock and tell people they can get it with whatever new affront to all of Creation they're selling at Japanese Burger King and it would probably do better.
holy fuck is hilda really getting a figure??? i wanted one so fucking bad when this game first came out, but i'd given up any hope. there's a template for 3d printing her online and i was tempted to do that, but i knew in the end i would be too lazy to follow through.
Maybe next year we’ll get Marianne
Annette's daughter
>3H killed the enthusiasm
>that's why Three Hopes was made and sold as much as it did for being an assetflip musou
>that's why byleth has more fanart than any other MC character in recent memory
>that's why only you are defending engage, all alone
I love that IS keeps reinventing the formula. Some stuff might not work, but at least it's not the same shit over and over like other series.
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our daughter is cute
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>how do you feel about where the franchise is now?
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What did KT mean by this?
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“She was really cute the last time, why don’t we make her even cuter?”, presumably
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It's kind of crazy how 3H would have actually benefitted from being cut up and sold as 3 separate games. Usually such a practice is jewish as fuck but if the devs stated goal really was for the players to just play one route and move on to tribalistic discussions, then it really should have been separate games.
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I'm kinda hoping for a Tellus remake because I really wanna play the older FE games. I started with Awakening and played every FE game onwards
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Play Thracia
Marianne dub voice actress cosplaying as Marianne https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XH33jr7MFpU
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Need her to fall alseep next to every night for the rest of my life
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I thought things couldn't get worse, but 3H brought in retards that are on a whole other level of annoying.
I want to go back to 2020 /feg/ with rampant hornyposting
I’m still waiting on that Aoi Yuuki Lysithea cosplay
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Maybe someday...
We live in hope
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>For the longest time I thought a Dedue/Flayn child would be cursed
>Then Unicorn Overlord happened

Drop the armor and she has peak village girl vibes
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I'm literally a villager girl
Why hasn’t ISIS given us a big tiddied brown skin manakete with her ears on full display yet?
What would she look like?
>two sexy elf twins
>one dark, one light
>both voiced by Reina Ueda
>both want the MC something fierce
>can’t marry them both
I would say Zephia is close, but her skin needs to be darker. I’m talking Hapi dark.
Hmm, yeah now I get it, that would be nice to see in an new FE game yeah
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She fucks Hawk Kings btw
I cared
can smoeone gimme the lore on the dude that spams porn or whatever the fuck it is that he spams in every single fire emblem thread?
Franchise hasn't been good since Fates. All the characters in the switch games look like shit
some schizo attentionwhore who hates FE threads, and either a wetback, a leaf or both
and why does he hate fire emblem threads? like how weirdly specific
Some guy who liked Silas in the early days of Heroes spammed art of him doing bad things to more popular characters in /feh/ and hasn't recieved help since
explain how that devolves into doing whatever the fuck he's doing now
Mental illness
There's no logical explanation for behavior like that only a big emptiness where meds should have been
how long has he been doing this?
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do you really need an explanation other than "autism"
this is certifiably not just autism though. look at the pics he's uploading, they're super fucking weird
It's been going on in /feh/ for a long time, not sure how long since I never really went there, he's invaded regular FE threads and /feg/ for at least 2 years now
Years. Heroes came out in 2017 and he's been mental since
wtf, what broke him?
It’s just donlot and his fucking discord.
He’s an eceleb that mangs sponsored, and he’s been banned for spamming scat in other discords, notably anna’s secret shop.
who the fuck is donlot and what discord?
what's that?
>anna’s secret shop
what's that too?
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never played a Fire Emblem game
and muh hacked switch is on it's way
now, which FF will hook me into this series
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Final Fantasy 8 and Squall will get you hooked on Dimitri
He’s an eceleb adajecent to mangs
Anna’s secret shop is an infamous typical sjwjerk fire emblem discord
right. i still have no idea who mangs is though
I liked Awakening a whole lot but everything since has sucked. I hate the monastery. I like the "chapter+battle" format. It's like you get to do a little reading for emotional context and then you're straight into the combat, and then repeat. No bullshit. It was art.
The gameboy advance ones are all good and have superior vibe with the turn of the century pixel art anime style.
Franchise has been dead since awakening killed it.
don't play this garbage
Going across the whole map as a black pegasus knight with boots and the skill where you get to move again after killing an enemy was fun for me.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses--Hopes Edition (featuring "El Shez"), Coming Winter 2029.
post purp bush
another eceleb
long story short, mangs and this faggot were trying to gf over the same girl
mangs won her over first, this schizo has never recovered from it
not like mangs isn't a faggot mind you, seems every single FEtuber is a fucking schizo keg waiting to explode
is this schizo well known in the fire emblem community or something if he's connected to a youtuber?
3h is mid but it's treated as the greatest rpg of all time and I will always you for this
Who cares about youtubers? Video games are for you.
only recently due to info that got leaked this week
until then we thought it was just a rando leaf
Maybe there’s a reason she didn’t pick the schizo lol
Pretty much this
Go back
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Thanks annettebro. Youre a light shining in the darkness
Now post some felannie if you would
I'm replaying awakening for the first time in a long time and I forgot how absurdly broken pairing up is in that game
Not him but I got ya
Let's talk about Fire Emblem.
here we go again
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I don't like the word "franchise". Its sounds too businessy. People should all just agree to use "series" instead.
Thanks my nigga
Im kinda sad ill never get to fuck annette, but on the other hand, if i could, i wouldnt cause i dont wanna cuck felix(unless he left the blue lions, in which case ill fuck annette so hard she wont be able to walk normal for 2 weeks)
I know you’re here donlot, I know you’re watching this thread. I know what you’re planning. I know what you’re thinking. I know what you’ve done. I know what you’re doing. I know what you will be doing. I know everything. It’s over. Just fess up like a good little eceleb and we don’t have to play this charade anymore. I know you talk to Mangs and klokinator, devising plans to shit this place up even further with the andaron shilling. The jig is up, we all know it. We’ve known it for an entire year.
No schizo we’re not
Leave us alone
We only come here to discuss fire emblem
No, we haven’t done anything to harm this general.
I propose you stop with the lying and flagging and let people talk about fire emblem in peace.
>donlot showed up or it’s the schizo pretending to be donlot
PLEASE GO BACK to your discord and stop fucking around
coolest name
Back to donclave, donlot.
faggot you're too dumb to even change your filenames
>iPhone file name means I’m someone else
Back to trooncord, schizo
Reminder that Chuggaconroy got ousted as a foot fetish guy but was planning to play Fates at some point but was scared of the elitists so he didn't
You all would love him
WHy cant you all be normal
I have a feeling this is some weird damage control deflect tactic from donclave that relies on subversion heavily
you achieve nothing with this, except wasting your limited time
this is what you get for not using the gameplay thread
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I like dark mages/shamans
What do you guys like?
Say hi to donclave for me
Back to donclave
the one that had even less gameplay discussion than this one?
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For me it's on a good place because my enjoyment with FE comes from playing these games on Maddening so I enjoyed Engage a lot.

With that said, that's also what's fucked about it, it's pretty clear that they are designing the game for the highest difficulty where all the new systems matter. It's not really a surprise to me the general audience dislikes Engage because the gameplay just isn't interesting and all the interlaced systems feel like bloat.

If you're talking about story and stuff like that, the franchise is beyond and I don't even pay attention to it anymore.
Imagine making out with Lapis' hairy unwashed villager butthole haha
>due to info that got leaked this week
Any links? I want to Nam getting exposed for being some eceleb's byproduct kek
not flat enough
Ingrid(the straightest girl in the Kingdom) should have raped Bernadetta(the straightest girl in the Empire) to prove she is the straightest girl in Fodlan
Most mentally stable lesbianon
autistic dragon pussy goes hard
She's still a growing girl
I know the guy behind sommieclassicsonicfan

He doesn’t even use feg, he just wanted to grief a sommie wiki page so he picked that username
How would Dorothea react to seeing her unrequited love raping her only straight friend?
She's going to fuck Sylvain (Ingrid's husband) as blackmail behind her back
raul is grooming women into taking tranny cock on his servers
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>bio women
>FE Pisscord server
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Kronk, my favorite FE unit
Pannette watch out!
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you mean donlot with mangs’ wife?
The spic classic
nice collection, and cute vero.
I wish they reran some of the older ones as the resale price is usually really high.
Hey isn’t this Raul’s self insert?
I'm enjoying FE and waiting for a new game. FEH filling the gap until then.
Suprisingly, there are two of them.
2 bio women, 8~ trannies
That’s a problem alot of game devs have been having recently
Tf is all this shit up here? ^
mental illness on display
autist having a melty
It’s just donlot. guessing he got unbanned after failing to get his asscord ban appealed
Sommie is my favorite FE character.
>donlot is namschizo
I should not be surprised considering he got banned from the cord I was in for posting scat
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3H made me think the devs would never make the same mistakes Fates made, and then Engage came out
I made a Fire Emblem TTRPG! :D >>>/tg/93445611
What's the /v/erdict!?
Based. Lemme take a look
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The one good thing to come out of 3H and all the horrible shitposting and twitter trannies it brought along is that it gave me Shamir
I actually liked Three Houses but overall I hate what the series has become since Awakening. I didn't buy or play Engage because of the horrible art style and the treehouse censorship.
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Jason Schreier posts

Best girl
Explain this >>683830679
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It's ok she has big tits
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>"The Church failed its responsibilities for 1,000 years and everyone I love died because of it."
Do Churchfags REALLY...??
I like how the Japanese fanbase loves them both
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God she's so perfect
That's not an explanation
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You know how Pokemon artists draw the 12 year old protags taller, with fucking huge tits, with thick thighs, etc etc so they're very clearly not lolis?

Yeah I do the same with Mamori, deal with it
I'd have respected you more if you just said you were a lolicon desu
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I'm not into loli though, I genuinely can't get off to it

It also helps that Mamori already looks tall and lanky and not like a loli in the first place
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>Posts her in a schoolgirl uniform
You sure showed me
Why are you saying that is if schoolgirl roleplay isn't one of the biggest porn categories even including adult women?

Did all the doujins of gyarus with huge tits in schoolgirl outfits fucking the nerdy MC go completely over your head or something?

I should slap you
Okay lolicon
I'm saying that you're clearly lying out your ass to the point where even someone like n*wifag is better than you. At least he's honest after all.
I'm more critical of the church nowadays but only because I've hit a point where I can acknowledge the faults in my favorite factions and characters while still maintaining that they're my favorites.

I don't think anyone is wrong to tolerate a massive wall of text but I feel like 3H shot for the moon, didn't make it, but it still landed among the stars. It really needed 2 more years in the oven
>wants to fuck a 12 year old
>cries about lolicons and wants them dead
lmao the hypocrisy
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SEX with Dimitri
That's kinda gay, bro
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It's ok I'm a girl, don't worry
>Implying that there are girls on the internet
That type of schoolgirl uniform is like, for kindergartners and really young girls. You’re a degen bro, it’s okay you can admit it, in fact it would be weirder for a Mexican to NOT be a pedo.
I used to be mad that the 3HOnlyies existed, but now I don't care.
god, 3h threads is so shit.
maybe some one should make the REAL fire emblem thread
Mods will autosage you if you try making a thread that competes with vfeg
Still salty the “gameplay” thread got auto’d


not claude
kinda surprised it took as long as it did considering a good few of the initial posts were clearly just self-bumps
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Does a more iconic fan artist exist?
don’t know who this is
Something's wrong
I hold my head
Billy's gone
Our nigga dead!
this but unironically
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what’s his problem anyway? He does this shit in every thread
Engage at very least got a proper complete decensoring fan patch. I have tons of respect for them de-shitting that whole thing and actually finishing it, making sure it covered all content in the base games, updates, and DLC.

On the other hand, I am still annoyed that Fates hasn't gotten its complete translation again. It was always patchwork, incomplete shit - I'd just like to see one finished. Now theres
>Project Re-Fates
On gamebanana Based on the US version, NOT supporting JP audio or the new content at the moment (maybe they'll get to it eventually? I think you can use the standard undub but the mod pulls custom lines from Heroes and the like only in English for now sadly). Not sure what level of DLC or content they're on yet, but I think Fates and Birthright are done. LOTS of overhaul'ed stuff apparently, including Witch Nyx and other stuff that some will call 'fanfiction-y". Some say there's censorship and too much focus on same sex s rank shit, but can't confirm that. Not sure if worth it but at least its back in development.
The best of all attempts got started again last year. Based on the JP version IF, translating the whole thing, uncensored. https://github.com/TeamIf/FireEmblemIf-FanTranslation . However NO fucking updates if its still being worked on? Someanons show work is moving along in some old thread on it, but there hasn't been an update on github for over a year now and there hasn'tbeen any real progress evidence either. Really hope its not dead.
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I finally beat 3H for the first time two weeks ago.
Congratulations anon.

what'd you think of it
5 Years since pure garbage released
>how do you feel about where the franchise is now?
Overall I’ve more good to say than bad, and I’m looking forward to the next game. Although we’ve had three in a row that caused immense seethe to reverberate throughout the fanbase, invited more and more schizophrenics to share their mania with the rest of us and did potentially irreparably damage to the quality of discussion so if the next one were to break that streak I wouldn’t be complaining
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Pretty good. The maps were a bit meh and messy looking and I wasn't really interested in adult Claude's plans. But the characters are really likable and the overall plot was alright. I took ages to finish the game but maybe I'll start again soon and go with Edelgard this time around.
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You probably don’t need me telling you but be careful about burning yourself out. While I love the game it’s repetitive nature will grind away with time
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>Hilda getting a figure
I still have my Corrin Nohr Noble right next to my monitor, not removed from box, but I will snap purchase that fucker the day she goes up.

She better have her canon panties though.
I actually took a couple of several month long breaks before finishing the game, so it's not so bad. But yeah: it can get pretty repetitive.
She’s getting glued isn’t she?
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I prefer mature Hilda, even though I'm a lolicon.
all of the Hilda figs are
FE4 Hilda, then?
>Blue Lion WOMEN figures never ever
Ingrid next year to complete the Faerghus 4
Imagine IRL Felix with his Annie in a jar
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Sorry, I'm a fake fan. I've only played 7, Awakening and 3H.
That’s one more game then most fans
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we should get more divine dragon figures
i'd buy Merrin, Celine, Citrinne fig
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for me, its hortensia and anna figs
Imagine what black female fans would do with an Ashe of their own
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Same for the deer boy figures
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I'm sad that with the new techonology we will never see another pixel art fire emblem.
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Big news from the Klokinatorcord. Phase 3 is soon beginning. For the record there are seven stages of reckoning.
>Phase 1 - The Sheep and the Crow
>Phase 2 - The War
we are here
>Phase 3 - History Repeats Itself
>Phase 4 - The Sparrow in the Dark
>Phase 5 - Babylon
>Phase 6 - Retribution
>Phase 7 - The New End
Atlus ruined Fire Emblem.
>TMS FE doesn't feel like Fire Emblem with SMT but instead a dumbed-down Persona game with a Fire Emblem theme slapped into it
>Devs placed a lot of non-rpg mechanics and the school settings from the Persona games into their Switch FE game which it became Three Houses
>If IntSys decides to collaborate with Bandai Namco to create a Tales of X Fire Emblem game instead of Atlus, we could had a revival of Fire Emblem Wii (in pic related) on Switch instead of Three Houses.
>five years of three houses seethe and still going strong
How time flies
kek he made a new one
And I don’t think it will stop. In fact anymore Fodlan content and it will actually get worse.
Gameplay wise, 3H is pretty weak but it has a decent enough story
I find it funny that KT couldn't keep their ROTK-love out of a Fire Emblem game, even if Edelgard is nowhere near as cool as Cao Cao
>And I don’t think it will stop
I hope you’re wrong
Why are Fox girls like this
because they’re girls
But did she really have to out Sieggy as a virgin so loud for everyone to hear?!
she corrected her mistake as seen in the next panel
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Inshallah, Three Houses will cross 5 million before we ever get a sales update for Engage.
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Don't use my wife for your sales fighting
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I only do it to piss off the people who claim 3H killed all momentum for the series.
They’re not the finest singers in the world, but the most enthusiastic
Also based
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Annette wouldn't want it this way
They just want to argue, don’t give them what they want
Bernie should rape Felix in front of Annette
Post Etié
I hope not either, but people still have an irrational hatred of Awakening.
Don't break too easy
I want Etie to break me.
Let's run together
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Shamir is for marriage
In terms of popularity?
Golden Deer > Black Eagle > Blue Lion
Blue Lion > Black Eagle > Golden Deer

No offense to Mercedes and Claude who are desperately trying to carry the dead weight in their respective houses. The Internet in general seems to have settled on that take.
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Gawain and Elena. Gawain was really handsome when he was younger.
tranny game, ruined the series with all the trannies it brought
Titania holds this pic up while she schlicks and cries herself to sleep at night.
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POV You are Dimitri
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POV: You are Dimitri
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