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I am no longer asking.

Look at my Fire Emblem TTRPG.


your mother
Fuck off and shill your garbage on reddit. You're not gaining any traction here you tranny.
I will continue to shill, now if only to piss you specifically off.
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Black Eagles or Blue Lions?
get that commie out of here
Golden Deer :^)
>please do not distribute
All right, I won't breathe a word of it.
Oh, I forgot to remove that.


Ah well.
Why the fuck do you take that weird middle stance between Gaiden HP casting and staffs/tomes? It seems like you’re trying to adapt the whole series which doesn’t work when the series has different rules in each game. Also the growths being entirely class based is lame, needs more granularity.
Because I like Gaiden/Echoes, and I like the GBA games. If you want you can houserule it out. I can include more alt rules to replace / modify the game.

And if you want player-based growths instead of class based, again an easy house rule but I can also include an alt rule for that.
that's a lot of classes, do they have a real niche or just minor combat differences?
make Crit a function of Might or something, don't give me a Crit value for each weapon it sucks
looking pretty good. this will play really slow tho with everyone having to look up special abilities and stats. but that's just a taste thing.

free is not shilling faggot
You really should have an alt rule for player based growths instead of just class based, lets players differentiate themselves
Listen to this man, the only posts allowed here are bumpfag threads.
They're each classes from the video games. There are some minor differences. They have niches separate from one another, largely the same niches they filled in their respective games.

Crit being based on weapons is also part of the game. This is, after all, meant to emulate Fire Emblem.

I can add that. There are a couple of alt rules I haven't added yet. If you want to do so with the current ruleset it's pretty easy, it's just assigning which Growth goes where.

Recruit classes have one 8, one 6, four 4s, four 2s
Standard classes have one 8, two 6s, three 4s, and four 2s
Promoted classes have two 8s, two 6s, four 4s, and two 2s

If you assign one value to Build, halve it. (2 becomes 1, 4 becomes 2, 6 becomes 3, 8 becomes 4)
Can I use this to play the superior Fire Emblem Game, Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore?
I'm going to beat you with a rock.
It was the first Fire Emblem game I ever played.
I watched my friend play another FE game where a shoeless dragon boy had to fight off horny sisters from Japan and goth Europe.
I'm sorry you were forced to start with Fates.

You should go play Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
Niho- Hoshido numba wan, Nohr dishonorburu and shit
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There are a few other FE games out there but I'll look at yours, sure
Thank you.

I love Flayn.
Can I play this game even if I'm not transexual?
If you're a tranny why are you playing my game? There is Fire Emblem 5e for those folk.
I love that commie
>This much cope
Damn OP, simmer down. Everybody already knows you're a faggot
Looks pretty good, the biggest issues I would have are, mechanics I think don't translate as well to tabletop, most notably weapon durability and random stat growths, but there are alternate rules for both.
Minor nitpicks: Reclassing being an alt rule seems odd (this may just be my bias as someone who's only played the post-Awakening stuff). The Swordmaster has no sword.
Having the "Do not distribute" (on every page no less) in a fangame is gay as fuck.
lol I didn't read the thread for the distribute thing. disregard that.
It's an SMT game with all that makes SMT what it is forcefully stripped out and and neutered and with some FE cameos shoved in, satisfying neither fandom
Swordmaster has no sword?

Do you just mean the AI art of the Swordmaster?
But you use AI art.
Hey, it's that commie!
I am going to fucking stab you
keep this capitalist in here
Which page has rules for eugenics? Please, I need to breed Edelgard.
I might.
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church bad
That sounds pretty gay.
She and Rhea need to kiss and make up.
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No, I will not.
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I'll come to your house and sneak a printout of it under your pillow.
There are rules for holy blood and crests but since growths are class based outside of that there isn’t much you can do to eugenicsmax. Game needs generational play rules
Edelgard needs correction, and by correction I mean my penis in her various holes
Having firearms but not having mage cannoneer (the one class in the entire series that uses guns) is a little odd.
ngl, I didn't know about the Mage Cannoneer until after.

That being said, I dislike the class. It looks so fuckin' goofy. Just like most things in Engage.

So instead I focused on pirate themed classes for the ones who use firearms. 'cause it's all meant to be flintlocks and blunderbusses.

If I add the Mage Cannoneer it'll be an Advanced Class alongside Dark Flier.
>It looks so fuckin' goofy. Just like most things in Engage.
Just don't don't use a picture that looks like engage? Armour knights looks absolutely fucking retarded in fates and awakening but that doesn't mean they'll always be stupid looking.
I'll consider when I add the alt rules for personal growths to also add generational stuff.

As a side note; I was also considering adding an alt rule for if you want to deviate from Fire Emblem a bit and add standard fantasy races. I'm trying to think of other alt rules to add - depending on how much I can come up with, I'll start updating the game soon.
>I was also considering adding an alt rule for if you want to deviate from Fire Emblem a bit and add standard fantasy races.
So Unicorn Overlord?
Yeah, true.

I forgot how awful knights looked in Awakening/Fates. Criminal especially with how cool Generals are in the GBA games.
Unicorn Overlord, Shining Force, and some other SRPGs that are similar but not exactly the same. I'm not as familiar with those games mind you. But yeah, something like that.
too lazy to read the pdf
how do you reconcile the fact that maps will be shit if they're present at all? just accept that you're playing an awakening game where you're in a terrainless room parking yourself in enemy range until you win?
just seems like a concept that won't translate
>too lazy to read the PDF
Too lazy read reply.

Terrain exists.

If you want to generate a map use this;
Personally I recommend keeping to Race as Class like the Maneket and other Shifters. Elf’s have magic + swords, dwarfs are all axe users, etc.
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Inferior to Shining Force TTRPG.
More like shine your horse.
OP is a based faggot ngl
I wish to impregnate that centaur. How does she run around with her horse pussy hanging out all day and expect her male companions to focus?
I never played shining force, is it any good?
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Or you could not use AI art. There's not exactly a shortage of content out there for FE.
Or I could use AI art.

That way it's not all content grabbed off of Google Images.

If AI art bothers you, go pound sand.
this. ai is fucking cool and looks better than 80% of the art in rpgs. To get anything better than ai art would cost thousand of dollars, and I want cool indie games like faggot OPs to exist and look neat so stay mad and actually read a book.
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Did you originally get into Fire Emblem because of Melee? be honest
>AI slop
Good morning sir.
>That way it's not all content grabbed off of Google Images.
But that IS how AI gens work!
My group will be placing you under One Shot Consideration.
>generative tools
geezers stay mad
I got into FE due to my sister's boyfriend at the time (2008?) giving me his copy of Sacred Stones. I played Brawl before I played Melee, but by then I already knew the FE characters.
But it looks much nicer, and marginally different.

If I wanted to appease people like you (which remind me of me trying to pitch the game to that living basedjack Mekkah) then I'd pretend to give a modicum of a fuck what artists on DeviantArt feel about AI art.
I figured out what it was through Melee, I got into it because of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGtev8YyMGM

It says it was uploaded in 2012 but Im convinced this guy took these down and reuploaded them for some reason because I swear I remember watching it in 2009
I see it replaced it with "basedjack".

I will instead use a much more fitting word.

Faggot. He's a faggot.
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>Sacred Stones
twincest is wincest
Next update will include incest.
FE4 demands it.
Thank god, that's the only reason I got into this series in the first place.
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I don't need to. I'm playing the games regularly, and I've got an excel sheet with the mechanics for 3H (slightly modified) if I want to do a tabletop thing.

I find that, past a certain threshold, trying to emulate something will always be worse than just doing something, even if it requires more effort to set up.
>Fire Emblem TTRPG
I don't know what Fire Emblem is, but I'd be happy to look at a Valkyria Chronicles ttrpg
Newfags, take notes. This is how you shill your game here.
>free or pwyw (most important)
>threaten haters with physical violence
>promise incest content
A friend of mine made a Valkyria Chronicles game. I'm actually just getting into it myself. I might poke him to post it here.
Sounds like a lot of effort that could've been not wasted by playing my game instead. <3
It's Valkyria Chronicles, except it's fantasy and scout rushes are called anything with Galeforce.
fucking kill yourself bumpfag you ruined this board
Are you just jealous of AI art because Chris Chan rejected your application as an artist?
that's clearly not bumpfag you baboon
He's no less a fag though.
well that is true.
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I miss Sacred Stones, desu
You don't deserve to have your system properly critiqued because of AI art and you're one of those retards that puts guns into Fire Emblem.
About 4 years ago now I also made a Fire Emblem tabletop system. I moved on to other things and haven't really been back to look at it since.
For a tabletop FE experience, even one where everything is done for you through Roll20/HTML code, it's clunky and needs a lot of fat trimmed. The less/simpler formulae the better, without compromising central FE systems. Yours is passable at this. Keywords are a good idea too.
However the hodgepodge of shit randomly selected from throughout the series needs to go and Skills/Combat Arts need to be significantly reduced and streamlined.
I personally cut out roleplay completely but I don't know how to DM, this is very subjective. The roleplay segment is fine, it's that stupid fucking downtime segment that needs to be removed.
The system is also so fucking long, it needs condensing, maybe don't have every class with their own page for starters.
Thank you, I will certainly read this.
Cool coincidence though. Just a week ago I was looking for a Fire Emblem inspired RPG and here it is.
I can't right now because I'm writing a Fire Emblem TTRPG
>Another anti-AI art tard
I should disregard your post solely on that but I'll keep going.

>Guns in Fire Emblem
Get over it. If you don't like it, ban the classes/guns at your table.

>Random shit from throughout the series needs to be reduced/streamlined.
No. Again, if you don't like something, don't include it. Same goes with Alt Rules that make the game play like other games.

>Remove Downtime

>The system is long
Yeah that's what you get when you have some manner of formatting, even if mine is dogshit it was an attempt.

I really hope this game you attached to your reply wasn't meant to be like..."look, this is a much better example", because Jesus Christ. Meme images on the front page, the negative-tier formatting, the Roll20 codes and commands pasted into the fucking doc...I use Roll20 too for the sheets, but jeez I just submitted a custom sheet to their sheet repository. Easy. Don't need to bombard the readers with Roll20 coding. I acknowledge you said you made this years ago, but still. I don't know what you were aiming by posting this. Squidward lance? Nipple light magic? What the hell.

I'm glad to have advertised at the right time for you. There ARE other FE systems out there if mine isn't to your liking. Though I warn you, the others on itch.io anyways are...uh...middling quality.
Yeah I've found this one. I have not yet read it though.
You wouldn’t want that. He smells terrible from years of neglectful hygiene. He only shaves his face.
Yeah, this one is primarily based upon Awakening. It's mostly okay-ish. It makes some strange choices (i.e. the Skills and Abilities systems) but overall doesn't deviate TOO hard. I'm just biased against Awakening.
Rape yourself, reddit moralist cuck
This thread was made by a woman
*pretends to look*
It's shit.
I have a diversity hire to write my posts for me.
*Pretends to care*
Damn, fair enough.
keep arguing with OP. it's funny.

more like a fat tranny.
Damn, sounds like you're just mad because you're angry.

Maybe try to chill out. Unstick the dildo far up your ass.
Whenever I see another Anti-AI luddite, I feel a little better.
I take comfort in the fact that cavemen like you will be forced to watch technology progress without being able to stop it.
you are not denying the fat tranny allegations...

>Unstick the dildo far up your ass.
i like it where it is! <3
why is being creative frowned upon?
Nogames with no game are trained to say no, game because redditors think it's cool.
This is new /tg/
People just post generals and meme threads.

Thank you OP for being a true oldfag who actually get's shit done.
File deleted.
Why even link to the shitty page?
Because. You're mother.

You're just saying things, that's all.
Why did /tg/ decline so hard since 2016
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Sorry, I uploaded the wrong file.
someone sounds butthurt that i'm calling them out. do you moonlight as a tranny or something?

you're taking precious clicks away from a hard working creator, how dare you!

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