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>no 3H discussions (you got your own thread)
>no eceleb discussions (stick to 3h threads)
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What stat boosts would a Sommie meal give?
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>*Is the best game in your path*
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>look for new engage mods to play around
>see new magical weapon mod in gamebanana
>sees anna holding huricanne axe with magic bow
any anon tried magical warrior anna previously? is she any good or meme'd by its limited capped stats?
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>any FE discussion
Fans poured billions of dollars in coomerbux into the mobile game to fund a masterpiece and we got Engage.
Think about that.
No nopan, no nobra, no buy.
>make my own character
>not a silent protagonist
>actually won't shut the fuck up and has daddy issues
I still have PTSD from Fates and never got far in any route.
when i play engage, i feel happy
when i play your "masterpiece", i feel frustration
Fog of War can suck my dick what a shit mechanic.
>Fog of War can suck my dick what a shit mechanic.
apparently, i just read it just now in engage thieves actually has vision range of 5 spaces compare to the other class of 3 spaces.

i think having it the fog obstruct enemies location would have been better. or better environment objects that you can utilize for ambushes
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>more engage KINO
i cant wait for the next chapter
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Why did Engage flop?
>i barely played any of the games but here’s my uninformed opinions on them do i fit in yet
Kys retard.
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im not touching to 3hrt threads
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when will i get more sommie accessory mod?
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Because the gameplay is not good enough to compensate for the bad story
>requiring actual strategy bad
are you also seething a paladin can't solo the map on the enemy phase?
>Actual strategy
I too love when the AI can see my units and I can't, real strategy yep.
Welcome to every westoid fanbase of anything Japanese ever.
Enjoy your stay.
>engage gameplay
>not good enough
holy hell, I'd rather play engage than whatever the fuck the story of 3h. all the characters in that game are fucking retarded
Learn to use vision and make risk assessment
Play real strategy games when the AI can see your units at all times and you realize why FoW is shit unless both units are affected.
>the story of 3h
Who is talking about 3 tranies?
Literally yes
And it's not hard to play against a bad AI just because it has a few advantages.
It also has more units than you and it can suicide them without screwing itself over in the next map for example.
I don't want to hear your cope excuses. FE does FoW poory.
That's unironically too much for the average normalfag.
I have seen worse tantrums over the games not being braindead enough in xcom and RTS discussion.
Stop samefagging
He is not samefagging
He is replying to two of my posts
Okay phone poster.
No shit FoW could be improved in FE but most of these retards complain about the mechanic existing in general. It's a skill issue to not be able to adapt to changes on the battlefield in a strategy game.
you have the stink of 3h
>That's unironically too much for the average normalfag.
Then maybe they should stick to playing dating sims and gacha games instead of strategy games.
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to be fair, they do
there's a reason the discourse around elden ring went from "omg such trash" to "literally a masterpiece GOTY GOAT" overnight the day comprehensive guides started to pop up about a month after release
Boy I sure love trial and error finding out where the fucking enemies are
>playing the game bad, i want victory and i want it NOW NOW NOW
Holy shit you all have an even worse victim complex than fucking Megaman-fags. For starters this isn't even an Engage thread, it's a Fire Emblem thread specifically excluding 3H. So why the fuck are you talking about it here when you have 2 decades worth of games and their respective gameplay available to you? And secondly, why do you keep reposting this image as if it's supposed to mean anything. I've seen just as many people posting completed games on the highest difficulty. What happens if someone posts one of those?
Gee, it's almost like the game is asking you to STRATEGIZE and scout out the area like you would in a real low visibility scenario.
>Hate on other FEs
>Hate on 3H
Stop noticing things goy.
The entire purpose of Fire Emblem is to be able to adapt to uncertainty and unpredictable outcomes.
This is why there is so much RNG in these games for example.
FoW is just adding another layer of uncertainty by not letting you see enemies lurking far away, who are waiting to strike you like a theif in the night.

And even then the games still give you plenty of tools to deal with it.
so deal with it
I don't mind fog of war because using a torch on turn 1 is usually enough to last a map, especially if a thief is using it. And even if the map drags on, then a unit who was going to Wait anyway can just use the torch.
Thracia 776 fog of war is actually stupid though.
I'm wearing neither rn
That's why I like to play game blind
I feel like the internet takes the bite out of the puzzle elements of games, but I guess not everyone can stop themselves from taking the easy way out.
>It's supposed to be shit!
Lol, lmao even
The story of 3 hrt is overrated
The gameplay of Engage is also overrated

>adapting to uncertainty is shit
why do you even play Fire Emblem then?
>trying to get past the filters
well what mechanics of FE do you like to engage with then?
Probably S-supporting his waifu
how do i get a lyn gf?
That Lyn is illegal anon
Go to Mongolia
Lyn looks like shit in the Engage style and I love Lyn
Diarrhea and -10 to all stats

>Worst and most shitty avatar


Sucks to be you
She looks fine. It's the men that didn't really translate well into Engage. Ike looks like a twig.
Because it didn’t get a character in Smash
wtf are you on about? she looks cute
everyone looks like they have an 8 year old face attached to an adult body, and while I agree Lyn is not the worst exmple, she is also not en exception ultimately.

Put Anna's head on any female character and watch her become 5-10 years older
>engage emblems i want to fuck
fire emblem
I mean, Lyn is like 15. You should look at Roy, he looks aged and jacked like FE10 Ike
Why does 99% of all gameplay discussion these days boil down to "the game isn't press X to win, it's LITERALLY wasting my precious and valuable time" from terminally online people that waste all their time arguing asinine nonsense?
Why are you so insecure you take any criticism of your precious game as something you HAVE to defend to the death like some retard?
How about you answer the question instead of doubling down on the ad hominems?
Why are you in such a hurry to finish games instead of enjoying them?
Because that's called a discussion
Answer my question first, why are you so insecure that you can't even accept mild criticism without going into full blown schizo breakdowns?
Warrior is a very solid class overall and Anna is pretty much the only person who can use the Radiant Bow and Hurricane Axe effectively without big meme investments. In my playthroughs she usually caps Magic without even trying and the Radiant Bow becomes a free one shot on end game Wyverns. Put Dual Assist on her to make the bow even more useful to your party, although I can't speak for this being applicable to Maddening
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ask truck-kun to isekai you
>Worst and most shitty avatar
Even ignoring the fact that mechanically Corrin is by far the best implemented MU, at the very least they kind of fit into their setting and don't actively make the writing worse, which is more than I can say for Bile-yth
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they didnt model her privates
Lol get fucked schizos.
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I love my schizo wife lyndis
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Not really, it's funny and feels amazing when she kills things, but she's not going to be able to counter well nor will she do much damage with physical weapons. Plus hurricane axe doesn't allow her to use her amazing speed to double things.
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get fucked!
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>give every until a 5-10 CON growth
There I fixed GBA CON
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funny how threads get autosaged the second people actually start talking about gameplay
totally just a coincidence goy
totally not a heavy handed attempt at killing discussion of anything "too japanese" because it offends the kikes
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did you get banned for this one?
So why are we autosaged again?
Because Fire Emblem isn't a cultural phenomenon like Elden Ring or Smash.
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mods are fags, who couldda thunk
but now gonzalez is impossible to pick up
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no one cares about gonzalez

dont forget a 1-2% MOV growth
Lyn must not be allowed to escape
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