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>ruins powerstancing in your path
Haha wow so fun! I love how modern Souls games nerf every build into the ground until there's like 2-3 left by the end.
You'd think the point of balance patches would be to increase build variety, but apparently not.
Dark Souls 2 was one of the best games of this century
Maybe stop using cheese strats?
Skill issue
>don't use magic or you're cheesing
>don't use rot or you're cheesing
>don't wield two weapons or you're cheesing
>don't jump attack or you're cheesing
>don't use bleed or you're cheesing
>don't use spirits or you're cheesing
>don't use poise breaks or you're cheesing
>don't use weapon arts or you're cheesing
>don't use greatshields or you're cheesing
>don't use heavy armor or you're cheesing
What else goes on the list?
I'm using a Claymore in a paladin roleplay build, maybe you should just stop being gay and adapt
I've used pretty much every type of build in the game already, it just sucks that less of them are good now
I'm still melting bosses with dual daggers, what exactly happened to powerstancing?
Greetings, reddit. Here's your daily dose of validation: "if it's in the game, it was MEANT to be used so never feel bad for using something the game intended for you to use."
If you even looked at a screen for a split second, YDBTG
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This but unironically, if you choose to not use something in the game it just means you're too retarded to figure it out and are seething smarter people found it. Work smarter not harder you dumb ass
You'd have a point if you were just talking about one or two exceptionally broken, niche setups like Fingerprint GS + status setups, but if you're at the point where you're literally arguing that a core mechanic like dual-wielding is "cheese" then you're fucking retarded.
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>>ruins powerstancing in your path
what happened? i dont see any issues
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They nerfed poise damage, damage, and tracking on many powerstanced weapons.
PS great spears for example are borderline unusable now.
I like using underpowered builds, sounds like the game is almost perfect
if the dev removed it, then it was never meant to be used. cry about it to mommy

Also i got a weird sense of deja vu with this thread.
Based. Here comes dose #2: "You totally beat the game fair and square! In fact, holding L1 and poking from behind a greatshield actually takes the most skill. You did it!"
im melting everything powerstancing ultra greatswords so wonder how op they were before then
Probably made it not as strong so you have to have a little skill to have fun with it
spears are gay
Reddit and twitch have way more self respect than this place does. They don't say this at all. They actually admit summons and blled are cringe ez mode.
very. dual spears running r1 was increidbly strong. all you needed to do was keep spamming it and you had free counter thrust damage

Anon says "it is nigh unusable now" is another way of saying "i have to git gud now"
>dual-wielding is "cheese"
The only people who say that are people who use actual cheese like fingerprint shield, who are trying to gaslight people into thinking fingerprint shield is on the same level as dual wielding, so if dual wielding isn't cheese then greatshield also isn't cheese.
They weren't affected in PVE
>he installed Elden Ring
*clapping hands emoji*
*clapping hands emoji*
*clapping hands emoji*
*clapping hands emoji*
*fire emoji, 100 with two lines under it emoji*
>wonder how op they were before then
you can see the videos if you want
>breakstance every boss in 2 or maybe 3 jump attacks
You retarded NIGGER read the thread before replying, the guy who started this reply chain literally called powerstancing cheese.
is it worth playing on PS4 Pro? not getting a PC or newer console just to play one game (also goldhen)
I wish Bleed wasn't so OP because I like making things bleed but don't want to make the game easier to do so, They should keep one ability broken though like Rot, and anyone who only uses it gets made fun of but it's still there as a option for people to fuck around with
No one takes him seriously, except you. Because you need validation. You need to ensure that everyone you communicate with knows that you are the most valid player in the world. You can't stand knowing there are those who would disregard your wins in a video game. I am sorry for you.
Why do half the new weapons in this dlc need 20 odd faith to wield for seemingly no fucking reason?
I literally don't care about what you think of my gameplay, the topic of this thread is how it sucks that they're ruining the game with excessive balance updates just like they did in DS3.
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Case in point: >>683832916
Redditors will try to gaslight you into thinking that whoever calls their greatshield poke strategy cheese, calls everything else cheese, so therefore nothing actually counts as cheese. They are very needy.
I am ashamed to admit that since the DLC dropped I've been to the subreddit every day and at least once per day there is a top post of someone asking for validation.
Dual wield heavy weapon jump attacks honestly did way too much damage. It was too unbalanced.
say a decade and I would agree with you
Where does it say that PS UGS are affected in PVE there?
>"You totally beat the game fair and square! In fact, holding L1 and poking from behind a greatshield actually takes the most skill. You did it!"
and? what's actually wrong with this?
you're the retard here my guy, because dual wielding is still in the game, you just cant melt people in pvp which is the point of balance patches. you should not be getting melted in pvp, thats why pvp separate scaling exists also. whats so hard to understand about that, or are you just too mad to think
Just pony up for a piss5 like everyone else who didn't feel like taking the leap into pc bullshit. It's way to pricey in the current year.
It’s bullshit, just like all the new weapons that require int and arc for now fucking reason, my faith build could have used so many more new weapons if he just had like 40 extra levels to play with.
Nerfing powerstanced naginata in PVP makes sense, nerfing all powerstanced damage was retarded and reduces the amount of viable builds instead of increasing it.
Every single line of this is fine
powerstancing jumps was base game cheese and fingerprint is dlc cheese. No different. Most cheese allegations are purely encounter dependant. Using a shield on Malenia will just give her free heals
Powerstancing was a mistake, giving players more damage in exchange for fewer defensive options does nothing but encourage them to build for cheesy quick kill strats that ultimately invalidate the bosses you want them to engage with.
Next game the offhand should be a dedicated defensive tool slot that allows the devs to develop a more robust universal defensive play system
>b-but two-handing
Is based, just buff the defensive properties of all weapons to be closer to the heavy weapons.
the fact you didn't beat the game, yet claim you do
Nah powerstancing did too much damage before, glad we have stuff like the two handed talisman to balance it out now. You gotta learn to do something besides jump attacks my guy
Good. My baby needed a buff or two.
You could actually out-damage Malenia's healing with a good fingerprint shieldpoke build.
There it is.
Was this an actual "nerfed into the ground" situation or is it just another "WAAAAAAA MY BUILDS DON'T ONESHOT PEOPLE ANYMORE WAAA I HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME NOW" situation
Fromshitters are the most fragile, insecure group out there. If you actually play a hard game like say, Ninja Gaiden, the community actually encourages trying different play styles and weapons out. If you try any arbitrary item in souls games that some redditor doesn’t approve of, they literally shit their pants over it and start calling you names like a schizo
whats a fun to use weapon with a good moveset that isnt too OP ? i just got sote and im doing a new build. last time i ran with zweihander but spamming jump attack got old fast.
No it was perfectly fine and fun to use, they really just needed to buff twohanding appropriately instead.
I just don't comprehend why someone wants to have less viable options in the game instead of more.
Sounds like a you problem, I try new builds almost every time I play and I don’t go online to seek validation about it from retards like you do. Just try the new build.
it's halfway into its cycle and still full price. the PS3 was $300 by this point in its life. a fucking ripoff
The death knight twin axes are pretty cool and you can get them early in the DLC.
The Milady with the wing stance AOW is also fun, but maybe you'd consider it a bit too strong.
viable = deleting hp bar in one hit? you can still vigor check people, i dont understand. you make it sound like the game turned all the weapons into foam sticks. stop being disingenuous
Nothing is wrong. Literally nobody cares, except you. You imagine that people shitposting and teasing must mean they deeply care about how you beat the game.
However, greatshield poking and/or using summons is objectively easy as fuck. They're basically Fromsoft's version of a "skip encounter" button. There's no shame in it; the only person who feels shame is obviously you.
Oh but now everything else but powerstancing is more viable, it actually really increased options since it’s more balanced now. Sorry you relied on them like a crutch but on the bright side, you can get good with other things now just like you say you want.
Why do I keep seeing fags like you bring up NG in every discussion of what a "hard game" should be? You know whats better for a franchise then be hard? Still being alive.
>I just don't comprehend why someone wants to have less viable options in the game instead of more.
From a design space the more limited a player's options are the more tightly designed any given challenge can be.
>If you actually play a hard game like say, Ninja Gaiden, the community actually encourages trying different play styles and weapons out.
Clown post since NG has only one play style: UT spam
What was wrong with the Urumi?
>viable = deleting hp bar in one hit?
Most powerstanced weapon didn't do this, they were just strong options that required you to give up your off-hand slot in exchange.
Now they're too weak to be worth that trade-off, there was no reason to do this and reduce build variety when they instead could've nerfed only the few really problematic options.
This game still has the fingerprint greatshield and mimic summon in it, they don't care about that.
S scaling in Dex and a weird true combo R2 true combo that shits damage, there's nothing wrong with the Urumi which is why it didn't get buffs
I love how they keep buffing greataxes in every update even though they were great like three patches ago.
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but you see the end credits and you don't use cheats?
>Literally nobody cares, except you.
is that why this subhuman immediately started seething? >>683832415 >>683832690
>why someone wants to have less viable options in the game
>It's not viable unless I can kill bosses in 4 hits
Literal skill issue.
yeah you're just bullshitting now
tell me your favorite power stance build

my favorite was powerstanced axes. guess what though, they always sucked. even after consecutive patches buffing the damage and increasing the speed and recovery, axes still suck. the powerstance moveset sucks, just complete ass.

go ahead and try it, maybe it will give you some perspective. elden ring will make all the weapons somewhat ass-like, if it's too good then it will be nerfed. simple as.

This is why I laugh when minmaxers talk about viability in a from soft game

Dude its just demon souls with some updates. go outside
Show me someone 4-shotting an endgame boss with generic powerstanced straight swords
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shhh.... I need to rape harder okay?
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I really don't mind the changes but I just got 2 of these things. It scales purely off Arcane so what fun builds can I play around with them?
Playstyle that gives you offensive and defensive tools are inherently healthier for game design than unga bunga I spam one overtuned attack, which is what powerstance always devolves into.
You could always beat these games with the equivalent of the broken straight sword, that doesn't mean the BSS was a well-tuned weapon that should be the standard other weapons should be nerfed down to you stupid tranny.
Most of these weapons were perfectly fine and fun to use as is, now they're less enjoyable to use for literally no reason and it makes no sense that you're defending this decision just because you personally have always enjoyed using mediocre weapons.
>is that why this subhuman immediately started seething?
That's your own insecurity perceiving an obvious joke as seething. You have basically proved my point. No one's attacking you, but your insecurity makes you think people care. Literally nobody cares. Except you.

They amplify your Greases, and even Sleep Grease will get arcane scaling for some reason.

They're pretty cool, and a good excuse to actually use all those greases.
Not if the defensive tool literally auto-wins 95% of encounters in the game by mindlessly pressing one button with zero risk at all, which is what the fingerprint shield does.
Yeah you still didn't tell me what weapon you're mad you can't use. Youre anonymous, just be honest.
Oh my b, i didn't use many powerstanced weapons actually but my favorite ones were straight swords, which now sadly are much weaker online.
Well, they'll just quadruple down on it in every game moving forward.
This fandom has devolved into Bethesda-brained fanboys. It's over. No more feedback is allowed. It's always you that's bad, and wrong.
>you're defending this decision
You're an absolute scrub. Patch 1.12 only nerfed dual wield damage against other players. Your PVE is not affected whatsoever. Why are you crying?
I'm still one shotting bosses with faith spells.
>That's your own insecurity perceiving an obvious joke as seething
concession accepted.
It's STILL full price. lmao. You can blame Microshaft for shitting the bed as always for that price. How they haven't cleaned house at the xbox division is beyond me. Thanks Phil.
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>Still needs validation
Haven't been keeping up with the DLC discourse too much but the fist palm weapon art seems broken as shit
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This you bro? >>683831816
Idk why you're so angry tbdesu
so this entire thread is just pvp cucks whining, ok then.
i laughed because that shit was broken. i understand why you made this thread. you were throwing around the word 'viable' but actually you meant to say 'broken'
"Keep in mind that the only greases that scale with Arcane are: Blood Greases, Poison Greases, and Soporific Greases"
It really wasn't, but i'd actually have been ok with a nerf to it. They could've made it weaker without just making it (as well as all powerstanced weapons) just do no damage anymore
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Nigga did I just catch you having fun?
i'm gonna get on and test it just because i'm 100% sure it's still fine
Yah do some duels with it, maybe you'll feel differently than me.
I'm sure you'll still get wins against random scrubs, but if you're up against anyone who knows how to play, i think you'll feel the lack of damage and poise damage.
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>patch dedicated to nerfing shit and removing unintended cheese
>meanwhile light of Miquella the spell you get for beating the final boss is bugged and can't be boosted by the seal that boost miquella spells nor the circlet that specifically is meant boost Light of Miquella
The actual weapon it's a part of is a piece of shit so it's fine.
Half the DLC spells still have bugged damage, Ansbach's spell and that fire rain one are actually entirely useless.
Holy buffs in general also don’t work in pvp but it’s whatever
If they make that work they will have to nerf light of Miquella at least in pvp; so many hosts just die to it instantly
what i don't get is why tf FromSoft is deepthroating Bleed as hard as they do compared to other status effects. it's ridiculous.
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>mfw that weapon is S tier in RAPE
based executioner greataxeGOD
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What would you define as "cheese"?
in fighting games cheese refers to moves, attacks or characters (with moves) that are easy to execute, but hard to defend against. It works on a spectrum and it's a bit subjective when trying to claim something is easy to execute or hard to defend against.

since there is no execution in souls games (spamming L2 on a bullgoat set takes the same skill as rolling and parrying) then does it only apply to pvp?
powerstance spears/rapiers/straight swords were absolutely hard to defend against, it ate through shield stamina and could roll catch very easily, as well as dealt much more damage
would that be considered cheesy?
They nerfed it repeatedly already, it's not really broken.
You can shred bosses far easier by spamming poise breaks or various spells.
Indirect jap wank from katana's being the bleed posterboy weapons thus staying FS hand from actually nerfing bleed.
>I don’t go online to seek validation
Nice reading comprehension, I was talking about the effect you get on this board where even talking about different builds gets you retarded reddit bandwagoners shitting up the convo. I can go over to a DMC/NG thread and have a healthy discussion on different strategies but these threads are always full of cancer who can’t into context like (you).
Shit don't work in the base game either. At least pvp has excuse of making it fair for people.
Case in point >>683834004
>Be me
>Greatsword and sacred seal both +25
>Beat everything in the game in a couple of tries
>Check 4chan
>People complaining about nerfs and cheese
Is this thread just ragebait? I just walked in and trial and errored the game and had fun. What else is there?
That's lowkey one of the comfiest builds in the game and it got buffed like every other patch
>replying 40 minutes later to my comment
Ninja Gaiden is still dead faggot.
lowered the damage in PvP only
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> They are still fighting bosses
The entire point of Souls is to tackle challenges in whatever way you see fit. I'm a magic hater but I've never thought it should be removed from the series entirely.
I'd classify as cheese any strat where the boss doesn't get to fight the whole time normally as a result of "normal" in-game actions, like making a night cav jump off a cliff or the Radhan water edge trick, as opposed to unnatural actions you purposefully do to break the game like
>ai break (ex: quitting out then entering the godskin noble arena from as far as possible to not triggering his ai)
>doing parcour to attack from out of the arena (can't think of one atm)
>glitching the map to bypass boundaries (ex: Moghwyn deload)
Stuff like using summons, stacking buffs, exploiting weaknesses, stagger builds are not cheese but that doesn't mean I won't look down on you for doing it, like how all the shitters end up doing fingerprint shield pokes with a blood antspur rapier.
It only nerfed powerstancing for PVP.
>DLC drops
>walk in with like 80% resist to any one damage type on demand with incants
>beat everything under 5 tries, with many taking only 1 or 2
I love it
yeah good luck doing it on DLC bosses
Hell yeah, man. Especially on melenia too. Everyone was telling me how hard it was and it ended up being a cakewalk after 2 tries. I literally just had to roll and run at the right times. I use summons whenever I feel like it and they helped manage aggro whenever I needed to heal or get a nice lions claw
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>use majestic sword in left hand
>get unique moveset
>powerstance them
>moveset changes
>pick two different smelter swords
>have unique special attack
>3 different Radahn swords in ER
>the only real difference between them is AOW
Why did it devolve?
I regret to inform you that you did not beat the game.
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>I use summons
that would be classified as an exploit in other games tho, not cheese
cheese by definition requires it to be a valid strategy
heavy great stars + bloodflame + wild strikes + rotten insignia + shard of alexander
yep its gaming time
Do you seriously think when they playtest these games they're not using spirit ashes, greatshields, and status procs?
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it's ok I beat it RL1 nohit already anyway, I can do what I want
RL1 nohit no blessing in the dlc makes Malenia feel like a joke
RL1 build doing more dps than most builds pretty pog
>you see the credits and didn't cheat
just like someone who watched a longplay
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>Wooops half of the hp bar disappeared
I already beat dlc with pure int build and it was braindead easy
spamming comets sure, I'm just saying the Comet Azur strat would not work on almost every DLC boss, if not all of them
Nothing significant will come out of any video game studio for a very long time based on the current way of things
Miyazaki is a petty ego maniac. This why half the new idea's in das2 didn't make it into 3, because big M didn't think of them himself. But he has zero problems with stealing from berserk.
That just shows the power of buff stacking and also just how bad most people's build are.
Like sure this is RTSR with a charge attack setup and 2 perfumes, but that still only gives me like 480 AR.
Here's an incant run stacking fire damage for Radagon for example
> wants bleed but not as cheap
I'd say use frostbite its kind of like that but you can instantly reset if with any fire attack
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Or even pushing the limits of RL1 weapon for cool kills
You can safely say that Messmer and Radahn are flying at you starting from the zero second because they (and the developers) are scared to death of Comet Azur
You misunderstand. I don't even disagree with what I said. The point is that I'm saying what the other anon wants to hear.
Also, they did not thoroughly playtest this game on release. Did you know that colossal swords and weapons were so slow that most combos from most endgame bosses literally could not be punished without trading damage?
I've been looking forward to the collage on Jeremy Eric that anon said he'd make and post in a future Elden Ring thread. Anon where ya at?
Next time I’ll reply an hour later just to see you squirm, little pissbaby
>Did you know that colossal swords and weapons were so slow that most combos from most endgame bosses literally could not be punished without trading damage?
Objectively untrue.
ah shit anon is based
>Also, they did not thoroughly playtest this game on release.
Rain of Fire is definitive proof that they either don't test, or simply don't give a single fuck.

If the game obviously doesn't have a solution for you doing it, it's cheese.

Chances are if the devs knew you could beat Radahn by just stacking defense buffs and spamming Prayerful Strike or Endure until he dies, they would have designed a more direct counter.
playing the game at all is cheesing
there's no hope with those retards
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yeah he's easy if you have a decent build.
This is NG+ for example, 100% brainless gameplay that makes a complete joke of people going fingerprint poke out of rage
>Objectively untrue.
Lol. Lmao.
So when one of the very first patches drastically sped up colossal sword/weapon attacks, it was by mistake? Why say things when you simply don't know what you're talking about?
> 100% brainless gameplay
And yet your runes lie in the arena.
>Why say things when you simply don't know what you're talking about?
Great question, why indeed?
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Everyone talks about comet azur, night comet, mohg staff, etc, but no one talks about THIS. When are STR shitters gonna come clean about their cheese?
yes that's brainless, I died 2 times before winning with this build, my strategy literally didn't change
>jump L1
>chug as needed
>if I think I won't survive I roll until I can heal
granted I wasn't dead drunk so I could use my experience from my first run, but you know how it goes
>you used patten recognition so you didn't beat the game
I accept your concession.
why would I use a pvp ash against bosses? It does piss damage and doesn't microstagger anything that matters
What build is canon? What should Tarnished be like according to the developers?
>What build is canon?
lmao, right buddy sure, whatever makes you happy
whatever the guy uses in trailers
>He still thinks he knows more than the developers
Melee has tools. Magic has skips.
Speak aloud what you just wrote infront of a mirror

Vargram (who wears trailer armor) uses the Godslayer Greatsword (a weapon that can kill a god and represents DD) so it's probably that.

Alternatively it's Vyke with his Spear, since he appears on the Box Art.
>you used patten recognition so you didn't beat the game
Unironically almost yes.
I mean you beat the game but it wasn't nearly as easy as you say if you had to memorize patterns.
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Vyke has a bastard sword in the cover art however.
I'd also argue that the default gear of the 1st class is fair game for "canon"
good medium armor, a parry shield with 100 phys block, a longsword with square off and a halberd is plain but certainly not bad
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Cheese is anything that breaks intended functionality. So, back when you could get into Mohg's arena without his AI activating, or throwing dung pies over to wall into Capra Demon's arena.

Cheese is not just using easy moves. Fighting game players are notorious bitches, so them calling an easy to use move "spam" are really just hyperbolically saying "that move isn't intended to be that good" but it's always a skill issue. If it doesn't involve breaking the game's functionality or exploiting code/mechanical errors, it isn't cheese, even if it is really good.
confession denied
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This honestly blows against most bosses since they just dodge out of the way, and if you aren't using it in conjunction with the infinite FP tear it rapes your mana bar so fast that it can't be used with any efficiency. Honestly the rot breath spell is a way better use of just dumping all your FP into one big spell since it hits in a wider area and can inflict a strong status on some enemies
How was powerstancing nerfed?
>The developers quickly patched colossal sword and weapon speed by mistake. Their lack of punish windows wasn't one of the most prevalent complaints at launch
>with zero risk at all
There are many melee attacks that hit around the shield, there are attacks that almost kill you if you're too close with the shield up and many stamina related factors into using a shield. You clearly haven't played through the game with it so I'm not gonna bother replying to you further
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WOW thanks kind stranger! I love summoning!
again you are describing an exploit, such things exist in fighting games too, shit that doesn't work as intended, and it's considered cheating to abuse an exploit
cheese is meant to be a scrubby term
assuming all players are infinitely skilled and infinitely knowledgeable then cheese would not exist
you can simply block low for exactly 16 frames then change to standing block, it covers both options in kazuya's vortex 50/50

cheese is a balance issue, bleed doing 10x the dps of normal melee attacks is intended by the devs but it's not balanced
So nothing of value was lost
Imagine failing so hard, you even fail to samefag kek
there are multiple opportunities to use this against most bosses and it's way better to use the full thing instead of a crit when you stun them.
ok but I can just RKR CR2 > CR2 for wayyyy more damage on a STR build
>What would you define as "cheese"?
Anything that allows me to bypass the mechanics of a boss fight such that skill is irrelevant.

My last char was ancestral follower / servant of rot themed. You bet your ass I cheesed DTS with poison mist.
When I was able to turn any stagger into an infinite on NPC bosses / fights? Cheese. (Riposte -> Ordovis's Sword L2 -> Riposte loop)
Using the crucible shield and guard counters to mindlessly beat some bosses? Not cheese.

lol. lmao even
>and many stamina related factors into using a shield.
Not with the Fingerprint one, YOU clearly haven't tried playing with it you stupid tranny.
>incantation/sorcery only
>look inside
>it's just the melee spam "spell"
They also patched base-game Radahn to be less difficult because people were whining too much, yet most fans see that as a mistake and now he's too easy. Doesn't mean they didn't playtest Radahn, it just means they listened to pissbaby players who whined a lot.
> blows against most bosses
Objectively not true. I beat the main game yesterday with Comet Azur as my main spell. 50% of the main bosses just die without doing a single move, 45% of the bosses take enough damage to skip one of their stages, and the only boss comet was objectively bad against was Renalla.
> infinite FP tear
I mean, it's obvious.
Radahn's difficulty is subjective. Boss punish windows are objective. See the difference? Some boss windows were too short for colossal swords and weapons. Why do you From dick suckers try to pretend From doesn't make mistakes? They're my favorite developer and I've never even considered dick riding this hard.
So Lobosjr just defeated Messmer in NG+7 RL1 without any scadutree fragments, but he did take advantage of bleed proc so I guess it was just cheese after all.
>his adhd is so bad he can't even watch a minute long video before posting
hilarious stuff
Conventional fighting tactics (but with a stronger option) are never gonna be cheese
Nta but at RL1 you can't proc bleed nearly as many times as a proper level character
Nope. Try again
do the faster souls games benefit DEX more than STR?

>t. DEX chad
>Leave the multimillion dollar corporation alone!
well then I guess we need a new word to describe tactics with low risk/high reward skewed ratio
One of the most prominent Souls challenge runners. If you care about high skill PvE in souls (aka perfect rollslopping) he's worth watching despite the ocassional streamer cringe.
>no counter argument
I tired doing a second playthrough of this game and I really don't like the sekiro combos in a game where i'm moving like ds3 and that game was already roll slop
>he still hasn't watched the full video
>Boss punish windows are objective.
Subjectively, colossal weapons were too slow before the patch. Right now as the game currently exists there are punish windows that certain weapon types are fast enough to punish and other weapon types are not. Were the weapons that can't make those punish windows not play tested? Or did the developers think "it's fair for them to miss these attack windows because they do more damage than the weapons that don't miss those windows"?
I grab my Banished Knight GS for the moveset and that‘s it.
And Lordsworn SS as my backup side weapon.
There's no point in discussing them, really. The only people who bitch about it are just mad they did unnecessary extra work. If you beat it using suboptimal shit good for you, but no one cares. Complaining about it online for validation is just pathetic
>tfw the only way to beat the game is not playing the game
I didn't beat the game.
>One of the most prominent Souls challenge runners
Then why have I never seen him suggested, nor mentionned by any of the other challenge runners? I don't recall him in any of the "events" either.
I'll stick to Gino if I wanna see high skill runs.
Catch Flame and Pest Threads are just spam spells used at melee range. Keep crying bitch nigga
strength is unironically one of the easiest builds for most of the game. only enemies that have infinite poise and are extremely hard to posture break ever pose even a little bit of a challenge.

I'm willing to bet strength fags are the main people whining about the DLC being "too hard" because it has a lot of extremely high posture enemies so they have to actually engage with them instead of just armoring through everything and posture breaking in 2 swings.
Does the DLC even get much scaling from NG+s? I thought it was like Melania where it was barely like a few percentages.
Spinning strikes is better than whatever this is. Stormcaller is PVP ash.
I've used both in all of the games and yeah it does
Catch Flame and Carian Slicer are just too good.
High damage, fast start up, faster chain casting, short animation, low FP cost.
It's silly that Catch Flame is easily arguably better than O, Flame!
nice you finally watched the video, but still feel compelled to lie about it because you were caught being a fucking moron. I guess
>it's just the melee spam "spell"
is now actually 2 spells, with one being cast at range repeatedly.
That’s called “overpowered” or “OP” lmao
GS of Solitude is Michael Zaki‘s greatest gift to STRfags. Can‘t complain.
Honestly it's kind of the opposite, at least if you're willing to use a greatshield. I watched a friend of mine mulch every single boss with Fingerprint+Anvil Hammer.
True but it was still not bad at all damage wise for RL1 NG+7.
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yeah ok
>Were the weapons that can't make those punish windows not play tested? Or did the developers think "it's fair for them to miss these attack windows because they do more damage than the weapons that don't miss those windows"?
On release, colossal weapons did not do much more damage than small weapons, so it really wasn't worth trading damage with bosses when you could get consistent hits in with small weapons. This is why From increased both speed (attack speed and recovery speed) and damage of colossals.
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Just don't go into the DLC overleveled.
You are doing that, right?
star fists or bloodfiend arm?
>caught out being a fag
>n-no u!!
Try again and keep seething
If there were bosses that didn't have a single safe window for colossal weapons, you would concede your argument, I assume?
I didn't touch colossal weapons on launch unfortunately, so I can't argue that Anon's argument beyond this.
When is he going to steal Bonfire Ascetics from the B team?
I want to buttfuck a boss again, but apparently I have to wait until 100 hours later for that.
see if you had patience you could've come up with something a bit more clever to respond with. but instead in your compulsion to post, you've discarded all wit.
If you want to re-fight bosses just make a backup save or use cheat engine to re-spawn them
Nah he's still right, it's just that your friend went so extremely yang that he birthed yin.
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Wow, it's fucking nothing. Thrusting weapons are for faggots.
Not him but I find it funny that people act as if every boss MUST have a safe opening for every weapon type.
That's why I like Nihil and even wished it wasn't skipable, just so people woul be forced to take a hit.
>can't help but keep responding but blames the other's "compulsion to post"
If you truly were trying to take the high ground you wouldn't also keep replying but nice try. Try to stop projecting so hard in your little bitchfit
Should I go dex of str for the dlc?
All the cool weapons seems dex for some reason.
>I want to buttfuck a boss again, but apparently I have to wait until 100 hours later for that.
Any% speedruns take about 1h. Surely on your leveled NG character you can reach any NG+ boss in under 2h right?
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why are you complaining about an update that happened weeks ago
also I beat radahn powerstancing after this update and didn't have an insane amount of trouble with it
I just throw down my summon sign and have fun helping other people fight the boss.
Ironically that's exactly what I did as an Heir of the Sun in DS2 too.
DEX if you want to actually try most new weapons.
STR if you wanna faceroll the DLC.
I'm the guy he's arguing with. There were no bosses that had NO safe windows. It's just that some endgame bosses had some combos that couldn't be reliably punished, and it was really frustrating waiting long ass times to get a single hit when you could use a katana and get in at least 3x the hits.
>can't help but keep responding but blames the other's "compulsion to post"
the difference here is that I am doing so to see the triple down, and so far you've delivered. you post without thought or care, going so far to use the same "no u" argument you mocked not one post before this one. Maybe if you keep repeating
>u mad
you'll get that epic bantz win you oh so desperately desire, but can never obtain due to incompetence.
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I don't see a single mention of powerstancing in the patch notes
Are you dumb, or am I?
>when anon said greatswords he didn't mean greatswords but certain colossal weapon
I will never forgive From for naming entire group of weapons Greatswords, then making a Greatsword that is colossal sword.
Looks like Rakshasa blade
That would do for the boss, but it's still not the same as keeping the rewards, getting dupe boss souls and raising the entire area's level to NG+ to make it harder.
>inb4 they won't add it because people would cheese it!
Nah, I think the only problem would be making the game's progression too complex and unforgiving for normalfags to understand. They would poop and piss about how they accidentally used it at a random SoG in Caelid and fucked that area's difficulty forever.
Neither will prepare you for the final boss unless you use some specifically broken shit.
I prefer to do these facestomp runs after a regular one so it‘s easier to gauge hiw strong some builds can be.
That's a lot of words just to admit to being mad. I accept your concession
>tell him to keep running the u mad strat
>the madlad does it
to think you lads ever had the gall to call anyone else npcs
keep in mind the dex weapons aren't bad by any means, especially with status effects. They simply don't shutdown bosses like STR weapons.
You know what I'd argue was more frustrating? Getting hits in on extremely tight punish windows with daggers and still feeling like shit because your damage was so bad.
I remember I spent the entire weekend trying to get my first kill on Malenia with dual daggers. I even got really good at parrying her with dagger parry. With your shit damage you were getting waterfowled multiple times. Every mistake undid multiple hits. And your shit range meant you couldn't pussyfoot. Every time you committed to hitting you either had to stop at one/two dagger hits and be ready to haul ass or just pray she didn't waterfowl. Lose the RNG and fail to get away and the hits you take extend the fight enough that she will do at least another waterfowl.
Maybe if the unlock spin tech was well known and understood back then it would've been different. But fuck me I doubt colossals were as frustrating as that.
I haven't played the dlc, is Radahn harder than Malenia?
>Fingerprint+Anvil Hammer
fucking based
I mean, you might be the only person on earth using daggers. Most dex users use dual wield katanas, curved swords or twinblades, all of which could outdamage colossals with higher speed and recovery.
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I'd say he kills you more easily but he's not as bullshit.
People whine about phase 2 a lot because of the visuals but his moveset is basically the same, you can avoid everything by dodging left and he's pretty reasonable if you can take a hit.
He's been around since JustinTV and DS and DkS on PS3, don't know what to tell you. He's not into no hit, speedrunning or pvp as much, he mostly does challenge runs and meme runs. IIRC he was one of the first to run ladle only in DkS.
Only two months left until the Elden Ring lawsuit.

The calm before the storm.
What was your build? A standard multihit dagger build absolutely shreds, even more if you use status effects.

I guess the algorithm wasn't kind to him. I assume he stays in his corner since he never got into Bingo and Omit events.
Call me an ecleeb fag but I've never heard of him despite watching most of Gino, Bushy, Aggy, Captain Domon, Skumnut, Toto, Ainrun, Dist2, HappyHob, Starchrist, Curtis.
source or you're a retard
you're already a drooling retard but post source
Powerstancing is still strong, arguably still too strong, I always hated dual wielding builds.
Thank god for the two-handed talisman from the dlc though, really evens the playing field.
you didn't beat him
Malenia has two 'bullshit' moves that you'll need to constantly be mindful of, play around, and position yourself to avoid.
PCR has like five of them. Plus a couple that functions like a quick startup hit-confirm into long combo chains that is very likely to kill you if you play without a shield.
Still not unmanageable but expect longer practice attempts.
Two good games with one bad game is better than 2 good games with 4 terrible ones
Powerstancing blatantly doing 1,7x the damage compared to using one weapon is retarded and a threat to the balance of the game, the fact that they balanced the game by nerfing powerstancing instead of buffing lone weapons means that they want the game to be challenging not easier.
He's done collabs with dist2 since like 2015 or so , and Ellajaz, Ouroboros and HappyHob. I learned of dist2 through Lobosjr in 2016 when dist2 was routing ASS to ASS in DkS3. He's one of the OGs and in his late 30's now so maybe younger zoomzooms and gen A missed out on him.
Malenia break some in game mechanics to get the upper hand, at first it catch you by surprise but you can get used to. Radahn on the other hand directly attack your frame rate to make avoiding his attacks impossible.
Embrace pirated offline, white man.
Powerstancing colossals never felt that that strong to me, it requires way too much stats to be usable compared to a basic charged R2 build. Hell you can get a CR2 build mostly complete in Limgrave without killing any boss and you don't need to level a whole bunch for it.
>charged attack tear (and you get the stamina one as a bonus, perfect for this)
>charged attack talisman
>large club and greataxe are both free pickups in limgrave
>knight armor from roundtable for that 51 poise

I guess I just memory hole'd him. I vaguely remember some PVP stuff that was maybe him
eh, you get 1.5x str bonus + 10% more stance damage + Guard Counters + two-handing tali. I'd say it's pretty fair. PS weapons also consume a lot more stamina than one hand or two hand weapons which is very risky for learning bosses. Damage isn't everything.
>eh, you get 1.5x str bonus + 10% more stance damage + Guard Counters + two-handing tali
u wot m8?
A shame they got nerfed pretty hard
>Riposte -> Ordovis's Sword L2 -> Riposte loop
You consider this cheese? I thought its intended way to play as Crucible Tarnished.
Crucible horn to close distance and send flying any humanoid, Ordovis AoW
Also, you can call Nox twin puppets for a lore reasons or Mad Pumpkin
Ez game.
Hi /v/ what should I make sure I do before burning the sealing tree
I don't want to get locked out of 6 questlines AGAIN like I did in Base game
the npc quests that aren't pre-messmer and that's about it
You sound salty. Why would anyone care about your retard opinion when you start your post with something so seething?
Grind grave keepers cloak/duelist set it becomes inaccessible
wrong area m8
Power stancing's lame. Using two different classes of weapons in each hand to have a variety of options of attacks is way cooler.
You should be done with every npc's questline post Messmer except Thiollier. They should be either dead or missing from your game world by the point you burn the seal.
>bleed still prolapses enemies anuses
>mimic tear still SSS+
There's literally no problem. Right now I'm using Cock Skull Guillotine greatsword from the homosexual skeleton knight that protects the loli bitch and I'm having a blast. If anything becomes a problem I'll just switch to the ol' reliable. The real problem is: you fucks don't know how to have fun with a video game.
I'm done with Thioller since I did all the Trina stuff
who cares greataxes are goated
trvthnvke. all of the 'this game sucks because you have to look up the meta builds' crowd are genuinely too retarded to come up with powerful builds themselves
I never saw such things said on reddit. This kind of shit comes EXCLUSIVELY from /v/. /v/ is not only is gay, it's also extremely retarded.
Wish we got an unfingered Vyke set.
RL1 no blessing no hit, I cannot for the life of me handle Death Knights if they open with a simple walk forward,
I hate the spinning lightning slash and the blinkbolts.
>play Quake
>Rocket jump
How about you stop being gay for once?
>used summons

now go back and actually beat the game
I wonder how stats would be like if ER didn't have spirit summons,
I bet the boss kill rate would be much lower.
If ER didn’t have spirit summons the bosses would be slower/do less damage/have less HP so
Spirit Summons shouldn't get upgrades. It makes no sense to Mimic Tear tank 20x more damage than you.
you can nerf bosses by 30% in exchange for no spirit summons and I'd wager it makes no difference.
Shitters will be bad regardless of boss stats
What's the sneediest build for invading?
probably dex/int with gravity sorceries and DLC dex weaopns & ashes
Endure/Infinite poise flask Madding hand into whatever oneshot method you prefer.
Or Rock Heart double DC seal Dragon Breath
>don't roll or your cheesing
>don't attack or your cheesing
>don't move or your cheesing
yes and we got buffed. for me, it’s greataxes and hammers

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