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here's the Archive.org link

i made a siterip of monicamendez.com

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3D hentai artist Custom Udon's latest torrent with all his animations up to the latest one released in 9/9/2023:

Feel free to share torrents of other artists who create similar content
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>want to fap
>play Summer2-1 on loop
I just want to thank you all folks, been doing this for a month now.

Let's get this party started

The Grifters (1990)

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thanks for this

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Greetings, I just released the version 1 of my own archive of translated (english) Hentai manga, doujins along side with Visual Novels CG galleries and others.
I will be quite grateful if its both shared but most importantly seeded. If you wish to know more about this project check out:

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dont bother with the danbooru, I noticed it didnt had proper seeders and I stopped releasing batches of it anymore after the 4th batch of it, UBUCA structure has never changed so any release version of it should be usable to get any seeder from, v3 should maybe stil lhave some legacy seeders seeding it, it just will never go over the 99.9% in the completion range because of a couple of files that got fucked

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>Dilbert (April 16, 1989 - March 12, 2023)

Source: /r/datahoarder https://archive.is/kFcv0

The Sunday comic for March 19th, 2023 was briefly uploaded to the site a week before it was taken offline, but was removed soon thereafter. Image file is thread's opening picture.
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are you aware which site you are on?

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I couldnt find much free links to the monroe tapes, most are scrubbed and behind a paywall nowadays. I collected all ressources and packed them into a torrent.
All waves in .flac, including the handbooks and manuals and some further ressources on Remote Viewing and Astral Projection

Illumination should be free


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you should go back on your medication.

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>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)

Testimonial: I sincerely recommend Rational Recovery https://youtu.be/S53OjsF3z-w It starts a little slow but in the first video you will already find out about the falsehood of the Disease Concept and the most important part: learning to recognize the addictive voice and making the "I" / "IT" distinction. That really is the core of AVRT. In the second video you will see an emotional moment where Tom is confronted with his addictive voice when he is asked to reach for a glass of drink (resembling a cold beer). That is the shifting technique. In total there are like five videos. Just by watching the first you already learn so much there is about addiction. It totally changed my world. I used it against pornography addiction too.

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glad you like it anon!

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Previous thread >>1196628 hit a bump limit (archive: https://archive.is/BLxHD)

>The Catechism in a Year
Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 episodes, providing explanation, insight, and encouragement along the way.

Read the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days. Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter. Understand how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture. Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition. Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness for your life

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This is a recent site.

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Forgot to add the trackers lol


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Hello /t/

With the changing face of the internet and censorship as a whole I would like to personally consider siterips for archival, I do not know how to do this personally and would like your help

Question 1: is there any software that can rip a site currently without any captcha bullshit in a functional form to place on a HDD, for example archiving gelbooru with search function and tags intact so it can work entirely as an backed up offline collection?

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I found the skytorrent.in dump from 2018-02-22 on archive org. It is about 500Gb big and only has the torrent hashes as names for the torrent files. I set about making this dump usable for the lolz. I used bencode to extract what information I could from the files and created a SQLite file, then compressed the 37Gb file to about 4.4Gb with 7zip.The columns are Source_site,Date_Created,Torrent_Title,Size (in Mb),Comment,Torrent_Hash,Created_By,File_List.


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Post rips of movies, shows and animation captured off these vintage formats for that nostalgic, comfy vibe and also for archival purposes

Please state the source used if possible.

Previous thread:
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>Any chance to get Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin?

Walt Disney Animation 4K UHD Collection (2160p HDR BDRip x265 10bit AC3) [4KLiGHT]
French & English

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Independent sources of news, information, analysis, and commentary

Proper apostates of the establishment media welcome.

Try posting the sources you prefer rather than hating on someone else's choices.

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128 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Wag the Dog

After being caught in a scandalous situation days before the election, the president does not seem to have much of a chance of being re-elected. One of his advisers contacts a top Hollywood producer in order to manufacture a war in Albania that the president can heroically end, all through mass media.


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