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>Gaki no Tsukai, Documental, Wednesday Downtown, Lincoln, Knight Scoop, etc.:

>GCCX pastebin (subbed and RAW):
>GCCX collection by anon:
https://mega.nz/file/VKJVSI4a#J0z4Fmj6ldIkOGwTMgvzapQOyifFoHXFxj05RIwzxR8 (Missing video from S12)

>Takeshi's castle (subbed and RAW):

>Idol shows:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-43YkQL-F0u9JHjbaPA0_diUIq_gVftq (AKBingo subbed and RAW)
https://pastebin.com/7HtEkq6D (Random AKB48, Mechaike, SKE48 episodes)

>Tokyo Encounter (subbed):

>Denpa Shonen Nasubi 1998 電波少年 なすび (subbed):

>G4 Ninja Warrior (Minus 1 and 6-12 competition)

>Japan Hour: Road Trip Series (Subbed) 6 episodes:

>Battle For Money Sentouchuu (Sadly only the first 3 episodes are subbed out of 10):

GnT 24/7 streams:

Last thread:
Removed some links from the previous OP, but if you still want them for some reason then check the previous thread (the pastebins are still up but I'm not updating them, so some links might be dead). All of the stuff that I've removed is either in the first 4 links or on Nyaa.

These threads are disgusting.

Matsumoto is the most heinous criminal who has ever walked the planet.

Matsumoto will go down in the annals of history as the most evil man who has ever existed.

How OP can read the shocking details of his awful crimes and still dare to post his dastardly face here is beyond me.

Every show and movie he has been associated with should be burned and forgotten.
File: 1704121050863038.gif (1.21 MB, 235x195)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB GIF
cope, seethe
i cannot express how disappointing it is to attempt to archive subbed episodes. every one of these niggers is uploading the episodes to some guest account on mega.nz and then hiding the links behind yet another guest account pastebin and that's if they aren't paywalled (and the paywall probably is just mega links too, which will eventually go down). organizing the archives is a complete nightmare. ill never know what ive seen and haven't seen.
death to all niggers who can't use the internet to properly upload content.
lol this guy has no idea how good he has it
Its extremely confusing. Just download literally everything and go from there.

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