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>Gaki no Tsukai, Documental, Wednesday Downtown, Lincoln, Knight Scoop, etc.:

>GCCX pastebin (subbed and RAW):
>GCCX collection by anon:
https://mega.nz/file/VKJVSI4a#J0z4Fmj6ldIkOGwTMgvzapQOyifFoHXFxj05RIwzxR8 (Missing video from S12)

>Takeshi's castle (subbed and RAW):

>Idol shows:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-43YkQL-F0u9JHjbaPA0_diUIq_gVftq (AKBingo subbed and RAW)
https://pastebin.com/7HtEkq6D (Random AKB48, Mechaike, SKE48 episodes)

>Tokyo Encounter (subbed):

>Denpa Shonen Nasubi 1998 電波少年 なすび (subbed):

>G4 Ninja Warrior (Minus 1 and 6-12 competition)

>Japan Hour: Road Trip Series (Subbed) 6 episodes:

>Battle For Money Sentouchuu (Sadly only the first 3 episodes are subbed out of 10):

GnT 24/7 streams:

Last thread:
Removed some links from the previous OP, but if you still want them for some reason then check the previous thread (the pastebins are still up but I'm not updating them, so some links might be dead). All of the stuff that I've removed is either in the first 4 links or on Nyaa.
>>1319405 (OP)

These threads are disgusting.

Matsumoto is the most heinous criminal who has ever walked the planet.

Matsumoto will go down in the annals of history as the most evil man who has ever existed.

How OP can read the shocking details of his awful crimes and still dare to post his dastardly face here is beyond me.

Every show and movie he has been associated with should be burned and forgotten.
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cope, seethe
>>1319405 (OP)
i cannot express how disappointing it is to attempt to archive subbed episodes. every one of these niggers is uploading the episodes to some guest account on mega.nz and then hiding the links behind yet another guest account pastebin and that's if they aren't paywalled (and the paywall probably is just mega links too, which will eventually go down). organizing the archives is a complete nightmare. ill never know what ive seen and haven't seen.
death to all niggers who can't use the internet to properly upload content.
lol this guy has no idea how good he has it
Its extremely confusing. Just download literally everything and go from there.
i refuse. its just so disappointing that this community cant get it together. uploading to guest accounts on mega and hiding links and then the megas get taken down anyway. its just so bizarrely stupid. there is no way to organize this. it is a nightmare and impossible to track. it would be better if it all just stopped. just stop ripping, stop subtitling, stop it all. if you cant organize things better than this then it shouldnt exist at all. fuck all of you
It's not great but it's far better then it used to be, i remember the day of trying to gain access to shitty live journal groups because they had this one episode translated of some show because some johnny idol or whatever appeared. Like it or not we have it good now.
However ever since worst korea became more culturally relevant translation wise it became a lot worse.
desu im thinking about just using AI to sub it myself and using the japanese i know to fill in the blanks. i already have japanese television live translation set up using synthalingua. fuck these dirty subbers.
That's what I started doing, just using whisperAI then I rework the subtitles with what I know of Japanese.
All Gaki subtitling seems to have stopped, there hasn't been any episodes from 2024 added to the library, and just 4 from 2023.
calm down there is a spreadsheet with literally everything
Does the spreadsheet not lag for you? Also its a bit different then seeing the entire thing. Even though the thesilentlibrary has everything uploaded to a private server it shouldn't be that difficult. I wish there was an easier way to download shit. When a new video is translated it gets uploaded then i could just pull it. Instead I kinda have to make sure I check the twitter and then the archive naming scheme just to make sure it is the right one.
It sounds like you have some valid complaints, but this is far from "there's no way to organize this" and "it's impossible to track." If you want to be hyperbolic nobody will stop you, but if you want help or change, it's better to be accurate.

A revamped list is a long-term project in the works, so there's not much else I can do about that for now. You can probably set a script to pull the sheet on a schedule and keep a local copy, maybe that would be faster for you?

Host-wise, If you don't like mega accounts and you don't like private servers, what what would you prefer? We can't sue mega any more since the takedown, and I won't consider another service that might do the same thing down the road, but I'm always open to better file solutions.
if you're willing to buy a mega.nz subscription or sit around manually changing your proxy. does magabastard even work anymore?
>It sounds like you have some valid complaints,
I don't really have any thesilentlibrary does a great job. The only real one is just trying to figure out what has been newly translated. I know you can use twitter/folder index but if there was an option to sort by newly translated. I think what I am asking for is something like how fanbox has an option to add tags at the bottom of posts. Once clicked on the tag it'll take you to the posts with that tag sorted by newest to oldest. It could be #WDT #gaki #knightscoop #raws etc etc. Have rss that way it can be tracked easier.
>If you want to be hyperbolic
I'm not that other guy. I was just offering something constructive even though i think retards like him should be told to fuck off cause >>1320444 is right.
Oh yeah then fuck that other guy.

The best I can offer at at this moment, is if you go to the files (tsl.chikichiki) and select "The Silent Library (single folder)," you'll get a flat directory that you can sort by upload date.

Also, if you aren't already aware, you can also check the changelog at the far right tab of the spreadsheet, rather than the social media announcements, if that helps any.
Does anyone have the Dotchi Cooking Show + New Dotchi Cooking Show collection? I lost my old library and I can't find a decent torrent anymore.
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yeah thats what I was talking about the flat directory will show new uploads but thats only when you or whom ever uploads. It might be remastered subtitles or old WDT. I really dislike the WDT naming its just WDT doesn't really describe anything. btw these are just nitpicks. Would really like some alternative blog style for new content updates cause twitter is shit.
Now the WDT naming I agree with, but I wouldn't demand the uploaders write in-depth titles about which theories they test on the episode, what I usually do is watch an episode then just add on the theories to the title so I know for later watching.
>This is the only good thread I recognize from 2019 when I used to frequent
What the hell happened to this board? It used to be my go to for cool shit, but there's a new thread for every porn compilation and requestfag now.
go by the official episode list even if it jumps around?
add filters to catalog to get rid off porn
I shouldn't have to do that. I've had a little time to think about this, and it's just making me angrier and angrier. This used to be THE go to board for cool shit, but now it's just a wasteland of new threads for every porn comp and shitty request. It's not acceptable. If this doesn't change I'm going to get hyper fucking pissed. Zakennayo
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I agree that the WDT naming is a problem. The raws for shows like GnT that tend to have a single topic have a descriptive filename e.g. 「ダウンタウンのガキの使いやあらへんで!FUJIWARA原西のギャグ100連発![字]_2023-11-05_JPTVclub」 which can kind of work for everyone's theories episodes or specials, but WDT filenames would get crazy long. FWIW, there is a person who's been tirelessly submitting the theories per-episode, and I usually commit them on the spreadsheet the next time I add stuff (which is admittedly too long at the moment).

How about this: I'll scrub through WDT episodes before uploading looking for theory title cards, and I'll add those into the announcements. Probably something I should've been doing already, but in my mind the tweets were still just kind of bonus side things, rather than something people were actually paying attention to (for a long time, the spreadsheet's changelog was the only similar thing, mea culpa).

Specifically for >>1321717 I'm not sure if that list updates whenever a file is changed. I *think* so but it depends on how it's handled on the backend. I've asked the chikichikitube dev about it and will get back to you.
yeah no shit you shouldn't have to nigga but it's the only solution aside from genociding 99% of humanity who are porn addicts or even the Jewish multimillionaires who own the porn production companies
Just tested it (by adding a commented line to oolong tea), and it looks like stuff gets bumped to the top when it's updated.
The tl;dr is that coomers ruin every non-porn NSFW board
I have no idea how anyone could name the shows besides episode number. File name is waaay to long.
Yeah, I figured as much but my issue just remembering everything. I download all the new translations and still manage to get duplicate. The only way to really fix it is to download when new stuff gets post on twitter. i do appreciate all the work btw.
Ofc, we aim to please ヽ(´ー`)ノ
lol no. I think its better desu it filters out normies who can't handle the weird shit that gets posted.
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anybody got beach boys ?
Does anyone have the Yuuyake Nyan Nyan DVDs with all the appearances by Onyanko Club?

someone please provide context on this one.
>is that tanaka with "joker" makeup?
>hamada looks kinda fearful IMHO
Im not going to make rushed conclusions, but without context and sound, beyond that tanaka seems to be enjoying it, something dont sits right with me with this video. I dunno, I feel like an IA hallucinating, just making things up because of lack of information
There are 3 Tanaker episodes at this point. It's basically the same as the old "Tanaka snaps" episodes.
They made a "Joker" parody with Tanaka as the joker taking revenge on the other four since he's the one they make the most fun of on their show.
Tanaka dresses up as the joker and throws cream pies at them while they have to pretend like they're actually filming another segment and can't see him.
Obviously Hamada couldn't help but react when Tanaka got right in his face.
Looks like Matsumoto is about to be cleared of all charges and win a big settlement.
Jesus been away from this general like 3 months, still love it obvious and hopefully it remains up, I usually don't keep up with new updates because I rather take some hours to download all that I missed to watch comfy during the winter when there is less stuff to do.
Can you guys give qrd of what happened with Matsumoto ? Was now searching seems that was some Sexual Misconduct allegation that went to court if I'm not wrong.
Anyway this general rocks, it has been a while I did no lurked here so here is my bump of glory
A magazine accused him of having his juniors bring him girls for him to fuck in return for him to give them a career boost.
The magazine claimed to have several girls willing to testify, Matsumoto was immediately put on leave from all the shows he was currently working on, even though this was all rumors.
During the court case it quickly became apparent that the magazine had fuck all of actual evidence, only a couple of women came to testify and said nothing more than "Matsumoto asked me for sex, and when I refused he berated me in front of others.", which isn't a crime.
The magazine has been attempting to make the court battle last as long as possible to prevent Matsumoto to return to TV, but it's expected to soon be over and Matsumoto will win a big defamation suit settlement.
How come this shit isn't done first (or at all for most shows) on private trackers? Would be the organization and all that it needs.
What's lacking in organization now?
unsure, to me there's no visible organization at all besides one gigantic torrent. On a private tracker, one would have release information for every show, wtf the source is and who subbed, maybe even like avistaz and people upload their own subs to the release page, rules, and splitting things up so you can actually see what needs seeding, what's done, what's not, EASILY. And all of that facilitated by torrents instead of ddl and streaming shit.

And the thing is, it would just take uploading the shit from the gigantic torrent to somewhere like avistaz. Once you start to do that, you'll have an entire army of autists ready and willing to help out and share their own sources and upload your shit to trackers. Right now it seems only the batsu games are on any trackers.

But I realize this is probably one of those things where I have to be the change I wanna see, so I guess I'll look into actually DOING this if no one else cares.
https://thesilentlibrary.com/ I've been doing all of that stuff for years. The main library is mirrored across like 7 different volunteer servers globally.
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And I appreciate you and your work very much. I'm just a bit too used to trackers and the way they are organized, it's different.
Everything is public, so feel free to do whatever you like with it. I guess I just still don't understand; all the stuff you're asking for is already done. There's a spreadsheet tracking the releases with subbing group and source and such. Literally every subbed episode is logged and published and made available as a direct download. I admit that a new master torrent is a bit overdue (I think I can get around to it at the end of October). Again though, if you think there's some advantage to doing whatever it is you're talking about, please don't let me stop you. More copies of the library can't be a bad thing.
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Also, the torrent you've screenshotted is lower quality than the library's copy. I don't understand why a tracker would be an advantage here, since I can update stuff as I get new raws. Go ahead and update them with my copy, I guess.
>lower quality
yeah, I think that's actually the direction the problem really is in, i.e., private trackers don't know about you and whatever sources they use are shite. So I suppose I just need to share the good word. Anyways, wanted to reiterate how thankful I am, would never have watched more than a few clips on youtube if not for your work. I will never stop seeding.
So i can safely say we are in a very dark period when it comes to subbing. Only zwanster is really translating stutff anymore and he is just translating from already done chinese subs handed to him. Still at least he is doing it.Wonder what needs to happen for it to gain some traction again. Grim.
It's genuinely really depressing. Might be the biggest blackout we've ever had. Just a couple of years ago we were getting multiple episodes subbed every week. No clue why that changed. Very surprised we aren't even getting the odd new episode, not even from the popular series like Kiki. Don't know if the Matsumoto scandal had anything to do with it but I feel like it had already started before that. Really bums me out
This is just the churn. Subbers come and go on like a 5-20 month cycle.
>not even from the popular series like Kiki
I was honestly shocked when I looked at the RAW files in the library and saw that there were two (2) Kiki episodes that hadn't been subbed.
Does anyone have a good quality collection of the original Japanese Iron Chef? Preferably the dubbed and undubbed episodes? Found a 170gb~ torrent but the quality is awful

what the fuck did he do?
It's already been explained in the thread, read it.
Sure but even during down periods there was some minor subbing happening, Even if it was something related like an idol show or whatever.
Speaking of idols, Even those shows aren't getting subbed like they used to.
I wonder if patreon and its consequences have something to do with it.
There's like an episode-ish a month and assorted clips coming from the father jimmy crew, do those not count? I guess either way we'll se in 5 years whether this was the death of gnt fansubbing or not.
They have only really released extra contend from the yearly new year specials no? I don't see anything new in the library change log.
ive noticed this as well.
>I wonder if patreon and its consequences have something to do with it.
Yeah, I'm guessing its this. Also I know at least one fan subber got a real job but he barely uploaded content to begin with.
>5-20 month
no way. this is the worst period in a very long time. It took fucking like 2+ years for them to translate the last end of year special for fuck sake. In all honesty I feel like this might actually be good thing due to how many fucking normie shitheads want to interject themselves into Japan rn. Hopefully they all fucking forget and start being interested in dog shit south korean programming.
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Does anyone know where to find Kiki #44 Caffe Latte subs? I've been waiting for them for well over a year and it seems that everyone gave up on subtitling this episode. It's the last one with Machan and it's really good from my broken jap understanding of it.
Anyone have them?
Thanks man
Anyone know if Fujimon has been appearing on tv or not? Hopefully he doesn't disappear like miyasako
fujimon was literally on this week’s episode of gaki that aired on tv like 3 days ago
Doesn't look like it's ever been translated, several people have claimed they started translating, but nothing has actually been released yet.
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One of the people who started the translation but gave up due to personal issues actually released the Japanese ass files.
I tried looking into using automatic translation but it's a pain because of formatting.
Apparently, there's a Windows program that can translate them using Google/DeepL (or whatever) but I don't know what that program is and I don't use Windows.

Does anyone know how to translate .ass files?
Subtitle Edit can do it, but it would just be direct translation/approximate sentences from the library. Every pun would most likely be lost.
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JP subtitles are muxed into all the post-ernie tsl raws.
Nice. He's one of my favorites so I'm glad he wasn't exiled like the others
Man Hamada looks haggard af. Meanwhile Matsumoto doesn't look that much different all things considered. Guess the stress of the scandal didn't affect him physically.
This is one of the last things they recorded before the scandal became a thing, Matsumoto has not been on TV since the scandal.
Hamada has been looking rough for years, it's like he doesn't really care anymore, just going thru the motions. Yet the episodes after Matsumoto was put on leave he's a lot more spry, he knows he has to keep the ship together until Matsumoto comes back.
Actually I'm not even right about that, it's just the last KiKi recorded before the scandal, just checked the library and this episode is from February 2023.
Someone posted this on /jp/ but i felt it belonged here too. Finally some good variety for once.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGQT5NPW2eM [Embed] [Embed]

The new variety show "KILLAH KUTS" by Downtown staff for Amazon Prime is being advertised as too extreme for TV, including concepts like dueling with tasers.

>EP 1: Stun Gun Sports
>EP 2: Anesthesia Dying Message
>EP 3: A race where participants must ask people on the street if they're politically left or right-wing and then turn accordingly
>EP 4: Male Virgin Mafia Game
This honestly looks like it could've been rejected theories on Wednesday Downtown
>EP 2: Anesthesia Dying Message
Yeah you can see how this is Wednesday segments they can't do on TV. Half-euthanizing comedians to give them near death experiences probably does not fall under compliance.
Anyone know where I can find LOVE LOVE あいしてる ?
It's got these PuriPuriPretty interview segments with Tomoe Shinohara that I enjoy.
rumors are Matsumoto is returning to wednesday downtown. I guess on the tbs website there was some matsumoto+hamada banner that was up announcing.
>it's like he doesn't really care anymore
he's a rich, famous 60-something year old that's wanted to retire for years at this point and he's still stuck getting smacked in the balls.
Johnny Knoxville at least had the common sense to only do a handful of movies/shows then quit.
Jungle Pocket's Shinji Saito just retired due to him I guess molesting some girl in the company van
Not true matsumoto loves doing this stuff. I rhino he might come off a bit stans offish now just cause he's old
We were talking about Hamada

>he's still stuck getting smacked in the balls
Not so sure about this, how many years has it been since Hamada took an actual punishment?? And I'm talking a serious hit, not the foam bats they use on their padded asses.
People are saying he just went with it without fighting it at all.
>Shinji Saito
Really liked him but his popularity was dwindling anyway so i guess he just accepted it.
He was out for awhile due to health issues he was in the hospital for awhile
Actor Toshiyuki Nishida dies at age 76 at his home in Tokyo
Night scoop
I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone.
Great actor and tarento, Loved him in outrage.
Any subbed Ametalk episode?
ahh shit it's that actor from Doctor X
anyone ever made a list / compilation of gaki members eating food / food related episodes?

would love to eat din din while watching 'em eat
>Absolutely Tasty
#667, #696, #713, #726, #734, #760, #784, #797, #829, #834, #853, #891, #1001, #1059, #1126, #1316, #1317, #1368, #1384, #1489, #1521

>Food Marathon
#859, #970, #971, #995, #996, #1019, #1020, #1069, #1070, #1107, #1108, #1392, #1393, #1413, #1414, #1434, #1435, #1458, #1459, #1475, #1476, #1668, #1669
>would love to eat din din while watching 'em eat
>>Absolutely Tasty
99% of dishes on AT are disgusting. It's one of my least fav shows that they do. I always gag a bit at some of the "dishes" they prepare. I fail to understand why this shit is popular.
KIKI is vastly superior IMO.
>i fail to understand
because its funny you idiot. Sometimes they try to make something different other times its just them forcing each other to eat gross shit.
I miss seeing them force Heipo into situations he hates
>99% of dishes on AT are disgusting.
At most there might be 3 dishes out of the 10 they make each episode that is gross, and usually because Matsumoto is just fucking around with the ingredients for comedic effect.
Most of the dishes are just bland or odd, then there's a couple that they say actually taste good.
Manga artist and artist Kazuo Umezu passed away. He used to be on Gaki a lot. Rip to a great artist.
Damn, I wish the guy translating WDT would stick to WDT. Now he's doing gaki and it just seems like a waste to me
He is looking for a extra bit of income. No surprise there. In other news i have been testing out AI translation with Atrain and results are promising. Still needs some work but it is close to getting there (think 90% accurate) and finishes a 45 minute video in around 10 minutes.
Matsumoto dropped the lawsuit, apologized to the women and seems to have moved on. Both parties say they haven't settled (received or gave away any money to one another) either. Seems pretty weird desu.
Read the yoshimoto release
reddit is fucking dog shit.

Matsu-chan complete victory

・In the end, there was no physical evidence to show whether or not there was coercion.
・Matsumoto's side has effectively won, so there is no point in continuing the trial any further.
・No money was exchanged between the other party.
・No sexual assault occurred, but we would like to apologize to any women who participated who felt uncomfortable.
I wouldn't say its weird besides a long af lawsuit that would require Matsumoto be off the air. Matsumoto also posted about it
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>Matsu-chan complete victory
Delusional af. He lost because he sued and dropped when he realize he'd lose. He's funny af but messed up in head... just going by all these women have been saying. Even if half of it is true.
>require Matsumoto be off the
It was a self-imposed absence because he knew he'd get heckled and all the feminazis would protest him and advertising companies.

He'll come back if he thinks he can get away with it and there won't be much opposition. We'll see what these women do. They might file a lawsuit of their own and seek for some money.
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Latest on Machan.
>Girl claiming something happened to someone she hasn't talked to for years herself 8 years ago.
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We shall see. I don't see an easy/quick way for Machan to return on WedDown or GnT.
Problem are advertisers and the backlash they might get.
Japan is a very different society even from 5 years ago. All the garbage ideologies from the US have poisoned the minds of their women and people in general.
>Not to mention she just happens to speak out about it right after it's announced Matsumoto will come back to TV, why didn't she say anything during the trial??
>why didn't she say anything during the trial
What trial? There was no trial. They withdrew the lawsuit because they knew they were going to lose.
Whoever was advising Machan is a fucking idiot. They should have handled this like every other high-profile scandal was handled: a public apology. He would have been back on TV by now.
>Whoever was advising Machan is a fucking idiot.
I think something happened behind closed doors, they must have come to some sort of agreement that we don't know about.
There were those rumors early on that Matsumoto pissed off someone higher up and this entire thing was a big sham just to punish him and show him that he's not untouchable just because he's been considered one of the top comedians for so long.
That is not what happened they both agreed and both apologized. Matsu-chan couldn't come back if he had a pending lawsuit. you fucking retard.
Are you retarded? They both came to the decision during close door meeting. If you actually read what happened everyone involved apologized. I'm pretty sure Matsumoto could have won but it would have taken fucking forever. The only problem was that Matsumoto took way to long to sue them.
Did anyone watch the newest zwanstwr subbed Wednesday Downtown with Chance Oshiro? Am I reading it wrong or did Chance get raped at gunpoint by a gay Yakuza when he was younger?
the fuck for real?
I'm just drawing conclusions from what was said in the video, I'm not sure if it actually happened or not.
lol i havent watched this yet

This website used to have a lot of nice tv subbed tv show. Sadly the owner abandoned it.
I used to look for updates on it for about a year after he stopped lol. Man...
He was one of the most prominent subbers for a good while. The one or two subbers left could learn a thing or two from him.
When the fuck is Matsumoto coming back? I'm so sick of these retarded women who can't take responsibility for their own actions
he might be coming back at the end of year special.
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God I wish this to be true.
I hope so too. I hope someone streams the entire thing if it happens. I'd just rewatch it after 5yrs it takes those fuckers to translate it.
Isn't it kind of a bit too late to do a Batsu game this year? Usually they used to film them in November, IIRC. And people spotted the Batsu bus in even before the filming started. Unless this year it'll be on a much smaller scale even when compared to the last one.
Of course. Which means this story is pure BS.
Matsumoto's gonna have hard time coming back due to woke advertisers.
They should just bring him back and see how advertisers just don't give a fuck.
>how advertisers just don't give a fuck.
If that were true, don't you think they would have done it a while back?
Japan is not what it used to be. Decades of globohomo brainwashing has fucked them up.
For what I understand if they are in a lawsuit they won't be allowed on but after this it's possible that he returns.
Did Kurochan get married? Or was it just a GF?
The lawsuit have been dropped on both sides, Matsumoto were said to return to TV, but sponsors expressed concern and they decided to hold Matsumoto back for a little while yet.
The most annoying person on JapTV. He's the worst.
lol hes hilarious. I think hes married. His YT of his house is fucking trash.
>lol hes hilarious.
he's a parasite and a liar.
> I think hes married.
what woman would be desperate/stupid enough to marry him?
>His YT of his house is fucking trash.
everything about him is trash.
some woman did marry him or its his gf. DUnno which.
it's all just a scripted play.
Do you really not understand he is playing a character?
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I hope we can get GnT this year, man 2024 has been awful to me, and I need some relief, also, the world it is in such shittified state that some laughs would not hurt.
>what woman would be desperate/stupid enough to marry him?
Come on dude, humans, let alone women, are stupid as we can get. You'll see all the time some women tangled with criminals and or sociopaths because they want money and "respect", Most of the time they end dead by his enemies of by his own hands. Men get tangled with crazy bitches just because they offered sex, and there is also the belief that a man that rejects a woman that offers sex its either gay or a pussy. So either staged or not, to doubt human stupidity depths is proof of your own naivete.
I agree with you and from what I've read and seen Kuro-chan seems to act the same way behind the scenes as well, but the other anon is right. There are a bunch of retarded women, just like men. I mean for fucks sake, some chick is dating Chris-chan.
no, i really think they married or gf or someone did.
There was talk about him wanting to marry her, but I've yet to hear about any actual wedding, they're still just boyfriend/girlfriend.
And from the special they did early this year they look like they're barely that, they still don't live together, she visits him maybe once every week, and she still looks uncomfortable as fuck every time they sit on his couch and he tries to get frisky.
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Any threads for Japanese-learning resources?
Yes, at least two. If you can't find them you have no hope of learning Japanese.
>Matsumoto Hitoshi aims to resume activities next spring, launching his own channel with partner Hamada Masatoshi
>It was revealed on the 25th that Downtown's Matsumoto Hitoshi (61) is aiming to resume his activities next spring.
>Rather than using existing TV station programs or YouTube channels, his management agency Yoshimoto Kogyo revealed his intention to launch his own channel together with his partner Hamada Masatoshi (61), stating that "we will be broadcasting independently."
>"We will announce the details as soon as they are decided," the agency said.
So Gaki will either die or continue without Matsumoto. Same with Wednesday Downtown, I guess.
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Macchan is back.
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Hamada and Matsumoto used to be highest-paid celebs in Japan.
I don't really understand why even bother with this shit? Is this someway to show that advertisers aren't afraid of Matsumoto? Do they mean his own network tv channel? So hes gonna pull all the talent from Yoshimoto or the fuck?
why is he saying he doesn't make much money? pretty sure they should have made enough money to last forever at this point?
silent library guy the silent library single folder is confusing tf outta me. why is Kiki cafe lattee part 1/2 above cookie's find a new hollywood star even though it was released just recently? This is what I mean by confusing. Now i'm lost at which WDT i've missed.
I see that! It looks like it's pulling the date from the file modification, rather than the actual upload to the server. I'll talk to chiki admin and see if they have a way to change that. If not, I'll just make sure that I'm touching the files before they go up so that they go in the order added.
These files were originally shared by Owent10 on Reddit via links in a pastebin. The pastebin is included as Shabekuri Sources.txt. All links downloaded except for the episodes behind a registration. I didn't rename any files. I will be seeding for a couple of weeks, then delete these files.

Thanks, Will download them to see how they align with my own collection.
So is he going not a Youtuber but a streamer? There is a saying on my memecountry that goes: "it's in jail and in hospital where you'll know friends" meaning that when facing real shitshows that threatens either your health or your health status, you'll know who's gonna hold your back / cover your ass and who were with you only for show. Seems that he learned the hard way and not liked what he found out. I mean we know that fame is fleeting, but to suddenly thinking going online means that he is not feeling safe and sound on TV anymore and / or the traditional celebrity system has turned lots back on him. While risky, i think its the right choice to decouple from the system and start its own thing. Even in my country some celebrities found their way out the traditional systems and started their own things, I think that Matsumoto and company still have the numbers (as in potential viewers if not also in money) to pull this.
Lurk on Nyaa
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>So is he going not a Youtuber but a streamer?
From my understanding, it's going to be programmed like a TV channel but will be available through a streaming service only. It basically won't be on-demand like Netflix, Prime, YT etc.
I think they can pull it off. If they allow subscriptions from outside Japan, I'll give them a sub.
It sounds like a shitty cope to me. I want it to succeeded but I can't imagine them letting all the other Yoshimoto comedians that made downtown so good onto this streaming service. I might be wrong but it seems like comedians all have strict contracts about who goes on where. If they do let them on downtowns channel whats the point? just let him back on tv or maybe this is way to sneak him back on? I dunno but it seems a stretch. It'll be cool but very limited.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't really care anymore. If it succeeds, great, if it doesn't I still have 30 years of Gaki no Tsukai to watch.
i've watched all 30yrs of it. You call yourself a fan?
I certainly haven't seen all 30 years of Gaki, but I've seen every translated episode so I think I count as a fan.
Unfortunately for me I could never be bothered to learn Japanese well enough to watch it unsubbed.
It's over
>Supposedly Nakai and most likely Matsumoto sexually coerced and assaulted FujiTV announcers
>Nakai actually retired
>FujiTV held a press conference that lasted for 10h (from 4PM to 2AM)
>FujiTV president has resigned
I also checked Twitter and what's trending in Japan currently. Weekly Bunshun is #1 regarding this whole fiasco and something else, how they lied or something.
i dont think this is related to anything matsumoto did and even so seems unrelated to him. Also lmao at all these fucking morons mad that matsu and hosei talk about young girls. I fucking hate these western faggots.
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another one.
what was even going on? she was forced to go to a hotel with him how? he dragged her? this shit is just getting ridiculous.
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Not even. He made a move, she said no, he got pissed and left.
This is the video where she explains her side:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMaDB3ieMSk [Embed]

Also, some speculation about Downtown Channel.
what exactly is she saying here? if it was nothing why don't they just sue them or just ignore it?
happy birthday Housei! 57!
hosei, my friend...
They are getting so old. I know many don't ever really retire as long as health permits but it still feels weird seeing them turn into old man.
We all get old whats the difference? Many older comedians keep doing stuff till they are old as shit. I really appreciate that they can continue being funny. I think the only thing I don't really care for is when they pull the rank/elder stuff cause if you watch all there older stuff Hosei was free to talk shit about Hamada/machan. I think cookie and hollywood do it a bit tho
Hey silentlibrary torrent anon, does the newest torrent have rename/move scripts hidden somewhere? Manually doing it for now.
Unfortunately, it does not; such a thing is beyond my abilities. Be aware as well that there are files that have been updated, but still share the same name.
>>1319405 (OP)
where can I find this stuff but with japanese subtitles?
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This motherfucker is just the Japanese Carrot Top. I hate him so fucking much.
Cookie essentially just got too popular for his own material.
His popularity suddenly exploded, but he didn't update his act, he just kept doing the same thing.
That said, when he isn't doing his comedy and is just a guest on a show as himself, just speaking, he can be damn funny.
I've muxed the og Japanese subs into the really big raw files from Gaki no Tsukai, Wednesday Downtown, and Knight scoop in the TSL raw wing from around the start of 2023.
sweet, thanks
Will a seed connect to the GCCX torrent this year? Or is that one just done? Should I delete all these partial files?
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Anyone got Yoshiko and the Demon Kings Castle?
Bullshit cookie is hilarious. Hollywood is more close to carrot top. Also maybe you just don't get cookies jokes. Hollywood and cookie both have a yt channel. it's fucking hilarious. I do think Hollywood can be annoying.
I hated Hollywood until the he deployed the tactical YouTube poop on Documental. It was crazy to do it at all, but what was crazier was that it was probably the most dangerous play of the season.

Then again, I still sort of hate him, especially the nonsense words.
>nonsense words
thats just his style. There are a couple of Wednesdays that he is featured on that are translated. hilarious even though its basically carrot top/tom green type shit. Cookie is still top though.
Can't stand him. He's just not funny at all. He should stick with art.
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what was the fallout from this?
He stopped appearing for a while but has been back on TV for a bit now.
he had to say sorry and do the usual shit but hes back now and he just got mocked for hit and run joke on the latest hollywood and cookie yt vid.
how do you not like him? Really how do you even like JP comedy if you don't like cookie. Cookie has done skits for gaki year end show a couple of times. downtown has done multiple skits with him as well maybe his humor is to Japanese or something.
>how do you not like him? Really how do you even like JP comedy if you don't like cookie. Cookie has done skits for gaki year end show a couple of times. downtown has done multiple skits with him as well maybe his humor is to Japanese or something.
When was he funny on Gaki? I only remember him when he played that billionaire American and it was a complete cringe and I didn't laugh once.
He's awful.
We don't post torrents in the thread, we only gossip.
Matsuchan is back???
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What did he do to his face? Surgeries?
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Looks like Hamada has been sick for a few months? Hope he's alright.

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