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Post rips of movies, shows and animation captured off these vintage formats for that nostalgic, comfy vibe and also for archival purposes

Please state the source used if possible.

Previous thread:
Looking for Aguirre, The Wrath Of God
Either English or German is fine but preferably the English dub.
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Anyone have Gremlins 2?
The 1997 Home Alone VHS is ripped, but does anyone have a copy of the 1991 VHS fully ripped please?

Questions on this topic.
How do you best go about ripping a video tape. I can easily encode DVD using handbrake etc. But never touched a vhs not even sure how I would get source to computer.

My other question is what content is it you vhs guys want to watch.

Finally couldn't someone just use filters and cropping to get the vhs aesthetic.
Japanese Mega Learning Pack:

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Anyone have laserdisc rips of Batman and Batman returns?
How does a thread like this blow up last year but die this year? Have zoomers really taken over?
You saying that makes me sad that I only now just discovered this thread...
I use an Elgato Video Capture device to do mine. It has an easy setup (composite/s-video out on one end, USB into the computer for the other) and comes with a simple software package. Maybe this is on the cheaper side as far as archiving goes, but I have made close to a hundred digital rips this way, maybe even more.


>My other question is what content is it you vhs guys want to watch.

I am building a library of mostly mainstream VHS releases and putting them on an external. I've been grabbing them up from thrift stores for cheap and feeding them into the VCR one after the other. I guess you could say that, in my imagination, I'm bringing the video store back from the dead. Eventually I'm going to start pulling in old comfy ADV/Central Park Media anime releases.

>Finally couldn't someone just use filters and cropping to get the vhs aesthetic.

You could, but you aren't going to get an authentic experience out of it, either way. For me it doesn't count unless it's been genuinely ripped from a source. The "soul," so to speak, hasn't been extracted from the shell. You're also going to be missing classic, nostalgic movie previews.
Anyone haz Pretty Baby LD-rip?
Looking for an uncut VHS rip of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Found a rip here recorded from a TV broadcast but it's just a bit too degraded.
I had one of those DTV converter boxes from when over-the-air TV broadcast switched from analog to digital (2008 I'd guess). Hooked up the VCR with component cables and then hooked that into my computer firewire (through a USB dongle). From there the DTV box popped up in Adobe Premiere as a webcam and I simply recorded the input and exported it like I would any other file. A few times re-encoding with handbrake to correct file size issues. Havent done it in years but I assume this methodology would basically still work.
Your neighbor impresses you by being the first on the block with a VHS Betamax.

In a few years someone gets this Selectavision confused with the disc format of the same name by the same company while buying a copy of Raiders of the Lost Ark
Anyone have Deadly Sins (1995)? All I can find is a few of those scam sites where they ask for money if you don't want the download to take 7 hours.
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Bump for cozy thread.
Does everyone know about rarelust.com ? Lots of vhs rips. You can search by vhs tag.
Also does everyone watch Dave’s archives on YouTube? He uploads vhs rips of commercials and does a cozy livestream on fridays.
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vhs's are getting hard to find
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>I guess you could say that, in my imagination, I'm bringing the video store back from the dead.

At the age of 37, I see the appeal, especially for people who visited rental stores in their youth.

I left home when I was 19 in 2005. Even back then electronics had fascinated me, I started a project book where I listed devices and components and tools that I would need...but due to my studies, I never did any of it.

Then, in the middle of my so-called boredom-induced middle age crisis and corona shut-downs, I sought that book while visiting home while I remembered its existence. Then I ordered high-school level electronics books and tools and restarted the hobby I left behind in 2005 - over 15 years later.

There's just something about bringing back "dead" things from 20-30 years ago, whether it's a project or a device. It also connects my past and present, now there's Arduino, Raspberry Pi, coding tutorials etc. to work on.

I dunno. It's feels like completing a path. Being young was not always consistent and easy in early 2000s (and it wasn't, and isn't, supposed to be) and somewhere along the way, a part of the inspired young me got lost in adult life and never really crossed any finish line.

Connecting with the era and the present form of it finishes a lot of things for me. I feel at peace now, more ready to start new things too :)
i cant believe nobody has posted a vhs rip of the x files.

i want to believe
I need to get my VHS collection out of my garage before they finish disintegrating from the heat and humidity assuming they haven't already.
they're pretty resilient..I left mine in an outdoor storage for 15 years, they're all fine -20 -33 degrees every year
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>Drive In Cult Classics

I'm big fan of picrel and am looking for more "vansploitation" movies.
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Congrats on finding your path anon. I’m sure many people will enjoy your handiwork.

It’s normal for high IQ people to be lost in this society in their early adult years. We mature slower and there’s no guidance of the type that would be beneficial to us.

I didn’t pull everything together until my late 30s also. Then it all snapped into place and I’m successful and at peace.

t. high IQ INTJ
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teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ml6JT1Zglg
Thank you for the ray of hope.

Got a solution for replacement idler assemblies?

What are the equivalent maintenance headaches for laserdisc?
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Warriors of the wind (1985)
This is the butchered US version of Nausicaa. Highest quality version available.
Make sure to select 1080p from the settings cog if streaming it.
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Pointlessly bumping with mention of the reel-to-reel EIAJ-1 VTR.

Anyone seen any online recordings from one of those? They'll be B&W
The Bush Baby anime (English Dub)

Only shown in Canada, never released.
Got uploaded to youtube by someone who had them on VHS tapes. Saw this a child and loved it, so I downloaded every upload. Good thing too, youtube took them down when I went to look for them later to send to a friend. Created a torrent file but piratebay's registration/login system seems to be broken so I'm sitting here with a torrent file and no leechers. Just converted to a magnet link.

This doesn't seem to be working, but I did find another version of this on Nyaa:

Bush Baby (minus Ep8 for some reason) -

Bush Baby Ep8 -
Piggybacking this, but what's the average amount of money I'd have to spend to get a decent capture setup for tape? Also, does anyone do laserdisc rips?
Star Wars (1977) BetaMax rip

I use a Geffen composite to HDMI scaler then a HDMI capture card, I used to use VLC to capture but I'd end up with 100gb files, now I use Magewell capture express. Blackmagic gear doesn't work with VCR's without a timebase corrector so don't waste your money.

you used to be able to find the Geffen on ebay for about $70
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) laserdisc rip
this one has the fucked up music tracks that people like for some reason.

Looking for an Akira rip with original english dub. laserdisc preferred but will take a hi-fi vhs.

almost 400GB of VHS rips:

>Warriors of the wind (1985)

Absolute mad lad! Many thanks for the treasure trove of VHS films! I checked a bunch of these and I couldn't find them anywhere on my normal torrent sites. So, that is a fantastic find!
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Long shot but someone has to have the laserdisc rip of the 1999 Yu-Gi-Oh Movie. All that's available online is the VHS rip and it's a bad one.
this one appears to be working

Personally I use the IO-Data GB-USB2, of the low-mid budget range it seems to have the best quality chipset. Unfortunately it has to be imported from Japan and the driver sucks.
On the software side, I've had best results by capturing lossless video (HuffYUV, Lagarith, FFV1) in VirtualDub2. This can be converted to something more useable like H.264 later on. (along with potential de-interlacing or de-telecine)

I started with a similar solution to yours, but the upscaling resulted in lower quality video and the de-interlacing was blending frames which is hard/impossible to fix with further encoding.
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*IO-Data GV-USB2
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Does anyone have an uncut Laserdisc or Rental VHS rip of Bad Lieutenant? This one has been driving me nuts for a while now as those two are the only versions of the film to be unaltered from the theatrical release.

From IMDB: "The out of print NTSC laserdisc (along with the out of print NTSC videocassette) are the only complete, uncut versions of the film which feature the song 'Signifying Rapper' by Schoolly D on the soundtrack. It was removed from later versions due to legal reasons. Both are now valuable collector's items."

What kills me the most is there's someone over on originaltrilogy that has already gone through the effort of ripping the laserdisc and mixing the audio into the blu-ray release, but is only willing to share with "contributing members." there is also a rip on 1337x lies about having the original theatrical audio. If anyone has a link for any of these copies I'd be extremely grateful.
Not exactly what you're asking for, but hopefully enough? Pulled from RareFilmm's Twitter account;

"Fandub using a DVDRip and synched with the uncompressed audio track from the '95 Laserdisc (which is cut and open matte) DVD has the OAR. Audio commentary by Ferrara also included

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MY MAN! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for, should be easy to remux the audio from this into the blu-ray. Thank you SO much.
No probs dude, care to up the remux when you do? Wouldn't mind having it myself
Went looking through RareFilmm's twitter to find that someone named "JFrankensteiner" already went through the trouble of adding the laserdisc, retail, and the two commentary tracks and syncing them to the blu ray. For some reason however the video file was a 30fps interpolation with terrible and obvious smoothing effects. It really wasn't much work to find another copy that wasn't fucked up and put the audio files on that release instead.

Here's a link to the fixed copy in Base64:
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I'm after the 1993 Laserdisc of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Can anyone help me track down some older films?

Things (1993 series of 5 films)
Ghoul School (1990)
Time Runner (1993)
Zombie Army (1991)
The Wiz Kid (1989)
The Lost Treasure of the Grand Canyon (2008)
Militia (2010)
To Survive (2014)
Rabid Rage (2008)
Rising Dead (2007)
The Invaders: Genesis (2010)
i really want to rewatch lord of the rings trilogy
to clean my eyes from rings of power, before you ask no i did not listen to the internet
+1 for either LD or VHS
bump. i loved watching this one.
ran out of seeds at 99.7 been that way a few weeks :(
Retards: I'm attempting to rip some tapes of TV recordings from the late 80s, with a component to HDMI converted, fed into an HDMI capture card (picrel), but I keep getting "no signal" on my monitor and capture, any advice? I could get a component capture card, or I could get a less shite HDMI capture card
Cant trust you. Post a photo of your setup so we can see what you may be doing incorrectly. Is everything hooked up, including power?
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I mistyped, it mostly works fine, but occasionally it drops to "no signal" for maybe ~10 seconds. This is running from the composite to HDMI converter into the monitor. The brand is neoteck
You got a problem with one of your components. I'd need to be there to troubleshoot so I cant help you. All I can suggest is you replace one item at a time until everything works. Sorry, I know thats not what you wanna hear.
I made a 1080p upscale myself and tried posting it to YT, but some asshat in Mexico DMCA'd me and put a strike on my channel for 3 months.

My copy is from a commercial tape rented back in the day. Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a magnet to post. Any guidance would be helpful.

Ultimately I'd love to take the audio from this and put it to a BR of Nausicaa, but there's a few scenes in the beginning that have onscreen dialogue or credits. They must have gotten clean copies from the studio at the time.
This might help.
Anyone have Disney's Robin Hood? The blu-ray is one of those DNR'd releases like Sword In the Stone. I'd love a LD rip of it.
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Thanks! If I did anything wrong with the torrent, let me know.

Warriors of the Wind (1985) VHS AI Upscale 1080p

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A 35mm scan is out there. It's not ideal as it does have a few splices, but it looks pretty stunning otherwise.
Best solution would be to patch the splices with another source like LD or DVD, but it's hard to match up the footage without distracting "jumps".

>Robin Hood (1973, 35mm print)
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As for Laserdisc, here is a capture of the Japanese LD.

>Robin Hood (1973) 1990 Japanese Laserdisc SF058-1708

Includes both 2.0 English audio from the PCM track and 1.0 Japanese from the analog FM track.
This is interlaced video (MBAFF) so make sure your player has deinterlacing turned on. (some should do so automatically)
>AI Upscale
Fucking zoomers kill them all
Fantastic! Many thanks anon.
I'm not a film expert though, how badly do the splices affect the 35mm scan? Is it like a couple missing seconds or what?
Yes, splices are parts of the film that got damaged through use and lost a few frames.
There aren't too many on this print and it doesn't make it unwatchable, (everyone had to deal with this before home video) it's just a little distracting when it happens.
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>Lady and the Tramp (1955) 1998 US Academy Laserdisc 14673 AS

This is the only official home video release of the Academy version of the film, which was native 1.37:1. (close to 4:3)
All other 4:3 releases before and since this LD are nasty pan & scans of the more common CinemaScope version. (2.55:1)
Disney shot the film twice in both CinemaScope and Academy to support both newer and older film theaters in 1955.
Differences mostly include different arrangements of the animation cels and backgrounds, and a few alternate shots. (Example: 23:55 on Side 1)
CinemaScope is definitely the preferred ratio for this today, but the Academy version is an interesting curiosity.

Includes 2.0 Dolby Surround from the PCM track and 1.0 from the left analog FM track. The mono audio is used as default, it's closer to the original.
The original Laserdisc has a 5.1 Dolby Digital track on the right analog channel. It's not possible to rip without special equipment and later LD players, but Disney's audio remixes aren't much to write home about anyway.
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Sorry anons, had to redo this one due to some messed up naming.

>Lady and the Tramp (1955) 1998 US Academy Laserdisc 14673 AS (fixed)
Do you have timestamps for when this happens in the 35mm scan? I might be able to edit in the missing frames with the LDrip.
Bumping with some more Disney kino

Laserdisc fan restoration of Fantasia (1940) which restores the 2 original audio mixes and censored content.

And a fan restoration of Sword In The Stone (1963) which restores the original mono mix and open matte presentation
Good luck if you want to try, it would take a lot of work.
Best method to find them is probably playing both sources simultaneously to find where they desync. I think using an open matte DVD source rather than the LD would give a more precise result for this as LDs often have minor splices of their own. (usually during reel change points, which is hard to notice)

I've noted down a few, but there are a lot more. These are some of the longer splices:
>00:29:58 (scanner used some replacement footage of their own here)
>00:53:27 (pic related)
I'll probably just watch it as is then. I'll also download the LD rip to have both one that is really high quality and one which is more intact.
ai upscale! ...and totally not a ripoff of a certain David Lynch movie released in 1984... smells of good quality through and through
Interesting anon. I'm going to try this.
Thanks anon. This is good work. But uncensored?? What if someone sees a black picaninny centaur?? They'll be scarred for life and maybe even want to go eat a Sambos.
Should I rip VHS Harmony Gold's Windaria?
Warriors of the Wind? It's all footage from Nausicaa: Valley of the Wind, which is readily available in 1080p+. The real treasure is the dub.
In fact, Dune was just a ripoff of Laurence of Arabia. No, really.
Likewise, it's really just the dub that's valuable but the crummy video would make piecing together the HD source possible.
Anyone got a rip of Phantom of the Ritz? Only ever came out on VHS and LD
Any aspergeranon's have any of the following on LD?
>Gunsmith Cats
>Jungle Emperor Leo Movie
>Little Nemo
>Golden Boy
>Raggedy Anne and Andy Musical Adventure
>The Last Unicorn
>The Devil and Daniel Mouse
>Dersu Uzala

Kindly appreciated
Anybody got any Serial Experiments Lain rips in Japanese?
Boomer actually.
I can see the parallels, but Nausicaa goes into more environmental issues than Dune.

Question: As a boomer I prefer to clean up my analog rips and sharpen them with AI. As someone who grew up with vinyl and VHS that was then surpassed in clarity (IMO) by CD and DVD, what do ppl here want from their VHS and LD rips? The analog grain? Interlace lines? flagging? Mono audio hiss? What?
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agreed, let alone all this AI upscale shit is gonna have to get redone in 10 years as AI keeps getting better and better. Id rather have the source rip in all its low quality horror.

Fucking Zoomers.
Anyone have Halloween (1978) ?
Long shot, but does anyone have Rap Master Ronnie- A Report Card? I try to watch weird Presidential movies every President day and I have a copy, but unfortunately my old VHS started eating tapes and now I'm outta luck.
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>An American Tail (1986) 1987 US CAV Laserdisc 40536

This version is in open matte and includes the original theatrical audio from the LD's digital PCM track.
The 5.1 remix used on DVD/BD is heavily altered, and includes alternate music cues, added cartoony SFX and added/alternate voice lines. (most notably the orphans near the end, who have kid voices in the original but adult voices in the remix)
Theory is that the 5.1 remix used an earlier version of the stems by accident, and Universal never bothered fixing it. It doesn't seem like any of it was newly recorded for the DVD, as the remix-only music cues showed up on the full soundtrack release a few years back.
This LDrip includes the (LD only) special presentation and trailer from the end of Side 3.

>An American Tail (1986) 2003 US DVD Remux + Theatrical Mix

The Blu-ray is a DVNR'd mess, but the open matte DVD looks perfectly fine. This remux adds the (synced) theatrical audio from the Laserdisc.
>Rap Master Ronnie- A Report Card


Found a clip from Jmi Morris.

Maybe the full movie is uploaded to youtube?
Anyone have a rip of the Fox release of My Neighbor Totoro? I want the English voice cast that I grew up with and not the re-cast Disney ones.
just wondering what the value is ?
my dad threw out 200+ vhs after he moved since he didnt have a vhs player anymore and just uses dvd blueray
Are there any 007 James Bond Laserdisk rips or full matte movies?
from Nyaa

this seems as good a place to ask as any. have any of you guys tried the HDMI to AV converter to watch stuff on your CRT from your PC? i got one and it works, but the diagonal scanlines are super annoying. anyone else have this issue? i dont want to keep buying cheap converters and getting the same problem
fucking noob.
Archive.org has the first 3 Bond movies.
Regarding open matte I'm pretty sure the first 3 Bond movies as well as a couple of the Dalton movies, Goldeneye, Quantum of solace and Skyfall have open matte versions. Quantum of solace & Skyfall had open matte ITV airings, not sure about the other Bond movies in open matte, probably the odd obscure home video release.
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Star Wars: 4K83
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What I'm trying to find is a VHS Dub of Flying Dagger. Comedy kung fu flick that I enjoyed back in the day. No, not the DVD release or the other two "flying dagger" tittles amazon keeps trying to sell me. I bought an old VHS copy but the copy broke before I could archive it.
I also found the WuTang collection had a SUB version on youtube, but the English DUB is so much better.
Looking for dracula 1974 with Jack Palance. Made by Chris Curtis
Anyone have the vhs or dvd version of this tv movie?
it says here:
Two versions were created, one for American television and a slightly gorier print for theatrical distribution in Europe. The European version first surfaced on VHS in America in the 1980s hosted by Elvira. In 2002, the TV version was released on DVD by MPI, and they subsequently issued the theatrical version on blu-ray in 2014.

so it would be from the 1980s some mystery year it seems if anyone can help.
I have a VHS recorded off the air copy of Pulp Fiction. With ads. Is there interest in tv edits of films? Has anyone ever uploaded this one? Been thinking of digging out my old composite video capture device and bringing my old VCR up to my computer.

Oh and this thread reminds me...
I just got a box of laserdiscs from Japan. I should go down to the garage and open them
>Home Alone 1991
Huh. I got a buncha vhs tapes from my ganddads. I might even have one in my own tapes. I should look for it.
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Oh and... What's a good non-anime non-Japanese torrent site these days?
What's good for mainstream stuff? For obscure stuff like vhs rips and obscure horror films?

Oh and I really need to get a working Laserdisc player. Haven't check my VHS player and back ups in a while. Was thinking of giving a VCR to a cousin for her grandkids to watch stuff on.

Trying to make a whole pre-00s retro game room. Partly for them to come over and play old Nintendo games and watch VHS tapes in. Partly just to have an old fashioned room to relax in and play old games myself. Been meaning to make some Nostalgia Critic esque reviews for years and that kinda room would be great. Still have too many old boxes of my dad's stuff in there though.

Been getting a buncha old laserdiscs over the years.
Post pics of the Japanese LDs?
I just use plex and an old WDTV or old Roku
Does anyone have mr ricco ,Dean Martin
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Looking for April and the Sandman.
Has anyone had any luck finding this?
Anyone have the Criterion Lolita or Strangelove on LD? They were the only releases with Kubrick's preferred shifting aspect ratios. They really need to be better archived.
>Does anyone have mr ricco ,Dean Martin

This is the Columbia Laserdisc of Strangelove from the previous thread. It doesn't have the shifting aspect ratios the Criterion had. It's 4:3 the whole way through.
>dracula 1974 with Jack Palance. Made by Dan Curtis

Not sure which country this is, but it's the Dan Curtis version release on either a DVD or Bluray, pretty good quality for a 70s BBC production. I'd never heard of Dan Curtis before ( https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0193303/ ) , but he also did the legendary Trilogy of Terror TV movie with the devil doll that scared everyone in the 70s. the Kolchak Night Stalker movies with Darren McGavin and the long running BBC series Dark Shadows. This is why I love these threads, I find interesting stuff that leads me to other great stuff

Movie link: https://file.io/HauJMU9fSVtp
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>I also found the WuTang collection had a SUB version on youtube, but the English DUB is so much better.

I think you're looking for this version:

IMDB: "There is an English dubbed edited version of 'Flying Dagger' which was distributed through a company called Youngtze Film & Video,Inc. in 1995. The VHS box is titled 'The Flying Daggers'."

I can't find any copies online, but there are a few VHS copies currently for sale on ebay



I have the DVD subbed version, it's hilarious. I'll keep looking for the dub.
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Thank you so much anon, a great find and a great day, found this on Friday the perfect day for some movie watching. Being led to these other movies and finds is exactly what keeps me coming back its like breadcrumbs, who knows where they will lead.

Glad I checked back in on the thread to see that anon still delivers. Thanks for being that anon!
anyone know any collections of old japanese commercials?
does anyone have over the edge?
>over the edge 1979

>anyone know any collections of old japanese commercials

>VHS Betamax
Does that run Windows 2000 XP?
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>The Girl the Gold Watch & Everything
>>VHS Betamax
>Does that run Windows 2000 XP?
More like Atari 2600
Please seed!
Requesting an archive of Raw TIme TV the Austin public access call-in show from the 90s, especially the TInaRina / Tiffy segments or just full recordings of the show
Does anyone have any 4:3 version of sherk 1 and 2?
Thank you very much
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Indiana Jones 35mm scans
Does anyone have a VHS rip off Return of the Jedi?
VHS, Betamax, and Laserdisc all stink. Blu-ray and streaming are much better.
if anyone have this i'd really appreciate a seed. i'll seed it forever afterwards
I am going to find where you live and kick you in the balls.
>if anyone have this i'd really appreciate a seed. i'll seed it forever afterwards

Direct downloadable as mp4
thank you so much anon
this would be nice
Any chance to get Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin?
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>Any chance to get Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin?

Walt Disney Animation 4K UHD Collection (2160p HDR BDRip x265 10bit AC3) [4KLiGHT]
French & English

Andrew Dice Clay, cuz he was a 80s/90s comedy legend on VHS:


add these trackers:

Thread title, fucking retards.

someone grab Andrew Dice Clay please want to see if this is seeding properly.
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>someone grab Andrew Dice Clay please want to see if this is seeding properly.

It's working, just very slowly. I've been connected for an hour and only received 48KB.
Hey, i am looking for a bbc miniseries called take a girl like you, made in 2000 starring sienna guillory. Sorry to make a request without posting,l ike a nigger. My seedbox is running 24/7
>Hey, i am looking for a bbc miniseries called take a girl like you, made in 2000 starring sienna guillory. Sorry to make a request without posting,l ike a nigger. My seedbox is running 24/7

It's on Nitroflare if anyone has a premium account. It's over 2GB, so premium is required

This is /t/ i want a torrent or a magnet link which i will in turn share in perpetuity. I am not asking to pay for the fucking miniseries you imbecile. If I was willing to pay to get it, i could buy it on prime video or something
>This is /t/ i want a torrent or a magnet link which i will in turn share in perpetuity. I am not asking to pay for the fucking miniseries you imbecile. If I was willing to pay to get it, i could buy it on prime video or something

Hey FUCKFACE, I found a place to freely download it and SUGGESTED if anyone has a premium Nitro account that THEY (not you) could download it and CREATE a magnet which could then live in perpetuity. That's how magnets are created, the community uses the resources at their disposal to share with the rest of the group. Do you just imagine in your special world that every magnet just magically appeared without anyone having made an initial investment? You're an idiot.
any rips of new yankee workshop?
Ok dumbass.

Does anyone have the vhs, or can anyone with a nitroflare account to help me?
>Ok dumbass.
>Does anyone have the vhs, or can anyone with a nitroflare account to help me?

You sound like a dick, so no.
>any rips of new yankee workshop?

>vhs's are getting hard to find

This place has a huge VHS & laserdisc library that they rent by mail. Some "last copies" require a $300 deposit until returned, but well worth it to get something rare (if you trust your machine not to eat the tapes)

>Anyone have Deadly Sins (1995)? All I can find is a few of those scam sites where they ask for money if you don't want the download to take 7 hours.

Terrible movie, here's the best part

Shut up nigger, you never had it.

But yes, does anyone have a vhs rip or a nitroflare account that is willing to help me find "take a girl like you" the 2000 bbc miniseries?
>Shut up nigger, you never had it.
>But yes, does anyone have a vhs rip or a nitroflare account that is willing to help me find "take a girl like you" the 2000 bbc miniseries?

Ah, a fellow caucasian. In that case, here you go


Does anyone have Aliens?
>Does anyone have Aliens?


Have you tried nuking them from orbit? I hear that works...
thanks anon, not getting anything yet, (I've left it on all afternoon and will leave it on) are there seeds? can you seed it for me?
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>thanks anon, not getting anything yet, (I've left it on all afternoon and will leave it on) are there seeds? can you seed it for me?

I've been seeding since Friday, no idea what the problem is
hmmm.... shit what do i do? can you try making another magnet link?
>hmmm.... shit what do i do? can you try making another magnet link?

The irony:
>This is /t/ i want a torrent or a magnet link which i will in turn share in perpetuity.

Lol all i can say is thank you on behalf of my wife, but i really don't see the irony, I really do intend to share it long term
also, what is the connection with deadly sins?
>also, what is the connection with deadly sins?

I thought you were the same anon looking for that movie above
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Is pic related any interest to you? I would have to find and setup my stuff to rip.
please send this i will be forever appreciative

Uh oh

The Langoliers (1995)
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anyone have LD rips of the naked gun films?
Fleet markets, estate sells, yard sells
any one have this
Elvira Move Macabre (Incomplete)
from https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/1111391/
has no seeds
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Is anybody extracting TELETEXT information from these VHS rips?
Does anyone here at /t/ have a capture/rip of the original laserdisc version of Beauty and the Beast 1991? I've literally looked everywhere online via torrents and direct downloads and found nothing but dead links and the Work in Progress version which I don't want. I dislike the changes the newer editions of the films made to it, so I hope that someone here can upload a rip of it somewhere that isn't a private tracker. Thanks in advance!
Oh wow, I only just discovered this thread. Really liking the cozy vibe. I accidentally asked in the Cartoon General Thread where I could find a VHS rip of Cars, and now I'm here. Anyway, would anyone happen to have the following:
- Cars (VHS)
- 35mm print or laserdisc of Disney's Pinocchio
-35mm print of The Lion King
- Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa
- any The Land Before Time films (any format)

I've been a VHS collector for around 7 years now, mostly collecting physical tapes, but I wouldn’t mind some digital rips. I only just started getting laserdisc rips recently.
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>Oh wow, I only just discovered this thread. Really liking the cozy vibe
>I've been a VHS collector for around 7 years now,
and yet your taste is basic bitch as it gets
Does anyone have The Club from 1994?

>Does anyone have The Club from 1994?

Does anyone has a HQ version of the To be or Not to Be (Hitler rap) 1983 music video?
I've been searching for a while and everything only points to the music itself, not the music video (and most torrents that could have it were dead)
The highest quality I found was this video (with text on top)
But other crappier versions don't have the text of top like this one
Anyone got a Laserdisc rip of The Secret of Nimh?
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Here's a Domesday (best possible quality) capture from the 1988 JP LD:

These are lossless files, so keep that in mind.
Unfortunately the audio on this LD is in mono, and the included lossless encode of the 2nd side has blown out Japanese audio. (English audio is fine)
I think it's possible to redo it using the included .ldf file, but I haven't been able to figure out the software.

Here is an encode of a regular composite video capture of the 1990 US LD:
>The Secret of NIMH (1982) 1990 US Laserdisc ML100211

The color grading on this LD is strange, but it does have digital stereo audio.
Personally speaking I prefer the 2007 DVD (4:3 open matte) or the 2011 BD (1.85:1) for this one, they didn't scrub it much.
Thank you, really.
I moved states so it's packed, but I'll buy another one. Why not?
We have the DVD version too. Some obscure movies are just hard to find. I just haven't convinced myself to buy a VCR for one movie, but I love the movie so I want to. Decisions.
Anyone got VHS rips of some christmas classics like The Grinch, Home Alone, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, etc.?
>Some "last copies" require a $300 deposit until returned
Is there a list or anything for this?
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Looking for PBS's "American Experience" earlier seasons (S01, S02, S03, S04, etc...)

Heres all 9 parts of the Ken Burns documentary series "Baseball" on VHS.
I'm interested in this as well
I can't think of anything specific but please share releases on betamax or laserdisc that are superior in aspect ratio or grain compared to modern releases. Or rec anything on that format that isn't on dvd or bluray. Even foreign stuff like Japanese or etc
anyone have an adult swim vhs archive, preferably from the early 2000s?
> yeah I rip VHS, here's the worst setup ever

Seconding, but I actually DO want the Work in Progress version as well.
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Here is the missing episode of Spaced Out Episode 16 Pigs In Space Polish dubbed. It's better than nothing though.
Now the whole show can be watched online.


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