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Torrents of full images from /gif/ - Adult GIF, released monthly. >>>/gif/ is a NSFW 4chan board. Info:
- Contents: porn, random videos, LiveLeak-esque videos, and other videos which were too interesting for weak video sharing sites like YouTube.
- Stats so far: more than half a million files, totals to more than one terabyte.
- Why? Among other reasons, no one else is archiving /gif/, so I decided to.

Previous: >>1231730
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I do have the money to buy non-redundant storage. Guess I will do that soon.

And yeah I was right about the default theme removed by post/update and so on. As of >>1349587, this thread looked like this:

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Post martial arts instructionals

Systematically Attacking the Guard Body Lock

Gordon Ryan - Systematically Attacking the Guard 2.0

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Easy instructional to find. It's not good


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Rachel Cook:
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Hello anons once again.
So far I have finished MetArt/X and ALSScan. But I did not expect JXL conversion to take soo long. Took me like 3 full days crushing my 20+24 Core CPUs to do MetArt alone lol.

But the good thing is it's 19% almost 20% smaller.

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Liz Vicious
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Dug through the /t/ archives and found an old post that I think contains most of the removed GDP content - here's the magnet I need help with seeds for - please help me get the download time below a few days:


If you've got a more complete torrent please share, the 900 GB is smaller than the multi terabyte complete MEGA I was browsing before. Cheers!
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bump for seed

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Feel free to post old japanese eroge and visual novels, forgotten and lost in time.
Collections of old/lost games are also well accepted.

Previous Thread here >>1108580
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Anybody got the colorful series? There's 3 games:

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ITT: Post your seed ratio! Also general seeding discussion, such as what you are currently seeding, how to optimize hardware/programs for seeding, and the ethics of seeding.

>Why should I bother seeding on public trackers, since there is no benefit to me?
The way people act online is often analogous to how they act offline. By seeding, you are affirming that you will help others without expecting anything in return, which contributes to a healthy and high-trust society. Additionally, all of the people you are seeding for share your interests!
>Do I need a VPN to seed?

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Requesting sony vega torrent, can't find it anywhere, thanks.

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Post hardware that you are using for torrenting.
Here is mine :
- Intel NUC
- WD Blue 2TB
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OP here

It depends on your needs, I started with a pi, then a NUC (J4005) which worked very well even with jellyfin and a lot of torrents, but I replaced it because I have other needs today

A second-hand optiplex with an i5 can do excellent things, and it's much more interesting than a pi, the consumption will be around 7W


This torrent is dedicated to two groups:

- Chucklefish and especially Tiyuri for producing this piece of shit. Glad that it came to light that you weren't paying your employees and your career went down the drain, so you're not able to scam any more people out of their money. You always wanted to make the game open-source, so let me help you get a headstart on that.

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2025 update on how shits going?
both OpenStarbound and xStarbound are updated frequently, though I think xStarbound is rewriting shit in C as well which is huge for portability, I might look at that more.

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is there any sites you guys reccomend that are easily searchable and have a wide variety of only fans rips
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She doesn’t do nudes but she does cosplay thot photos https://www.instagram.com/peachy_manga/?hl=en

The older I get, the more I return to the films my parents used to watch, and it reminds me of better times. Post any film (preferably of the "classic-era" variety) that brings you comfort.
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Old thread died. Time for a new one.
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Glover 1+2 Piko edition >>>/vr/11511395
The PSX versions were released previously, this is a new release of the N64 and Steam versions.

I make it a point to recover deleted files from whatever used storage media I buy or find. Over the years, I've gotten my hands on a lot of flash drives, microsd cards, hard drives from old computer and whatnot, and I've kept most of them in a folder called "other people's trash", because why not.

I was thinking that it'd be nice to share all of that with some likeminded voyeuristic pervs, so here you have them:


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Hello there,

just casually updating the torrent i did few years ago,

last update was December '22, i had to skip June '23 so you get a whole year worth of updates,

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this thread is the only consistently good one on this board; keeping the catalog less retarded

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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever.

*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit.

Previous thread >>1337115

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If you still can't find the group despite so many hints being dropped already then you deserved to be blueballed or you're genuinely retarded. Even me who can't speak mandarin or doesn't use that program was able to find it

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