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File: SouthPark AV1.jpg (139 KB, 1024x637)
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Hey /t/

I recently started dicking around with SVT-AV1 and ended up encoding the entirety of South Park and wanted to share it with you all.

First of all, this would not have been possible without Joy, who originally encoded and seeded the files in H265. Secondly, the main goal of this repack is size reduction. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look like shit, it's almost the same quality as Joy's repack, but at less than 1/3 the size. Thirdly, I did this on my own and it's my first time doing this, so if you notice anything to improve let me know.

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Yeah it's not a good idea to re-encode something unless it's at a really high bitrate that's visually lossless. By the way, with ffmpeg libaom-av1 this is crf 23 and for x264/65 this is crf 19. The typical release that tries to be a good file size is definitely not going to be crf 19 so it's not a great idea to transcode unless the ONLY thing you're concerned about is saving space.

German Goo Girls Megapack 500 GB

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Hi All,

This took me a long time to find, enjoy anons!

Archived Thread:

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>Please seed. Seasons, 5, 10, and 11 have completely stalled out for me.

Try these:


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A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Difference between BL audio and audible audio is the higher kbps bitrate

[Retail] & (Retail) are the books that i obtain personally or were obtained from trustworthy sources, anything else should be considered as "found on internet"

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Regarding the audio trove, does it include the "audio dramas" that are similar to old radio plays? Need smth to listen to at work

Got my seedbox operational again, so I'm looking to seed stuff!

What I'll seed
> Old/hard-to-obtain stuff (This includes rare versions of existing torrents)
> Film/Animated media

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Jarv - The Amalgam

Very underated lyricist imo. This new album is not on spotify.
Would very much appreciate a seed.

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Share high quality anime rips. Don't forget to attach a promo image along with the magnet link(s).

REQUESTS: Please search https://nyaa.si/ before making a request. If Nyaa is blocked, using a VPN will solve this. Also, feel free to make your own contribution while making a request.

Collection of classic anime: https://pastebin.com/mHSd2nnv
Anime by Decade torrents: https://animegeneral.neocities.org

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Anyone got Cromartie High School english dub?

British Nudes 34GB | photos | videos |

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bumping for more Lauren Alexis

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>the /kpg/ torrent

>Library Stats
6444 albums - 35367 Tracks - 922.76 GB
FLAC (86.8%) - MP3 (11.8%) - AAC (1.4%)

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when you open the torrent with qbit you'll see a metadata window pop up like picrel. click select none at the top, then go through and check all the artists or albums you want to download.

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Large collection
Many tunes are medium, but includes all the gems and classics

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does anyone know which song I keep remembering but don't know enough of the lyrics or the name to find it. It was some slow kind of origin story song about Moonman working at McDonald's in his youth and becoming the nigger killer that he is after some nigger did something. I've been trying to find it for a while, it's got to be at least older than 2020 but I have 0 clue what to do aside from hunting down every moonman song I can find.

Each archive contains a full year of popular posts from e621.net. Earlier years may be missing days when no images were uploaded. I will continue posting new archives as I continue to scrape the site.

>[2007] 11206 files

>[2008] 8267 files

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currently, 40671 files remain deleted. this includes some of the oldest images ever uploaded to the board. i hear through the grapevine BD was put under pressure from their hosting provider to remove the content or be dropped. take this with a grain of salt, it's a total rumor

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Why the hell there is no specific thread for Audiobooks ? Are you guys that de-based to focus on porn stuff mostly ?

I will restart...


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They're on audible; you're welcome.

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It took many hours of processing, but my buddy & I upscaled the classic 80s anime Fist of the North Star to 2160p with the right settings. What has resulted is no doubt the best quality version that exists on Earth.

Audio: Japanese, English
Subs: English
Size: 448.38gb

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Thank you!

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I have Wild Thing (1987). Its not on torrents, because nobody wants it. I scraped it off a russian video player. Make 1337 account to upload and seed. They say I have to ask for access to seed. Ask for access they say I cant send messages because spam. So what do I have to do to add torrents to that tracker? Join an elite moped gang that has permission to add to that tracker? Nice p2p you got there. Sounds SUS, like feds.

Try to download Servant (TV series). Season 2 doesnt exist, no to hardly any seeds. Public trackers all list the same torrents and say they just checked the seeders and its active when no seeders. dead torrents.

Nice p2p you got there. SUS AF.

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I couldn't figure out in which thread to post this, so I'm posting here. Please don't be annoyed if it isn't based on the thread theme.

A few months ago, I saw a magnet link on /t/ for hundreds of Pepe the Frog posters. Unfortunately, I couldn't download it then. Does somebody please have the magnet link for that file?

This thread is to share e-books in any format.

>Kindle collection
>"1001 Books"

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Why the fuck are these so huge? 22 gb of comoressed ebooks just for wheel of time?

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I found a 1.2TB liveleak archive on archive.org and spent the last half a year off and on trying to extract it. It haas content from 2019 until the shutdown in 2021.
The archive consists of 50+ .megawarc.warc webarchive files which hold the videos and some metadata. There are also .idx , .xml , .sqlite , .json and .cdx files for each .megawarc archive. These archives were compressed into individual .gz files, which only saved a small amount of data, so I discarded the packed version.
I extracted the archive using warcat.
The videos are stored with an ID in the filename, so maybe one of you can try to make a torrent with correct video titles.

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Please seed this

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