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This is a containment thread for all cosplayer related links to avoid having 10 different threads for a specific person.
Please use this thread for posting links to or about cosplayers rather than making new threads for every girl

Active megapacks:

>cosplay_photo_library - this pack contains over 2.5TB of organized cosplayer images

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hydrus is without a doubt one of if not the worst piece of software I have ever used (and I have to use MYOB and royalTS daily)
if all you want to do is download everything from a booru and only have some massive database of booru images, it does that I guess
but you could also just run a booru clone out of nginx or something, which takes about 64GB less ram and doesn't need half a terrabyte of disk space to store metadata for 300GB of images

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For those who don't know, Operation Animes is an offshoot of Operation 404 and had cooperation from the Content Overseas Distribution Association (Coda), based in Japan.

Operation Animes is from Brazil. Operation Animes is coordinated by the Directorate of Integrated Operations and Intelligence (Diopi), through the Cyber Operations Laboratory (Ciberlab), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) and aims to put an end to websites that include anime illegally.

It's going on a moment where to take down pirated anime website. In last year civil policy during this operation took down some websites such as O-Pex and Mangalivre, this year, the police carried out 11 warrants to take down those pirated anime websites on Brazil.

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Portugal? 820 euros.

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I'm open to taking scrape requests.

This soon-to-follow torrent includes the Nebula.tv videos of the YouTube channel Jacob Geller https://www.youtube.com/@JacobGeller https://nebula.tv/jacob-geller
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much appreciated anon

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Criterion rips with all bonus content

The Royal Tenenbaums

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

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A collection of movies from "The Criterion Collection" with their titles starting from the letter C


/BIG/ Big Insertion General 4

A place for any and all sluts that take giant dildos into either hole(or both). Discourse in the old thread showed that a thread for all our favorite hole whores was necessary, Tweetney posting still very much encouraged.

Return of the Queen edition

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I'm saddenet that missprincesskay may has been too good on removing her own videos from the internet. Even pornolab seems unable to have a more up-to-date torrent, and shes one of the biggest in the genre.

I feel like that might hurt her tho. Less visibility, less knowledge of her. Even spankbang folded and removed everything months ago

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3D Printing guns

3D Printing Guns V2

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German Goo Girls Megapack 500 GB

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Hi All,

This took me a long time to find, enjoy anons!

Archived Thread:

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>Please seed. Seasons, 5, 10, and 11 have completely stalled out for me.

Try these:


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A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Difference between BL audio and audible audio is the higher kbps bitrate

[Retail] & (Retail) are the books that i obtain personally or were obtained from trustworthy sources, anything else should be considered as "found on internet"

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Regarding the audio trove, does it include the "audio dramas" that are similar to old radio plays? Need smth to listen to at work

Got my seedbox operational again, so I'm looking to seed stuff!

What I'll seed
> Old/hard-to-obtain stuff (This includes rare versions of existing torrents)
> Film/Animated media

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Jarv - The Amalgam

Very underated lyricist imo. This new album is not on spotify.
Would very much appreciate a seed.

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Share high quality anime rips. Don't forget to attach a promo image along with the magnet link(s).

REQUESTS: Please search https://nyaa.si/ before making a request. If Nyaa is blocked, using a VPN will solve this. Also, feel free to make your own contribution while making a request.

Collection of classic anime: https://pastebin.com/mHSd2nnv
Anime by Decade torrents: https://animegeneral.neocities.org

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Anyone got Cromartie High School english dub?

British Nudes 34GB | photos | videos |

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bumping for more Lauren Alexis

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>the /kpg/ torrent

>Library Stats
6444 albums - 35367 Tracks - 922.76 GB
FLAC (86.8%) - MP3 (11.8%) - AAC (1.4%)

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when you open the torrent with qbit you'll see a metadata window pop up like picrel. click select none at the top, then go through and check all the artists or albums you want to download.

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Large collection
Many tunes are medium, but includes all the gems and classics

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does anyone know which song I keep remembering but don't know enough of the lyrics or the name to find it. It was some slow kind of origin story song about Moonman working at McDonald's in his youth and becoming the nigger killer that he is after some nigger did something. I've been trying to find it for a while, it's got to be at least older than 2020 but I have 0 clue what to do aside from hunting down every moonman song I can find.

Each archive contains a full year of popular posts from e621.net. Earlier years may be missing days when no images were uploaded. I will continue posting new archives as I continue to scrape the site.

>[2007] 11206 files

>[2008] 8267 files

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currently, 40671 files remain deleted. this includes some of the oldest images ever uploaded to the board. i hear through the grapevine BD was put under pressure from their hosting provider to remove the content or be dropped. take this with a grain of salt, it's a total rumor

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