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A special thread for the kind of torrent a special person with special challenges has dedicated himself to, torrents do not necessarily need to be something you would like to download, but it should make you smile knowing someone made them

>17 TB of everything to do with dragonball

Also, if you are here, do your civic duty and seed libgen, because if we don't who will

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does anyone have any educational content for how to deal with Pathological Demand Avoidance as an adult?

Hard Boiled

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>Martial Arts Theater
The Victim

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Share high quality anime rips. Don't forget to attach a promo image along with the magnet link(s).

REQUESTS: Please search https://nyaa.si/ before making a request. If Nyaa is blocked, using a VPN will solve this. Also, feel free to make your own contribution while making a request.

Collection of classic anime: https://pastebin.com/mHSd2nnv
Anime by Decade torrents: https://animegeneral.neocities.org

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undead unluck's BD is atrocious, there probably won't be a competent release with it.

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Large collection
Many tunes are medium, but includes all the gems and classics

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Which is the song that goes "moonman moonman can't you see, spics and niggers should hang from trees"

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Post music, preferably full or close to full discographies.
>Ministry (up to 2014):

>Please wait a while before making a thread
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Shelter (1990 - 2006)

>Shelter is an American Hare Krishna hardcore punk band formed by Youth of Today vocalist Ray Cappo.


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Bro please stop you're making us look bad

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3D hentai artist Custom Udon's latest torrent with all his animations up to the latest one released in 9/9/2023:

Feel free to share torrents of other artists who create similar content
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this could be us anon

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Starting a collection of actors in their first leads.

Starting with Critters 3 (1991). Leo DeCaprio

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Thats the point. It wasn't an expansion or even on the same story arc. It was a proof of concept short to help them garnish the funds.

"Within the Woods" based its plot on a Comanche shamans curse. There is some carry over but not enough to list it as a prequel. The whole storyline changes with Evil Dead.

>Anyone have "Together for Days" 1972? Samuel L. Jackson debut.

Post your stats so anons can judge
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I don't seed, I did once for three months straight on multiple torrent and in the end I only uploaded like 1/3rd of what I downloaded.
So now I SNEED.

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Hi all, hopefully this is not an ad because it is a free public domain torrent site that I made.


Here I have uploaded over 600 public domain ebooks and audiobooks. The site is also meant to host Classical Music and Documentaries as a sort of New Renaissance Library.

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Anons, I'm looking to preserve and archive as much of European culture as possible.
I'm doing most of the work myself (will seed in a couple years when it's done,) but I was wondering if someone before me did this too?

I'm not talking about /pol/ torrents, I already have 'em all.
Not Hitler speeches, but
>european works

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Five years of posting:

Sun 15 Sep 2024
Sun 08 Sep 2024

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How to Be a Terminal Pro

Learning Ubuntu Linux

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Same thing here.

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magnet torrent link only from blacked.com in high resolution for download in utorrent
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Is this only for torrents? Can they track us if we do direct downloads?

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>The Empire Unmasked - Ryan Dawson (2017)


>9/11 Missing Links

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Worth a look.


One of the greasiest negroes you ever saw abusing some of the most desperate drug addled white prostitutes you ever saw all for his onlyfans page. The girls payment? A gram of fentanyl and their mortal souls. Enjoy.

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I would say at least 85% would meet the clinical definition of sane. Desperation and drug addledness can cause an individual to make insane choices though. Some of these girls may even still have souls. It's not likely, but it's possible.

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