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/t/ - Torrents

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I'm looking to reupload some stuff from a private tracker but I've never made my own torrent before. What's the best way to make it and get it out there? I'm using qbittorrent btw
what exactly are you asking? you have qbittorrent, make the torrent and enable dht.

otherwise you'll have to request a trial uploader account on 1337x and do it that way.
ctrl + n
select folder/file
format: hybrid
piece: auto -> calculate
private: unchecked
start seeding: check
tracker urls: paste trackers_best (20 trackers) from https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist
create torrent
upload the created .torrent file where you want or copy the magnet from the client
If you know how to post here, you also know how to create a torrent.
if using qBittorrent with the libtorrent 1.2.x library, it'll only create the V1 type, not hybrid or V2. There won't be an option, and for all practical purposes that's completely fine
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Does using a VPN affect this?
I also have never made a torrent, but want to really soon.
>Does using a VPN affect this?
no. also, this whole thread could have gone in >>1345445
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ty for your service
I only do on private trackers because I'm not confident in my ability to learn to not expose my IP to the public at large, otherwise I'd make JAV megapacks of lesser known stars
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select wg___0
I use PIA, so the middle bit will be different depending on who you use for your VPN

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