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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1308308/

Having a single thread dedicated to answering everyone's questions reduces the number of "please help" threads on /t/. Post your question here, rather than making a new thread.
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Part 1/2


RARBG was one of the best-known and largest public torrent trackers for media. It died in May 2023. The official reason was various accumulated troubles maintaining the site, but it's suspected that the actual reason had to do with the new-ish copyright laws in Bulgaria that were lobbied by international media giants.


This is a HARD FACT.

Some random shitty websites nowadays are pretending to be "new rarbg", "the rarbg" or similar. DON'T TRUST ANY OF THEM. Not even "rarbg 2". Not even "rarbg official". Even back when RARBG was still alive, there were copycats like this. Best case scenario, they'll give you a poorly organized collection of magnets from random places and try to sell you some shitty vpn. Worst case, they'll redirect you to dangerous websites with malware scripts.

Consider this: Any good service or product doesn't need to pretend that it is supposedly some other service/product.

Consider also this: There is nothing on these shitty clones that you can't find on much more trustworthy public trackers, like below. You _don't need_ these "new rarbg" clones for anything.

Actual decent alternatives for 2025 that picked up RARBG's flag: https://torrentgalaxy.to/ or https://ext.to/


While RARBG was alive, some people were archiving its torrents/magnets. Now that it's dead, several different collections are floating around online, in different formats.

I highly recommend that you use THIS one:


^ This is the original upload, shared by the person who collected and posted it. There are also some reuploads of this by other people, which have a different hash (different magnet). You can use them too, it doesn't matter, as long as the actual file inside is the same:

rarbg_db.sqlite - 775 MiB - CRC32 checksum 3F03CB95

(it's usually inside a smaller-sized .zip archive, that's perfectly fine.)

Continued below.
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Part 2/2 - Continued from above >>1345446

Why use THIS one?

- It has ALMOST 3 MILLION magnets from RARBG. It's the largest one.
- It's a DATABASE - "kinda like" a special set of Excel tables for efficient searching. MUCH better than some unwieldy text file.
- It has EXTRA INFORMATION about these magnets, such as torrent size and more.

To view it and search it, install https://sqlitebrowser.org/ or any other SQLite Viewer/Browser/Editor/etc.

Open the file rarbg_db.sqlite in this Browser. Go to the "Execute SQL" tab there.

Write the following and press Ctrl+Enter or the "Play" button:

SELECT printf("%.2f GiB", CAST(size AS FLOAT) / 1073741824.0) AS size_gib, title, dt, printf("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s&dn=%s", hash, title) AS magnet_link FROM items WHERE imdb = "tt1745960" ORDER BY size DESC;

a command to pick certain data and arrange it as follows
> printf("%.2f GiB", CAST(size AS FLOAT) / 1073741824.0) AS size_gib,
the first column in the table of results will be the size of the torrent. it's stored in the db in bytes. this formats it to gigabytes to be readable
> title,
next is the title of the torrent
> dt,
date of the upload to RARBG, to help you guess if it still has seeders
> printf("magnet:?xt=urn:btih:%s&dn=%s", hash, title) AS magnet_link
this assembles a ready-to-use MAGNET LINK from hash and title. you can COPY it from the table of results with RIGHT CLICK
> FROM items
we're searching in the table called "items"
> WHERE imdb = "tt1745960"
we want only the entries that have the "imdb" field matching Top Gun Maverick
results are ordered by size, largest to smallest

Some torrents don't have an imdb field. Either they are not movies, or the uploader messed up. To find them, write this instead:
> WHERE title LIKE "%Top%Gun%Maverick%"
Use % before and after and between words, like this. It's a wildcard for text search. You don't know how EXACTLY each torrent is called ("Top_Gun" or "2022 Top Gun"?)
Beware, this is much slower.
Nope, it's alive and well.
torrent newbie question:

How do you safely torrent while being safe from viruses and glowieware? I don't even mean exe files. Do you run everything in a VM? what is your torrent setup like?
does it matter if i choose any countries on my vpn?
Where can I download movies in other languages? 1337x only has stuff in English, I'm trying to find stuff in Spanish
If a torrent has stalled due to no seeders, does this mean its no longer actively searching for connections? Ie if a new peer connects and starts seeding, will it automatically start downloading again or do I need to stop/restart it?

If so, is there a way to prevent stalling?
"Stalled" is a poor/misleading - but sadly established - name for "I don't see any peer who has more parts that I need". Basically, it's "paused because no one is seeding right now afaik". The client doesn't consider the torrent "done" despite what the name might imply. It just doesn't have anyone to get more data from right now.

> does this mean its no longer actively searching for connections?

Your torrent client is searching for new peers regularly. It connects to trackers and to DHT at set intervals, which is somewhere in the settings depending on your client, but it's *most definitely* a thing that it does because otherwise torrenting wouldn't work at all. Also, you can manually send a reannouncement to a selected tracker at any random moment if you want.

Also, if you're connectable, then those other peers can discover you even in between your own client's periodic discovery attempts. For example, you last pinged a tracker at 16:02 and your next ping is set to be at 17:02. Meanwhile, at 16:23, a new peer who has more than you have connects to the tracker, and the tracker sends him your IP: "this guy has 23% and hasn't sent me a message that he disconnected, so he's probably still online". Then this new peer's client can connect to you at 16:23 to send you data, even if your own scheduled next discovery is at 17:02. But only if you are connectable (= your port is open and your machine is reachable).

>Ie if a new peer connects and starts seeding, will it automatically start downloading again or do I need to stop/restart it?

To sum up, yes, it will.

Side note, clients usually have status options for torrents like Download / Pause / Force Download, but this Force Download only means "Download despite any other additional rules that might be present". That is, it overrides settings like "no more than 5 torrents downloading at once" or "seed only until ratio = 2.0" etc, and will download or seed anyway. This has nothing to do with stalled torrents.
If you're using VPN for the sole purpose of hiding your IP address from copyright watch dogs, then the selected country doesn't matter at all.

The only realistic way for you to get infected is by running malware executables (.exes, scripts, etc) that you willingly download and click Open on them, or by visiting infected shady websites that can infect your machine through malicious scripts on the pages.
While it's teeeeeeeeechnically possible for media files to be intentionally malicious in the sense that they would exploit a vulnerability in the media player (MPC-HC or Foobar or whatever), this is so exceptionally unlikely to be found in the wild (and additionally exceptionally unlikely to work on your specific machine) that you should rather worry about a meteor falling from the sky to kill you, because that's more probable. It's not an attack vector that propagates well, but fearmongers love to bring up the possibility of it - however astronomically miniscule it is - to dissuade people from using torrents.

RuTracker has Russian and very often Ukrainian.
Complete Blurays in any source where they exist typically have a good few audio tracks in different languages, because they are literally a full copy of the entire retail disc.
I've seen some uploads on TorrentGalaxy that have English + Italian, I think they're often uploaded by the same user.
Spanish, idk. If you know the language, can't you ask people from Spain or Latin American countries whether they have their own locally famous torrent trackers? I bet they exist.
appreciate it anon, good info
thanks anon. what about those torrents with the compressed files in them that hides what's inside, such as executables? or am I stupid and there's a way to view inside them beyond downloading metadata?
By compressed, do you mean torrents with .zip and .rar archives, instead of the files being laid out directly?
It doesn't matter in the slightest. So what if it's a zip archive with some files inside it? The action of unzipping the archive doesn't launch the files that are inside it.
And the action of downloading the files (through torrent or otherwise) doesn't launch them, either. You and you alone can hover your mouse over some ImNotAVirus.exe or AwesomeScript.vbs and double click it.
It's safe to TRANSFER/DOWNLOAD any file, or CREATE a file on your hard drive by means of unzipping a .zip archive, etc.
It's not safe to RUN / EXECUTE / LAUNCH a potentially malicious file, which is an entirely different action altogether.
(and it's also not safe to visit shady websites that want to pwn you)

If you instead meant "compressed" in the sense of a special format of .exe files that obfuscate their contents from antivirus software etc, then it's still an .exe file that you shouldn't run/launch unless you trust it. It doesn't matter what the exact build method of it is. And as a regular end user, you don't know this anyway, to you it's just some .exe file.
I've already made posts on /b/, /r/, and /gif/ for this. It was suggested that someone here might be able to help further.
Does anyone have a torrent of Claire Gerhardstein's original videos?
I'm searching for about 70GB of videos. I only have 9GB.
Does anyone have the torrent magnet for the 3.6TB cellebrite mobilogy from ddossecrets? I tried to request access buy i was ignored. I want to see what these things are, i think they are cool.

This isn't a torrenting question, but does anyone know the best way to mass download videos (from a command line, preferably) from sites that aren't supported by yt-dlp? wcofun doesn't want to work with it or wget.
I've done a lot of movie torrenting but I'm a bit intimidated by games. Am I just overthinking it, is there anything I need to know or do?
Another reason is I've gone looking around before but could never seem to find anywhere that had the games I actually wanted.
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>>1345445 (OP)
What's the main difference between UDP and TCP connections? I can choose either or in my vpn's settings but I don't know which one is better.
Why does qbittorrent keep deleting random torrents from my list?
Sometimes i just check back and its gone, i wanna keep seeding, or especially i dont want it to remove the ones i added but didnt start yet and want to download later
This is definitely not normal behavior.
Are you shutting down qBitTorrent correctly, File->Exit (or the same option in the right click menu in the tray)?
Also, do you show ALL torrents in the main window? The left panel has categories which show and hide torrents based on what categories they fall into.
File > Exit > Yes im sure
Yes, obviously im viewing all, random torrents are constantly going missing its annoying
>>1345445 (OP)
Is there anywhere I can look up when a specific movie is going to be available in high quality?
That's for legal streaming releases, though. A random no-name movie that no one heard of apart from 3 fans of some Z-list actress might not get ripped by pirates for a very very long time.
>>1345445 (OP)
I Want to get IT certifications, I know there have been threads regarding sharing IT ebooks, but I cant find them on archive, and im sure new ones have been updates. Where are some places I could find such free information?
Oh but this works great and it's exactly what I needed: to know when a movie I want to see is going to be available in high quality instead of that awful telesync and cam quality. Thanks.
>>1345445 (OP)
I really want to only use my mullvad vpn JUST with Qbittorrent and not the entire pc, which is running linux on KDE Plasma.
So just the torrent program. Is there a way to do this easily? I'm having trouble finding reliable information.
Enable split tunneling in mullvad client. Only select qbittorrent to use vpn.

With vpn running, in qbittorrent under options>advanced settings>network interfaces, select your vpn interface from the dropdown menu. This will prevent qbittorrent from connecting to the internet if that interface goes down.
I see, thank you! So there is a way.

I was trying to find a way without using the Mullvad client, because they don't have a flatpak package for it and sticking with only flatpak would have been easiest for me, but it looks like using the client can't be avoided after all. I appreciate the guide anon.
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>>1349983 (me)
AHAHA I figured it out without the client!
I didnt know it was called split tunneling, so I researched a bit using that new terminology.
With your post and this forum post from 2021 https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php%3Ff=18&t=171315.html
I managed to figure it out.

>1) Downloaded the wiregaurd config file from mullvad
>2) Add that preconfigured vpn file to KDE network manager using the dropdown menu
>3) Click on that connection -> IPv4 tab -> Routes (bottom right) -> check "use only for resources on this connection" box, described as "If enabled, this connection will never be used as the default network connection".
> 3.1) Do the same in IPv6 tab
>4) Go to Qbittorrent settings -> advaced and select the vpn connection under "network interfaces" (as you described in your post)
>5) Disconnect and then reconnect to the VPN

I checked the Mullvad website in my browser, which showed I wasnt connected. Then I used a torrent-IP-checker site to download a magnet link and see the ip they got from me and it was using my vpn!
Everything worked!

I couldn't have done it without your help, thank you anon.
Why do so many bluray rips done by scene groups have the size of 6.55 GB? Or 6.53-6.57, give or take. Way way way too many examples for this to be a coincidence.

What is this size?

* It's not 1/4 of a Bluray disc. (it's more than that, but also much smaller than 1/3)
* It's not a single DVD (a lot larger than that) and not a double-layer DVD (much smaller).

At least with 700 MB / 1.4 GB / 4.37 GB rips the size is obvious (1 CD, 1/3 DVD or 2xCD, 1 DVD). But 6.55 seems really arbitrary, yet very common.
So, I'm a total no-knowledge retard who downloaded qBitTorrent just now because I need photoshop.

Wat do?

It doesn't really need to be some ultra fancy version with AI or nuthin'
Connect to vpn. Go to index site (tpb, 1337x), search for photoshop, and find the version you want. Either download and open .torrent file in qbittorrent or open magnet link in qbittorent. Follow instructions in readme file or on torrent post.
Is this necessary or just an america/europe thing? I live in huezil, so I don't think anybody gives a single shit about pirating.
Necessary in any country that honors US IP law under a trade agreement. I don't know if Brazil does this.
Well, I've never heard of anyone getting a scaary letter about it.

Honestly, I literally just want photoshop. I couldn't find any direct download sites so i came here. Why's this shit gotta be so complicated when games are so easy?
Ok, the instructions are there if you want them. Just pay for ps if it isn't worth your time to learn.
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So I just go to an 'index site' like 1337x and get the magnet link? Like this?
Bumping regarding IT cert resources.
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How to create a magnet link and populate it with trackers?
Como puedo hackear un correo electrónico? Tips
Any quick and easy way to rip an entire thread off of /gif/, including all the gifs/mp4s in their video format, instead of just the thumbnails?
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1.77 MB GIF
I'm trying to download GITS from Nyaa.si and I'm stuck on "downloading metadata", wat do? I torrented a kdrama from there earlier today, am I in some kind of queue? I tried changing listening ports, renaming my qbitorrent appdata settings folder, trying several different vpns and flushing dns. wat do?
>>1345445 (OP)
so, a few months ago my hdd died/was dying, and I pulled everything I could off it before it went, the one folder I couldn't was my mass torrent dump

in there was more or less anything I had a passing interest in, everything that's not hard to get has been reacquired, however fakku wani bs kind of took a lot of torrents down, im wondering if there is a 1 mega torrent for content, either that was lost or just a mega torrent for all of fakku, If I can get everything in one go that would be the best, my old torrent archive saw 5~ copies of some things just because they were in packs with other previously released things, I can spot check from there on if I already have things or if things are new, but I really don't want to go into my old torrents and redownload everything from that as the problem is already known.
is PIA (Private Internet Access) a solid vpn?
it's metric
Anyone have AWS stuff? Adrian Cantrill? Any AWS SAA-C03? Anything!
Q: do I need to enable DHT for the initial seeding if I post a magnet? will the trackers in the magnet be enough?
I use it. I've seen other people clown on it, and it's based in the US, so the NSA is probably watching. I figure it's enough to hide from copyright trolls, and it's cheap and has port forwarding.

If you mean decimal/metric gigabytes (10^9), then it still doesn't make sense. These ~6.55 GiB releases range from 7.02 decimal GBs to 7.04 GBs. It's consistently, *always* over 7 GBs. I'd accept this explanation if they ranged from 6.98 to 7.02 (or something like that), where the goal for encoding would obviously be 7 GB. But they are always 7.02-7.04 decimal GBs (which translates to ~6.55 binary GiBs).


This kind of question is meaningless without your location and your intentions. (the latter is somewhat obvious in a torrent thread, but still).


Peer discovery between clients happens through trackers and through DHT (and also through other peer exchange mechanisms which are a distant third). If both peers use the same mechanism, they'll find each other eventually. If they are on different networks / different trackers / etc, they won't find each other.

If these trackers are working for you (you connect successfully) and they are also working for your intended leechers, then yes, you'll be fine. If not, then you won't find each other. The more options to discover you you enable, the better. Also, if someone copies the magnet link without the trackers (deliberately or accidentally), then their client will be looking for peers only in DHT and won't find you. Also, various automated DHT crawlers and other magnet scrapers archive only the magnet hashes (and the content) and completely disregard suggested trackers, even if they find a magnet link with trackers. So, for example, if someone will find your upload in the database of such a DHT crawler / scraper, then he won't have the URLs of the trackers that you provided, and therefore won't connect to you. (but I guess that you're probably more concerned about the initial seeding to people in some thread, not about what happens months and years later)
What tool(s) can I use to compare the *video streams* inside different mkv (and also possibly mp4 or avi) files to check whether the stream is the same but different, to figure out which releases are repacks / remuxes of which ones?

I know that MediaInfo is a thing, but it's kinda flaky about what it does and doesn't show for different mkv files, and it's also very approximate. It can show bitrate in detail (avg and max etc), or it can show only some "generic" number for bitrate. It can show bitrate as Mbit/s or kbit/s. It can show the *size* of the video stream inside the file, or it can not show this at all. And even if the size is shown, it's an approx number and doesn't say whether the stream is the same.

I want some tool, or perhaps a string of actions by different tools, which can compare the video streams inside two different video files and tell me whether or not they are identical or not.

Can I unpack the "raw" video stream out of an mkv?

Will the result of this unpacking be completely identical (checksum) to the same action taken on a different mkv file where someone added a new audio track (remuxed it for this purpose)?
> to check whether the stream is the same but different

... I'm a retard. I meant to type "whether the stream is the same OR different".

Also, forget about mp4 or avi requirement; I can remux most (if not all) content from mp4 or avi to mkv anyway. So the question can then remain solely about mkvs, for simplicity.
ffprobe and ffmpeg are your guys. ffprobe to inspect the file and ffmpeg to process. If the metadata is there, ffprobe will tell you.
And yeah you can extract the video out of an mkv unmodified using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy -an output.mp4
("-an" means no audio, "-c copy" means copy the stream unmodified)

If you're looking for some utility that automates querying the video details and doing re-encodes or whatever, I think you'll have to make a script that uses ffprobe to do exactly what you want.
>>1352083 to third reply
Thanks! I do 99% of my torrenting on private trackers, and occasionally feel like playing robin hood and filling requests. I just have DHT, LPD, PEX off by default, and will just seed to a ratio of maybe 10ish.
I'll probably just continue copying the top 5 from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_best.txt
not even sure how much of a resource load DHT, LPD, and PEX use, and I know my client respects the private flag, but I figure why not disable something that's unused or redundant for my usecase
>>1345445 (OP)
best seedbox service? im want to keep seeding things even if dont have the space locally but i dont know which site is best
I just decided to get back to /t/orrenting but I need to jog my memory.

I got some old series of torrents called MTCDC-NMC with saved torrent files. Decided to seed them, hoping there are still people after it.
I've already got them uploaded on a machine, but obviously all those trackers (demoind, heet) are dead.

However it seems it is working on opentrackr.
Can someone remind me what kind of tracker is opentrackr as opposed to former ones like demonoid or h33t?
Is this a common practice to refresh my outdated torrent files with a "generic public" and remove outdated ones?
Any way to do a batch work on 55 files?
>>1345445 (OP)
Where can I safely download adobe programs like premiere and ae? Ive always used m0nkrus' cracks, but I downloaded premiere 2025 and it bricked my PC :( where can I go now?
pick one from
you could search for lists of trackers yourself.

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