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File: mental-health-960x675.jpg (77 KB, 960x675)
77 KB
Search previous thread >>1177335 (archive: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1177335) for these bangers:

>Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health A journey into Anxiety, Depression, and Meditation led by Dr. Alok Kanojia
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - new ADHD module (HealthyGamerGG) (13.9 GB)
>Dr. K's Guide to Mental Health: ADHD & Doing Stuff Module [2022]
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - Trauma Module

>Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Workbook: A cognitive-behavioral treatment program
>Book: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Anxiety and Worry
>Udemy - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Anxiety and Worry
>Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Building Positive Self-esteem
>Johann Hari - Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again
>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)
>Alcohol and addiction recovery

>Christian / Catholic / Orthodox torrents #3
thanks for backing this up dude
i started the previous thread found some great things hope this keeps alive for everyone
Here's the Dr.k's E-Book & Audiobook

( somebody please make torrent for these 2
this link will go down but torrent wouldn't )

How to Raise a Healthy Gamer
End Power Struggles, Break Bad Screen Habits, and Transform Your Relationship with Your Kids
Alok Kanojia, MD, MPH

>How to Raise a Healthy Gamer by Alok Kanojia (epub + m4b)
i got the youtube members videos. have downloaded them all - will make a torrent file and share soon
thank you anon
still waiting king
https wormhole app QyKKx#VxeAhfUkNVkhPqdBT12bTw
Please make a torrent file. imma on site so dont have access to my desktop
honest advice: you won't solve your problems watching videos on internet.
they don't seem to be working mate
Its legit 30.6 GB of his membership lectures, good collection but very slow, 1 seed at barely 200kbps will take days to download.
I could put It on mega or any other file sharing platform. Then maybe someone with better internet can share them
will it upload faster to mega than it would to BitTorrent peers?
whatever but don't stop seeding tho.
I think it doesn't matter. I can seed once I finish downloading.
thank you so much
keep seeding boys!
I'm still have to download 100%, don't have a single full video yet.
thanks king
> you Need to work after watching these videos action and learning thats the key of getting better
consume good media and leave garbage out
release the nest batch when stuff arrives
mate just create a mega link and send it here so peeps can down it and seed the torrents
File: 2024-07-04 195645.png (21 KB, 1010x102)
21 KB
So in this file there are several videos with samey size and name. I assume it's the same stream but with different parts cut out (probably skipped stream starting minutes). Need confirmation on that from seeder anons with all the files already downloaded before proceeding with downloads.
Its the same. my bad. have removed it.
Any essential pointers for:
>How to handle strangers as [critical] employees and/or business partners?
I'm not primarily looking for general stuff that a competent HR should know. More like stuff that a wannabe/hastobe leader (or something close to it) should not just know theoretically but somehow?! get a good grasp on practically, before building critically important business relationships with strangers.
It's strongly connected to mental health because:
1. The practice can be extremely stressful if you've been raised to be a one of many, friend of everyone, agreeable kind of guy. It basically goes against everything you are and so you have to massively work on yourself to be able to successfully relate to strangers in a formal/informal but contractual manner where not getting things done can easily mean dire consequences for everyone involved starting with yourself.
2. The practice is potentially tormenting due to ethics (of many kinds) coming into play, having to figure out what makes people tick (motivation), having to identify bad fits as early as possible and then having to remove them, knowing how to delegate and just let people do things their way (coupled with knowing how to express essential requirements in a way that benchmarks success).
no seed
Thanks a ton for this.
Please keep seeding.
Tips for speeding up the download for this file? since mine is hovering at 40 kbps even though my internet speed is 30 Mbps??
Please seed kind anon. There is no speed, but availability is 3+
some fuckers have downloaded and stopped seeding right after. What kind of nigger behaviour is that?
someone with a seedbox needs to download this to speed up the swarm.
thank you my friend. please keep seeding.
https://gofile.io/d/wGKtY7 don't know how long it will last, fed up seeding at 14.5:1
I have downloaded more videos, this time i will just post a gofile link coz seeding from my laptop is too slow and taxing on the system.
https://gofile.io/d/wGVTMT. this is the new video.
doing god's work anon
seed this shit nick gurrs
>wow using nick gurrr
>fuck off nigger
>racism outside of /b/
cya later nigger
wow so brave faggot
fuck you mongrel
Maybe off-topic, but does anyone has access to "the value of others" book or audiobook by Orion Taraban?
does magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c1d34ce1fff9467dbe52d16e7b79cdddd076fa67&dn=The+Value+of+Others+by+Orion+Taraban+EPUB&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce work?
it does, iLL let you know if the epub is legit when i put it in the reader.
thank you
Book it legit, very much appreciated anon

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