Search previous thread >>1177335 (archive: for these bangers:>Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health A journey into Anxiety, Depression, and Meditation led by Dr. Alok Kanojia>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - new ADHD module (HealthyGamerGG) (13.9 GB)>Dr. K's Guide to Mental Health: ADHD & Doing Stuff Module [2022]>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - Trauma Module>Mastering Your Adult ADHD: Workbook: A cognitive-behavioral treatment program>Book: Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Anxiety and Worry>Udemy - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Anxiety and Worry>Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook on Building Positive Self-esteem>Johann Hari - Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention and How to Think Deeply Again>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)>HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING by Dale Carnegie
>>1313942>Alcohol and addiction recovery>>1291895>Christian / Catholic / Orthodox torrents #3>>1283583
thanks for backing this up dudei started the previous thread found some great things hope this keeps alive for everyone
Here's the Dr.k's E-Book & Audiobook( somebody please make torrent for these 2 this link will go down but torrent wouldn't )How to Raise a Healthy GamerEnd Power Struggles, Break Bad Screen Habits, and Transform Your Relationship with Your KidsAlok Kanojia, MD, MPH
>>1314154>How to Raise a Healthy Gamer by Alok Kanojia (epub + m4b)magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ea6a7e93693ed457b1f38360b65118d01b95f8e&dn=How%20to%20Raise%20a%20Healthy%20Gamer%20by%20Alok%20Kanojia&
i got the youtube members videos. have downloaded them all - will make a torrent file and share soon
>>1315329thank you anon
>>1315329still waiting king
https wormhole app QyKKx#VxeAhfUkNVkhPqdBT12bTwPlease make a torrent file. imma on site so dont have access to my desktop
>>1313942honest advice: you won't solve your problems watching videos on internet.
>>1315657>>1315660they don't seem to be working mate
>>1315736Its legit 30.6 GB of his membership lectures, good collection but very slow, 1 seed at barely 200kbps will take days to download.
>>1315769I could put It on mega or any other file sharing platform. Then maybe someone with better internet can share them
>>1315801will it upload faster to mega than it would to BitTorrent peers?
whatever but don't stop seeding tho.
>>1315817>>1315804I think it doesn't matter. I can seed once I finish downloading.
>>1315736thank you so much
>>1315769keep seeding boys!
>>1315956I'm still have to download 100%, don't have a single full video yet.
>>1315736thanks king
> you Need to work after watching these videos action and learning thats the key of getting better consume good media and leave garbage out
>>1315329release the nest batch when stuff arrives
>>1315329mate just create a mega link and send it here so peeps can down it and seed the torrents
>>1315736So in this file there are several videos with samey size and name. I assume it's the same stream but with different parts cut out (probably skipped stream starting minutes). Need confirmation on that from seeder anons with all the files already downloaded before proceeding with downloads.
>>1316098Its the same. my bad. have removed it.
Any essential pointers for:>How to handle strangers as [critical] employees and/or business partners?I'm not primarily looking for general stuff that a competent HR should know. More like stuff that a wannabe/hastobe leader (or something close to it) should not just know theoretically but somehow?! get a good grasp on practically, before building critically important business relationships with strangers.It's strongly connected to mental health because:1. The practice can be extremely stressful if you've been raised to be a one of many, friend of everyone, agreeable kind of guy. It basically goes against everything you are and so you have to massively work on yourself to be able to successfully relate to strangers in a formal/informal but contractual manner where not getting things done can easily mean dire consequences for everyone involved starting with yourself.2. The practice is potentially tormenting due to ethics (of many kinds) coming into play, having to figure out what makes people tick (motivation), having to identify bad fits as early as possible and then having to remove them, knowing how to delegate and just let people do things their way (coupled with knowing how to express essential requirements in a way that benchmarks success).
>>1315736>>1316234no seed
>>1315736Thanks a ton for this. Please keep seeding. Tips for speeding up the download for this file? since mine is hovering at 40 kbps even though my internet speed is 30 Mbps??
Please seed kind anon. There is no speed, but availability is 3+some fuckers have downloaded and stopped seeding right after. What kind of nigger behaviour is that?
>>1316800>>1316827someone with a seedbox needs to download this to speed up the swarm.
>>1315736thank you my friend. please keep seeding. don't know how long it will last, fed up seeding at 14.5:1
I have downloaded more videos, this time i will just post a gofile link coz seeding from my laptop is too slow and taxing on the system. this is the new video.
>>1318058doing god's work anon
>>1315736seed this shit nick gurrs
>>1318088>wow using nick gurrr >fuck off nigger
>>1319073>racism outside of /b/cya later nigger
>>1319107wow so brave faggot
>>1319321fuck you mongrel
Maybe off-topic, but does anyone has access to "the value of others" book or audiobook by Orion Taraban?
>>1319447does magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c1d34ce1fff9467dbe52d16e7b79cdddd076fa67&dn=The+Value+of+Others+by+Orion+Taraban+EPUB&tr=udp:// work?
>>1319491it does, iLL let you know if the epub is legit when i put it in the reader.thank you
>>1319491Book it legit, very much appreciated anon
>>1319334fuck you bukyak
Imagine consooming jeet ayurvedic mental health nonsense kek, yall need some it what it is mindset.
>>1320793yup keeps getting fucked in life and western BS lifestyle what you need is mindset okay buddy
>>1315736fuck this one's dead I only got to 70%
>>1322304I started seeding. I have all lectures, but no live QnA videos.
>>1313942I know this is a long shot but this is mental health related as it is a form of therapy albeit an "alternative" method. Does anyone know where i could get the Christopher Hyatt videos? The full undoing yourself course with all the neo reichian exercises demonstrated.
>>1315736>>1317296any latest videos fren?
bump for this
>>1320793say what you want about jeets but they were the first ones to seriously think about mental health that's why they later developed practices like mediation and mindfulness excercisesDr K explicitly says that some of what he prescribes like ayurveda might not work openly he hasn't lied about their scientific reliability
>>1323142Stoicism is based off of western traditions, which are not as old as the pajeet's teaching but old. I need actual counseling resources. Can anyone provide? something from or oxford university press. I work as a drug and alcohol abuse counselor. I do not wish to spend thousands of dollars on resources.
>>1323734>>Give Your Mind a Name>If your mind has a name, then it is different from “you.”>When you listen to someone else you can choose to agree with what they say or not, and if you don’t want to cause conflict, it’s best not to try to argue the person into agreement with you. That is the posture you want take with your internal voice.>Process work has shown that naming your mind helps with this. I call mine George.>Pick any name you like. Even Mr. Mind or Ms. Mind will do. Now say hello to your mind using its new name, as if you’re being introduced to it at a dinner party. If you are around others, you can do this entirely in your head – no need to freak people out.what in the name of sweet baby jesus is that. you fuckers recommend me this hot shit instead of dr k. no thanks i'm sticking with my pajeet guru
>>1322319I'm trying to download but it shows 0 seeders. Can those who have the files please keep sending?
>>1321339Absolutely saar
>>1315736>>1315818>>1315329Is this torrent dead now? Shit ain't seeding!!
>>1324138okay wignat keep playing this game yet you still learn eastern things. most of the science is taking eastern things renaming to sound western
>>1315736Thanks for these mate, watched almost all of them.Can you please upload new content from july and august.
>>1325403bump for new stuff
hope Dr.k Expands more on mediations does more Youtube only videos for newbies and amateurs
thanks to user - PSN_IDK on reddit for Freedom Model PMO bookdefinite solution to PORN and Masturbation ( somebody make torrent for this one too )
Niggas s keep this thread alive
>>1326191Does anyone want a living in balance workbook by Hazaldin publishing?
>>1325515No OP but member, how do I download them ?
>>1327685find URL of the iframe (use view source or network inspector) and use on that
>>1327685Downloaded them yet?
>>13280542, there seems to be a rate limit, I'm doing one a day, sometime next week.
>>1329297making torrent
>>1329297>>1329389>Dr K's Members' Livestreams (16.2 GB)magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ea545a4bc33e02f36576f4b43e9f8d77a407d2ed&dn=Dr%20K%27s%20Members%27%20Livestreams&
this thread is amazing
>>1327281>want a living in balance workbook by Hazaldin publishingjust post it maybe some one may need it we never know
bump for this.
Can anyone share "Academy of Ideas" private membership videos?
>>1330353i m interested in his addiction videos and art work he uses in his videos
metal health best tips and tricks>>download this torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:37c24931740d8d42e70b574cd34e583a25c5bb70&dn=content>> open the folder in vlc and click shuffle>>full screen that shit>>enjoy pirate tv forever and never leave your house agin>> thats what i do. its wokring great!
im so out of touch
>>1329391seed it god damn it
find refuge with the buddha
>>1331192I have 6+ ratio on that torrent
>>1315736whoever is seeding this, I LOVE YOU
>>1315736>>1329391awesome thanks brother
>>1327685>>1315736Thanks for this!Can you please upload Q&A's of March, April and May frens?
bump diss
Does anyone have a torrent for a complete collection of Alan Watts lectures and audiobooks?Mainly for mental health
>>1333290rb dot gy/zfc17cmight be in your interest! it's alan watts collection from waking up app
>>1333382Thanks so much! Made my day!
>>1315736>>1329391Thank you anons!My autistic brain wants to keep track of missing membership livestreams so that i can upload them when i become a member in maybe 2 months.pastebin com qEAwXxYF
>>1323863good one
>>1315736>>1317296>>1329297can you please upload Deep Dive into Decision Making
>>1335662bump for this one
>>1329391>>1329297>>1318058>>1315736>>1314155Can you make a torrent link for membership streams from deep dive into perception to the recent one? Pls include the three videos on relationships and attachment styles as well.Much thanks for your previous contribution!!!
bump for this shit ( why the fuck 4chan has email verification )
Bump for new material
Someone please upload new shit. I almost sorted out my life with this guys stuff, and deep dives are life changing. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I'll do the rest tonight, can someone turn them into a torrent ?
>>1329389Hey, can you pls create the torrent for the recent batch of membership livestreams mentioned in the previous comment?
>>1343938Thank you anon.sending good vibes. Know that your selfless act is changing my life
Does anyone have anything like a megapack of guided meditations or meditation sounds? It's hard finding good content on YouTube, and the apps are paywalled
>>1313944Are there any archives of >>1291895 ?
Anything about self-hypnosis?
>>1343938Thanks a ton!Can you also upload the latest one "understanding desires". That would be awesome.
Would love the Dr K lecture on Self-Love and Heart Chakra, can anyone help?
>>1349892I got my hands on the audio rip in 30 days K membership lecture on "Understanding Desires"Video + Audio only + autogen subtitle
>>1350367>>1350581Thank you to both of you anons!
Uploaded all the dr k membership livestream audios that were shared here (poorfag) and organised in mega , maybe I'll upload with video soon (decode this once on :aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZvbGRlci9Jck0zVWJ6VCNWa0ZBX1ZnUnRTSUZVaU9tc1dJaFl3
>>1351263wow, it's legit. Thanks! can you please upload the "building a fulfilling career" ( too?
>>1351408I'm not really a member, anon. I just compiled all the stuff that was posted here. Maybe >>>1350581 or >>1343938 can help you
Did anyone get access to The Weird Stuff Pt. 2 on Dr K's members livestream?Pls upoad it if you're a member or could get your hands on itThanks!!
>>1352061decode it once on :aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvSFB3QVNJcEQjWjdScHVOQjgzRE11WGdmWGZvOUl1XzBJM0dobVU1aHNzR0NuX01HLUxWNA==does someone have his members livestream on career? I don't really wanna renew for one livestream.
>HealthyGamerGG - Members-only videos (43 GB)the holy grail. updated as of postingmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:T7WYVNGPISW7KYK3CJMJYUH34Z5EPMFP&dn=HealthyGamerGG%20-%20Members-only%20videos&
>>1352596Thanks a ton anon!! Seeding is very slow tho. What time do you seed it?
>>1352596How can I make this download quicker OP? It's downloading at avg. 500kb/s. Gets to 1mbps for a couple of seconds but that is it. Is there a way to speed up this process?(My internet is working fine)
bump for this thread
>>1352936>>1352937Seeding 24/7 as the best i can. Please seed after download anons!>The Science of Creativity - Members-only Livesteam (02/25/25)magnet:?xt=urn:btih:897d56969ab6456e3d7dfec5962eb7bf6a3baf68&dn=The%20Science%20of%20Creativity%20-%20MEMBERS%27%20LIVESTREAM&