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just a really bored guy that seeds torrents for fun.
if your torrent needs seeding just post it and I will see what I can do.
Honestly man I don't know shit about this stuff but if you can salvage this one I'd appreciate it

my nigger just look at the board and join swarms that you are actually going to seed forever since you find shit in them interesting
look through archive.org for old and obscure shit you like and join the archive.org automatic torrent that is created for that item to help
racist much?
I can't find your torrent :(
looks like bob beat me to it but I can't find it either.
fucking kys do you know where you are retard?
look at this nigger, first time here redditfag?
Daimajin English trilogy.
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sirs please do the needful

The golden age cartoon Barney Bear:
F Troop is a satirical American television Western sitcom about U.S. soldiers and American Indians in the Wild West during the 1860s. The humor in it is probably not politically correct by todays standards.

F Troop

Fuck you cunt
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I have some YouTube members content that I paid for few years ago, I wanted to share it with people before I delete it. If I share the files with you, would you be able to make a torrent for it and share it on public/private trackers?

16 Videos, 1080p, 3.45 GB Total.
REW-FFWD (documentary by Dennis Villeneuve): https://yts.mx/torrent/download/DA830F88D9EAC654A7F2585703B921510778515D
A torrent of the Generic Universal Roleplaying System, a tabletop RPG, as requested by some guy on /tg/. Unfortunately, he seems to be outside my timezone, so it would be helpful if someone could seed this because I may need to shut my machine down before he gets on.

Help! I found a torrent of Chalkdust trig that desperately needs to be resuscitated.

Send help pls

Prozac Nation: https://yts.mx/torrent/download/C1B992E759E2068A4255FBC6F5451C72D9B4F281

Thanks in advance
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Could you help with this? 2.6 GB and valuable.

>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)

Testimonial: I sincerely recommend Rational Recovery https://youtu.be/S53OjsF3z-w It starts a little slow but in the first video you will already find out about the falsehood of the Disease Concept and the most important part: learning to recognize the addictive voice and making the "I" / "IT" distinction. That really is the core of AVRT. In the second video you will see an emotional moment where Tom is confronted with his addictive voice when he is asked to reach for a glass of drink (resembling a cold beer). That is the shifting technique. In total there are like five videos. Just by watching the first you already learn so much there is about addiction. It totally changed my world. I used it against pornography addiction too.

it would be wonderful if u helped with this, thx man

Pink Floyd

Roger Waters - The Wall LIVE IN BERLIN 1990 [DVD9]

Appreciate the help with the Chalkdust Trig torrent earlier. Here's another one I would deeply appreciate some help with.

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belleniko and others
Naomi Soraya: https://trupornolabs.org/torrent/475052/onlyfans-com-naomi-soraya-593-rolika-pack-2021-07-28-2023-03-03-amateur-cosplay-cumshot-creampie-hardcore-pov-solo-straight

German Goo Girls. Need some help plus others


Coco lovecock






Small collection of Luna Bright. Really need seeders rn. I appreciate it you guys
Hi, I am not really new to torrents but I've never made one myself. Could you help me with that? This is a 40GB archive of my discord servers #memes channel that had to be wiped because otherwise whole server would be deleted. It has Lotus of history in there and So much content that we would love to preserve. Yould you help me create a torrent of it? Preferably with the .7z unwraped so individual folders could be accessed?
Backup of old memes channel available here (41Go total):
2019 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLbasK76PpT-6Lb0U?e=nCr6ha
2020 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLbhOQ2h5bbLa3kbE?e=MtptlD
2021 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLbxMGOaGKkNWp_5E?e=qE685i
2022 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLcbuG5PcjDdiKl0k?e=VIyFA9
2023 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLcts-CPoFGxR07LI?e=YTZU3u
2024 : https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuiyXgxAhIBLcApebIpb6HnPqME?e=hLEG87
do you seed any old psa rips, particularly 720p?
help please

seed those please. in my mind those torrents are the canon of good anime
Megadeth disoc, 66.g4 gigs:
Go back, nigger
pls save this archive. it's legendary and deserves to be saved from being lost to time

can this get some help? I just want to watch some its always sunny

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Please if you can help keep this alive because its dead but i hope it revives since I added some of the files.

These are the original raw files that the other sites like archive have in lower quality and mp4 format. This is something we need! then we need to put it on archive.

G4TV Icons Season 1-3
>if your torrent needs seeding just post it and I will see what I can do.
I'm confused, I thought someone could only seed a torrent if they already have the files downloaded too?

Would you be able to seed a torrent that only has 17% of the download available, and all the people in the "peer" list only have 17% downloaded too?

Would you be able to make that torrent 100% downloadable rather than part of it (that's what I'm asking)?
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literally girls brushing their teeth
fix your trackers:

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August in The Water (1995) great movie and wonderful soundtrack but it only has one seed.
If anyone could plant I would be very grateful.

BJJ stuff
INE - CCNA 200-301 Learning Path
oh the mean the place which is ((tiny hats)) and only archive that which is ((not offensive))
take that shit and fuck off.
you should fuck off to ((fren(s)chins))
allows incredible searchability for anyone in the world, nobody is telling you to rely on them as a centralized and only service, torrents are automatically created for each uploaded item, join it and enjoy

A collection of Woody Allen films
visual novel opening flac, I would really appreciate it op

>'Training of O' siterip for 2015 - 2018

Tara porn collection

cant post the complete magnet link in the chat box or whatever u call it, I want to leech and seed lana rhoades stuff that I got 15gb. there was one seeder now he/she gone. I'll upload the link in 2 parts with lana photos. but anyone up for help?
I saw her vid... It seems mid to me
your manget link is too long propably because there is too much trackers in it. Open it in https://torrent.parts/ and delete most of them, leave like 5 of them.
some obscure foot fetish content from zhongguo


thanks in advance
i dont need to do that because some anon posted it already (great guy), but still no seeds yk. :(
but thanks for this site, will help me alot.
thanks anon.
can you try and seed please

>little women

can you seed this please


1 seeder
Can you try and seed please. I can't find it anywhere else.
WW1s Tunnels Of Death The Big Dig
can you seed these please

If you could get this going, I would be one happy anon! Keeps getting stuck around halfway:

Sarong Banggi 2005 900 mib
An independent Asian film caught my attention with its story, but I only found one link.
it didn't download more than 7%.
I would be grateful if you could seed it .

bumpin this beech
Might as well link this request because the torrents were from 4chan and it has some good stuff

Digimon Adventure Tri Episode 9: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:50ab863d76c9e18aa82f0dbefbea015748ada26e&dn=%5BHorribleSubs%5D%20Digimon%20Adventure%20tri%20-%2009%20%5B1080p%5D.mkv&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.tracker.wf%3A7777%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3A451%2Fannounce

Seeding part of this. I don't have dirty small or homemadexxx or free use or nsfwhardcore

Original text below for lurkers

Years back there was an NSFWRip thread on /t/ with a bunch of magnet links and someone collected them all into a single torrent


I tried finding the content on archive and collection sites with no success, and I've been trying to get the torrent for two weeks but only have 17%

Can anyone seed?


There was also one listed as "Porn with an interesting plot, effort in acting, character development." The torrent name is "suh dude"


Alternatively, just a list of porn with plot/acting/character development would be nice + any torrents with a collection of these from reddit, preferably before the imgur purge, and especially before the first OF invasion wave of 2018.
Here is the entire mad max collection 79 - 24. Pretty healthy but super slow.


Never found a single thing here that i doubled back for.

Not all peers download the same pieces of the torrent.

In practice, the more active peers the more active parts, uploading.

If 3 people have 5% on a constant upload any new dl will still have the chance to download seperate pieces of the torrent.

In theory the entire file exists in the cloud and all the dls draw pieces to make a whole file.

Therefore the more people hosting even an incomplete file increase the chances of a whole file being downloaded.

If possible, please:


Or if someone else can tell me an active torrent for Dark Souls 3 for PS4/Elden Ring for PS4
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If you are seeing this then please seed, faggot!
also that thread is gone now. :(
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I hope the original seeders are still around.
Transferred client to qbittorrent as transmission was rejected by the seeder from South Korea for some reason, he probably never heard of transmission. Fucking zoomers.
But now he has also stopped seeding.
Thank you based /Pole/ anon for seeding.
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seed seed seed
I'm trying to get Tales of Terror seeded because it only has one seed, and it comes and goes.

The Beast Within (1982): https://yts.mx/torrent/download/86F3835807D885634217309D32484FCE357697BC

Thanks in advance
The Barbarian Invasions (2003 Frech comedy film): https://yts.mx/torrent/download/205E7B915810875C503AA9EAB0466FAD93DD36F4
>look mom i'm fitting in!

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