UK mega 2024.4 | 1.1 TBKitten sophie | Emily Black | Lauren Elizabethmagnet:?xt=urn:btmh:1220161339381b449fb07c41aae82ef3e43a067f7a69120e772280a6d49ed79c25cf&dn=uk&
>>1333349magnet link doesn't load a torrent bro, check it and repost
>>1333362which torrent client are you using?
Info Hash v2 : 161339381b449fb07c41aae82ef3e43a067f7a69120e772280a6d49ed79c25cf
>>1333349>1220161339381b449fb07c41aae82ef3e43a067f7a69120e772280a6d49ed79c25The hash has 69 characters, should be 40
>>1333398It's v2 hash which are 64 characters long and it's 64 chracters in length
>>1333349I see, it's v2 hash. You can make it backwards compatible for the anons that don't want to upgrade from their favorite old torrent app.magnet:?xt=urn:btih:631a31dd0a46257d5078c0dee4e66e26f73e42ac&xt=urn:btmh:1220d8dd32ac93357c368556af3ac1d95c9d76bd0dff6fa9833ecdac3d53134efabb&dn=whatever
No people need update their out of date software.
>>1333402>No people need update their out of date software99.9% of torrents use v1 and very few clients support v2. Until there's a compelling reason to use v2, fuck off. I'm not going to be someone's beta tester for free.
>>1333391qbittorrent v5.0, won't accept the magnet or the hash
>>1333405>qbittorrent v5.0, won't accept the magnet or the hashSame here, I've had nothing but trouble with v2 hashes in qBittorrent, and many trackers don't support it. OP is obviously a shitty torrent app developer trying to get free testing.
>>1333407any idea what clients will let me download the fuckers? li torrent is for servers. all I want is some quality British gash on my pc to pull my pisser over. He can test whatever the fuck he wants as long as he delivers those limey chav slags
>>1333410Bit Comet, Transmission, allegedly libtorrent, but qBittorrent isn't working. I'm not sure it's a good torrent. Did you check the old slag torrent on the archive?
>>1333432yeah, I got that one, just wanted to see what was dif in this update. installed bit comet but the fucking metadata has been downloading for nearly an hour now and still fucking going
>>1333349Torrent isn't working due to some sort of error here 27GB of porn for now magnet:?xt=urn:btmh:1220ea54223480b6a289a1e4a0b8adea69eba64c033724c153ecd6ad99131454694d&dn=MissPaleGirl&
>>1333349Had to create new torrent here is magnet linkmagnet:?xt=urn:btmh:12205887408163df8e75fe3368b437c1ba5be76539e437c8e88816774390676f081d&dn=uk&
>>1333567are you seeding this? finally got the torrent to load the metadata and there's only 3 peers and no seeds
>>1333588>are you seeding this? finally got the torrent to load the metadata and there's only 3 peers and no seedsMost trackers don't support bmth/v2. OP is like a guy trying to sell rocket rides to the moon while the Wright Brothers were still discovering flight
>>1333349Are any of these remotely modern? I have checked one before and half of it seems to be pictures from 10 or more years ago and the other large collections from UK onlyfans/porno thots rather than anyone normal.
>>1333629looks like it's the last one with added only fans shite. was downloading at 8kbps so fucked it off after a day
>BEP0052 posted 15 years ago>Frozen 7 years ago>People with ancient fucking clients still bitching about the 'new' hashing functionSome people are really beyond help.
>>133392699% of trackers don't support itMost popular functional clients don't support it99% of magnets are the old versionKind of like forcing a switch to EV cars even though charging stations are sparse, the $30k batteries have to be replaced every 5 years, and lithium is a very limited resource. But hey, it's the new thing, so trash your perfectly good IC vehicle and buy a useless new technology vehicle, you fucking luddites
>>1334037qBittorrent, Transmission, Deluge, libtorrent, BiglyBT, FrostWire, Tixati, PicoTorrent, VuzeSo most of 10 top ten torrent clients support it.
Had to reduced to 129 GB because mutiple clients were crashing with both v1 and v2 torrentsmagnet:?xt=urn:btmh:12202783774d11ded215186c2ee70fa31df13dad20419f0e73e79d96ce71d6c0a203&dn=uk&
All of this discussion about magnet versions, trackers, old torrent clients, etc for 3 average girls instagrams.
>>1334129it's not just 3 girls it's thousands
>>1334125>>1334066>07/10/2024 18:02 - Failed to add torrent. Source: "magnet:?xt=urn:btmh:12202783774d11ded215186c2ee70fa31df13dad20419f0e73e79d96ce71d6c0a203&dn=uk&". Reason: "missing info-hash from URI [libtorrent:22]"That's qbittorrent 5.0.0 which apparently has v2 support.>>1334133>thousandsof average girls*
>>1334166Stop being a fucking internet karen.
>>1334171Not him but he's got a pointSupplied link doesn't work in an app that's supposed to workSo pipe down and let the gurus sort this shit out>sage goes in all fields
>>1334125you gonna seed this then. been downloading at 0kbs for 5 fucking hours now
I am seeding
>>1334296thanks mate, it's trickling down slowly but hope it picks up soon
>>1334296got to 14.4% and hasn't budged from 0kbs for 4hours
absolute embarrassment threadRIP in peace the the one that died for this ridiculousness
>>1334296poster from two days ago, it's moved up to 15.9% for the 2.3 GB of content I want. fastest speed has been 5kb/s, you keep appearing then disappearing. That's not seeding, that's taking the piss. Why go to all this trouble to create a shitty V2 magnet for no fucker to download it and for the few of us that can, you won't fucking seed? I'm not seeing your motivation for this thread at all anon
ok fine heres a shitty outdated v1 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0979723845cc78e8a56173bdd7fd0d51e51660bc&dn=uk&
>>1334649already got that. what's the point? wanted the updates, not the same old shite from 15 years ago or the only fans crap. no idea why you did this when loads of people would've leapt on it you autistic cunt
Christ what a MESSOP I hope you feel suitably admonished for this shitshow
>>1334656Your the fucking retard who has autism your using outdated insecure software just like the other people on austisc spectrum who are still using Internet Relay Chat.
Alessa Savage 68GB magnet:?xt=urn:btmh:1220764d307e09bf4425df20855b77096399cd9a803979802328f4203ce2d2cdbff7&dn=%2BAlessa%20Savage&
>>1334763>Your the fucking retard who has autism your using outdated insecure softwareNo, that's me. But for the record, my outdated insecure v1 torrents work, your very modern v2 torrents are, as the previous anon so astutely noted, an absolute shitshow. Could you do us a favor and namefag so we can avoid every torrent and thread you post? Thanx.
op is very mad that no one's impressed by his graciously donated pile of garbage
>>1335013V2 torrents work fine The problem are 1. the total size over 1 terabyte.2. the number of indivual files.
>>1335864>V2 torrents work fineevidently not, else this thread would be very differentand short of speed running this thread to max the count out so it can't be bumped, we have to watch this shit slowly drift over the pages and me reminded what a ridiculous waste of time and energy this has been - for everyone concernedterabyte downloads work fine. magnet links work fine. why on earth OP decided to be a fucking try hard and break the tried and tested formula is frankly beyond me, but here we all are- closer to death and not any better off for it>>1334750>shitshow^^
>Kitten Sophie Love this bitch. Shame I can't get this new stuff.
>>1336097what's the difference between v1 and v2 torrent?
>>1336337>what's the difference between v1 and v2 torrent?v2 was designed for gay people, like OP
>>1334771God, her Jinx vid was fucking hot as hell. Shame she only did one or two as her
OP is a moron but this thread is the funniest thing on /t/ in a long time
OP is like a guy with a vasectomy, he is not able to seed.
>>1336393A v1 torrent uses an older method to check file pieces for errors, but it's becoming outdated and less secure.A v2 torrent uses a newer, stronger method that not only improves security but also makes downloading more efficient by checking smaller parts of files for errors, which helps prevent data corruption.
>>1336636Thanks. Are there any sites where I can search for v2 only so I don't expose myself to less secure technology? Do I need to check every link to see if it's a v1 or v2?
>>1336611there is nothing wrong with my seeding
>>1336649Sez you. Has anyone on this thread been able to download the v2 slag torrent?
>>1336708I could've if I'd waited 3years. fucking zero seeds for over a week, max download speed was 2kb. utter shitshow. seen three pics finish and that's it. dumped the bastard after that
I have requested a full refund of my 4Chins Gold Card AND I have started legal action over time wasted on this ridiculous charade.
I'm a little surprised OP didn't jump right to v3 torrents
>>1336761>I'm a little surprised OP didn't jump right to v3 torrentsv3 is so obsolete, they just released v4 30 seconds ago, OP is sooo lame and still using the ancient fucking v2 like some old boomer
>>1336761the BEP0052 spefication was created in 2008 so your joke isn't funny just makes you look idoitic.
>>1336856>the BEP0052 spefication was created in 2008 so your joke isn't funny just makes you look idoitic.The BOZO(y0u) specification makes you look odoitoc.
Just doing my rounds to see if this waste of a thread is still kicking around.*checks le thread*Yep, still here. OP, you made a working copy yet or no?
How quickly can we get this waste of bandwidth to the bump limit?
Any cherry English
bump (to push this garbage thread to the limit)
>>1339317Daily bump
stop being whiny little bitches I have seeded over 2 TB and people are downloading it.
>>1339412>I have seeded over 2 TB and people are downloading it.Of what? The original broken torrent or your 27GB garbage torrent of old shit?
>>1339416It's 128GB and it's not old shit Everyone keeps little internet karen bitches yet no one else here has posted something either post something better or shut the fuck up bitches
>>1339437If you honestly gave a shit about sharing your slag porn, you'd make your shitty v2 torrent backwards compatible since no one except fanboys use v2.
>>1339452Hybrid torrents store both v1 and v2 data so it's just creating more bloat and it creates lag for v1 peers. It also confuses the trackers causing random disconnection and slower swarm speeds.
>>1339463>Hybrid torrents store both v1 and v2 data so it's just creating more bloat and it creates lag for v1 peers.>It also confuses the trackers causing random disconnection and slower swarm speeds.blah blah blah, the devs in their infinite wisdom added backward compatibility to the v2 capabilities to help with adoption. By not following their lead, you are inherently creating a barrier against the future you crave.
1 terabyte of contentmagnet:?xt=urn:btmh:1220594135a37a37bff2b090662a904b23e4288c19e251f9049fc1a957a271434876&dn=uk&
>>1339481this torrent doesn't work
>>1339485I tested it and I can prove it works fine
>>1339487I'm using qbittorent v5 latest version, i get an error. Anyway, what's in the torrent? Years, models, old, new?
>>1339496are using the qt verison that has libtorrent 2.0 ?
>>1339481>be me>have qBittorrent 5.0.1 with libtorrent 2.0>add this magnet link>memory leak
>>1339640>Hybrid torrents store both v1 and v2 data so it's just creating more bloat and it creates lag for v1 peers.>It also confuses the trackers causing random disconnection and slower swarm speeds.Imagining OP's reply:>This is a feature, not a bug, you fucking boomer. v2 was designed for modern computers that have yottabytes of RAM, 4GB is nothing, update your rig and get on my level you poorfag.
Any seeds for these?Info Hash v12bcd307b4dcdce7c11cebb2c5b74ab77ac6ca0e1Info Hash v2594135a37a37bff2b090662a904b23e4288c19e251f9049fc1a957a271434876161339381b449fb07c41aae82ef3e43a067f7a69120e772280a6d49ed79c25cf5887408163df8e75fe3368b437c1ba5be76539e437c8e88816774390676f081d2783774d11ded215186c2ee70fa31df13dad20419f0e73e79d96ce71d6c0a203
>>1342439v1 seeded for what I wanted, died at 99.7% so didn't get one vid and a cpl pics but that's a small sacrifice. those fucking V2 hashes do not do fuck all. qbittorrent v5.0.2 doesn't like them, bit comet basically told me to fuck off with the memory leaks. I've 32gb ddr4 3200 installed and those fuckers crippled my i9 laptop.
>>1342484Yeah I'm stuck at 88.3% on the v1 and all of the v2's are just sat downloading metadata.
why op try continue to seed with people bitching about free porn
Do any of you have the premium "manchester nightlife" videos that the guy from Bradford got arrested for?
>>1342853anyone actually seeding this? max download speed so far has been 5kbps. it'll take months at that rate