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Hi all, hopefully this is not an ad because it is a free public domain torrent site that I made.


Here I have uploaded over 600 public domain ebooks and audiobooks. The site is also meant to host Classical Music and Documentaries as a sort of New Renaissance Library.

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lol it's just stupid nazi shit

I have the Linux version of Sudachi, if anyone wants me to make a torrent.
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seems like a lot of hassle just to emulate PS2 graphics. what does a switch cost like $200? and they have flash carts now

Weekly German newsreels from 1939 - 1945
size: 68.94 GB
78 hours of footage

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Remember to check nyaa, forum.holopirates .moe, and mogu.holopirates .moe before requesting (or be publicly shamed by your oshi)

Thread archives:

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I hate gofile's new UI

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Previous thread https://archived.moe/t/thread/1149167/

Having a single thread dedicated to answering everyone's questions seems to reduce the number of "please help" threads on /t/. Post your question here, rather than making a new thread.
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The quick connects are probably scrapers, or part of the DHT
Seeding is mainly a demand based thing, so if there is no demand you don't seed
Having high upload speed helps on popular torrents (with alot of seeds and few leaches) but is not a guarentee as peers are randomly chosen (initially)
You will get optimistic unchokes on occasion as the only way to see if you can get a better download is to actually download, but if they deem you inadequate they leave as fast as they came

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Previous thread >>1196628 hit a bump limit (archive: https://archive.is/BLxHD)

>The Catechism in a Year
Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 episodes, providing explanation, insight, and encouragement along the way.

Read the ENTIRE Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days. Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter. Understand how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture. Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition. Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness for your life

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Seems like all the volumes are on here. To avoid the slow servers click "show external downloads" where you'll probably find faster downloads

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With the newer games not being cracked, sometimes you just need to go back to the classics.

FIFA 12 - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:96A51C4AF727E528D7871AF7268910E9031AF32A
FIFA 16 - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:555F9FA18422530ABB28CCCB87379000157685FB
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b7c84ef9ee2125939c76f248100dc1efe37f6f7b
Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0172C79DC0A160EAA92BC04BE97AD091E5C2CA2B

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Football Manager and it's not even close. especially with mods, you can get pretty much every semi pro league that exists in real life for every country in the world and hundreds of amateur leagues

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Hi All,

This took me a long time to find, enjoy anons!

Archived Thread:

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Many thanks, anon, I'm watching it tonight! Do you have any obscure requests I can try to help out with?

What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
t. setting up my homeserver
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>What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
I've downloaded almost 16000 RARBG bluray .265 rips with qbittorrent-nox. Already seeded over 30TB
it works, but the UI gets really slow with more than 1000 torrents running.... even on a system with dual 10 core xeons and 256GB RAM (qbt-nox using about 70GB RAM).

If anyone knows of a solution that scales much higher (like 50,000 simultaneous torrents for epic seeding), I'd appreciate

Here you'll find magnets of Rarbg. Everything.txt is about 210MB text file containing all magnets so far. Will update the list soon, but meanwhile, save it for safekeeping.

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fml i always fuck up
>Get bluray rips in .265 for which .265 does not exist
Get bluray rips in .264 for which .265 does not exist

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This one is one of the best imo. I hope to acrue as much vintage porn movies because they're low in size and feels like watching an actual movie

If anyone has large colections they want to share please feel free.

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Anyone got the electric blue suburban wives set? 7 and 8 if possible.

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Best version ever. How do I fix this. Reverting to a preivous one didn't work
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That's rough buddy

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Where it all started. Resolutions varry.

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I would hope so, nigger. I don't want to get transformed into a woman so Zeus can fuck me or something.

I make it a point to recover deleted files from whatever used storage media I buy or find. Over the years, I've gotten my hands on a lot of flash drives, microsd cards, hard drives from old computer and whatnot, and I've kept most of them in a folder called "other people's trash", because why not.

I was thinking that it'd be nice to share all of that with some likeminded voyeuristic pervs, so here you have them:


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I also put it on archive because I have nothing better to do: https://archive.org/details/other-peoples-trash

good luck grabbing 30GB from there

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Being a hypocrite and continuing to flood this board with way too much porn.

> Hypno Matrix a unity based sissy hypno game
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this magnet is part 13, it includes torrent files for all previous parts and more.

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