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i prefer DDL instead of torrents to be honest
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just restarted to seek torrents this month.
i have been out of this for 10 years
streaming is a pain and searching for french torrents...
what happened anons?

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Please keep seeding this one guys,

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history matters anon . the soviet helped us during one of our neediest time and we are grateful for that

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they are very difficult to find nowadays, stuff like pic related
Pirate Fetish Machine series
Private etc...
there are many studios who made great stuff like this in the early 2000s

old (new) school porn with latex, leather, proper lighting, reasonable camera work, some work going into the setting/aesthetic (not the rich girl house, yacht or couch seen in a gazillion modern porns), women dressed for the occasion etc...

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First time creating a torrent. Hope it works.

Larkin Love (56GB) - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78e2c1a61662babb6b7fae0a47ceb1039986f7b4&dn=Larkin%20Love&tr=http%3A%2F%2F59.36.96.77%3A6969%2Fannounce
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So, you?

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A few days ago, an Internet Archive collection titled "90s Sample CDs" was DMCA'd. This collection contains many classic sample CDs from the 90s - 00s (Zero-G, Best Service, AKAI, Spectrasonics etc.) and the original archive.org page had over 14,000 views. With the help of a few other people, I have collected around 500 CDs from the original archive, and converted most of them from their original formats. Some of the disc images require proprietary tools to use properly, and will show up as broken or empty if you try to open them in an archiver or mount them as a disc. I have taken the liberty of converting what I can to uncompressed .wav files. Additional information from the original uploader can be found at https://pastebin.com/VaxsxX2a


You can also download the torrent file from https://nnty.fun/downloads/torrent/90ssamplecds.torrent
The file list is at https://pastebin.com/0dE05GKE

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Those sample CDs are music focused it seems.
Alot of EDM and electronic subgenres like phonk use those CD's

I've been looking for sound ideas series 2/4/6000 cds
Those are sample cds that movies, tv and video games use.

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I'm shutting down my seedbox in May which has a lot of obscure, rare, and banned YouTube content seeding on it.

Here are some obscure, rare, and banned YouTube torrents, download while you still can:


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anyone have blame truth’s old machinina pokemon videos, or his pokemon showdown videos? he nuked all of the latter and i don’t know why

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TLMC (Touhou Lossless Music Collection) - 3,2TB

Calling out all datahoarders.

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ask me on telegram

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see previous thread for information regarding our previous works including archives / websites:



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wait, really? nothing? That show is a 4chan staple: We have a banner for it for christ sake!


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ASMR Maddy

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This is the first thing I've seen coming to this board from /g/ (By accident? I'm not sure I'm very drunk.)
I declare all of you technically illiterate faggots and I will never come here again.

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Remember T.M. Revolution? This is HIS FATHER. GET IN HERE, FAGGOTS.
The greatest trio* of thirty-something men to do it in J-pop, with their 'canon' discography ripped in FLAC for what I believe to be the first time (at least on a public torrent)

*not including Komuro's wife
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Fun fact: the Swedish ballerina that played Carol in TM Network's Carol tours 35 years ago has around two thousand followers on twitter, and they're all old Japanese ladies fawning over her and reminiscing

Weekly German newsreels from 1939 - 1945
size: 68.94 GB
78 hours of footage

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What exactly are you talking about grammatically

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this is probably gonna be brushed off as a stupid post made by an idiot, but how come there's almost 3k seeds available but I use only around 10 of them?
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>get the fuck off 4chan
>double double spacer
>thread will die without any effort involved by anyone
not true, i've bumped this thread (and a frew others) about 10 times right before dying just for the lolz since the mods don't bother to delete them

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

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149 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
you have to port forward your client to the open internet. enable a port in the settings, get into your router menu and in the port menu just set the local ip of your machine and the port of your client

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Are any of these actually infected with viruses? I need DiskGenius to save an important external hard drive but I can't afford the paid version right now. I get warnings on all of them but I wanna know if they are false positives.
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Pff. No antivirus, blindly downloading torrents in partial Cyrillic for 20 years.
I have been robbed 5 times.

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