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When you create a torrent, what public tracker do you use to announce them?
Here's few I use, but I'd like to make a longer list:
you dont need one. dht is popular enough
>>1343284 (OP)
>Here's few I use, but I'd like to make a longer list:
You can use this one. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_all.txt
Also, this is a trivial question that should have gone into the catch-all Stupid Questions Thread.
Also, her arms are super thin, wtf.
Check out this website. Useful for finding active public trackers.

>>1343284 (OP)
Most trackers (in my experience) are dead.
I only use one tracker. udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce seems good enough. DHT and PEX will take care of the rest.
>>1343284 (OP)
>what public tracker do you use to announce them
None because I don't want for my IP to appear at

I am using a private tracker and when I'm creating some files to share with /t/ community, I am always checking out a column where it is written "private" and I always disable DHT and PEX.

This is the current generated URL

When you encounter any error on your file for sharing, you should go to this website and click on "I'm in. Generate private tracker for me" and than you have to edit a tracker URL in your client.


Private tracker URL is working on every BitTorrent client, it is not meant only for Transmission.
Appreciate the class very much anon.
you are vendor-locking torrents to some privtracker.com site that might go down any day which hurts longevity of your torrents. your privacy benefit is speculative: who's saying privtracker.com won't leak all IP logs after 10 years, just like sci-hub did with paper download logs? https://www.sci-hub.ru/stats
every person using public trackers should just use a VPN instead - that way torrents are preserved long term and your privacy is also adequately protected.
We are not talking about websites and the website storage of the received files. We are talking about sharing and that website is only providing a private tracker URL link for sharing the desired data between friends/users/communities.
>implying /announce URL won't log
anon, I....
>None because I don't want for my IP to appear at
when you download a torrent everyone with access to that torrent can see your IP. do you really think the copyright demons don't make accounts at the private trackers? the smart thing to do is use a vpn and a public tracker anon
Dude, let me put this as kindly as possible. Please don't disregard this advice, it's important for *you* and *your own* privacy that you clearly care about.

You appear to be in the dangerous spot where you've learned *enough* that you understand quite a few things - you're not a newbie anymore - but also you've learned *not enough yet*, which results in you not understanding that you don't understand other things that are equally as important. The other guy who is replying to you is 100% correct, but your wording suggests that you think that he is the one who is missing something that you know/understand, while it's actually the other way around.

You are using a random-ass third party tracker service to make private torrents.

* First of all, it doesn't even matter that they are private; it's only a matter of a "gentleman's agreement" that users (and their clients) can respect or they can not respect; you can manually add any random tracker URL to the torrent, either to the .torrent files themselves or later manually in the client, and it will still be the same hash and the same torrent with the private bool checkmark.

* Also, this does NOT protect you from copyright watchdogs. Private torrents are not "hidden" in any way. They simply have DHT and PEX disabled. That's all. Any random scraper bot will VERY TRIVIALLY come across your magnet links that have this unique announce url in them - which you post in threads in /t/ and/or elsewhere - and they WILL see the list of peers because the announce url is handed to them right here in the magnet. The only way for private torrents to stay actually private (let's unofficially call this "hidden") is when the tracker service / website is a whitelisted club with user authentication and unique announce URLs per user that the tracker validates per user. NO OTHER WAY. And even then, copyright watchdogs infiltrate private trackers all the time every day.

* Additionally, that other anon is right: this third-party service literally runs a torrent tracker - a software on some server somewhere that handles connections and responds with lists of peers. At the VERY LEAST, it maintains [in its memory and/or as a database on the hard drive] a list of peers for the torrents/hashes at this given minute/hour/day, because otherwise it will literally not function as a tracker at all. Do you know the guys behind this random-ass third-party service? What makes you certain that they don't keep these logs indefinitely? That these logs will not be leaked? Or outright sold? 5 years from now? Next month? Or right now in real time?

To sum up:
- You use a third party tracker service
- Which you think protects you from unwanted parties seeing what you download, which is important to you
- It does not
- You should be very suspicious of any such service promising things like this when it does NOT work this way
- You are entrusting some random third party with the privacy of logs of your IP's downloads; the previous point makes it actually MORE LIKELY that they don't have your interests in mind

As a side note, that other anon is correct that by doing this, not only are you NOT protecting yourself, but you are also hindering the archival of your torrents - which you distribute publicly - which is kinda the opposite of what you intend to do (share nice stuff with people online).

> We are talking about sharing and that website is only providing a private tracker URL link for sharing the desired data between friends/users/communities

This sentence in particular makes me believe that you don't know enough about how a tracker functions (any tracker), which is very dangerous for you seeing as privacy is something you intend to take seriously.

Anon, I strongly urge you to read this response to that guy. He is giving bad advice that does not work and does not provide you privacy.
aaaaaand it's logging...
>Please, oh please anon,
>don't use that private service
>please use some other and even better public tracker service
>everyone is using it and you should use it too
>oh and don't forget to fire up your VPN
>VPN is very important even if they log every single thing and are very eager to send userdata to three letter agencies
>t. copyright watchdog
>>please use some other and even better public tracker service

No. This is terrible advice too. It's also not what's written in the posts.

This is what you do when you want to share something privately with your friends over torrent protocol:

- Make a .torrent that is NOT private
- Don't add ANY trackers to it
- Before adding the .torrent to your client, DISABLE peer discovery through DHT and PEX
- Manually add each others' IPs to the peer list
- Enjoy the direct connection between your machines without any leakage to any third party, not even DHT crawlers

Notice that the torrent needs to be set to public, otherwise you won't be able to manually add IPs. Private torrents have DHT and PEX disabled for them by default (which is the action that you need to manually do in this instruction), but you can't add peers manually to a torrent with a private bool checkmark.

>VPN is very important even if they log every single thing and are very eager to send userdata to three letter agencies

I can very confidently say that a third party torrent tracker that explicitly promises privacy when it's actually not guaranteed in this use case is JUST as malicious. You don't know whether a given VPN lies to you about something. This service DOES lie. Do NOT trust someone who lies.

> But what if I want to share something privately with a large undefined group of people, like anons on 4chan?

They are not your personal friends and you can't manually add each other's IPs to the client this way. This means that AT LEAST SOME third party peer discovery mechanism is inevitably needed to find each other. There is no way to maintain absolute privacy in this case. Deal with it.
Overall, this thread is yet another proof of the nearly-universal human flaw: whenever a person is being taken advantage of by some other person or group, you cannot reason with them and convince him that he is being taken advantage of, lied to, or used. He will attack you - the good samaritan who is trying to help - and cement his siding with the person or group that uses him. This is how every psyop in existence works, from cults to government propaganda.
ok so i have a torrent made with a magnet link what do i do to make it safe as possible for everyone i just wanna share what i have and i do have a VPN
>safe as possible for everyone

For sharing publicly to a wide audience (like on 4chan etc), the safety of peers is their OWN problem with solutions that fit them, not yours. (solutions can include: living in an area/country where ISPs don't give a fuck, obscuring your IP from DHT crawlers with a VPN, renting a seedbox, etc)

For sharing with specific people, like your circle of friends, do as described in the message above yours. Note that if you can't connect to each other because your IPs are all not connectable (due to config of your network(s)), then even explicitly using a tracker won't help you in any way because a tracker only facilitates mutual peer discovery, but it can't make you connect to each other if you are not connectable.

> i just wanna share what i have and i do have a VPN

For you as a seeder, that's all you need. (and you don't even need it if you live in some Romania etc)
>>1343284 (OP) (OP)
there's also this
which is like a top 20, I usually just take the top 5
will check it out
>For sharing with specific people, like your circle of friends
you could also just use something like 7-zip to encrypt the content, post the magnet and password in the groupchat, and call it a day

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