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Sharing my personal collection of ENF (Embarrassed Nude Females), partially categorized. Contains a large MMD collection that was shared here before, as well as photos and videos from enf-cmnf and other sources such as NGG and Nicole Niagra.

Other torrents I've made:

A collection of furry Chub.AI character cards for use in SillyTavern and other similar programs comprising about 3,800 cards, organized alphabetically: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3f101b01e5eb970616bffd45a827a2ad39641c8f&xt=urn:btmh:1220bcea569000378a041d4341bbe14cc002ffdc3106218e2d3600cd9d3bf92c81f9&dn=Furry%20Chub.ai%20Cards&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fudp.tracker.projectk.org%3A23333%2Fannounce&tr=https%3A%2F%2Ftrackers.mlsub.net%3A443%2Fannounce

A text adventure program, Lectrote, prepackaged with most of the text adventures from the IFDB (Interactive Fiction Database):


The Onlyfans of Cherrikissu, a decently hot softcore OF Model and also a furry artist:

>>1345701 (OP)
what are those files inside the .pad folder? how do I open them?
They are junk, made to split the actual files into separate chunks, so you can selectively download the videos.

I think it comes from bitcomet, but qb also knows to handle/hide/something them.

They allow you to be quite rude by simplifying partial downloads, so you don't get and seed the entire torrent.
Text adventure program is stalled. Seeding the others
Anyone seeding this stuff?
>>1345701 (OP)
>Embarrassed Nude Females
An interested torrent in /t/ well I will be damn.
For erotic fiction, asstr dot org was the best. It looks like it was finally taken down.

there's a page on web dot archive

Looks like there's a mirror of it still:
1asstr dot org

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