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File: MCDAMII_EC007-H-2024.jpg (58 KB, 1000x563)
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Am I Racist? 2024

Yall need to DO THE WORK

This was so much less funny than "What is a Woman", which I'll post here. He was less obnoxious in that one.He just let people embarass themselves.
>>1338244 (OP)
Interruptions aren’t funny. I wish these movies were funnier but I think he’s going for the boomer crowd.
>>1338244 (OP)
He could've done a good movie, but his stupid interruptions made clear he was recording how long it takes people to recognize him, instead of actually wanting to find answers that let the viewer think and conclude. I guess this made those anti-racism groups and authors become more cautious.
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I kamikaze'd my last day teaching at a public high school two years ago by showing What is a Woman? to eight full classes throughout finals week. It's cringy in parts, but worked extremely well because he let the cultists go masks off, run their mouths, and spill on all the fucked up shit they aren't supposed to explain to the uninitiated. Most people, especially kids, don't know the full package they're buying into with this gender shit and there's stuff in that documentary that's so damning it's unironically radicalized people who were otherwise not invested in the subject.
Then they release Am I Racist? and it's a big piece of shit waste of time. Tries to be funny instead of just asking the right questions and letting the subjects incriminate themselves. The Daily Wire crew are all neutered cuckolds who literally sign contracts saying they won't say anything that'll get them banned from any social media sites (i.e. meaningfully rock the boat in any way), so all they have to say about the antiracist crowd is the same impotent "they're the REAL racists!" bullshit fake conservatives have been going on about for the past 40 years.
Show What is a Woman to people, but fuck the other one.
>>1338244 (OP)
It's not worth it :(
Kinda funny
>>1338244 (OP)
Imagine being one of Putin's adjutants and having to tell him you gave this guy millions of dollars and this is all you have to show for it.
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Donald Trump's latest DEI report.
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