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Greetings, I just released the version 1 of my own archive of translated (english) Hentai manga, doujins along side with Visual Novels CG galleries and others.
I will be quite grateful if its both shared but most importantly seeded. If you wish to know more about this project check out:

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unistall it? pray? I dont know mate, I have quite enough ram on my current rig (48gb) and Im using qbittorent, google is your friend I guess

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But you have it stored right?
Only someone very stupid would use the site to store data.

Full playable dev build leak:

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>state religion
state religion and the denial of a God greater than it(him) is atheism, commies had this and killed christoids fyi (wasn't there a chapter that literally worshipped him as a diety, and he nuked their planet off the map as punishment? lol woops :P)
>government that lets a few elites control everything everywhere
no, I said anti Independence/isolationist empire, not "elites" controlling everything, learn to read
>unifying the entire population

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Feel free to post old japanese eroge and visual novels, forgotten and lost in time.
Collections of old/lost games are also well accepted.

Previous Thread here >>1108580
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Search the Japanese name on Nyaa.

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A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Difference between BL audio and audible audio is the higher kbps bitrate

[Retail] & (Retail) are the books that i obtain personally or were obtained from trustworthy sources, anything else should be considered as "found on internet"

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Also looking for this. Anyone happen to have this?

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Adult books, magazines, sleaze novels.
If it's written porn I want it
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Anyone know if it's possible to download from archive.org?
Tokyo Story is on here: https://archive.org/details/tokyostory0000akah/page/4/mode/2up

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Torrents of full images from /gif/ - Adult GIF, released monthly. >>>/gif/ is a NSFW 4chan board. Info:
- Contents: porn, random videos, LiveLeak-esque videos, and other videos which were too interesting for weak video sharing sites like YouTube.
- Stats so far: more than half a million files, totals to more than one terabyte.
- Why? Among other reasons, no one else is archiving /gif/, so I decided to.

Previous: >>1231730
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>dance music set of deleted MP3s from IA "MEGA Dance Hits Collection 1990 - 2001 (Lossless)" back online
I see that I am missing some of those blocks, but I think I have most of that data. If I can't get those blocks in some other HDD, then I hope that the probably-matching torrent is still online:

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Post Mangnet links for Dynamics 365 courses
here you are sirs
no need to thanking me just doing the needful


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B.F. CDN (river dot bz)

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for you

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a full archive of all the scripts and videos being taken down on eroscripts soon
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I apology for reveal that you have no friends, pls find some and you will know 2D and 3D movie is

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Audiobookbay recently added a feature to disable comments on torrents because people kept making fun of the dogshit political books that get uploaded constantly
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They are actually using very similar tactics that the SS used in their rise to power.

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More juiced the better.
Specifically looking for the entirety of Pride FC.
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On rutracker there are only tournaments from 2007-2008 onwards.

Try this documentary about Chiyonofuji Mitsugu's winning streak in 1988:


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Sports are usually neglected with torrents, and the olympics is a pain in the ass to watch legally. Post content related to this, I'll start:

>Paris 2024 weightlifting (Both Men and Women and all weight categories)

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There is a section on rutracker, devoted to older F1 stuff (till 2011)


Use web-site translation feature in Google Chrome. Check the language of commentary on a torrent page (many torrents with Russian commentaries).

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Remember to check nyaa, forum.holopirates .moe, and mogu.holopirates .moe before requesting (or be publicly shamed by your oshi)

Thread archives:

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380 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
Requesting Koseki Bijou 4 types of love audio

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