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216 videos || 427gb

I spent way too much time putting this together.

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wtf is it with Google Lens and faces these days. No search results. Not gonna go to Yandex to read fkn moon runes. Where is this pic from?

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/pol/ torrents thread:

/k/s shit hitting the fan guides and prepper files 285GB - The Ark:

65 Black & Decker The Complete Guide Books For Home Repair, Plumbing, Carpentry and more 5GB:

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Does anyone have a torrent for New Scientist magazine?

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Eternal Ethereal Asian Cinema Thread

All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001)

Soundtrack: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:A2D8D895574161E2A85331F742151A29F204E592&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.t-ru.org%2Fann%3Fmagnet&dn=

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Dope movie.

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官能教習 Sensual Training Patch (1.0.0). Contains the following fixes:
1. Custom install/uninstall/launch scripts to allow for effortless setup.
2. Bundled Locale Emulator x2.5.0.1 (https://xupefei.github.io/Locale-Emulator/) with config to allow for launching the game without needing to mess around with Windows system locale settings.
3. Registry keys to allow the game to be installed outside of Program Files (x86) so that saving functionality works.
4. Binary-patched WIN_KAN.EXE to allow it to run on 64-bit systems.

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Not a translation, just a patch to get it to run on modern systems. Anyone is welcome to reuse what is here for a translation though.

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Captain Blackbeard Radio is a HIGH ENERGY cyberpirate audio adventure through the Darkest parts of the internet.
This collection brings the newest episodes, improved folder organization and file naming convention.

>Episodes 1 - 20 (Latest release 05/JUL/24)
>Episode posters & art

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Bumping for the captain, 20 was fucking wild.

I'm in the mood to watch some war movies.

The first one for tonight is this one:

The Beast / Beast of War (1988) 1080p 1.82GB

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Rambo I
Rambo II
Rambo III

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The finest sounds around from the underground!

The (currently) complete CBBR collection, contains EP 1-17 (MP3), all corresponding poster art and additional art. Total DL size 3.02GB

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Let this thread die for the new compilation thread

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Old threads:

#1: https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/680325/
#2: https://archiveofsins.com/t/thread/805598/
#3: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1023504/
#4: yet to be posted

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so wait, this is a calibre collection, i tried calibre a long time ago and didnt like it cause it moves my files around, is this collection already designed to work with calibre out of the box? i notice a lot of the files are htmlz format, can calibre just read these directly without moving shit around and converting it into another format? is this how calibre normally organizes its files once they're added to its library?
if i can just use calibre to read these directly that'd be great but so far im just manually entering the zip and opening the html in the browser wich is gay

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Seven Samurai (1954) - 1080p

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Shogun Iemitsu no ranshin - Gekitotsu / Shogun's Shadow (1989) - imdb.com/title/tt0098322/


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This one is one of the best imo. I hope to acrue as much vintage porn movies because they're low in size and feels like watching an actual movie

If anyone has large colections they want to share please feel free.

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Ya'll mother fuckers need Vintage Erotica Forum.

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ITT: Post your seed ratio! Also general seeding discussion, such as what you are currently seeding, how to optimize hardware/programs for seeding, and the ethics of seeding.

>Why should I bother seeding on public trackers, since there is no benefit to me?
The way people act online is often analogous to how they act offline. By seeding, you are affirming that you will help others without expecting anything in return, which contributes to a healthy and high-trust society. Additionally, all of the people you are seeding for share your interests!
>Do I need a VPN to seed?

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Share any paranormal/occult/fringe torrents you might have.
I'll start:

Theoccult.click Content Leaked (19 torrents)


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/omg/ basically died after Ape of Thoth left.
See: >>1259034 >>1260771

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More juiced the better.
Specifically looking for the entirety of Pride FC.
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I seed it every so often. Just be patient

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Anyone have the last version of Yuzu and Citra Nightly/Canary? They've been taken down by the devs
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is this the same torrent from archive.org?

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Júlia Paes


Regina Rizzi
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Darlene Amaro???

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