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I'm bringing back emule

This a SNL skit?
>the most deadliest
holy esl
Reminds me of the survey they did during George Overdose Floyd,
>20% of Dems think that more than 10,000 unarmed black men are shot to death every year by police
>20% thought it was more than 5000
>20% thought it was more than 1000
>20% said more than 500
>10% said more than 100
>10% correctly figured out it was less than 20
It's clearly a joke. Looks like you're the esl in the room.
Did not overdose and the coroner agreed
>b-b-b-but they found 3 gorillion times the lethal dose of fentanyl in his blood, actual video evidence is meaningless
Lethal dose figures are calculated for people who've never used the drug.
Floyd was a regular opioid user for years so he'd have a massive tolerance, it's why he was never acting visibly sedated during the encounter.
For example a lethal dose of heroin can be around 200mg and yet addicts can regularly do up to 2 grams at a time. That's 10x times the supposed "lethal dose".
Same applies to fent, about 2mg is considered a lethal dose for noobs but addicts can do 500mg and survive, because tolerance.
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well one unarmed white woman died, shot by a nigger, so yes deadly.
>now let us burn down a trillion dollars in property
He was also on meth. Normally with a fentanyl overdose respiratory failure is what actually kills you (hence him saying "I can't breathe" before they even touched him"), but the meth kept him conscious until his heart petered out.
>January 6 - The Most Deadliest Day
Normal torrent



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