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Starting a collection of actors in their first leads.

Starting with Critters 3 (1991). Leo DeCaprio

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Thats the point. It wasn't an expansion or even on the same story arc. It was a proof of concept short to help them garnish the funds.

"Within the Woods" based its plot on a Comanche shamans curse. There is some carry over but not enough to list it as a prequel. The whole storyline changes with Evil Dead.

>Anyone have "Together for Days" 1972? Samuel L. Jackson debut.

Post your stats so anons can judge
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I don't seed, I did once for three months straight on multiple torrent and in the end I only uploaded like 1/3rd of what I downloaded.
So now I SNEED.

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Hi all, hopefully this is not an ad because it is a free public domain torrent site that I made.


Here I have uploaded over 600 public domain ebooks and audiobooks. The site is also meant to host Classical Music and Documentaries as a sort of New Renaissance Library.

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Anons, I'm looking to preserve and archive as much of European culture as possible.
I'm doing most of the work myself (will seed in a couple years when it's done,) but I was wondering if someone before me did this too?

I'm not talking about /pol/ torrents, I already have 'em all.
Not Hitler speeches, but
>european works

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Five years of posting:

Sun 15 Sep 2024
Sun 08 Sep 2024

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magnet torrent link only from blacked.com in high resolution for download in utorrent
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Is this only for torrents? Can they track us if we do direct downloads?

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>The Empire Unmasked - Ryan Dawson (2017)


>9/11 Missing Links

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Worth a look.


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I'm shutting down my seedbox in May which has a lot of obscure, rare, and banned YouTube content seeding on it.

Here are some obscure, rare, and banned YouTube torrents, download while you still can:


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SNEAKO old youtube videos

please help restore the entire collection


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Rachel Cook:
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Post resources, software and tips.
How's that project going, Anon?
Random footage for video editing, some if not all is in 4K: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:45454856486472c0204c46f22b1ab89e2d703b68&dn=Footage
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No seeders

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>Jack Trimpey - Rational Recovery - Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT)

Testimonial: I sincerely recommend Rational Recovery https://youtu.be/S53OjsF3z-w It starts a little slow but in the first video you will already find out about the falsehood of the Disease Concept and the most important part: learning to recognize the addictive voice and making the "I" / "IT" distinction. That really is the core of AVRT. In the second video you will see an emotional moment where Tom is confronted with his addictive voice when he is asked to reach for a glass of drink (resembling a cold beer). That is the shifting technique. In total there are like five videos. Just by watching the first you already learn so much there is about addiction. It totally changed my world. I used it against pornography addiction too.

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This works.
I drank a bottle of whiskey or vodka a night, every night, for 20 years. While I did hydrate well and keep fit, it did lasting damage to my brain.

My balance is destroyed. My memory is faulty. I've been through extensive testing. There is no reversal.

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Academic torrents, papers, general academic piracy news, possibly IPFS discussion goes here

Instructions for seeding LibGen: https://freeread.org/torrents/

IB Documents
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Lol scam shit

First time creating a torrent. Hope it works.

Larkin Love (56GB) - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78e2c1a61662babb6b7fae0a47ceb1039986f7b4&dn=Larkin%20Love&tr=http%3A%2F%2F59.36.96.77%3A6969%2Fannounce
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she look stupid now but still has one of the hottest voices in porn so theres that.

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Non-banned Video Channels

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hell yeah brother

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gloryholeswallow.com 2011-2019 1.5 TB



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Based knower

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Post rips of movies, shows and animation captured off these vintage formats for that nostalgic, comfy vibe and also for archival purposes

Please state the source used if possible.

Previous thread:
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>Oh wow, I only just discovered this thread. Really liking the cozy vibe

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