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File: keepseeding.png (17 KB, 600x700)
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Leeching from a dead torrent that has no seeders?
>post an image that describes the content, such as the cover of a Bluray you want seeded (this gets your post more attention)
>add whatever text you think will help potential seeders revive your torrent. The filename should be in your magnet
>post the magnet (make sure you are leeching and have the torrent file loaded on your client so others can get it via DHT) or a link to the actual torrent file.
>wait for seeders and try to seed for as long as you can if your torrent gets to 100%
>try to back your torrent files up somehow on a USB stick, HDD, or cloud service so you can keep it alive even if your computer dies. Rare torrents need your help!

Got the file(s) for a dead torrent stored somewhere on your hard drive(s)?
>put the files in your download folder
>verify the torrent's files to 100% with your client once you add the magnet and obtain the torrent from DHT
>begin seeding to everybody on the swarm
>get all leechers to 100% at the very least and then seed for as long as possible.

Got a torrent with a seeder that is not connecting to you for some reason?
>first, make sure your port is open to help out the connection
>make sure you say "the seeder is not connecting to me" in the post
>post the magnet or torrent link
>hope somebody will use their client to help you leech it
>try to seed for as long as possible when you get to 100%!

Help out your public torrent bros today!
File: MVScreenShotSFX.jpg (143 KB, 974x727)
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plz halp

PLS help me out with this Elvira collection
I almost got it all and will seed for a long time

that has plenty of seeders though
this thread is for unhealthy and dead torrents
does it really? I've been stuck at 75% for over a week now. I hope people didn't stop seeding it as soon as Halloween ended kek
It has no 100% seeds, only <100% peers. No one currently has more than 75.9% of this torrent, I've had it downloading for years just to see if a seed pops up one day to let it finish.
Fair enough. That is definitely a stuck torrent now that I look closer at it.
X-Art siterip - plz seed
assistance is required
VA Baroque Gold 100 Great Tracks
>VA Baroque Gold 100 Great Tracks
No peers. You can revive it with https://sanet.st/blogs/musicbox/va_baroque_gold_great_tracks_cds_flac.2413547.html
The file is "The Damn! Show", good 'ol Yucko the clown. Any help with seeding would be greatly appreciated

The Barbarian Invasions, french comedy film from 2003: https://yts.mx/torrent/download/205E7B915810875C503AA9EAB0466FAD93DD36F4
This is a TV show from 2007 but only the first two episodes are available on archive.org. The torrent has 0 seed and I hope to see it revived to obtain the rest of the content:


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