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Tales from the Crypt - Tales of horror based on the gruesome E.C. comic books of the 1950s presented by the legendary Crypt Keeper, a sinister ghoul obsessed with gallows humor and horrific puns.

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Night Gallery - Rod Serling presents tales of horror illustrated in various paintings.

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Tales from the Darkside - A horror anthology series where the viewer is taken through ghost stories, science fiction adventures, and creepy, unexplained events.

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Monsters - A horror anthology about a family of monsters watching a different horror story every week on their TV. Each tale is separate, often cautionary with occasional dark humor and irony and features various deadly creatures.

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I know this is unrelated but does anyone have the fighting fantasy rpg books collection? I can only find really shitty subpar scans. Thanks
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Eerie Indiana and The Other Dimension
Kind of like Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Are You Afraid of the Dark

A group of teenagers get together in the woods, and tell ghost stories.

Would the new outer limits count? Some of them were quite grim. Are good rips out there?
Never thought I would see Tales from the Crypt and Are You Afraid of the Dark together in a horror compilation.
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This torrent is sadly unfinished. Several of the episodes (at least in season one) cut off. These episodes are only 27 minutes long while what I assume are the full ones are 50 minutes.
Running time 50 minutes (seasons 1 & 2)
25 minutes (season 3)
Ah ok. But still, there are several episodes in season one that are 27 minutes and the file next in line doesn't link into it; it just starts a new episode all together. Never watched the show before (only tales of the crypt) but what I saw was nice so hopefully someone complements it with another torrent.
>>1132493 (OP)

Great thread anon. Will seed!
i meant yes, the 1 and 2 are meant to be 50 minutes, read it in the wiki, so if the torrent has only 27 then its only half.

Anybody have full torrent?
Anyone available to seed?
Here is an alternative one that I'm seeding:

Would like to know if anyone has a Night Gallery Blu-Ray Rip torrent
And also a The Outer Limits(1963) Blu-Ray torrent. I have good internet and will seed
>Would like to know if anyone has a Night Gallery Blu-Ray Rip torrent
Season 1 is out on BR. Season 2 comes out this summer.
>This torrent is sadly unfinished
I've had a look and it's not that bad. The pilot episode (season 1) is missing two stories, Eyes and Escape Route. Episode 3 of season 1 cuts out way early, so most of the Certain Shadows On The Wall story is gone. Apart from these, the rest of season 1, and all of seasons 2 and 3, are fine.
Seasons 1 and 2 the episodes are 60 minutes, and 30 minutes for season 3, all less commercial time. This was 9 minutes and change for the longer episodes and 4 minutes and change for the season 3 episodes. Pretty solid compared to the crap on network TV nowadays, where a 30-minute episode is typically 18.5 minutes content and 11.5 minutes ads.
Twilight Zone is probably the better series, but Night Gallery looks interesting. It's filled with a lot of famous actors from back in the day, and definitely has that early 70's vibe.
Not really that old, but I thought I'd throw this in here

Nightmare Room (2001)

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With Uncle Phil narrating sweeeet
Elvira Move Macabre (Incomplete)
If there is any interest I will make a torrent for Ray Bradbury Theater.
Not sure what quality you have. There are a few active torrents for this already, but upgrades are always welcome
Anyone have Masters of Horror (2005) or Fear Itself (2008)?
I have a couple leads but I'd rather let them complete and ensure they're alright before giving you hope
Fear Itself (Russian & English tracks)
Masters of Horror


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Thank you for making a torrent of this but ONE season of something should not be 50 gigs. Space is limited for some of us, handbrake that shit first.
>Space is limited for some of us
In that case: https://www.wco.tv/anime/tales-from-the-cryptkeeper
Meant to reply to >>1152653
nice. could stream but will torrent and seed. i watched these a lot as a 90s kid
damn I forgot about this one. hit the dormant memories anon.
HOLY FUCK You're right what the fuck, Why is OP almost 100 GB
Do you know how I know you're a zoomer phone poster without your telling me you're a zoomer phone poster?
No I just don't have a seed box, I am on my actual PC
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>I'm an incompetent retard so you're a phone posting zoomer
>has no clue how to deal with different file types and sizes
>projects to deflect
>is a retard zoomer phone poster
Imagine my shock
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Cry some more, bitch
What's wrong? Got proven wrong, You gonna cry?
>Got proven wrong
My apologies.
You're a grossly obese, cheeto-stained retard zoomer phone poster.
Feel better now?
>Projecting this hard
Kek, You're still an incompetent retard who cant compress a file.
Zero reading comprehension. Not surprising coming from a grossly obese, cheeto-stained retard zoomer phone poster.

Would you two hop on discord and textfuck already?
>Reading Comprehension
Kek, You dont even know what that means
Think of it this way: for the first time in his life, the retarded fat fucker >>1157733 is good for something. He's keeping the thread bumped. Finally his mommy has something to be proud of. Would you deny her that?
The absolute projection youve shown is astounding.
This "fat fucker" has 16 inch biceps, What do you have Dyel?
Another developmentally disabled landwhale trundles into the arena, "his" only weapon a quarterwit staff, "his" only defense the hundreds of kilos of putrid fat hanging loosely from "his" body. Imagine the stench, ladies and gentlemen, imagine the stench.
Oh I get it, You're a seething euro poor. Makes sense.
I like D&D too, but damn, Dostoevsky. Brevity.
Can you count to potato, porky?
Anyone got anymore horror shows?
This shit is up on youtube on the official AYAOTD channel
OP here, I always go for quality myself, not to mention it was really hard to find a torrent with the best quality possible and wanted to pass on it and created this thread.
If space is an issue, here's a smaller pack of 13gb:


Be warned, quality is crap. Another solution is using a video converter, like PavTube, and you adjust the quality/size to your liking. Now please stop fighting like kids and let's keep sharing the good stuff. If you behave I might drop something later on, once I put my boney and putrid fingers on it.
When I am done watching Masters of Horror I am going to use the program handbrake to make the files half the size without affecting the quality and I will make a torrent for you guys.
The quality on this is terrible. Absolutely terrible. Hell, S1 episode has a fucking watermark.
Thanks for these. My sister and wife (not the same) can't stop talking about Tales from the Crypt now.
Do you have Monsters in shitty quality?
this is the one i have lol, if my 8TB werent filled to the brim id get a better encode. peeves me that nobody did a good HEVC rip, the whole thing could look great at that filesize
It transcoded down quite nicely to 14G
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Hammer House of Horror - This British anthology series, which was produced by England's leading exporters of horror films, told tales of haunted houses, demons, ghosts, and other supernatural wonders.

Hammer House of Mystery and Suspense - AKA "Fox Mystery Theater", was an anthology series of chilling tales with a twist.

No, sorry.

Yeah, it's a shame. I tried to contact a few encoders if they were interested in doing so, but they most of them are only interested in doing BRRips, no DVDs. But in x265 this would look great and probably weight less than half.

Please, enjoy and share this new additions, House of Horror in particular took me a long time to get due to wanning health, it was almost on life support the poor thing, so breath new life on it and share! It's a BDRip, so it's VERY heavy, but the quality is top notch!
based Man of the House
Yeah, the quality is amazing! Thanks
Thank you to everyone that posted shows. I'm currently watching Tales from the Darkside and loving it.
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Freddy's Nightmares - AKA A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series - A spin-off from the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series, each episode is introduced by Freddy Krueger and features two different stories, with eight of them throughout the series actually having Freddy Krueger as the main antagonist. The pilot episode was directed by Tobe Hooper, and begins with Krueger's prosecution on child-murdering charges.

Season 1

Season 2
I had no idea this existed, let alone that it got two seasons. Nice find.
Sadly can't find the magnet any more, but the creators of Tales from the Crypt took a shot at making a sci-fi anthology show called "Perversions of Science", hosted by an allegedly sexy CGI robot instead of a pun-loving puppet. Having no luck at all finding a magnet link for it again, unfortunately, but I thought people interested in this thread might find it worth a look. Personally I found it as laughably awful as some of TftC's absolute worst, but that has its own value. It's available on various streaming resources and HBO hasn't apparently shown much interest in taking it down.
My embarrassment at failing to find what you found so easily is outweighed by my gratitude to you for sharing it.
>Sting falls on hard times in a post WCW world and communes with evil spirits
Thanks anon!
Friday the 13th: The Series - Originally, the series was to be titled The 13th Hour, but producer Frank Mancuso Jr. thought this would turn away viewers and instead took the name Friday the 13th to deliberately draw in audiences. Despite this title, the series has no story connections to the film series of the same title, as Jason Voorhees does not make an appearance, nor does any character connected to the films. The series follows Micki and Ryan, inherited owners of an antiques store, which they learn is cursed from Jack Marshak only after they have given away all of the cursed antiques. The trio then work together to try and recover them to put them back into the safety of the shop's vault.

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
You welcome

Glad you enjoyed it. Please help seed so other can discover and enjoy this great series too.

It's not great, but there's a couple good stories here and there. Also Robert Englund makes it worth to watch just for the stupid jokes he makes.

Very nice! Didn't know this existed, although it's more science fiction and sex with a drop of horror. Also very short lived and the first couple episodes weren't that good so I guess that's why, but I'll finnish it later and see if there's more to it. Thanks for sharing!
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plz and thank you
how is this, bro?
It's good actually, especially the first 2 seasons, the third one made some changes that didn't quite convince me, but still has some good episodes. Besides most of the horror series posted here are anthologies, so if you want something with more continuity, then this for you.
rarbg now has night gallery bluray rip Night.Gallery.S01.1080p.BluRay.x264-PFa[rartv]


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Kolchak: The Night Stalker - Carl Kolchak is a reporter for a Chicago newspaper. Through more accident than design he ends up investigating homicides, many of which involve supernatural forces. Ultimately, rather than reporting on the crimes, he solves them.

Thank you! That's a great find, the one I shared is incomplete and the quality was not that great, but it was the only one. Hopefully someone will rip the remaining blurays.

This is the last one I got for you boys and ghouls, I almost forgot it existed really and never saw it. I found a nice quality upload, although is SD, and not a rip from the Kino Lorber 2K remaster blurays... maybe someday...
It's kinda a proto X-Files from what I read, and Chris Carter took great inspiration in it for the series, so I think kino is back on the menu boys!
thanks! post season 2 and the rest if they put them up!
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Could someone seed this please?
>>1132493 (OP)
are there any good non-english language horror tv series?
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The Veil - Is an American horror/supernatural anthology television series hosted by Boris Karloff, who also acts in every episode but one (Jack the Ripper). Episode plots allegedly were based upon real-life reports of supernatural happenings and the unexplained. Ten of the 12 episodes begin and end with Karloff standing in front of a roaring fireplace and inviting viewers to find out what lies "behind the veil".

Thanks for these.
"Charlie Boy" and the "House that Bled to Death" are my favourites.
Many thanks for bringing this to our attention!
>Hammer House of Horror
thanks I've been looking for this
any twilight zone torrent?
Check the "Yearly Halloween Thread"
Anyone got Ghostwriter (1992) series? Shit was scary man. The slime monster trauma is real and I want to confront it again on halloween.
found on tpb

Only one I could find I'm afraid. Annoying because there is an unrelated 2019 show with the same name.
>The series was designed to teach reading and writing skills to elementary and middle school children
I hope this helps.
>unrelated 2019 show with the same name
It's not unrelated - it's a reboot of the 1992 series. They're both made for little kiddies.
There's a bump bump bump on the door
Yeah but they've been stretched to give the widescreen appearance.

Off topic but can i fuck yo sista and wife? I will return them intact, sticky and out of breath but otherwise fine. Brofist thanks
Any hope for a non-dubbed version of this?
I'm going to do two good deeds today:
1. I'm not going to call you a clueless noob faggot, and
2. All the episodes have TWO audio tracks, one with the retarded Russian dub and one in the original English. If you don't like the retarded Russian dub, maybe try selecting the English track instead?
1. I looked for it in VLC and no such track was listed. I can look again with something that isn't VLC, I suppose.
2. This thread was about to die and needed a bump. Should I have let it die instead so as to not offend your sensibilities?
1. You clicked on VLC's audio menu at the top, clicked on the audio track sub-menu, and didn't see two tracks there?
2. lolwut.jpg
I use VLC and the second audio track just appears fine. Try updating VLC and check again. Or you can open the files in mkvtoolnix and delete the first audio track and just let the english one to play.
Anon, he obviously was too dumb to figure out VLC on his own - notice how he stopped responding after he was told step-by-step how to find the audio tracks? Something like mkvtoolnix is light years beyond the capabilities of a tard like that.
The main thing I've been keeping tabs on here is the page counter so I'll know if it needs a bump.

If this is now the Old, Tired Insult Series Thread, maybe I should stop bothering.
>maybe I should stop bothering
Maybe. There's been only 2 posts with content over the past 3 months. Thread's dead, Zed.
Dude this thread has been great! I have really loved it and gotten a lot of awesome horror content so far, if I had anything that wasn´t already posted I would contribute for sure, thanks for the thread and the magnets pal, keep at it, don´t let some down time make you feel as if all this effort isn´t being appreciated.
I think we posted all the shows, maybe we can start an XMAS thread?
OR we could start on yo mama, prepare the gangbang
Nice thread, I'm now seeding nearly everything posted here
Thank you very much for keep in it alive, some of this torrents where hanging on a thread before I picked them up.

How about no :)
Got some Christmasy horror for you coming up
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A Ghost Story for Christmas - Is a strand of annual British short television films originally broadcast on BBC One between 1971 and 1978, and revived sporadically by the BBC since 2005. Most are adaptations of british writer M.R. James.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
This is a very comprehensive, altough messy, collection. The quality is mostly fine, but it's all over the place.
It includes the original run, as well as the revival series, and a lot of other adaptations of ghost stories from M. R. James seen in other BBC productions like Omnibus and Spine Chillers included as extras.
Hope you enjoy it, and seed it. I'm searching for more old horror series to keep this thread alive for all you gore hounds, but it's getting difficult to find some new material, so it may take a while until next time.

Merry Christmas!
A huge thanks to all anons in this thread. I'm not familiar with many of these series, so this thread is a gold mine of spooky entertainment. A lot of these series are a bit of hit and miss, but I still am more happy having seen them than I would have been without. Thank you all and please keep the spoopies coming!
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Might be a long shot and several months too late, but does anyone have any episodes from Suspicion (1957)? Looking specifically for Voice in the Night.
>A mystery-themed anthology series, whose episodes, like others offered by Hitchcock, were designed to play on the fears and suspicions of the audience. It lasted for a single season and 42 episodes. Actor Dennis O'Keefe was the original host of the series, but, Walter Abel replaced him when episode reruns were broadcast in 1959. The first episode was directed by Alfred Hitchcock, who was one of the series' executive producers.
Page 10 so how about Ghost Watch and it's sequel short story? Was an age old one shot BBC halloween special mockumentary, that despite not having money to show you anything still is pretty tens littlet TV-show
Seconded. I still want outer limits reboot. Some of the episodes count as horror for sure. At least sci horror. I don't think it exists. To my knowledge the best we can do is old TV rips and the few that were on the dvd set. Probably all filmed digitally as well so no remaster. Not enough popularity for the stng treatment.
Thank you! I appreciate that.
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It's not very old but i'm looking for archives of the newer Weird Tales magazines, especially the issue from March-April 2008, Any idea where i could look for it?
anyone have a complete collection of The Twilight Zone? There is no legal way to watch it in my country and could only ever find the first season online years ago
threads that go bump in the night
No BitChute?

Twilight Zone "The Obsolete Man" S2 Ep 29
I known this thread is for old horror but has anyone got links for modern horror books from the last 10 years or so?
needing audiobooks or just reqular?
Thread just refuses to die

Ah, a fellow King of culture. The Outer Limits Reboot and Tales from the Crypt are my favorite horror series.


Thanks, King.
Thank you :) New outer limIts really was a pretty comprehensive collection of concepts. It was a lot like black mirror in places, only much larger.

Prescient. Dated now in a lot of cases but some are as relevant as ever, such as final exam.

Horror and sci-fi are very closely related imo. Horror is at it's best when it's plausible and speculative in an innovative way. Human centipede, and hostel come to mind. Not just shocking body horror, but plausible at either the physical or social level.
>It was a lot like black mirror in places
So, extremely shitty midwit slop? The only good thing about BM (lel) is that it's an extremely effective pleb filter.

That was a poor choice for a comparison. Outer Limits Reboot had a lot of plausible sci-fi with horror elements in the present day or very near future which was what made it kino.
> midwit

Literally the only show to cover some of those topics.

I suppose you'd prefer teenagers shooting webs.
No idea if the OL reboot is any good - I haven't watched it, although I did watch the original (great stuff, comparable to the original Zone). If it's any good then indeed it shouldn't be compared to BM, which is/was unoriginal, unintelligent, repetitious slop.
Holy filtered, Batman! You know it and I know it - if you have to compare (((product BM))) to capeshit to "prove" its superiority, you're tacitly admitting that (((product BM))) is pretty much capeshit, only more intillekshual.

Ahhh, trolling. Had me going for a minute. Innovative. I mean there are a lot of reasons to hate bm, it's existential horror in places. But you're talking about it like it's law and order or the bachelorette. No one honestly thinks what you typed, not even you.

I'm sure there are some hipster reasons to object, it being made in the last 25 years and all. And of course nothing is perfect. But yea, good trolling.

Almost plausible as a real belief. Mutual confidence in human quality has fallen to rock bottom so it is easy to believe others believe anything foolish. It's easy to forget that includes lying about belief for a laugh.

I mean after all there are actual flat earthers out there. Which I didn't believe until I saw them gathered in a large number and interacting.

For amusement can you be specific? Like don't just throw labels and insults, pick an episode apart in character, go high fruit, tell us everything specifically bad about the absolute best episode the franchise produced.

I feel like I'm giving chat gpt a difficult prompt here :)
tl;really can't be bothered to read
Quite a few BM episodes (and, no, I have no desire whatsoever to waste my time rewatching that crap to identify exactly which) have exactly the same basic premise. That makes the series repetitious. Granted, the British seasons were better than the netflix seasons, pretty much in the same way gonorrhea is better than syphillis.
"Same premise"

You mean the dangers and occasional benefits of near future technology? The entire point of the show? You're such a hipster joke X)
>the dangers and occasional benefits of near future technology
You watched that crap and this is all you noticed? Pretty pathetic. Buh-bye.
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>>1132493 (OP)
4.5 days downloading and the sound is completely fucked, any advice?
disregard, audio on this is fine (user error)
thanks to the chad seeding tales from the darkside
Anyone got "Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction"?
I have, but the quality isn't great and I'm pretty sure I'm missing one of the seasons.
bumbering to support >>1224603

I said I wasn't going to bump this thread anymore, but it's gotten better again.
/me hears the silence of a graveyard
Best thread on this retarded website.
Gazing into the abyss
Anyone have the Altered States ebook. my searches have only brought up the german translation.
What would be the perfect unreliable translator for turning the German back to English?
>Chris Carter took great inspiration in it for the series

Actor Darren McGavin starred in two of the X-Files episodes, 'travelers' and 'Agua Mala'.
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>>1132493 (OP)
Someone did an AI upscale of Tales from the Crypt to 4K and pretty much the entire series is up on youtube here (youtube.com/@crypttubeincorpserated)
>>1132493 (OP)
any ML for
2005 Twisted Tales - tv series
1996 Twisted Tales - tv series
2005 Two twisted - tv series
2003 Spine Chillers - tv series

are these alien tech or something and nobody has them?
its almost fall don't let it die now after lingering all year
its been really great
Anyone have the creepshow series from shudder?
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Season 1 is on all of the torrent search engines Anon.
I refuse to let this thread die.
Just let it die. We can make a new one in about a month.
I don't see why. Thread's dead, Zed. No new content posted since last year.
>post pic taken with phone
Yeah, a screenshot would have really captured the middle finger nicely.
this is the best thread on this site, bump
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Darkroom - An anthology horror/thriller series, along the same lines as "Twilight Zone". Each week features a new story and a new cast. Hosted by James Coburn.

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Tremors - Based on the Tremors franchise. It serves as a sequel to Tremors 3: Back to Perfection. The only 21st century series I'll share, but it's 20 years already, and it's Tremors.

Poltergeist: The Legacy - It tells the story of the members of a secret society known as the Legacy and their efforts to protect humankind from occult dangers. Despite bearing the Poltergeist name, the only connection between the show and the Poltergeist trilogy is the concept of the Legacy, which helped retrieve Carol Ann in the first movie.

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One Step Beyond - A collection of tales about paranormal events, horrifying folklore, and the world of the unknowns. Unlike other anthology programs, the ABC network series episodes were presented in the form of straightforward 30-minute docudramas, all said to be based on "human record".

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
You're wrong Wong, this thread is UNdead!

Thanks guys! I know I been absent for long, so I appreciate your interest, I got a few more things to seed but they aren't specifically horror, more like fantasy, thriller or sci-fi, but there's some good stuff there.
Sounds like some horrific fluid. Blood, bile, and what else?
Blumpf on the kitchen floor, up from the basement
any luck with these?
Looking for this one I had a few years back that was 90s Nickelodeon Halloween episodes
Thank you for posting, I watched that one the other day. The torrent had a few older ones
You idiots bumped this dead thread for 10 months straight with no new content (except for one anon, one time) only to let it die as soon as October started. Pathetic.
How horrifying
I'm not sure this counts as horror, but I'm specifically looking for an episode from this show that featured a mentally challenged character who could only say his name, Otto I think it was
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The Shining - A recovering alcoholic must wrestle with demons within and without when he and his family move into a haunted hotel as caretakers. It is the second adaptation of King's book after the 1980 film by Stanley Kubrick and was written and produced by King based on his dissatisfaction with Kubrick's version.

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The Ray Bradbury Theater - A Canadian-produced anthology series scripted by famed science-fiction author Ray Bradbury. All 65 episodes were written by Bradbury, based on short stories or novels he wrote, ranging from fantasy, horror and sci-fi. It started as an HBO exclusive for the first 3 seasons.

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
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Riget (The Kingdom) - Doctors at an ultramodern hospital in Denmark become convinced, by way of weird, inexplicable happenings, that the place is haunted. The series is notable for its wry humor, its muted sepia colour scheme, and the appearance of a chorus of dishwashers with Down syndrome, who discuss in intimate detail the strange occurrences in the hospital.

Season 1
Season 2
Rise from your grave
Most of these torrents are dead, we need some new uploads.
Give it time anon
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Thriller (1960) - is an American anthology television series. The show featured host Boris Karloff introducing a mix of suspense thrillers in the first season, leaning more to macabre horror tales in the second one.

Season 1

Season 2
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace is a 2004 British horror parody television series created by Richard Ayoade and Matthew Holness for Channel 4. The show focuses on fictional horror author Garth Marenghi (played by Holness) and his publisher Dean Learner (played by Ayoade), characters who originated in the stage show Garth Marenghi's Fright Knight.

The series is presented as a special release of the fictional television series Darkplace. Within the reality of the show, Darkplace was produced in the 1980s for Channel 4, but never broadcast anywhere but Peru, eventually becoming a lost series. Saved footage has recently resurfaced, with Marenghi republishing with the intent of gaining interest from a modern audience. The "original footage" of the show is intercut or bookended with commentary from many of the "original" cast, where characters such as Marenghi and Learner reflect on what it was like to make the show. Darkplace parodies the fashion, special effects, production gaffes, and music of low-budget '80s television, as well as the arrogant attitude of certain writers and performers.

>>1132493 (OP)
Best thread
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Roald Dahl's Tales of the Unexpected - British television series that aired between 1979 and 1988. Each episode told a story, often with sinister and wryly comedic undertones, with an unexpected twist ending.

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The Hitchhiker - A young hitchhiker introduces characters who are about to experience a frightening and sometimes supernatural incident of some kind in this moody anthology series, a precursor of Tales of the Crypt. Sadly the first three seasons don't have great quality.

thanks for this, note that Pamela Bowman has great boobs in (The Hitchhiker) - Season 1, Episode 2 - "When Morning Comes" as Cathy Marks.
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Theatre Macabre - Christopher Lee hosts this horror anthology series from Poland with stories from various classic authors.

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The Throne of Bones by Brian McNaughton, the winner of the world fantasy award for story collection in 1996. An absolute fucked up hidden gem, where ghouls can live again through cannibalism. Dark humor is on every page. My favorite story: reunion in cephalune.

anyone seen these even in a private tracker?
How old does the show have to be to qualify for this thread? I'm looking for Z Nation, preferably BDrip.
Last century old, or at least 20 years old tops. That series is pretty new for this thread, you should be able to find it in any public tracker I guess.
Very good show, any more comedy/horror shows?
So many bad episodes, but the good ones are worth it
Thanks for this, wanted to see it for quite some time
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I've had this for awhile, and spend awhile digging to find this entire collection, which I had shared on reddit until I got banned. So, if there's any you need, let me know. Also, if you know the schedules for the ones I don't have the dates for... please let me know.
does anyone have the rest of King tv-series, not yet posted on this thread? Looking for Bag of Bones, Salem's Lot (2004), Nightmares and Dreamscapes and that new edit of Langoliers (guardians of eternity) for starters.
Nice collection, how's the quality or the size of the files? I'm interested in a few, but some anons may be interested in all of them, could you share all of them in a single torrent? If no, I'll let you know wich ones I want.
Any chance someone has some of these old, hard to find zombie flicks? I'm trying to build a horror movie archive to riff on with friends.

The Dead Outside (2008)
The Plague of the Zombies (1966)
Zombeer (2008)
Zombie Chomp (2003)
Zombie Hunter (2005)
Zombie Love (2007)
Zombies of War (2006)
Anonymous Zombie (2018)
Loved this so much. Eerie Indiana in on YT. The other dimension sadly isn't.
>>1132493 (OP)
Been looking for a safe version of this. (torrenting in Germany is a bitch)
Will check out the others too. Great dump. Will seed
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Forever Knight - 800-year-old vampire Nick Knight quests for redemption as a cop in Toronto. Wracked with guilt for centuries of killing others, he seeks redemption by working as a homicide detective on the night shift while struggling to find a way to become human again.

Season 1
Season 2

Season 3
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Millennium - A former FBI profiler with the ability to look inside the mind of a killer begins working for the mysterious Millennium Group which investigates serial killers, conspiracies, the occult, and those obsessed with the end of the millennium.

thank you so much for these anon! been meaning to check this series out for couple of years now, but torrents are hard to find.
anyone got more stephen king shit?
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Anyone watch Dark Shadows 1966-71?
Quite an interesting show with its airing schedule. A new ep came out every single day from Monday to Friday for almost 5 years straight.
I found a magnet from a private tracker, looks like it's edited with interpolation, unless the original was above the standard 23 frames. It looks so smooth.
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The Hunger - A horror anthology series where the hosts Terence Stamp (in season 1) and David Bowie (in season 2) eccentrically introduce each of the steamy, erotic and often supernatural tales of power, sex, lust, and driving urges.

Well, it's been more than 2 years since I created this thread, and it's still alive and kicking and screaming, thank you guys and ghouls for your interest. I bring one more series for you to sink your fangs on it: The Hunger.
Please enjoy!

It will be more than welcome, if it's complete and high quality, much better! Otherwise there's a huge torrent in 720p going around,
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Dark Shadows - The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place. The series became popular when vampire Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid) was introduced ten months into its run. It would also feature ghosts, werewolves, zombies, man-made monsters, witches, warlocks, time travel, and a parallel universe.

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Golden Years - An elderly janitor hurt in an explosion at a secret army lab run by "The Shop" starts to grow younger. A ruthless operative is sent to cover it up, so the janitor and his wife go on the run with help from a sympathetic female agent.

Uncut DVD Version

Cut DVD Version AI Upscale 720p
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any Last drive in complete sets or Svengoolie episodes by chance? cocksucking Shudder and Metv like to scrub that shit from existence.
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The Stand - After a deadly plague kills most of the world's population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a malevolent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil. Based on the 1978 novel of the same name by Stephen King, he also wrote the teleplay and has a minor role in the series.

This is the Dark Shadows 1966-71 magnet. It's kind of a mix in quality, but seems to be all original footage.
It has the bad audio problem with them whispering and yelling peaking audio. Equalizer helps only a bit, but doesn't do much. I couldn't find subtitles that matched.
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>any Last drive in complete sets or Svengoolie episodes by chance? cocksucking Shudder and Metv like to scrub that shit from existence.

6 pages of speedy torrents, go crazy https://tpb.party/search/svengoolie/1/99/0

I'd actually love to check out The Last Drive-In series, but the only torrent I saw was one for nearly 800GB. Does anyone have this series in a more manageable size, please?
You can check and uncheck files on just about every torrent program.
What torrent program are you using?
Not old but I am updating this post with some thing we can all watch.

Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities

Can u share it pls?
>Guillermo del Toro
Taco has never made a good thing in his life. His projects are always so shallow, pretentious and childish
OK so I just checked that fucking torrent and its horse shit. You've got 720p movies that are nine fucking gigabytes.
Do no share that crap. One day when I get a much faster CPU I may go and convert everything to x265 or the efficient x264, but right now those movies are too damn big. Also every single one I saw on the list is available standalone in much better compression. You would do better to go look up the movies Joe Bob showed, figure out which ones you like, and get them individually. But stop sharing 10GB flicks. Thats crazy.
Im sharing this even though I dont like it. I know Stephen King prefers the new miniseries to the old movie, but after seeing Kubricks vision (which is considered one of the best films ever made) its hard to watch a sitcom actor and a washed up actress chug along in a shitty made-for-TV horror movie.
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The Omega Factor - A covert branch of British Intelligence is assigned to investigate the strange, the supernatural, the...'Omega Factor'.

It feels like it was meant for pre-teens. I can't get into it at all with all of the cheesy humor and numbskull bickering between the two leads. The "horror" here is extremely light.
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>>1132493 (OP)
I know requests can get fucked but I can't seem to find a version that isn't desynced does anyone have a torrent?
>Stephen King prefers the new miniseries to the old movie
He prefers whatever will make him the most money today, he's just a money grubbing word hack, he has nothing special other than the focus ability to sit down and spew out whatever demented shit is in his mind, doesn't make it deep, insightful or important.
>I know requests can get fucked but I can't seem to find a version that isn't desynced does anyone have a torrent?

I scanned through this one, properly synced


>anyone made a text file of this thread?
who tf even reades/watch this shit GEEEEG
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While I super appreciate this it's been stalled at 8% for a few days
>Stephen King prefers the new miniseries to the old movie,
stephen king sucks
Since it is the month of spooks I want to see if I can get some help finding better quality versions of some of the zombie flicks in my media archive (720p-1080p). Any help from fellow zombie film fans would be appreciated.

The Dead Hate the Living (2000)
The Dead, the Damned, and the Darkness (2014)
The Biker Warrior Babe vs. the Zombie Babies from Hell (2014)
Teenage Zombies (1960)
Virus Undead (2008)
Wiseguys vs. Zombies (2003)
Zeder (1983)
Zombie Army (1991)
Zombie Ass - Toilet of the Dead (2011) Eng Dub if possible or Eng Sub
The Zombie Diaries (2006)
Zombie Honeymoon (2004)
Zombie Nation (2004)
Zombies of War (2006)
Zombies vs. Strippers (2012)
Zombiez (2004)
Well this isn't the right thread for this, there's probably a request thread somewhere and a horror movie one too. But I'll help you anyways.

The Dead, the Damned, and the Darkness
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Beasts [1976 - UK]
An absolute classic British series written by Nigel Kneale, Beasts is an anthology
of six self-contained episodes that feature the recurring theme of bestial horror.

Anyone has a good torrent for the Early Edition series?
>>1132493 (OP)
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child
any full collection of this?
ignore, confused title and thought it was horror
>>1132493 (OP)
anybody seen these in the wild?
2022 The Bloody Duchess (based on Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova)
2018 The Blood Lady aka Krovavaya Barinya (based on Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova)
seems its one series, filmed at 2018 and shown in appletv in 2022
assuming this counts as horror, would anyone happen to have this series? I'm looking for a specific episode, one featuring a mentally challenged character that can only say his name, Otto something I think it was
>>1132493 (OP)
Does anyone have scans of the original Tales of the Crypt comics?

>>1327855 →
>Does anyone have scans of the original Tales of the Crypt comics?

Bumping this out of curiosity. I like International stuff like that.
The tv-series is quite bad yes, but so was Kubrick's film too. A rat infested fiasco from a director that nostly lives on in hyberbolic statements paroted by drones. But I have to give Kubrick the credit for having better actors and no shitty cgi-effects
Hi can anyone help me find the complete uncut the sixth sense tv series & circle of fear series thanks.
There was a Stephen King anthology from like 20 years ago called Nightmares and Dreamscapes that was really good.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi28FwlQUUI&list=PLgeGcX2U-sIFC8J2tHm9H08u1LVVwRxNH [Embed]
It's all on Youtube in decent quality

Can second this for it being an amazing anthology show, I love the one with the assassin (I think?) and the toy soldiers.
any masters of horror torrent with subs?

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