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A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Difference between BL audio and audible audio is the higher kbps bitrate

[Retail] & (Retail) are the books that i obtain personally or were obtained from trustworthy sources, anything else should be considered as "found on internet"


WH Books collection (no audio, no rulebooks)

WH Audiobooks collection v 1.0 - we found out some audio are missing, few dupes. Will rework this for next update
what are the best resources online or torrents for 3D printing warhammer stuff?
Is the novel torrent updated? I torrented one a few years back, need the freshest cain literature.
Have been looking for a pack like this for a while. End and the death 3 soon, hope this stays up to date.
Are the books and stories in chronological/release order? I wanted to read the Horus Heresy books this year, but every torrent I found was in alphabetical order at best, and sorting through several hundred files to find the next is painful. And that's before you get to the part where everyone has ten different reading orders for what 'really' counts.
bump anon is a cool dude
This site helped me with the Horus Heresy reading list
cults3d, or go to /tg/ and lurk the 3d printing thread for keywords and possibly info for the tele with all the files.
You can check rutracker, they have 2 warhammer 40k STL collections and another one for the kill teams.

Also as this anon >>1281955 said, cults is good but you have to download every model individually
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OP imma seed this boy till the first of january, I normally dont seed anything but this boy oh boy I must add my grain of sand
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Bump for the Machine God
Not related, but don't know where else to ask; what are some good recast sites? I've used wartablegames1 or what ever once, I just want to know about a back up in case they ever got nuked.
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Pariah Nexus show ep 01
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Thanks dude! I'll seed it forever! Or at least until an updated version come by.
ep 1 and 2 are floating around but I have yet to see ep 3. shame because this show is actually pretty decent
Thanks OP, I still don't understand how Games Workshop is even too lazy to keep the Gaunt's Ghosts omnibus paperbacks in stock, probably their most popular series yet they couldn't care less, that's the attitude they have towards everything however.
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Anon, me = loves you
I've seen it on limetorrents, but I've never downloaded from there so I am hesitant.
Pariah Nexus and other Warhammer+ shows are available on Bitsearch.
the sister on the left looks AI generated but the right does not; is the warp taking my mind?
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Thank you brother T_T
The letters of the bottles can be read, I think? I don't recognize the language.
Anybody got a 10th ed, codex pack?
Bump because THE AND THE DEATH VOLUME 3 is releasing on January 30th. Pic related is the book cover art, but I: upscaled it, sharpened it a bit, brightened the colors a bit, and removed the stupid logos which were in the bottom left and right corners. Because I wanted it available as a wallpaper.
Nice OP! I have quite a bit myself that I dont see in your collection. I don't know how to compile or share it though.
the photo is real, its from polish Pyrkon event in Poznań
http://gaming.kylebb.com/hhtimeline/ I've been using this for the past 3-4 years. Started with the first 4 at the top and then went with whichever legion I was interested in
epub is on 1337x and TPB but no audio book yet?

I've got the THE AND THE DEATH VOLUME 3 audiobook. I'm not able to make a torrent. Can someone add it to the collection?
thanks bump
this added yet? links down.
Is their a replacement for Vox Room yet? Looks like it got struck down.
>too lazy to keep the Gaunt's Ghosts omnibus paperbacks in stock,
everything, even the books, and made in the UK rather than china, so it actually costs money and takes time to make.
>their most popular series
yeah, this is why it's hard to keep it in stock. they print 5,000, which takes a month, and all 5,000 sell in the first week.
i know it's a meme but unironically, small indie company. if they printed in china or india like everyone else it literally wouldn't be an issue.
End and the Death 3 in this?
Anyone have "da big dakka" audiobook?
Have you check ABB?
Can someone post Audible Zombieslayer from Warhammer chronicles 12? ABB as well as btdig are empty
Da Big Dakka

Bumpin for Iron within
Anyone know a complete torrent for Total Warhammer III?
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I've been looking for "codex Imperialis" from second edition. Anyone knows where can I find it?
Bumping for the emperah
I seek As Within, So Without by Peter Fehervari
Does anyone have Grimdark Compendium?
Nope it's real. Fingers are correct and so is the text. You can read "COSPLAY" on one of the bottles.
Bump fuck GW
Truly, the Jews have infiltrated everything, in service of their dark master. Exterminatus is the only option, billions must burn.

Ave Imperator.
Here is an ancient B&W scan i've got of it. https://files.catbox.moe/q84bd5.pdf
Uhm two words
Many thanks OP!
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any one have Mercy of the Dragon
A new torrent containing all of the new Warhammer/black library items collected by the creator of the thread, but I’ve had little to no chance at downloading this torrent. If anyone else ever managers to download that torrent, please make sure to tell everyone on how you managed to do, so everyone else here can try to download it as well.

no problems here with qbittorrent-nox using the magnet link on that page.

That torrent includes the retail epubs for the early 90s WH Fantasy anthologies Ignorant Armies, Wolf Riders and Red Thirst which is very cool.
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Wheres the horus heresy series in the folder?
I don't want to download all 400 gigabytes of this shit
accidental sage sorry about that
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In the audiobook torrent: picrel
In the book torrent:
Warhammer Universe -> Horus Heresy
Alright, figured that since their are a truly horrific number of audiobook versions of Warhammer books, I figured that Neverwinter could use a helping hand, as such if anyone desires their is about close to 50 pages worth of Warhammer audiobooks on a site stretching all the way back to 2009. Hopefully this makes becerwinters audiobook/audio drama hunt, less of a pain in the ass for him to look for in the future.
death to the false emperor

Does anyone have the complete hammer and bolter series and the new broken lance animation?

I got hammer and bolter up to episode 13. I can't find 14 and 15.

Please and thank you.

PS: and since I don't speak russian I'd like the english version please. Cheers.
In case your looking for that, I distinctly remember their being a YouTube realize of the knight video, though I would dearly recommend for you to not see it as it sucked ass. As for hammer and bolter, I would recommend going to Watch Anine Dub. They have more or less fallen under the rug, but are a massive anime dubbing site, that has also fallen in on collecting all sorts of popular or well known western animations over the years, all of which are almost all English thankfully. And where I think hammer and Bolter can be regularly seen on in case of an update.
And I can in fact confirm, that’s where the new episodes 14 and 15 are currently on. https://m.wcostream.tv/hammer-and-bolter-episode-14-undercity
And here’s the broken lance animation, terrible though it was. https://youtu.be/o7C7HuIZqeg?si=eDyqamOAtfqlQD9v

You're a legend. Although the broken lance seems shitty and with the subs is annoying. Still though thanks man!

Appreciate it.

May you have an Emperor-blessed month!
I have 22GBs worth of White Dwarf magazines. How can I share them?
Well, you can upload all of them onto a gofile page and then post a link, though that won’t last forever and you will need to recreate it again in a couple of days to weeks once gofile deletes the page (it’s something they always try to mention to you, so you can be brought to awareness just in case you one and done it.) another option is just uploading it to some server site , like Anna’s Archive, which would be awesome if you did, or some other pdf holding thread. You can also make a torrent, and that will hold all of your data if you leave it in a specific torrent site or search engine, which was my personal favorite with Bitdigg.

Theirs quite a few ways open to you on what and how you want to share to the thread about the GW Ehite Dwarf magazines you’ve got.
Yep, hence why I said that Broken Lance was a shit video. But besides that, your welcome man, all Warhammer fans deserve as much as they can get, considering the time and people we live under that have utter control and contempt of our Hobby and setting.
This is also me.
Ah, right then. Here's a magnet link I created:


Never done it before, so I hope it works.
Well, I can confirm 100%, that the link does work, so that part of your worries is over. Now, anyone just needs to do now, is wait a day or two to try downloading, and uploading their acquisition, and it will then in the future, make it more much easier and faster to download the files as a result.
Emperor knows I would
The hundreds of female ship's captains only exist in the books these days for the same reason female custodes do: the modern authors trying to cram as many strong women as possible into the setting.
I'm trying to find audiobooks in German. Has anyone here come across them? I've been searching for a while but all I'm finding are in English
They should print on demand for perpetual revenue.
I remember years ago (10+, if not longer), there was an unofficial pdf doing the rounds that was all the lore bits pulled from various official sources and collated into one. I think it was called something like 'the looted collection'. My question is twofold - first off, does anyone have a download of the file, and second, has there been an updated version in the years since? So much has been added or changed since the Horus Heresy books started, and i'm 99% sure it predates stuff like the AdMech faction being added to the game as a full faction.
Hello there,

updating an old collection,

Beside Warhammer i added couple more fantasy worlds/publishers. In future i plan to add more such as planescape/star trek and probably marvel/dc.

Most of these books were purchased/obtained from retail stores so [Retail] files are pure

Aconyte Books
Black Library
Blizzard Entertainment
Wizards of the Coast

Alien vs. Predator
Assassin’s Creed
Gears of War
Guild Wars
Resident Evil
Sea of Thieves
Star Wars

Tolkien (WIP)


Also MEGA (only Warhammer Novels)


Blood Bowl

PRAISE BE TO NEVER WINTER! Thanks Bro, really appreciate the effort you've been putting into these troves.
Any seeders for the audiobooks?
As in the audio's for this thread, sad to say that I've already tried to seed these audiobooks, but theirs not really been much drive for seeding. People are more often interested in stealing then dealing with the long and boring part of seeding in order to make it easier for other people to torrent those same audiobooks unfortunately.
Does anyone have good scans of the new codexes? Such as the Ork and Genestealer Codexes?
Does anybody have this to share? I have been trying to get it for a coulpe of weeks now but it is stalled at 0%.
I’ve tried as well, and same result desu. Honestly you can just take this link and it will bring you a different site but the exact same content. Rebrand<dot>ly/OHMaterial2
Does anyone have the latest 10e Orks Codex?
>Bump fuck GW

Games Workshop put out yet another lawsuit against fans that provide 3D printing files to make their own figurines. Apparently it doesn't matter if GW wins or loses because the legal defense costs is enough to crush the fan.

GW was always litigious given how the company started by one partner using lawsuits to shove the other partner out of ownership of the company. Vicious.
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>A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Can a newer torrent be made that is compatible with the previously downloaded file and directory structure, but adds the new Warhammer novels? The newer books collected by OP are in >>1305460
>So who's gonna post the female Custode story?
Games Workshop has doubled down some more. Now the first Custodes was female. This will make it even easier for books to put in female custodes.

Warhammer 40K CONFIRMS First Adeptus Custode Was a Woman
JFC, does every Youtuber talking about this shit have to use the same retarded style of scaremongering thumbnails? I swear to fucking god, you must have a really special type of brainworm to look at someone posting that nonsense and think 'Ah, yes, this is the e-celeb whose opinions I will parrot endlessly!'
Every fucking time with GW, sigh. Agh well, at least they finally managed to strangle all of the last goodwill they had with their various communities.
Welp, found a handy new warhammer magazine site. It gets constantly updated and actually gives you good pdfs from 6th and 7th edition, rather then the fucked up designs that seem to have been created and propegated from that time period. Enjoy guys, rebrand<dot>ly/OHMaterial2
Regarding the audio trove, does it include the "audio dramas" that are similar to old radio plays? Need smth to listen to at work

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