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a full archive of all the scripts and videos being taken down on eroscripts soon
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and all seeders will be given my eternal thank
all seeders will be given a bullet by me one day when you are judged for being a pedonigger
I'm sure you have worst things in your closet than people jacking it to loli, shota porn
Another site failed the test.
never had the nerve to buy a launch or anything to use with scripts, but i might now that i'm in an apartment and have some extra cash
Will be seeding a few hours, thanks anon
I will be seeding for awhile anon. F these sites for betraying its users.
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Thank you anons, we have a nice little swarm going now.
Full details of the archive and my plans can be found at eroscripts
never heard of eroscripts - what is it?
it's a site that hosts funscripts, which are used to sync masturbation devices to videos
>sync masturbation devices to videos
fuck. now i feel old!
looks like i missed a few generations of cooming advancements...
on that note: is /cumg/ still banned?
>ooks like i missed a few generations of cooming advancements...
the future is now old man. dunno about /cumg/ though, sorry mate
will I get a nice visit from men in suits that have official looking paperwork that gives them legal authority to collect my hard drives if I download this?
I go the easy route and just downloaded musicvibe
Any machines around $100 that can use these things?
what is this?
well shit, on one hand i dont own such a device, but on the other hand i cant possibly pass up an opportunity to download 137GB of lolicon. maybe ill invest.
do it anon, buy a handy, it'll change your life
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lolicon is illegal in most of europe and the anglosphere outside the US. i hope you guys are using proxies. my proxy is in canuckland but im in the land of the free so those leafniggers can lick my nuts.
what is the .pad for?
Torrents created by/for old clients needed that garbage. A modern client just ignores it.
I think it was causing problems with my deluge client. qbittorren worked fine.
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Hope you anons are having a good day. I have all of the shota scripts and videos from eroscripts this time.

>loli 149 Gb
>shota 18 Gb
damn, is it gay shota or /ss/ or a mix?
i heard about those automatic masturbators or whathever wich one should i buy?
It's a mix, some gay shota, some futa, but mostly milf on shota stuff.
It's all the scripts tagged shota, that are also not tagged loli, that's why it's so much less
Fap hero has lolis?? color me surprised. still what a waste, to destroy so much stuff for no real reason. will seed for a while
>Hope you anons are having a good day. I have all of the shota scripts and videos from eroscripts this time.
Thanks anon and bless your day as well.
>filtered and need to announce his departure
Im in the middle of research - what device are you recommending mein niggers?
If you want a device either get the handy it's simple and easy. If you are not lazy, build a SSR1 (handy but better) or a OSR2+ or an SR6 by tempestmax on patreon. or get files on f95 or whatever. Never tried SSR1 so idk if it's good, OSR2+ wasn't too hard to make, never used SR6 but it looks incredible.
I've made one. In theory, it's a million times better than the Handy (have it, too). However it is very much in beta and I still need to do a lot of tinkering to get it running right. The receiver is made for a full size Fleshlight, compared to the Handy's lil sleeves.
any way to get these to work on lovense? i would love to sync my plug to some loli but can’t find anything within the vibemate app
>sync masturbation devices to videos
Like those fancy bluetooth toys (lovense and such)?
How to read, modify and edit those scripts?
This as well, I assume the scripts are just text with number telling the microcontroller where to be. no?
If so should't be possible to use it on other toys?
Or better make a smsll vibrator and run the script with something like raspberrypi?
>Like those fancy bluetooth toys (lovense and such)?
only stroking toys, like the Handy or Launch
think "automatic Fap Hero"
>How to read, modify and edit those scripts?
there's actually a pretty good guide for n00bz on eroscripts
>only stroking toys
Ah, I thought it can be used with vibrators
Has a way to force phone to vibrate.
It would be nice if the funscript can be translated to vibes, which I guess can be done easily since its just values can be translated between 0 and 1.
Has some nice stuff.
Actually I just realized these are just JSON file.
Just rename the extension and it should work, and there.s invert attribute to invert the way it work.
So if 100 mean the handy off the penis, setting this attribute to True, would make it stop vibrating when using vibrating toy.
I guess simple JSON parsing library would do the trick.
Explain how you make SCB controlled vibrator,
You just need to parse the script file.
Hell, you can even use OhMiBod toy with this
https://cfs6t08p.github.io/funstim/funstim.html or any estim toy.
Yeah, yeah some script don't work though.
and you need to edit it a little see this
What's really interesting someone should clone xtoy.app website since that can play anything under the sun.

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