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Here is my fav so far
159 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
Does anyone know specific Cock Hero stuff without music? I find the idea of making gooning and jerking off a game but the music really kills it for me. I'd rather hear the sound of all the videos, moans, plaps, sucks all overlap rather than dogshit pop music.

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I heard tor does not work well with torrents, but i2p supports them well. Anyone got experience with that? Apparently xd and i2psnark are decent clients for this, but no idea where to get trackers?
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please don't bog down the tor or I2P network by torrenting over it just buy a vpn don't be a poor indian

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Feel free to post old japanese eroge and visual novels, forgotten and lost in time.
Collections of old/lost games are also well accepted.

Previous Thread here >>1108580
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I forgot to mention that an official English Switch version of the Tsukihime Remake has been released last month.

Official Tsukihime Remake English release:

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Tweetney thread 19
Stiff amounts of silicone edition


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a full archive of all the scripts and videos being taken down on eroscripts soon
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Yeah, yeah some script don't work though.
and you need to edit it a little see this
What's really interesting someone should clone xtoy.app website since that can play anything under the sun.

What software do you /t/orrenters use on servers?
t. setting up my homeserver
13 replies omitted. Click here to view.
my server is a dumbass used optiplex with 12tb of storage

i use personally use qbittorrent

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Paste with multiple no-intro romsets


2024 no-intro will be uploaded
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Sony Playstation Vita (No Intro) VPK


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Haven't seen this thread in awhile and I'm sick of seeing all the fucking porn on here and nothing of interest. What do you have stored, anons?
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>50mbps upload in the UK

Hey lads, I got a gaming server that I use to host game servers at home and been thinking about upgrading the ssd. Considering I'm doing seeding on it, would it be better for a hard drive to take the wear and tear than an ssd or does it not matter?

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Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. http://warrior.archiveteam.org/
Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:

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i didnt find a torrent of this, this should be archived

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Search previous thread >>1177335 (archive: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1177335) for these bangers:

>Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health A journey into Anxiety, Depression, and Meditation led by Dr. Alok Kanojia
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - new ADHD module (HealthyGamerGG) (13.9 GB)
>Dr. K's Guide to Mental Health: ADHD & Doing Stuff Module [2022]
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - Trauma Module

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Book it legit, very much appreciated anon

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Post resources, software and tips.
How's that project going, Anon?
Random footage for video editing, some if not all is in 4K: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:45454856486472c0204c46f22b1ab89e2d703b68&dn=Footage
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Maya2025 Checked on win10, works fine

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Any good backups for Vimm in general?

BIOS Files - Game Systems


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Torrents of full images from /gif/ - Adult GIF, released monthly. >>>/gif/ is a NSFW 4chan board. Info:
- Contents: porn, random videos, LiveLeak-esque videos, and other videos which were too interesting for weak video sharing sites like YouTube.
- Stats so far: more than half a million files, totals to more than one terabyte.
- Why? Among other reasons, no one else is archiving /gif/, so I decided to.

Previous: >>1231730
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Oh look, a new wordfilter. I hate this website even more now. It's C U C K -> KEK.

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Hello /t/!
This torrent contains 12042 tiles, textures, backgrounds, footers, headers, and various other graphics.
I have been holding them for a long time, and have thought of releasing them. Now is the time.
Please use them to create beautiful works, whether they be websites or rices.
Torrent file is available here: https://files.catbox.moe/y2suz8.torrent
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Anyone have this CRT pack? https://www.surfaceimperfections.com/subpixel-textures

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14th edition of public flashing
289 replies and 18 images omitted. Click here to view.
Toy Crazy Katie has some great shorts on PH but does she have full vids?

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