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Haven't seen this thread in awhile and I'm sick of seeing all the fucking porn on here and nothing of interest. What do you have stored, anons?
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>50mbps upload in the UK

Hey lads, I got a gaming server that I use to host game servers at home and been thinking about upgrading the ssd. Considering I'm doing seeding on it, would it be better for a hard drive to take the wear and tear than an ssd or does it not matter?

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Useful archiving efforts and other projects to help out with:

HIGH priority (If you don't help archive these automatically, the data will probably be lost forever):

1. http://warrior.archiveteam.org/
Help out automatically archive things being shut down right now by running ArchiveTeam Warrior program (or specific containers) in the background:

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i didnt find a torrent of this, this should be archived

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Search previous thread >>1177335 (archive: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1177335) for these bangers:

>Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health A journey into Anxiety, Depression, and Meditation led by Dr. Alok Kanojia
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - new ADHD module (HealthyGamerGG) (13.9 GB)
>Dr. K's Guide to Mental Health: ADHD & Doing Stuff Module [2022]
>Dr K's Guide to Mental Health - Trauma Module

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Book it legit, very much appreciated anon

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Post resources, software and tips.
How's that project going, Anon?
Random footage for video editing, some if not all is in 4K: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:45454856486472c0204c46f22b1ab89e2d703b68&dn=Footage
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Maya2025 Checked on win10, works fine

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Any good backups for Vimm in general?

BIOS Files - Game Systems


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Torrents of full images from /gif/ - Adult GIF, released monthly. >>>/gif/ is a NSFW 4chan board. Info:
- Contents: porn, random videos, LiveLeak-esque videos, and other videos which were too interesting for weak video sharing sites like YouTube.
- Stats so far: more than half a million files, totals to more than one terabyte.
- Why? Among other reasons, no one else is archiving /gif/, so I decided to.

Previous: >>1231730
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Oh look, a new wordfilter. I hate this website even more now. It's C U C K -> KEK.

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Hello /t/!
This torrent contains 12042 tiles, textures, backgrounds, footers, headers, and various other graphics.
I have been holding them for a long time, and have thought of releasing them. Now is the time.
Please use them to create beautiful works, whether they be websites or rices.
Torrent file is available here: https://files.catbox.moe/y2suz8.torrent
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Anyone have this CRT pack? https://www.surfaceimperfections.com/subpixel-textures

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14th edition of public flashing
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Toy Crazy Katie has some great shorts on PH but does she have full vids?

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This is a containment thread for all cosplayer related links to avoid having 10 different threads for a specific person.
Please use this thread for posting links to or about cosplayers rather than making new threads for every girl

Active megapacks:

>cosplay_photo_library - this pack contains over 2.5TB of organized cosplayer images

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hydrus is without a doubt one of if not the worst piece of software I have ever used (and I have to use MYOB and royalTS daily)
if all you want to do is download everything from a booru and only have some massive database of booru images, it does that I guess
but you could also just run a booru clone out of nginx or something, which takes about 64GB less ram and doesn't need half a terrabyte of disk space to store metadata for 300GB of images

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For those who don't know, Operation Animes is an offshoot of Operation 404 and had cooperation from the Content Overseas Distribution Association (Coda), based in Japan.

Operation Animes is from Brazil. Operation Animes is coordinated by the Directorate of Integrated Operations and Intelligence (Diopi), through the Cyber Operations Laboratory (Ciberlab), of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) and aims to put an end to websites that include anime illegally.

It's going on a moment where to take down pirated anime website. In last year civil policy during this operation took down some websites such as O-Pex and Mangalivre, this year, the police carried out 11 warrants to take down those pirated anime websites on Brazil.

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Portugal? 820 euros.

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I'm open to taking scrape requests.

This soon-to-follow torrent includes the Nebula.tv videos of the YouTube channel Jacob Geller https://www.youtube.com/@JacobGeller https://nebula.tv/jacob-geller
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much appreciated anon

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Previous thread https://archived.moe/t/thread/1149167/

Having a single thread dedicated to answering everyone's questions seems to reduce the number of "please help" threads on /t/. Post your question here, rather than making a new thread.
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So I downloaded The French Connection off RuTracker and it came in this "wholesale BluRay" form instead of one .mkv file like usual. How do I run this properly? When I tried opening the entire folder with VLC, it sort of worked, but it just played the movie instead of opening the menu like I expected it would (so that I could access the settings and additional material).

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Criterion rips with all bonus content

The Royal Tenenbaums

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

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A collection of movies from "The Criterion Collection" with their titles starting from the letter C


/BIG/ Big Insertion General 4

A place for any and all sluts that take giant dildos into either hole(or both). Discourse in the old thread showed that a thread for all our favorite hole whores was necessary, Tweetney posting still very much encouraged.

Return of the Queen edition

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I'm saddenet that missprincesskay may has been too good on removing her own videos from the internet. Even pornolab seems unable to have a more up-to-date torrent, and shes one of the biggest in the genre.

I feel like that might hurt her tho. Less visibility, less knowledge of her. Even spankbang folded and removed everything months ago

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3D Printing guns

3D Printing Guns V2

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