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ITT: Post your seed ratio! Also general seeding discussion, such as what you are currently seeding, how to optimize hardware/programs for seeding, and the ethics of seeding.

>Why should I bother seeding on public trackers, since there is no benefit to me?
The way people act online is often analogous to how they act offline. By seeding, you are affirming that you will help others without expecting anything in return, which contributes to a healthy and high-trust society. Additionally, all of the people you are seeding for share your interests!
>Do I need a VPN to seed?
That depends on your location and the content you seed. In first-world countries, it is typically prudent to use a VPN while torrenting. To discuss VPNs in-depth visit >>>/t/sqt/
>I have slow internet, should I bother seeding?
Yes! Especially for a torrent that is not well-seeded, you can make the difference between its life and death.
>What is a good seed ratio?
As high as you can realistically achieve. Since torrent clients automatically manage seeding, many users opt to leave their torrent client running in the background regardless of seed ratios or upload speeds. However, if torrents are completely consuming your upload bandwidth and interfering with other tasks, it is simple to limit upload speeds in any torrent client. Additionally, it is possible in programs like qBitTorrent to automatically pause or remove torrents after reaching a specified ratio, such as 2.00, 3.00, 5.00, etc., if this is desired.
>What is the advantage of using a seedbox?
Seedboxes offer drastically increased upload speeds, 24/7 uptime, and can earn you points in private trackers. You can also use these to keep your favorite public torrents alive and healthy.
>What are private trackers and how do I get in one?
See dedicated thread: >>>/g/ptg/

Previous thread: >>1066779
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Based OP for making a new thread and also Gabriel Dropout enjoyer.
I have 8 completed torrents on seeding, a couple months old, and my upload has never gone up.
i want to help bros but i dunno what's wrong with my client (qBittorrent)
>>Why should I bother seeding on public trackers, since there is no benefit to me?
Another way to think about it is, if everything had this mindset, torrents would be useless.
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I mainly download animu & movie,
usually seeding during week end when leecher kinda high
Can somebody on Avistaz check if https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5874352/ is on there? I got banned and don't see it on PTP.
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recently started seeding torrents after i got drive space
i cant get my statistics in deluge... :(
Sneeder thread
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I'm getting there, gonna go on a huge gaming run
gabriel is literally one of the best anime ive ever seen
shouldn't it be bedtime for you kiddo? don't tell me you're watching cartoons as an adult
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how do I private tracker?
Why did you delete these torrents? Also fuck private trackers.
To free up space. I typically seed 10x what I download or until I need the space to download something.
How do you seed something as small as a 1.2 MB PDF file about Russian grammar? I'm using Transmission but my Internet is probably bad that it won't seed, or maybe I don't understand this tech very well
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Approaching 2 years
I only started taking torrenting seriously last week. In the past 5 days I've seeded approx. 20TB on a few different private trackers.

Running 3 different seed boxes
>private trackers
why do you do this to yourself?
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*flexes bicep*
What do you mean?
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as a leecher I only have my thanks to give you unironically
>using sites with 99% hit and run rates
Why do this to yourself?
Lmao this is such cope. The entire point of torrenting is to make everything, especially old and hard to get material, available to everyone, not to create elitist circle jerks, that just make the same materials hard to get. Being kind is a thankless job and thats why I host torrents. Private trackers are a cancer
Calm down, they both have their advantages.
Public trackers for convenience, private trackers for quantity and quality. Just use them both like a normal person instead of choosing camps.
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>watching cartoons is le bad because... IT JUST IS OKAY!!
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Everybody here probably has it already (since it's so easy to join), but Avistaz is open signups this weekend.
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talking about needed seeding torrents that would rather end up on some private tracker, can I get some seeders over here? Im running out of time/bandwidth Soon™ >>1200485
new to /t/ how do I get my ratio up I am seeding 9 torrents but my ratio is 0.05. does qbit stop seeding anytime it isn't actually open on my desktop?
By default it should continually seed in the background. You can find it in your taskbar.
Well, you can check your settings for that. But if this is a private tracker we're talking about, it's more likely that there is simply no one downloading the torrent.
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how do i seed better lads?
maybe the other seeder is stealing all your upload
or the leechers connection is shit
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>seed ratio: 1.01
i am a giving man
Approaching that 1PB mark
Depends on what stuff you're seeding. If you're seeding obscure stuff you might only see them uploading once or twice a year and in that case I wouldn't worry about it. If you're seeding normalfag shit and you never see any uploads then that'd be something to investigate.
I don't do any automatic, I just seed the stuff I like. These stats really new though (< a few months) and most of my torrenting is done through transmission cli, there I have it set up so it automatically starts after a magnet or infohash is clicked and goes to the right folder based if keywords are found in any folders. I use Qbittorrent for large torrents that I only want to download small parts from.
python and more python on your python

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All public
Very nice
Keep it up
Wrong thread nigger
>how to optimize hardware/programs for seeding
any tips? I'm new to this
Is there any "retard's guide to seedboxes" sort of guide out there? My ISP doesn't allow port forwarding so I've been a leech for quite some time and I want to start giving back.
Some vpns allow port forwarding
I've considered that, but I'd rather not have to leave a vpn running.
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I try, its not my fault nobody want my torrents
anyone know how I can transfer my qbit stats from windows to linux?
do you set any speed limits to your torrents?
I don't set limits on torrents and a dedicated PC is seeding 24/7
make sure your incoming ports are forwarded
/t/'s opinion on anonseedDOTcom?
im slowly getting up there.
Is there a way to see my total stats with rutorrent?
Hello /t/.
I could need some help.
Years ago i used to seed other peoples torrents and make some of my own. Right now i want to seed a new movie that released on blu-ray today but i need some good place to share the magnet link.
IF possible i want this movie spread like wildfire so i don't have to keep my server running all year.

Here's the link if anyone wants to help out!
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It's on my private trackers
you are... welcome?!!
Sorry. Meant to tag this >>1218848
/t/ fucked up my ratio, it used to be 3.0
All public trackers
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Tho those who do cap your upload speeds, what do you cap them to? I have unlimited internet, but still in the small print there must be some stuff about 'unreasonable use' or whatever. I don't wanna fall foul of them, I don't wanna even grab their attention, don't wanna enter their radar. What's a good speed to cap it to so I can do it 24/7 without any worries?
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Are seedboxes honeypots? Should I just seed from home instead despite much lower speeds?
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am I based?
>t. 3rd-world poorfag
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I always wanted to somehow get into empornium but alas. No dice.
Well I got my own collection now that's pretty alright and I'm leaving the country soon. 3rd world shitholes are great even if they supposedly prosecute porn. Nobody actually really cares.
I tried keeping my stats in Windows after a new installation. Even keeping my original files didn't help. I think it's impossible to save stats with Qbittorrent.
Based! Sad that qBit doesnt support PiB, and displays it as 1kTiB
Nevermind, i am a retard sorry
Any anons know how I can create and seed new torrents? I want to start seeding a couple of obscure OSTs I have but they're not.

Tried creating the torrent on my local machine, and seed to my dedicated torrenting VM. The machine seems to show up as a peer but nothing happens.

Magnet in question if it's at all helpful: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:00c37c334a2560109b912fcac02bd25121262ea9&xt=urn:btmh:1220cefd018dad4f86c9d3d620f983c0d9c720046d7ed7dae47ae40a66e7e1a4f608&dn=Kurokami%20OST%20Collection&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3a443%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.com%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2810%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.stealth.si%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.moeking.me%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.bitsearch.to%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2ftracker.tamersunion.org%3a443%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker1.bt.moack.co.kr%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fuploads.gamecoast.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.theoks.net%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.joybomb.tw%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.filemail.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.auctor.tv%3a6969%2fannounce
Nevermind I fixed my own issue.
Do you guys think a raspberry pi or other single board computer would be a good choice for a dedicated seeding machine?
I'm moving back to glorious Eastern Europe this summer (land of free internetz and top shelf speeds) and need to resume uploading my massive collection of anime and obscure music. I don't feel like paying for a seedbox or keeping my main PCs online 24/7 anymore sooooooOo... I was thinking a SBC hooked up to a bunch of HDDs should do the trick.
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Am I a good boi?
The office
So close
b u m p
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Took me two weeks of seeding to get to 1.00 after years of never seeding
can someone seed this please im getting 10 kb/s
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I can't seem to seed anything, upload is at 0, I'm using transmission, how can I test if it's client or something else?
Download a torrent with low seeder count but with many leeches
do you have the listen port forwarded on your router?
have you port forwarded?
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I see another anon mentioned running a raspberry pi hooked to HDDs, is that the best option? Or should I setup a NAS and dedicate an old laptop to seed content from the NAS?
based OP, you are a proper honest individual, it's a shame more people aren't as selfless.
+ GabDrop is the comfiest anime of all time bar none.
>Seed till I don't need the files anymore
>Keep some rare/dying/interesting torrents for long
>Try to keep ratio close to 1
Is this sustainable?
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Is there any real reason to set a limit to how many individual torrents you can have seeding at once?
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Only reason would be to reduce concurrent reads on your storage drive. It's more relevant if you use an HDD.
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just started torrenting again after a while, how am i doing?
i'd love to, but shit's stalled for me
>Just use them both like a normal person instead of choosing camps.
as a seeder who wasn't aware of "private trackers vs public trackers", I approve of this
Could be better, hurts to see so many unconnected peers
That 0.01 authorizes you to be smugly superior.
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Why do I sometimes get upload even though I can't port forward?
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continuing to upload my 7+ year old archive of stuff. Only on a 20mbit upload connection though.
finally reached 2 TiB...
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forgot pic
How do you start seeding?
why are the catterchan tracker requirements so high
Only been a few months since I started with this box, Gig internet is really pulling it's weight.
Should I try for a private tracker?
No, public trackers are much better.
I appreciate your effort anon
See, that's the thing, all private trackers with inviteless sign up require that I upload content I don't care about instead of just being a seed freak

please seed guys. this is life changing nl

Ill admit for that pretty much all of my adult life ive been a leecher. Have been since I was a teenager. But now im trying to give back. So if youre interested in the tv show "The Girls Next Door" from the mid 00s, then ill be seeding it for as long as i can. DVD rip, uncensored, with dual audio, the second being an audio commentary the girls did for the show. No, im not uploading the 6th season, because it was shit, and because I dont want to buy it.

Added it to the box, it's stalled at 0% though, I can seed if for months if I can get it.
I currently have my speeds capped at 2mpbs but with unlimited speed from 1AM to 10AM iirc
sorry I mean 2MiB/s
Well, I seed for 2 weeks or till ratio hits 7.0
Can't be bothered to store more, but hey, I try.
Can any anons help seed? Im trying to save this piece of shit from being lost media gonna repack it with the second season and reupload it a few places so its around
yeah I got u. put it on my seedbox
yeah sure I'll help a bro out, seems like an okay show.
That movie is great! You have excellent taste in movies my fellow swefag
Thanks anons its been stuck at 94% for a day now

I gave up on that torrent took what i could from it and patched the series together
We have new things to seed:
leaks about some big companies including such names as EY or PWC


I started this a few days ago.
It did work after some configuration issues with deluge.
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I have this torrent that is fully downloaded but for some reason reset itself so I tried adding it again and only just realized its only been seeding a 24mb file this whole time. When I force recheck (since I checked and all the files are there) it just sits there with "checking" as the status and has been doing that for 24 hours or so. Anyone know how to fix it? Using qBittorrent on my NAS.
is this good?
very based
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Started in early 2020 on an old i5-2500 build. Currently seeding over 1800 movies, tv shows, anime and some obscure stuff I am the last seeder for. Recently upgraded to gigabit internet and moved away from an i5-2500 to a Ryzen 5 3600 so I'm expecting this number to quickly increase. The most popular thing I am seeding is a copy of The Runaways.
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I wish my cache hits were as good as yours.
Any advice to setup a private tracker?
So I had been seeding a 400GB torrent for a couple of months now. Had already seeded 90GB but today when I booted up qbittorrent it said in red "error missing files"
I closed the program and when I booted it up again it said that I had 0% of the torrent.
Then I did "check", it checks up toi around 40% and then says "Error cyclic redundancy"

What the fuck? What do I do, I wanted to seed it until a positive ratio
pls can someone seed this?
For Those We Love Kamikaze 2007 BDRip 720p AAC x264

No one can seed the torrent if they can't download it first, retard.
everyone knows that, nigger, im seeding it myself, i want someone else to seed it because im getting rid of it in a few weeks
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I'm happy with my upload
You anons are insatiable. Keep beating those dicks like an old mule
finally reached 3 TiB
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forgot pic
Honestly, same, I've been an annoying leecher until basically today.
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What do I win?
Do I need a VPN for seeding if I'm just seeding some niche anime?
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Newbie question. This is my current list on qbittorrent, I'm trying to increase seeds. It looks like I have plenty of peers connected, but only a few I'm seeding to.
Currently have max 8 torrent upload slots and max 25 global max upload slots, but even when seeding a popular torrent I seed fuck all.
I think its a problem with the windscribe VPN / portforwarding set up, but not sure where to start. Is this expected or where should I start looking for wrong config?

>TLDR I think my vpn portforwarding config is fucked and idk how to begin fixing it.
Probably not, but VPNs aren't that expensive so its better safe than sorry.
New setup, never skips a beat.
90% public, open 24/7.
I have a bunch of torrents listed in qBittorrent that I restart from time to time to make sure they don't die out if anyone's actively trying to download and seed.
Any good seedbox providers?

I mostly torrent lossless music and I'm starting to feel bad being just a leecher
what are some interesting non copyright torrentz?
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I am but a lowly foot soldier
Bumping with saying that my current client lists my overall share ratio at 4.6
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Most seeded torrent I've ever had was for red dead redemption 2 at 120 TB upload.

Pic rel is my current most seeded torrents
Whatbox.ca is by far the best but you pay a premium for it.
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hope I can reach 4 TiB at the end of this year
No, I don't run any
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first-time posting /t/ourist
100% public trackers
Can someone give me some advice on their setups? Do you just seed on your everyday browsing/gaming PC? Docker? off of a NAS or tiny PC? I want to get back into torrenting but am a little tech-retarded. I'm thinking about segmenting my network and putting a NAS and a Tiny PC and use that specifically for torrenting just in case I get crypto'd it's isolated in my network. Thoughts?
>I'm thinking about segmenting my network and putting a NAS and a Tiny PC and use that specifically for torrenting
This is the way to go unless you want to pay for a seedbox. You don't need much CPU horsepower to run a NAS/Torrent box, so it can be really power efficient and not take up very much room.
Definitely avoid torrenting on your gaming PC for that reason. Gaming PCs are typically larger and power hungry (even at idle), so it's generallu a bad idea to run it 24/7.
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I use a NAS with qbittorrent and gluetun in docker containers. Running with no issues for around a year
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just barely beat your ratio
u beat my ratio :<

otherwise i got a pretty healthy ratio
this is from my based home ISP who throws all the DCMA notices into the trash, ive never gotten a single one
dont let this one die
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I don't actually torrent that much

I've also stopped a fair amount of them from seeding after reaching 2.0+ ratios
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My two seedboxes and my pc. My NAS has been offline for a year but i think its another 200TB uploaded there as well
Can anybody seed this and offer some good trackers?

why do you guys seed
literally whats the point, just get it from a streaming site.
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CaptainHardcore-0.17 just a desktop/vr porn game.

Official: https://www.patreon.com/CaptainHardcore

at home seedbox stats. I seed everything back for 2 years or 15 ratio, whichever happens first
Ehh? I thought a 1:1 ratio was the ideal. If you download more than you seed, you're not contributing your fair share. If you seed more than you download, you're making it harder for others to seed their fair share.
Ive just set up my first dedicated server so I'm excited to use it for some torrenting and actually seed for once.

I have a list of 30 or so torrents I want right now, but I don't like seeing 25 our of the 30 just queued, espcially if an active one is at 0kbps anyway, so I thought i'd set the limit of max active torrents much higher.
Is this a bad idea? I'm guessing theres some overhead involved in looking for peers so will public trackers ban me if I'm constantly making too many requests like this? Many of the torrents have no seeds right now but at some point in the day will find one so I'd like to leave them all active and not have them queue'd in case they miss their only opportunity to connect for the day.

I hardly have a clue of what I'm doing so any advice is appreciated.
meone revive this torrent PLEASE

Robert Anton Wilson Promotion Pack [Gold And Apple Transfers]

You're a pillar of the community anon, god speed.
grow up
So I'm trying to do a seed of a torrent I put together of the one 3D Koikatsu animator "TheRealAnnaAnon".

The archive I got here is mainly just stuff from their MEGA, which got nuked, and misc. Twitter postings and audio deals. There's also some recent Catbox stuff they posted up that got me to start this torrent just because the files they uploaded seemed to differ from their MEGA stuff in terms of encoding, video size, and all that.

So I thought I'd just share what I had and hope this gets into the hands of those who want it and will keep it safe

I'll be seeding this for a long while now, so join the swarm today.

Can someone help me seed this? It's only 125mb lmao

Any dudes here can help me with this episode from G*P? I have the 1080p but I have been trying do download the 4k version forever. If anyone can seed or has working trackers for this-

I have not seeded in years but i just set up a client on my server. Only got 200gb free but if you got anything that isnt porn or illegal and want a seed in the UK, send the magnet.
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I've been trying to break into 16 share ratio. Mainly seeds Japanese untranslated VNs so a lot of these torrents have not many seeders and I'm just trying to keep 'em alive. I always seed until at least 2 seed ratio then pull them off seeding if it has a lot of seeders if it's a rare torrent then I'll keep seeding.
How much ram I need for seeding ? I just bought some random mini pc for dirt cheap but it only has 4gb of ram
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I only have a 2 TB drive. I'm looking into 8 TB ones to seed more, but for the moment this is all I have.
I'm running a NAS with an older intel nuc. I am able to use the m.2 slots as PCI with a converter. Then I am able to use a pci sata card and get many many drives. I run zfs with high redundancy
4gb is totally fine. but i would say you should run linux and definitely not windows
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i have no problem seeding and torrenting, but i have a dead torrent and tried to do everything to revive it.
i'm dealing with a really specific and niche torrent, so.
It's a mumkey jones archive torrent with a video thats not found anywhere else, so mind helping me?

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I wasn't even aware I sneeded that much, thought I was a dirty leecher
Only been up for about a month. I have a few rare torrents I seed
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i am but a humble weeb, giving what i have to the masses
i feel like my ratio would be a lot better if i didnt download, watch and delete awful seasonal shows
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Started to take seeding seriously this year. It's a pleasure to give back to the community after being a leecher for so many years.
Stargate SG-1 all seasons pls download and seed
im a generous man... also i like archiving
here nigger
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my stats, just started this year
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I don't seed 24/7 and disk that had my transmission config died few months ago, but that didn't stop me

$ te -st

Uploaded: 23.43 GB
Downloaded: 67.11 MB
Ratio: 349
Duration: 5 hours (20491 seconds)

Started 163 times
Uploaded: 1.13 TB
Downloaded: 534.3 GB
Ratio: 2.10
Duration: 37 days (3220666 seconds)
retard here, why dont people use old smartphones as seedboxes and stash them behind walls in hotels/businesses? is its wifi connection really that bad? isnt wifi safer to seed on since it's harder to detect on the network?
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Changed my ISP, and my seed speed dropped a lot. Will it help to get a static ip?
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I'm not an expert by any stretch of imagination, but transmission-daemon looks rather efficient.
I was usually seeing uploads on at least half of the anime shit I had downloaded, but I set up a VPN today and now I'm exclusively getting uploads for Game of Thrones. Can it tell that my upload speed is slightly worse and ignores me?
how can i make uplood go faster
Open the port. That's pretty much it.
Buy faster internet connection, enable port forwarding, buy better drives ideally you would have all SSD seedbox but it's very expensive so maybe buy an SSD for the busiest torrents and keep the rest on HDDs
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Not my problem
hello anons, need a cheap seedbox, with a lot of storage, my home internet isnt that good for seeding unfortunately, does anyone know anything that would be good?
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am seeding, reply with whatever you want seeding, friends, am seeding most of what is in the thread
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2 week stats
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after 1.9TB of seeding, i got 10 copyright complains, sorry chuds, wont be seeding anymore.
If you (or anyone reading) are willing to seed this I would really appreciate it

The Beast Within (1982): https://yts.mx/torrent/download/86F3835807D885634217309D32484FCE357697BC

Thanks in advance
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guy you replied to here
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seeding now
stalled at 0.2% will keep it downloading for the next month
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>question: Why seed when it has no benefit for you?
>answer: It benefits others.
Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate intentional seeders who are trying to spread their interests, or for whatever noble reasons, including the OP. That being said, I don’t think casual users will seed intentionally. If seeding didn’t take up hard drive space, I would be okay with it. But seeding does take up HDD space, right? Many files are large in size, and for an average user to store these files, it can be a bit of a struggle. For me, the only time I would seed is when it’s a file I absolutely love, but it’s super niche, and the file size isn't overwhelmingly large.

>The way people act online is often analogous to how they act offline.
This is absolutely incorrect. In real life, helping others is only occasional. Seeding, on the other hand, is continuously carrying a heavy burden on your back. A person in great need, you can let them stay at your place for a few days, but you can't let them stay for a lifetime.
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