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The older I get, the more I return to the films my parents used to watch, and it reminds me of better times. Post any film (preferably of the "classic-era" variety) that brings you comfort.
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Starting with some Capra. Here's
>It's a Wonderful Life
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>It Happened One Night
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>Lady for a Day
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>You Can’t Take It With You
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>Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

buster keatons early 20s films are always a joy to watch
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I feel the same way, thank you so much for doing this OP.
np, I'll be posting several on and off, got a crazy busy week ahead... one of my favorites
>Meet me in St. Louis
And I'll be seeding every one of them.
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Thank you. Most of these I recall watching on TCM channel and I seek them out as they come to me. Judy Garland was one of my first crushes...
>The Pirate
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but oh man, Janet Munro in
>Darby o'gill and the little people
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>Third Man on the Mountain
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my absolute favorite movie as a kid, wore out the VHS. Such a great film
>The 7th Voyage of Sinbad
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>The Golden Voyage of Sinbad
>Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger
Older films stink. Modern films are much better.
Hoping that one day, someone will be able to care about your existence, have a nice day, kid.
Your parents were around in the 30s and 40s?
This entire site has been riddled with fucking boomers since /pol/ opened, how is this a surprise?
I assumed they stuck to pol, lesson learned
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You know, I forgot that sometimes you adhd-riddled incels can put the fortnight and skibidi memes aside for 2 seconds and enjoy a film or two (in 15 minute "marathons, of course). Posting a beloved classic thats sure to be atop your "Insta top 10 Twists you did NOT see coming" reel. You're welcome.
>birds of prey and the fantabulous emancipation of one harley quinn
Uh-oh, did someone let Grandpa watch Fox News again? You know how it angries up his blood, and then he spends the whole night grumbling about his constipation.

Seriously, go fuck yourself, knowing who Clark Gable was and overusing the word 'kino' doesn't make you special, it just makes you like 90% of /tv/
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Wow, someone missed their booster this morning... you got so mad you accidently gendered me!... Chill out, my guy, grab a non-alcoholic craft beer and watch a great classic movie!
>The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Fuck you nigger, you're just pissed OP eradicated another shitty porn thread and replaced it with something much nicer. Maybe you should take a break from the internet and go outside for a change. Or is that a concept too alien for your pea-sized brain?
Thank you OP for sharing this, don't listen to these retards I'm probably around their age so don't think that they represent us all in the least.

Oh man, now Grandpa's pretending he's different people again and reverting to NPC dialogue. I don't think there's enough grass in the world for him to touch now, the brain poisoning is terminal
Nigga just get a kanopy subscription from your local library and watch this shit. No need to glaze up this old man
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lol, does Mommy know you're on this site? At least while you're here, lets try to revert your barely latent homosexuality, or "rizz" as you would call it... Also, let me know if you need help figuring out this "torrenting" thing, I know it stumps a lot of you streaming-service paypigs
I'm Filipino, I can say it.
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well in that case, you shouldn't be watching movies, get to trimming my hedges Rodrigo!...
>little women
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The Moon is Blue

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Some old movies are good, great even. Hitchcock for example has aged incredibly well and will continue to be enjoyed long into the future.

The ones posted so far tho- musicals, romantic comedies, a fucking dog movie- are much more limited in appeal and you can't blame people for not getting excited about them. I'm probably older than those zoomer shits and I agree with them on that. Honesty speaking I'd rather watch Marvelslop.

TL,DR Post hitchcock magnets please.
Speaking of Hitchcock

Spellbound (1945)

It's always hilarious when you guys assume anyone who dislikes you does so because of your political affiliation. FYI, I've voted for the few decent Repub/Libertarian candidates whenever I've had the chance, not that it matters. No, It's because you're exactly like those pretentious shitbags I used to know who'd pretend to like classical music back in college because they thought it'd get them chicks.

It's not about who you vote for, you colossal fucking morons it's about the fact you're so full of shit, you could be mistaken for a water treatment plant.
>did someone let Grandpa watch Fox News again?
>It's always hilarious when you guys assume anyone who dislikes you does so because of your political affiliation
You're not as smart as you think you are.
>you guys assume anyone who dislikes you does so because
dude, literally no one gives a shit about your gay feelings and if you "like us guys". grow the fuck up. And the fact you're still seething after several days because of some movies posted is laughable, go punch a wall or something ffs.
NTA but Fox News is fucking brain poison getting in the way of actual Conservative policy and replacing it with fearmongering and racism. It's made right wing causes a fucking joke that no one near the center can take seriously.

But hey, if that's what you want, knock yourself out. Permanently, if possible.
Just watches "Torn Curtain" and I have to say I was less than impressed. Biggest problem wasn't the direction but the miscast Julie Andrews.
>Fox News is fucking brain poison getting in the way of actual Conservative policy and replacing it with fearmongering and racism
Faux are a bunch of Israel-first neo-con idiots. you dont know what your talking about. This shit doesnt belong in this thread, take your /pol/ obsessed brain (if you have one) out of here.
>no one near the center
How would you know? You're the one nowhere near, lol.
Do you have Between two worlds (1944)? I can't find it anywhere for streaming even as a paid option.
it's a bit unusual, but i think you guys can help'
>The Birth of a Nation (1914)
i need the Photoplay restoration, and not the more widely spread one. preferably the stupid duplicate frames taken out but i can manage if i need to do this myself. file size is not an issue, but the bigger the better. would be great if the whole Twilight Time blu ray contents could be ripped uncompressed, but whatever
>The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
I cant for the life of me find the 24 fps version, only the 20 fps version. as stated above, the bigger file the better. preferably the 2015 kino release
>The Ten COmmandments (1923)
Need the biggest file size possible, eschewing compression. included in the "ten commandments 1956 blu ray as a bonus
>The lights of old broadway 1925
need a high bitrate version of the film, all the ones i can see are compressed
Anyone know where to find/got this film in 720p or up?
All the links i found on btd are toast, so if anyone has it functioning in okay quality, it would be much appreciated.
op is a hero
>You're not as smart as you think you are.
Are you?

I hate to be That Guy but I need to remind you people this is not /b/.
Keep your bullshit off this section of 4chan. Its only for posting torrents and nothing else.
Any chance of Crossfire with Mitchum?
Looks like no one is seeding this one? Downloaded yesterday with others and today, still zero progress.
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would anyone have 60's Frankenheimer? especially looking for Train and Grand Prix (the Ford vs. Ferrari film that even Ford vs Ferrari couldn't beat)
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>a painting means as much to you as a string of pearls to an ape
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>Grand Prix high quality 2gb version
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>Grand Prix Bluray Quality 8gb version
Hells yeah, thanks OP! Hopefully I can stretch this long enough until the Halloween thread shows up again. Hope you're having a good one
looking for the little hut 1957
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>the Little Hut
please upload? I'm getting nothing. Thanks!
I'm seeding it, it'll come...
>please upload? I'm getting nothing. Thanks!

New Source

Got it, thanks!
>Looks like no one is seeding this one? Downloaded yesterday with others and today, still zero progress.

I just added a few more trackers and it finished in about 10 minutes

>Anyone know where to find/got this film in 720p or up?
>All the links i found on btd are toast, so if anyone has it functioning in okay quality, it would be much appreciated.

>Do you have Between two worlds (1944)? I can't find it anywhere for streaming even as a paid option

Does anyone have La Belle Otero (1954) starring Maria Felix? The only version I've found is here https://ok.ru/video/715577297498 but it's in French with hardcoded Spanish subtitles.
>Does anyone have La Belle Otero (1954) starring Maria Felix? The only version I've found is here https://ok.ru/video/715577297498 but it's in French with hardcoded Spanish subtitles.

Original French release
No hardcoded subtitles
5GB (not sure why)

Thank you anon. Are there softcoded subs or do you know of a subtitle file?
>Thank you anon. Are there softcoded subs or do you know of a subtitle file?

There aren't any subs and I can't find any, I was hoping you speak French. There are some AI subtitle generator/translators out there, I've never tried them. There is a youtube process some people use: upload the video privately, wait a day and the subtitles will be generated, then download the video and subtitles with XDM or something similar, then take it down and delete it from your channel. If you do that, rename the file something random before you upload it, don't use the movie name.

>citizen kane (1941)
Thanks a lot anon. Sorry I don't have any magnet links to return the favour but that's a great help.
Finally sat down and watched Citizen Kane. During quarantine. Should have watched it sooner. Anyway, its good, but severely overrated. Like most of the classics. Casablanca too. And Vertigo & North by Northwest.
But Sunset Blvd. was genuinely good, and Rear Window was excellent.
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>Vertigo & North by Northwest
two of hitchcocks most overrated and dull films. watch these instead
>strangers on a train
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An untinted version of the photoplay restoration of The Birth of a Nation

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All 7 Road movies with Bob Hope, Bing Crosby & Dorothy Lamour

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Paint Your Wagon (1969)

Does anyone have Marilyn Monroe's films in 1080p? Some harder to find than you'd think
Hamlet (1948) - DVDRip

I'd rather a million boomers on 4chan than one zoomer.
Gonna use oil based paint, 'cus the wood is pine
The Deluge Redivivus (1974)

The difficult to find 1080 HD version of the epic Polish movie "The Deluge", about the Swedish invasion of Poland in the 17th century. Among martial arts enthusiasts this movie is known for featuring what may be the best and most realistic sword fights ever shown on screen.

was there ever a list of recommended pre-speghetti-western westerns?
bump lol
>Verification not required.
bump again
Anyone has Breakfast at Tiffany's?
Hardly a rarity. How is your google-fu?
the site fucked up and I was repeatedly trying to post 3 major sites which all had it.
Lets try this again:


They ALL have Breakfast at Tifannys
Yeah I wrote >>1331495
That is what I implied. That movie is hardly a rarity. I do not know why people post requests for movies with close to 10 seeders. One can probably stream it straight off YT even.
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Why do people get so worked up over people going through the learning process? There are varying levels of experience here, including complete newbies. There aren't a lot of places for inexperienced torrenters to ask questions and learn these soft skills. Be patient and help teach the next generation of pirates.

Requester here.

Basically, I fell out of torrenting from dedicated sites because this thread made me fat and lazy by making torrents fall in my lap. Got a lot of good things I wasn't aware existed either.

Got kinda sick of wondering which sites were still working or safe to visit too.
I want to thank you for these films.
I've seen about 80% of them but having them "on call " is handy.
My GF and I "road marathoned" last month so I'm catching this late.
The nay sayers are just idiots.
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>That movie is hardly a rarity. I do not know why people post requests for movies with close to 10 seeders. One can probably stream it straight off YT even.

The point is this is a curated list of movies from fellow users of 4chan, which tend to be of a similar mindset. Think of it like making mixtapes for your buddies, you're sharing something you enjoy with others who will probably appreciate your effort.
Do not feed.
Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949)


>less than impressed
Same here, Andrews is Mary Poppins and I couldn't see Paul Newman as a top level physicist.
This thread and its posters are humbly appreciated.
I hope this can go forever every time it reaches the limit, can't get enough such classic movies in my life, loving it!
>Journey To The Center of the Earth (1959)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:36E67C84AC705F536AFC4A7646618D50E04C52BC&dn=Journey to the Center of the Earth&tr=udp://open.demonii.com:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969
High Road to China (1983)
enjoying one I downloaded from the 1930s now, it happened one night
this movie is actually hilarious and im cherishing it tremendously with some cannabis olive oil. cheers frens.
This one it's stuck on downloading metadata for 3 days already :(
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)

> you're just pissed OP eradicated another shitty porn thread and replaced it with something much nicer.
Cool it with the antisemitism anon.
> Older films stink. Modern films are much better.
Agreed goyim! Only new movies with modern interracial couples are worth watching. Old stuff made by white men are boring. Porn is better even than movies. OY vey!
Finally, some seed!
Nevermind, stuck at 77, gave up.
seeding this
also bump cause this thread is KEK
im looking for mexican cinema but all related to the wrestler El Santos and also Blue Demon yes I love those movies including some from Don Ramon Valdez and comedian movies as well from an old era... or is this just american movies only?
>im looking for mexican cinema but all related to the wrestler El Santos and also Blue Demon yes I love those movies including some from Don Ramon Valdez and comedian movies as well from an old era... or is this just american movies only?

Hay alrededor de 20 películas de "El Santo vs" en el sitio de archivo, puedes descargarlas allí:

>High Road to China (1983)

This is working
gracias.. chief...
yes but also no
its overrated because literally everything after it copied it so it doesnt feel special anymore
Thank you!
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NTA but thanks anyway, downloading now!
>High Road to China (1983)

Never heard of this, I'll check it out.

>Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972)

One of the all time worst movies ever, pretentious hippy dippy bullshit.
>The older I get, the more I return to the films my parents used to watch, and it reminds me of better times.
Cool it with the antisemitism anon.
>Agreed goyim! Only new movies with modern interracial couples are worth watching. Old stuff made by white men are boring. Porn is better even than movies. OY vey!
Old films made by white men is literally anotha shoah. The Nazis would show their films to my grandfather in the prison camps. he survived the h*locaust by pretending he was dead in the prison yard.
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They Died With Their Boots On (1941)
didnt wanna download too well, so im gonna watch this movie online tonight. thanks for the recommendation anon.
Olivia <3

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