is there any sites you guys reccomend that are easily searchable and have a wide variety of only fans rips
>>1323864please kill yourselfcoomer sugallery dl
>>1324081Coomer is dead, hasn’t been updated in months
>>1324130its not, just nobody imported your whore since then
>> has entire collection for each model but the torrents don't get updates very often
Where can I download full balkan fun videos?
all these sites have is the public posts. any moron knows the good/paid stuff is sent in DMs.
>>1325090Tons of girls have noPPV/full vids on their main content stream even if your preferred cow doesn't.
>>1325009How do you even search the ruskie site?
>>1325123Try Google, "Model"???
>>1324040Thanks, I've been looking for something like this.
>>1325102>noPPV/full vidswhat is that
Found some mega packs on private torrents Go to reddit r opensignups and wait for an opening.
>>1324244The importer is broken since May. Nobody imported anybody since then.
>>1324040Is there a way to rip an album entirely on this site that I'm not understanding?
>>1324130>>1327410 old bag is the most recent updated. It is just your whore who isn't getting updated. Womp womp.
>>1328627That's fansly, retard
>>1327410Really?What a retarded teamAnyways a torrent would we stuck at the time of creation tooPlease stop bumping this retarded thread if you are too lazy to find leaks in other ways
>>1324040Full of virus warning maybe kys?
>>1328683Same difference you coombrain. You said the site hadn't been updated in months when it literally is being updated.
>>1328779>Full of virus warningYou're just a retard I got no such thing. It's probably just your shitty antivirus or something.
>>1328791I was not the same anon above, but this thread is about ONLYFANS so the point stands, no OF profile on coomer has been updated in months because the importer is broken.
>>1328779yeah I wouldn't go there with windows but I don't know much about windows, is it secure? I have the site on speed dial myself.
>>1328939Browsers are sanboxed unless they're exploiting a massive zero-day you should be fine regardless of the OS.
Anyone got premium porn pass?
>>1261264can someone explain wtf is up with siterips now? I tried googling for OnlyFans rips, but it's the typical zoomer bullshit with an endless trail of links that don't lead anywherewhy wouldn't you just upload a torrent for each chick?am I right in assuming people just failed and forgot how to rip sites? unreal
>>13286270 videos
>>1329750siterip is "site" + "rip"Site basically refers to studios like Brazzers, "Onlyfans","Blacked","Netflix" and "Rip" refers to all the content that can be accessed from these websites after payment. "Rip" basically means "extracted" but without payment for "torrenting".
>>1329750Seems like more and more downloads will say Site Rip and then only have around 1/3 of it and in shit resolution.
So this is /t for fucking torrents.#trump2024magnet:?xt=urn:btih:75ffc0a5fa4c50bacff00104afe32c146be49bd7&dn=%5BOnlyFans%5D+@veenus&tr=udp://
moar onlyfansmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:719a34bee5ef5e8f5e9d92ba93649347d79dab61&dn=OnlyFans%202024%20Summer%20Rose%20And%20Princess%20Jas%20Foursome%20With%20Summer%20XXX%20720p%20MP4-P2P%20%5BXC%5D&
>>1323864>>1324040> realfrogg collection is insane, I wasted so much time scrapping low quality of these vids in backwood sites, when this goldmine is right there.Does anyone know the lore behind those? original files or AI upscaled?Nonetheless, I got this one, that ain't in the bunker, but in low quality. If anyone has the high-res version, much appreciated.
Anyone got updated Gigglechan/soleilestle/bigtittymothgf fansly audios and videos?
Ella Hollywoodmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:dfe1f9ec4bfaac2b206a3c3a08e8d1354927b1f6&
>>1330735that one is choped, I have the full leng vid, but I'll post it when more ppl leak unseen material.
>>1330943Kinda sucks that you are stingy about it, but nothing I can do about it.Any other girl you interested in content to trade for?
>>1330872Bitch is slowly starting to look like my HS math teacher
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dd434b07250ee71c263524efbf00e1fc6aa69975&dn=OnlyFans%2024%2006%2006%20The%20Princess%20Jess%20Breaking%20In%20The%20Guest%20Bedroom%20XXX%20720p%20MP4-P2P%20%5BXC%5D&'s more onlyfans for you!
>>1325009can you even get the magnet link without being a member, if so how?
>>1330943>Nigga acting as if some e-thot who already chopped her titties years ago has a shitload of unseen vidsStop the cap. If you have new material, you would sell it, not retardely hold on to it for even more that doesn't even fucking exists.
>>1323864>>1324040my dream is a website that shows few screenshots of every OF video (like pornolab does). So I can choose what videos worth downloading. Or some script that can download tiny bit of every video here and there and make these screenshots.Coomer doesn't show even preview sadly.
>>1324040Anyone know the zip pass for the HiddenCam album on here? Did some digging myself, but no luck
>>1328562holy FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK finally a gallerydl that actually works with JPG5 THANK YOU CUMLORD>Cyberdropdownloader btfo'd
>>1323864>is there any sites you guys reccomend that are easily searchable and have a wide variety of only fans ripssimpcity does
Looking for anaimiya- got some stuff on bunkr but can't seem to find a bulk torrent. Pls tell me someone has something
bruh nothing useful total shit
>>1330735Need help! Bunkr albums keeps timing out what am I doing wrong???
>>1330735>Does anyone know the lore behind those? original files or AI upscaled?AI upscale. Pretty solid job.Also, big fucking ups for that gofile. Realfrogg cucks are extremely stingy, so I really appreciate you dropping content locked behind Camwhores faggots. God bless your heart.
>>1323864Just go on fucking telegram. This channel has all you need
>>1335538Who's that?
>>1325123You need to make an account. Find the button on the front page that says "Peгиcтpaция" and translate from there. You only get like, 5 torrents daily unless you start seeding / uploading torrents, then you get more.
awesome kate magnet:?xt=urn:btmh:122009c15bd44601cec2530a9a3d32fe59d496ac8ec851ca9998fbca130fcd9e5950&dn=awesomekate&
>>1335538Name please
>>1324040Them adding a search function a few months ago turned it from some obscure site to literally the most useful one on the entire internet. Some vids still just refuse to load though, even if barely anyone else is viewing them. Foxy Di's fancentro stuff for example
>>1328856>>1327410Have you actually been to the site recently? Cause the ones I'm looking at have OF posts dated yesterday.
>simpcity no longer allows scraping>now has ddos guardSlowly losing all the good sources lads. Anyone have a way to scrape without dealing with this?
>>1327410yes they did you dumb faggot nigger kike NIGGGER
>>1334485Same, but its only the realfrogg videos. I can watch anything else just fine
anyone have any tricks for mass checking coomer links to see if its the full ppv vid or just the retarded 3 second preview and "check dms"?its so fucking annoying checking one by one
>>1341887>anyone have any tricks for mass checking coomer links to see if its the full ppv vid or just the retarded 3 second preview and "check dms"?>>its so fucking annoying checking one by oneUse JDownloader to parse/scrape the main page and remove/ignore/filter all videos under a certain size
>>1324040Can anyone explain why is recommended on this board? The .io site seems clean but as soon as you look up an album, you land on one of several sub-domains (,, who are all flaged by multiple security vendors on virustotal. Additionally when you download something through the browser it flags it as potential malware. This can't be some random false positive.
She doesn’t do nudes but she does cosplay thot photos
looking for aaliyah yasin hijabi content she deleted few of the raceplay and RP videos