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Share and discuss newhalfs, otokonokos, josou, bishounens, ladyboys, shemales, cross-dressers, traps etc



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Have any of the other MahoAko trap cosplay JAVs been released anywhere other than the paysites? I could only find the Kiwi one, but there are Baiser, Baiser/Kiwi and Baiser/Azul ones at least
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Thanks to the anon that posted the magnets to these Nanao Ayaha cosplay videos. I always love when the girl is taller than the actors. They always have long kissing scenes at the beginning, I also like that. I had hoped these videos would be published as a TPNS title, but I don't think that will happen any time soon.

Kiwi where
Downloaded it from there
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does anyone kept an archive of all of Aoki_CD's videos? Been desperately looking for them everywhere but I can't find most of them anymore
I had no idea onado is back. I thought he got married or something and was done with this stuff.
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Did anyone have nikubenkimika videos?
Anyone where I can find おちんコス (ochincos)


Also trying to find a download for:
>site:lovetorrent.net ochincos
Can anyone check the actor for PCL-143? I tried checking for the databases in OP but one of them doesn't have information about it, while the other is locked behind a quiz or something..

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