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Share and discuss newhalfs, otokonokos, josou, bishounens, ladyboys, shemales, cross-dressers, traps etc



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Have any of the other MahoAko trap cosplay JAVs been released anywhere other than the paysites? I could only find the Kiwi one, but there are Baiser, Baiser/Kiwi and Baiser/Azul ones at least
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Thanks to the anon that posted the magnets to these Nanao Ayaha cosplay videos. I always love when the girl is taller than the actors. They always have long kissing scenes at the beginning, I also like that. I had hoped these videos would be published as a TPNS title, but I don't think that will happen any time soon.

Kiwi where
Downloaded it from there
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does anyone kept an archive of all of Aoki_CD's videos? Been desperately looking for them everywhere but I can't find most of them anymore
I had no idea onado is back. I thought he got married or something and was done with this stuff.
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Did anyone have nikubenkimika videos?
Anyone where I can find おちんコス (ochincos)


Also trying to find a download for:
>site:lovetorrent.net ochincos
Can anyone check the actor for PCL-143? I tried checking for the databases in OP but one of them doesn't have information about it, while the other is locked behind a quiz or something..
anyone knows any codes where the trap dresses like a bride?
All I know are Sora 259 and 271, and they follow the exact same script but with different actors.
anyone has him
the lovetorrent is not beeing seeded
Bit of an obscure ask, but does anyone have any good exhibitionist newhalf/shemale content? Flashing, upskirts, creepshots, unintentional (or intentional) public tents/bulges, public masturbation, public sex, that kinda thing. The more public, the better; most of the content I've seen is people going out in the middle of the woods or out on some one-lane country road and streaking where there's probably not another human being around for literal miles, and that doesn't really do it for me.
Hot. I wish I could see them uncensored, they are so feminine
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not sure if mikixka counts, I'm also looking for more similar stuff
I'm looking for actresses who clearly enjoy what they do, preferably cds, any recs?
I love mikixka. Tho seems to have a lot more content than that. Would love to get more.
It's deepfaked.
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damn that's tempting
Wasn't there some japanese crossdresser wearing the same outfit in pic related?
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forgot pic
Any lovey dovey recommendations?
I'm talking same trap and same guy the whole video, no group shit.
All I know is OPPW-143, OPPW-145 and SORA-271.
we are SO back
any good, uncensored asian trannies?
Anything with a bit more boobs?
All these are too flat for me.
Is there a newhalf/etc Gerudo Link cosplay AV?
I recently learned Rio Harusawa has a youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LAnGaqRRQ8
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no, flat is superior anyway.
Flat girl is superior.
Flat crossdresser is just a guy in drag.
And you're just gay in denial.
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>And you're just gay in denial.
you think a pair of fake tits does any fucking difference?
Again who's in denial?
I found a website cataloging where all the otokonokos and newhalf jav idols escort. Managed to get LIBE to let me in with an idol that doesnt usually see non japanese speakers. Fuck yeah. I should be seeing Kanon, Yuuya, and Nanako. In the next few weeks. Fucked Nozomi Ono and Ruru Tsukino in the past and ran into Hime Yukisaki randomly once at Club Diamond, but this is the first time I had a list of their workplaces like this. Btw the camera doesnt do Hime justice. I legit thought I ordered a real girl when he walked in. Ruru by far has the most interesting personality. Hardcore gamer and Dragon Quest fan with the game clears to prove it.


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