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I make it a point to recover deleted files from whatever used storage media I buy or find. Over the years, I've gotten my hands on a lot of flash drives, microsd cards, hard drives from old computer and whatnot, and I've kept most of them in a folder called "other people's trash", because why not.

I was thinking that it'd be nice to share all of that with some likeminded voyeuristic pervs, so here you have them:




27,000 or so files amounting to 30+GB of what is essentially digital garbage for you online hobos to rummage through.

I haven't gone through most of these in a few years. I opened up a few folders and deleted really large junk files, but that's about it, so I can't speak too much about the contents.

A lot of photos, videos, and music, app packages and random system files, maybe a crypto wallet or two with millions of bucks in it. Doubtful, but u never know.

Some titties and cock picks, but not a lot. Most of it is boring shit. Most.

Feel free to post the magnet on public trackers, if you think it won't be deleted.

Anyway, enjoy
>one ISO file
regardless, thanks for archiving and sharing
im good thanks
Nice thread
Anyone who hasn't downloaded it, don't bother. There's nothing of value in it. Some dumb lowres pictures. The whole 30gb had 8-10 nudes and those of some spic hoe. And crypto wallet... Bro, all of this data is from South America, and we know how much they're into crypto.
I also put it on archive because I have nothing better to do: https://archive.org/details/other-peoples-trash

good luck grabbing 30GB from there
Just post the nudes so we can see
hey there's text file in here with twelve random words in it named "maybe this bitcoin thing will take off lol.txt" dated from 2010
Hope theres no fucking cp in it.
Utterly useless thread, but at least is not porn.
Thanks OP.
it's fake, the 12 word mnemonic standard came around way later than 2010

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