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ASMR streams/youtubers/whatever.

*Check the archives if you don't understand how things work around here and don't be a retard and reply to bait/offtopic shit.

Previous thread >>1337115


Part 60: 1215562
Part 61: 1222870
Part 62: 1232199
Part 63: 1241365
Part 64: 1246029
Part 65: 1249881
Part 66: 1256421
Part 67: 1262319
Part 68: 1267694
Part 69: 1276658
Part 70: 1283155
Part 71: 1291355
Part 72: 1299288
Part 73: 1309390
Part 74: 1318890
Part 75: 1329126
Part 76: 1337115
oho is bad
you are wrong
A bit specific but any good sniffing focused ASMR? Or someone that does them I guess aside from like nekotuna
I really like this one
I'm just imagining anon jerking off to some bitch who has the cold like
>yeah sniff that shit back let the snot slide down your throat bitch
>dont you ever think of blowing your nose
sniffing and sniffling are different
I don't want some whore schlicking off and fake moaning at a volume that is too loud. I want some bitch to gently whisper and kiss my ears.
My bad, I only know English from yugioh cards, video games and the internet lol
link list has been updated
emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL0pRTmhHMzZI
kanase (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hLzRSRjBRakdC
furyupro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2g0U3FSRkJp
tamapro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5ibGFjay9hLzB5ZjJDa2Fj

Is it still possible to get nn+ stuff? Could I ask in advance for the kemo girls here https://kemomimirefle.net/live/sm5pZ4a6yZDWkt253PfmXYbL


if only i would know the name of that hoe
She sounds familiar. also sounds like she's actually masturbating
Please tell me someone recorded yumemi didn't realize it was today
what's the sluttiest naitomea stream so far
from /vt/
probably ask there in the future
I don't know if Momiji is letting me down or I have leveled up in porn degeneracy. Thanks anyways
Are R and C even shared or discussed anymore? I went to check last thread and last thing was some throwaway mentions around Halloween
R's behind a 10k paywall and less interesting than ever. C and M get shared, but nuked quickly so you have to be on your game if you want them. Don't come looking 3 weeks later. They're also worse than ever though.
they do, this threads just overrun by /vt vtuber faggots now
they're all washed, we've moved past them
new supika and nano pls
Will these do?
Can you give me mimi4545's archive collection?
Anyone have Kurumi's new fantia video?
Seems to break at 1:20:58
Thanks but the video stopped working near the end so I felt kinda blue balled.
Does anyone have a nano's slip video?
it's been a while since loud tiddies have been posted here, is there anywhere else I can find them? there's just something about that obnoxious woman.
Either she hasn't been streaming or it's still on TamaTV despite the other girls largely moving to withny, and I've wound down my archiving hobby so I only catch stuff I can auto-record these days.
There's been some of her in this anon's tamapro links though, if you didn't realize >>1344679
thanks for the tamapro links. I found her new twitter account, seems like she's been on indefinite hiatus since september. at this rate my tinnitus will heal.
please fix this...
anon i...
new neferu?? please anon i beg you
I'd love to help you anon but she needs to actually stream for me to have anything to post and I assume this thread's not interested in the non-camera ones.
(here they are anyway just so this post has content: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS9sL0hjMWtXa1hM )
malice from today?
My balls have turned purple from 4 days of the video being broken
anyone? https://rplay.live/play/676436c520bd28c4bfe62688/
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2RzYWRZaUJP
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furyupro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2g0U3FSRkJp
tamapro (updated/meru x2) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5ibGFjay9hLzB5ZjJDa2Fj

thanks for the uploads neferu anon, i got some of her fantia content from this month
>her fantia is fullblown porn
im so rockhard right now, anon, and its all thanks to you. bless you
Nice, thanks for sharing
>censored nipples
Can you give me nago(@mumyon7575)'s withny archive collection?
I stopped recording that shit long ago, fucker's streams were always >10 gigs. Maybe archive your own gay VRchat porn and stop asking for it here.
Hello, I'm looking for the archive mentioned in this pastebin
Is it lost media?
Anyone have laibaht members only? Thanks if so.
any chance for new mare? or where i can find mare posts havent seen em in awhile

Thank you
I have shit upload speeds so I'll share the FC scripts I made instead. Maybe others will upload more sites/channels now.
Delete this please, they'll fix the live streams now.
Riz Inui Toko
You should probably nuke this, as much as I appreciate it
Given the changes already made to the website the devs are already aware of the issue and know how to patch it. Unfortunately it's just a matter of time now, that's why I don't feel any need to hold on to it any longer.
she is seiso
Did something happen with C? Her latest FC stream doesn't have an archive
it's just not showing on the home page. looks like she messed up the tags for it so it's not showing there
Is Uise no longer doing cf?
mampy crimbo

some lady who pounds her manko on withny
myd x minase
merry christmas asmr friends
Thanks as always and merry christmas mydbro
oh also usagi
what are all these random strings they're not magnet links
ask chatgpt
Why are they cringing at the script, now I can't stop cringing too
I was bamboozled for weeks until an anon finally stopped fucking with me. I'm passing it on. you do the same one day.
also meruku

more of
>some lady who pounds her manko on withny

Anyone recorded ncm krn's 3D stream?
Thanks my negro, but It's gone now
Having a hard time trying to record Pikon's nn+. whenever i try to record and dl it, there is no video. any tips? using google's stream recorder
based, do you have her 12/14 live?
It's as easy as searching in the archives, but you need everything in a big spoonful
sex cat
I need some kind anon with a baidu account
and please share it on go files or whatever order service. code: ahy6
I downloaded it but what's the password to extract? Where did you get it from?

Does anyone have this video?
anyone archived pepero nn
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL21pbGhreGht
sui(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvUkNybGlqdXE=
furyupro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2g0U3FSRkJp

>censored nips
>censored butthole
>the roast
>ooga booga monkey noises
>censored nips
>censored butthole
>the roast
>ooga booga monkey noises
Why do posters use "C" to refer to that hololive slut? Is her roomate name really banned here?
she is very litigious
Why don't you try posting one of her streams along with her name and see what happens?
i'd be too in her shoes (or lack thereof)
>Roastie D:
>Roastie japan :D
i am mentally incapable of beating off to white women, sorry anon
God I hope somebody gets Kurumi's NN+ stream from today because holy shit I haven't seen her that horny in a very long time.
Apparently CANAN8181 aka Noel from Hololive aka the fat big titty slut finally inserted something into her old hag vagina. Who has the video?
wtf M actually stuck it in, never thought I'd see the day
Don't think it was canan but rather M that did it, should be up on SC as a torrent
She did it, finally after so many streams of pretending, she finally did
where is this SC?
fat hag bros eating good tonight
we had that happen many times and no shit happened except for some idiots going psych here and losing their shit over the name beeing mentioned
lmao xD lol. kinda right , but . why do you even care? honestly shes fcking ugly and fat. ugly cow sized fat hanging tits and on top of that shes anyways men hating and her "asmr " sucks. the people watching that crap do it because theyre weirdly into that fat cow for the tits
It's almost 4PM in Jakarta. By my estimation your break is over. Time for you to get back to making shoes for Wal-Mart.
is there a way to be a free fag and download withny video archives?
I imagine if she was willing to go so far to finally show clearly the insertion despite being a "R15" site then maybe the previous times weren't pretending either.
Now I just hope she won't ruin these FC sites for the others by going too far.
only because of c did, m does copy c sometimes i've noticed
They copy each other, Macoto got the dildo male doll first and then Canan got one too.
>only because of c did
C has never done visible insertion
when will the ear licking arms race peak
Well I think Macoto won yesterday, Canan won't do anything like that unless hololive dies.
There was for a while, but not anymore. AVtuber Archive 9 has a bunch collected during that time https://text.is/avtubertorrents

Hatsukoi Himeka
have video?
I will never forgive R's grandpa.
There is an alternate timeline where he's still alive and R has her own FC and is still trying to compete with C and M. Imagine.
many such cases
>one whore smells bad because her DNA makes her stink, ages the worst of all races on the planet, is obnoxious and wants to rule the world if possible, her body is covered in doodles because she has no respect for it
>one whore smells good and ages at a decent pace because she doesn't have inferior neanderthal DNA and hasn't been wolfing down estrogens since she was 13, also she doesn't want you to politically glorify her choice of being a whore, her skin is free of doodles because her culture values not treating yourself like some piss covered wall in downtown Chicago
i sure wonder why people would like the second one and not the first
anyone that can share this? aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXNtcmRkLmNvbS90aHJlYWQtMjg4Mi0xLTEuaHRtbA==
i could only find a dead BB link of it
added yesterday's stream
Which one of the lewd girls actually does the best ASMR?
C but it's always the same
based god. do you have her takane lui?
Riz Blue Archive Yuuka
I have this one a bit lower quality
Riz FC will be recorded again, hope a chink shares it too.
Does any one have archives of Amae Tsunashino / 十乃あまえ?
She was one of my all time favorites but her yt got nuked
Are you alright with audio only?
Yeah, that would great.
They delivered
Apparently it's not too great though since she's still sick
still waiting on that canan insertion proof
last link list update of 2024
emoechi (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL21pbGhreGht
sui(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5zaXRlL2EvUkNybGlqdXE=
furyupro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL2g0U3FSRkJp

Hope you enjoyed the content and Have a Happy New Year
Thanks mate. Happy new years.
Did K do anything worthwhile this month or is it another filler? Also happy new year to everyone.
In December? Aside from the masturbation ASMR, her last nn+ was really freaking good.
waiting warmly for KBro
aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL2htZGJ4bi50b3JyZW50 x1
Didn't happen bro, the fag from previous posts was confusing C and M.
Thanks kbro.
can someone share a torrent or download link?
why is pomeko such a slut?
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They should always disclose the brand and dimensions of dildos they use so i can self insert into ones that are around my size
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL3p0YzZ1WEta
kanase (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hLzRSRjBRakdC
furyupro aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL25BMmNhcU1w
yami (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL0pPOVhhWGtM

Thanks! Who is this Penpen? And does someone has her fantia or something where she does more with her tits?
I do appreciate a whore who is terrible at keeping her nipples hidden
Anyone got Momiji's most recent stuff?
Someone posted a bit of her stuff long ago, this is the only one I saved though.
I wish i could see her tits. She did say that she shows them in her fantia but not in free streams. I hope someone can share.
this is the stuff from sc. i also want to see more of her. no other made me so horny since neferu.
is the anon that uploads the AVTuber Archive torrents here?
is archive 10 coming soon?
Dec 29th "new one in a week or whenever i get around to it"
From his mouth, so soon probably
>I wish i could see her tits
I mean, she did show them.
I skipped through the video, i seem to have missed it lol Now i want more..
i want to fuck this slampig so much.
It's coming now!
Torrent files: https://files.catbox.moe/7pw4l5.zip


need more like this
Yeah, she is great and has a pretty face as well (with makeup). But i dont think we will find an oil prince to get the 5 or 10k plan for all the good stuff.
>has a pretty face as well
Her? Every picture I've seen of her is filtered so hard it's freakish, you could put that shit in a cheap indie horror game.
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Hey man if you're into hobgoblins don't let me stop you
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How would you even know its a hobgoblin under all the filters and makeup? Its trendy to do this kind of shit over there. Completely cute girls do it. And her facial features do show her not being an uggo like you pretend she is.
Bitch are you illiterate? The filters are what turn her into a hobgoblin, that's what I said. I have no idea what she looks like under there, maybe you're an expert in figuring out what's under the filter but I'm certainly not, and it makes no difference anyway if the only pics she ever posts are hobgoblinized.
She has never posted an unfiltered picture of her face before. And even the few times it slips into a video if there's a remotely decent view of it she blurs it.

You don't realize how extreme facial filters are now. there's a reason most of the korean and chinese whores on other sites have the exact same face and why most won't look away from the camera. hate when they do a blowjob video and you can just see the dildo or whatever warping when it gets near their face, or their tongue gets weird layering since the phantom of the filter attacks it
Yes, ive seen so many of them, i can tell if one is ugly or not. Hence i said she looks good with makeup on. The one that is illiterate is you.
>You don't realize how extreme facial filters are now
No, i know youre not wrong. Some of her filters are way over the top but she still has less agressive ones.

At the end of the day, many girls use it to hide their identity as well and we will most likely never see her real face.
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unlike the newfag trolls here i would appreciate more penpen. she is hot
she is hot but she screams like a banshee so I get turned off. also her censorship is a bit heavy.
If you want she sells her stuff uncensored, thats what the 30k plan is for when it's up. Just don't talk about that on fantia. you can also DM her on her sub and give her a boost for the month to get that month's stuff. but she's lazy so you'd have to hound her for it
her masturbation video was alright moan-wise. she does seem like a big tiddy menhera tho
Hey man I'd like more of her too, I'd just rather she kept her face out of it if she's gonna filter herself into a plastic space alien (and I wasn't gonna let the other guy get away with calling that shit "pretty" and pretending it's just "makeup" without a lol and a lmao)
nobody cares about your opinion, go be a normalfaggot tranny on your social media
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defending her honor on a korean basket weaving forum isn't going to get you anywhere in life
Share some vids or fuck off. There is a reason we don't flaunt our archives here.
after the homo offs himself
Homo, would you be so kind to off yourself? This is important.
nothing i said is wrong. want to be a dick in here, you can go be a tranny somewhere else. nobody cares about your opinions. if that makes you not wanting to share her shit i couldnt care less. theres millions of other whores you can jack off to.
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>tranny finds out xer opinion is not fact
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Looks cute! You got more of her?
Here's some other titties
Mirror: aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS9sL2hMc1lQUDZ4
kinda weak compared to penpen
Someone got the new Yukino Booth?
are these good or short
not any of the guys you were speaking to - would you share this? or give hints on how you acquired it all? i've been looking for more penpen stuff but my usual places don't have any at all.
Anon, fucking buy it yourself, its cheap, those voice packs are the only way to give money to Yukino
actually there's twitch subs now. went years saying no membership on youtube but almost immediately did twitch subs after moving there lmao
Surprisingly a twitch sub=booth voice pack, but i guess she gets less from the sub
yeah twitch will jack 50%. I think booth only makes 2-3% on digital purchases
His small brown pagpag cock instashooter likes them 2 minute vids.
I bougth the old ones before Pay Pal was blocked, but now I can no longer buy it even tough I want to.
You can just use your card directly. booth only blocked paypal for r18 stuff, visa and mastercard still work fine
I do not have a visa or mastercard and I don't want to get one just for this.
do you not have any card?
I got a debit card but those do not work.
they do, unless you mean you have an atm cash card and not an actual debit card. i use my debit card on booth
Maybe you are rigth. As far as i remeber i could not buy it with my card. Maybe I will one day when I get a credit card.
>cuck still didnt share anything
told ya, acts like a nigger, to nobodies surprise is a nigger
This is great but there's too many. Any recommendations? I only know uno sakura.

is it just me or the link ain't loading? tried clicking download but it's forever on loop. does it have the all the latest niconico contents in here? can someone drop it if anybody has the link?
Where can I find ronomiya ci-en contents? I'm a kuso maso and I need her earlick.
Could you share the 7th file in row 2? Those tits are gorgeous.
Uhhhh Pikon, Hiyona, Luna, Karin, Chihiro, Furachi, Sera, Ramune.
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Does anyone here remember Pom?
Please tell me ASMR threads that are not Asian's.
Thank you based anon
K said she's going to upload a video on her fantia/Patreon with the idea of trying something new. What hasn't she done that seems new to her?
I don't know, actual masturbation maybe? Seems unlikely. I'd be happy with no bra nipple teasing or something like that though.
I dropped her after following her for 2 years since her content was too reptitive and she never did any anal stuff
how far do i have to go back in the archive to figure out what site this guy is talking about
Last thread, where someone complained about it being down.
thanks, i found it
thought it was a pretty known abreviation, my bad
Anyone have Kurumi's new fantia video?
This K video is another one of my requests. With an added handjob section.
She didn't make the dildo visible like I asked, but she did make it apparent by picking up the whole micstand with her pussy until the dildo popped out.
K didn't get my request yet. Oh well... I guess it's a matter of luck.
drop the new k video now
She was obviously clenching it with her almost nonexistent buttcheeks
I cant believe that small clip made me hard

Where can I get this amazing nn+ stream
On her NN+. Her NN+ stuff don't get leaked much. Probably because they're all damn near identical. The only difference is that she's extremely horny in some and extremely less horny in others
Guys, it's been years since I last visited this post, and I no longer know how the links work. Is there any trick or something?
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scroll up
Arise, ye Neferu-starved.
enormous boobs IRL are kinda disturbing to look at desu
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God I love assmr
so I just found it from telegram, god bless the sharers there
It's 2025. Ask a AI
Nice, I cancelled my n+ sub in the middle of the month and didn't realize they'd remove being able to see anything for the rest of the month
Oh that's the fantia video from yesterday, not the nico+ from last month.
Me too. Why does race matter when it comes to Assmr? Why are chinks such faggots?
Is that new jelz?
old stuff
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Can I find Latte's members only videos somewhere?
Some Rian I forgot about
Anyone sitting on stuff that's 胎内回帰 I know Pikon and some others had done so in the past before it stopped appearing on free to watch places.
this girl named Nodoka small or nodoka himitsu did it twice in the last few months. pretty sure her stuff was on coomer or one of those sites
Very nice
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kanase aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL010SDl0ZVVu
furyupro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL25BMmNhcU1w

how the fuck do you get tora coins? Why the fuck do I need to buy japanese crypto tokens to buy shit off fantia this sucks dick
Because of woke, leftists only tolerate sex work when it's white women doing it.
Ironically if they accepted actual crypto it'd be easier to pay, instead you need to buy BitCash (not related to bitcoin at all btw) gift cards, charge your account, and use that.
Noted leftist institutions, *checks notes* multinational financial corporations
Yes, that is correct? ESG is literally all about pushing leftist propaganda and achieving leftist political aims. It's not a coincidence that American Express is the only western card company that didn't drop Fantia + other Japanese sites and that they have the "worst" ESG score of the big three.
wouldn't this be because of r18 anime loli stuff? i'm pretty sure the fuckwad of a CEO of Visa Japan mentioned something like "protecting their brand" or some shit. doesn't sound like it's exclusively left wing
As a leftist I hate how anti porn/sex modern progressives have become (especially mentally ill zoomers), but conservatives are an equally big if not bigger opponent.
I believe the bitcash method still works.
i blame all americans regardless of their political affiliation. just buy bitcash and use it for fantia/dlsite
holy anti-semitism, batman!
Anyone has ger stuff https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/214579 ?
anybody have riz's iroha? i think she was in a hot tub wearing a one piece swimsuit

Tier 2
Tier 3
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Damn it worked. Retards have no excuse any more.
You shouldn't underestimate them.
Riz Oneechan situation
based, riz needs to film more of herself shaking her ass in public
Did the telegram got nuked?
From another board here. It's apparently nuked. I was gonna search for something but I can't access it anymore
Apparently copyright striked days ago
You can get copyright striked on fucking Telegram?
oh my god he's still around i am cackling
Apparently. Well the telegram had been very slow after NY anyway
Based. The usual baker is really retarded tho, he'll never understand.
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Pretty sure he didn't even know about the telegram until I brought it up on the other board. Besides, everything that was from there are either taken from here or from other forum sites.
It was already dead when I brought it up. What more can happen to it? Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice?
>mention there that it's dead
>said fag saw it as a chance to claim it as his work
He did this too when the stash was kill, and he completely got the wrong reason as to why it was kill.
>until /asmr/ is JP ONLY
so never
got it
I'm the usual baker and I don't do shit but make the same thread it's always been.
We've contained the en discussions last year and you cannot even modify the pastebin description???
Can you contain your drama in your dedicated containment board
the retard is samefagging
My bad, I've tried before asking in the thread and he's just not responding. Tried my luck here since he gave me an (You) at least.
go and suck a dick my guy, now kindly fuck off back under your rock
Anyone recording Malice?
I didn't even report jackass, I only told you to go suck it, gotta love the anons here right, you can make an ass out of yourself so easily.
Macoto joined Malice's stream.
More of the lesser tiddies
Did that one telegram group that posts all the Japanese girls stuff get nuked?
Unfortunately not
Shit still no Malice anywhere?
holy shit her body is perfect

anyone got more from this Malice gal?
Someone post the face leak for this poor anon
>>1349335 >>1349329
We shall not have any newfag suffer the PTSD us vetfag had to endure
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Malice, literally
Malice has a cute face, don't be rude.
I agree
when was the "leak"? someone post it
Found the video but im not skimming through an almost 3h stream just to see some uggo face.
Thank you
There's no way it was actually that bad, at least not bad enough that her face could bring her body down to like a 1 or 2 out of 10
she ended the stream shortly after that, so just watch the last 10 minutes or so
Oh boy. Well, she looks like a normal japanese woman with no make up on. Oh, such a bad mistake to hit your cam with your foot. Poor girl. I feel really bad for her. But she is not ugly, she looks actually kinda cute, especially with no make up. I expected way worse with how faggots here reacted.
Adding to that, yeah. Goodbye privacy. Man, just imagine how she must have felt. The absolute horror.
don't care we love malussy here
she probably got face surgery by now
Yeah this faggots are just overreacting. She looks like what you expect a normal Jp woman looks like, she's not even average but better compared to most jp woman with no make up on, she has a flawless skin no pimple or any facial skin disease. 99% of people will look horrendous too if you get caught in an unflattering angle and I'm confident that 100% of faggots here who overreacts are fucking ugly anyway kek. These idiots haven't really seen the monstrosity of some Jp women when they don't have their make up and filters on, stop gooning to manipulated videos and photos on twitter and tiktok or whatever shit you all came from and visit jp instead to see real faces, lots of goblins in there. Malice is tame compared to those shits.
I mean, there's a reason most of these ASMR sluts don't show their face and it's not anonymity.
what's a telegram?
What is the date of the stream?
Except it is, retard. If you can choose making porn not showing your face and rake in money, you obviously choose not showing your face.
A telegram is a written message sent over a telegraph system, a communication method popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Messages were transmitted in Morse code and delivered to recipients as printed or handwritten notes. Telegrams were used for urgent communication before the advent of telephones and digital messaging.
Uggo cope.
thank you bro, meto cute
it's gone
that fake pov at the end was crazy hot, too bad it was only a few minutes
can somebody repost?
It was killed because of copyright but there's a new one available.
Nice, can you drop any hints how to get in?
Obviously they'd feel weird about it but it wouldn't be against any policy to mash their muffs together with bikinis on. That would rake in the views.
who else has big nips and areolas?
I want to be K's mic stand
Can someone do me a favor and reupload all the myd minase streams?
Appreciate you
Just search the watermarks on videod posted here, eventually you reach them
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Does anyone know the title or when it was streamed? This is a M's video.
Learn mandarin
sticc bros...
poko doko?
so M was the first one sitting on transparent chairs
imagine being so insignificant, that your only achievements is lurking to post a GET and simping for azins that don't ven know you exist.
Just noticed the tele channal got nuked.
Damn, at least my saved messages are still fine.
Incidentally while looking for the new channel. I found the motherload of Dlsite
The owner got assassinated.
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>holy shit her body is perfect
Just being thin put any woman above 90% of the rest.
>breast vibrators.
Do these actually do any stimulation?
>They should always disclose the brand and dimensions of dildos they use so i can self insert into ones that are around my size
You don't really realize intel you put tape measure next to a woman.
but they're really small.
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL3hQQ3lIUUdq
setsune(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5maS9hL2FMTXJxS0Zq
kanase(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL010SDl0ZVVu
furyupro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL25BMmNhcU1w

Does anyone have torrents seldeas asmr streams now that they're locked behind a membership on youtube?
K has released a long awaited sequel. Finally part 5 after so long
well then, post it
I'm broke
Anyone have K's new fantia video?
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It's still alive
There are 4
need to telegram plz i need new neferu videos
any chance someone leak Kaine's content?
I just noticed it's gone as well.
plz i need new neferu real videos
help me
Managed to find them. Good shit
i need telegram and neferu videos plz
i need telegram and neferu videos plz
check the discord retard
Which one is the lewdest?
Anyone actually say fuck it and start riding the dildo for real?
How do I search for the Discord channel or something? It's so hard to find related information.
New big tiddies doko?
Pikon did on her last R18 December's fantia, but was of course censored so there is the possibility of her still faking it. Same with latest M's FC if I recall correctly.
Pikon was a block censor completely hiding everything so yeah it could be faked, but M was just low pixelation and changed color, it barely looked censored.
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Why can't I download files from the Telegram group anymore?
Who's that?
Which group?
The usual one.
I though the usual one was ASMR_Kurabu
If you do some googling there's a script that will re-enable it for Telegram on browser
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There's a bunch of them so it's kinda confusing.

It does add the download button, but when I press it nothing happens. Maybe it's because the file is too big. Says it can only be played in the desktop app.
Get the app then, you can right click and choose download location.
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Never mind, it actually works. Just takes a while for it to start downloading. Thanks!

I do have the app, but it seems like the group admin disabled file saving for some reason.
Are you going to share now?
I dunno. Should I? The vid is full of watermarks, what if the schizo nukes the group again?
The one begging for the link this whole thread is the schizo
Oh, so we suddenly believe it was the JP schizo from /vt/ nuking the telegram? Just share. Nothing will happen. What does happen is brothers here getting blueballed.
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If you still can't find the group despite so many hints being dropped already then you deserved to be blueballed or you're genuinely retarded. Even me who can't speak mandarin or doesn't use that program was able to find it
I don't recall how I originally found the group and I kind of hope I don't find the new one so I stop being compelled to download a bunch of shit I'm never going to watch
thanks bro, I'm too retarded to think about that by myself
Riz Pekora
Here's someone new to this thread I think. Ramune:
Her usual (audio only) streams are in the avtuber torrents >>1347616
fatty handjob
is the audio stuff pissing too or is it normal stuff
I mean I dunno what you consider normal stuff, it's mostly pretty standard masturbation streams, she does deepthroat sometimes which is nice
It seems there was an episode where C's nipples were visible through her outfit. When was this? Apparently, it was before she started using nipple covers.
FC 2022-09-24
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL1Vub25lNTRQ
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furyupro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL25BMmNhcU1w

Please repost Malice
Did anyone record Suplika today?


furry artist with a crappy camera but a nice voice and a lot of gumption

other tiddies
myd x minase
most the shit posted in this thread is just straight up porn, where the fuck is the ASMR?
Are myd and minase lezzing out or something? Huge amount of collabs. Who even is minase
>Who even is minase
Dont ??? me. Why should i care. I only know JAV actresses going by that name.
I'm looking for a time period before nipple covers were used.
There are nipple covers for that.
Has Myd really only done one single loli rp? And that was in 2022. Did i miss some? I know she did some oneeshota ad the onee and that shit was hot.
minase is suzuka minase, she's done lots of r18 over on dlsite(go to asmr.one/japaneseasmr if you wanna listen to them), highly recommended
she's only done a few loli rps, her oneesan/mama voice is her best though along with her gyaru voice
>she's only done a few loli rps
I only know of one and that is the ojisan aishiteru game from 2022. Do you happen to know what others she's done?
Why haven't you retards not found the vod of rica yet? where she was grinding on the mic stand and showed her labia with pink panties on ITS BEEN 4 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
explain what she was wearing retard, I'm not going through each vid one by one for you unless you give me more details
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This one?
Rica said she might start a FC or something for her streams if nico keeps being dicks an censoring everything, they blacklisted some of her videos and told her to delete 1, though I don't expect she would go any lewder on FC.
Also C has to delete like 90 of her videos.
they should move to Fansly
Does anyone have 2024-09-28 Upa rplay?
enough people suggested it they probably would or go to only fans
i hid it
>R might start an FC
Finally, something good is happening. There's still time to guilt trip her and groom her into doing lewder stuff or at least to go back to how things were before she goes full prude.
Do we archive Promisu?
I missed Rhymu's stream today
Ask in /vt/
does anyone have an archive of miyadi's openrec?
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Speaking of myd...
whoa mama
thanks :D
short additional myd x minase video

myd christmas cosplay as seen in this thread
I wish R would do kissing instead of licking sometime. The few times she's done it for a few seconds, it was perfect
well did m get in trouble for doing insertion?
metori stream i forgot
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Does anybody have any of this chick?
She goes by すのはら and has an unbelievably sultry voice which would be perfect for lewd asmr. She's got a youtube channel too but everything there is predictably tame.
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myd cosplay pictures
>armpits are censored now
She's probably hiding a mole, birthmark or other identifying feature. It's smart of her
doubt it.
momiji's big floppers

some other shit
Thanks anon
Lame the censoring is too much this time on M
Has Yumemi had any more nipslips since those videos from June last year?
myd cien x4
Sadly I don't think so.
got warned before but she still wants to do it again.
also she said she like kaigai size dildos
Unfortunate. I've been grabbing her Big Love streams but since the fix I haven't seen any of her uploaded videos. I'd fork out the 3k yen in an instant if they were as good as the old ones.
thank you
Dumb bitch is going to get all the fanclub sites banned, should go to FC2 if she wants to make full porn
someone have anything for sera or m plz?
she working hard
does anyone have pikon twitch archive?
miel archive doko??
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furyupro(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL25BMmNhcU1w

what a slut
If only M didn't have the personality of a wooden door.
why am I still paying for C's niconico, it's the same shit every time
same I don't even watch her vids anymore but I've been subbed for the last 5-6 years
has kefilia or luna reincarnated yet
YouTube started recommending me this girl : aHR0cHM6Ly9saXQubGluay91aXNlaXU=
Is she worth looking into, does anyone have information about her
penpen where
thanks, based
How to bypass mega limits?
Couldn't tell you, I've never done it.
Change IP. If you dont have a vpn yet, Mullvad might be the best one out there in terms of privacy, speed, reliability and its 5 bucks a month.
Bit late but here's this month's K
Can someone reupload it please?
Does anyone have a link to M's latest FC?
does she bare tits?
Meguru(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rcnJyLm9yZy9hL3N6aXBuM3Ru
Akari aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hLzZIbHV0YTFx
Thanks kbro.
What happened to the viewers request video? Is it not out yet?
anyone have roboco's voice download not split up in a million different zip parts
i am requesting to please upload an alternate link
i dont get why .torrent files are so fucked on my catbox access
will pixeldrain be okay?
Did anyone save Rica's earlick on the 31st? She removed it. Probably because of nnd?
Thanks anon, speaking of myd what happened to that new RJ that she kept postponing? It's gone on her page
according to her last update the recording was done but she still had to edit it, i'm assuming it got pushed aside because she was busy with her visual voice book thing
Does OF even have support for JOP? Is it well known in Japan?
only fans is western trash, no japanese girl goes there.
anyone know if neon is/will be back?
a-s usually only has two parts, and in this case it's two parts.
onlyfan has the same popular as Pornhub
hitomi tanaka, anri okita, and lots of amateur tier girls use onlyfans
my condolence
what is better than only fans

Does anyone have this video?
Is there an archive of Yoonying ASMR?
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furyupro aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL1dzMUo2a1VYCg==

waiting for the day myd does countdown while stroking the mic on camera
I love Tuna. She must have an in at Youtube to get away with some of the shit she does.
some anon post that emoechi Marin is jav natsuku
Which one actually have orgasm and which one fake it?
I think I haven't seen anything posted from sonia's fantia, does anyone have something? https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/516565
All of them fake it.
Why do this? can't they at least try to cum once for real?
I saw a clip where R quivering while rubbing mic stand
never found the source
Riz showed face in one new vid?
Doesn't she always show her "face" on fantia short videos? Or do you mean unfiltered face?
Well I didn't see anything on the newest FC or fantia long video.
riz fantia kudasai
thank you
It’s not ASMR, but does anyone have a recording of her?
This is the audio that the FA is based on.
It seems to have taken place around January 14.
M's recent got nuked on sc already. anyone get it?
Got any more of her stuff?
question about gigafile, i get redirected back to main when clicking on link does that mean the link is dead and the files was taken down or am i being blocked?
well anyways, can anyone here download it for me and then upload it to something else thanks

giga file is like litter
there's a time limit for each file set by the uploader
if you get redirected then the file is already gone
hisashiburi no loud tiddies
aya & manatsu
added another racal here
Is there a gofile or repository with
"rplay sera promisu" data?
The place I used previously has stopped working and there are no more updates.
Look in episode 71 until you find a big archive
furry girl is getting more daring each stream
anyone happen to get https://x.com/supika_hoshino/status/1888259398445019511 before it got nuked
it's on sc
These are all things I already downloaded and are old. I need an archive of recent live recordings. Anyway, thank you bro.
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kanase(updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL010SDl0ZVVu
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tamapro (updated) aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5maS9hLzB5ZjJDa2Fj

Does anyone have a video of Amane meru, 天音める?
new minase pls
have a live-action collection of Ramune
fat furry manko
added another
myd x minase
dude that is just fucking disgusting. quite some ugly tits and fat whores are being posted here. just post nothing instead if this is all you have
why are you yucking on other anons yum. if you don't like it don't watch it
nigger you force people to see it if you post that ugly ass bitches pussy for no reason. then just post the links you disgusting fuck. and by "you" i mean whoever posts that abhorrend whale
Close your eyes, then you won't have to see it
>doesnt know how the brain registers visually
I didnt expect any less from low IQ trash that watches those ugly weird women
>just post nothing instead if this is all you have
Take your own advice
Guys, is there a video of 'neferu' and 'sera_promisu' latest update? Please give me a gofile link or archive link so I can decode it.
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I guess you can lead a retard to water but you can't make him drink
this is going to be a shot in the dark
do you guys have a yuchorin archive?
>I guess you can lead a retard to water but you can't make him drink

Fuck off, you ugly brat, if you were nearby you would have been shot by me.
Yeah shot in the ass by your cum fucking faggot.
fuck off, Your mom is sucking my cock now
oh! I'm sorry, your parents have already gone to hell for giving birth to you.
thanks mate
When you put them together, myd's ass earlicking becomes obvious
Theres only like two threads from the last 6 months miyaji actually licked ears. As in, tongue touch the microphone. But to be fair, Minase is not licking either.
>Theres only like two threads
I meant two videos. Lol. Also, these collabs are so annoying to listen to. Weird mouth sounds that just make me angry listening to. Im on the Natsume ci-en trip anyway. Never heard a better breathing than she does and then actually goes in with the tongue once she warmed up your ears.
Fat pussy with a fat clit
Damn a real indian in the asmr thread.
Reverse birth at 1:04:00
You should give a heads up for this kind of thing anon
I almost missed it
So no K this month I assume?
What the heck... I love it and I don't understand why.
Do you have more?
got this from the voice thread on /h/, myd visual voice book downloads + some other asmr vtubers
so quiet these days
mind sharing this one? can't rip it from nnd+ and haven't seen it uploaded
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emoechi aHR0cHM6Ly9idW5rci5jci9hL1I4NXltaVhm
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Riz Citlali
was waiting for this one, thanks anon. just need some neferu butthole and we'll be so back

This is her entire cave explorer series
anybody have koinoya mai's twitcast passwords?
these are all I could find
february 8454
march 7751
april 4957
may 5050
june 2270
arigato, her butt looks really good in this video
keep guessing 4 digit numbers?
Sounds like Riz edited her FC archive, did anyone catch it live?
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damn that's a big censor
I think she just censored the hose from her "squirting".
yeah that's what I was thinking also
Why did not a single one of you mention the Muneatsu whores had a FC site. You guys are useless.
It was mentioned in /asmr/
I need some kind anon with a baidu account
Neferu's Fantia
I forgot about it immediately after learning it existed. Some downloads for your convenience:
Neferu aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L0M1dlJIMk5u
Sonia aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91L3V6ckR6MmFQ
No cam collabs aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS9sLzF1TThDajNM
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Holy fuck, it would take like a month to download everything with Baidu's speed and the folder expires in 28 days...
Anything new from uise lately?
damn that's hot
About to make a new thread. Should I change anything with the OP?
I gotchu
It's uploading but the new gofile is horrible and fucking slow. Here: https://gofile.io/d/17n0RJ
thank you
you a hero ! cheerios
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New thread.

I like this one more
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When you make posts like this this is who you're replying to.
god bless you
bro thx
someone make a torrent?

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