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Post hardware that you are using for torrenting.
Here is mine :
- Intel NUC
- WD Blue 2TB
my laptop and a 5tb external hdd
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Intel NUC, UPS, and 21 TBs of external HDDs
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the only thing that matters is upload
I've got a "whitebox" nas that raids 10 drives into a raid 10, about 20TB total (full). Have another few drives on the way that I am just going to mirror in pairs instead of being autistic. This is done using RAID cards with battery cache on bangblows servers (lol). Eventually I will pool a bunch of cheapo storage together using some sort of software "raid" and use that as a backup target. a lot of my environment is connected via 10GBps twinax
Anon what happens if those drives die?
You got backups?
what storage thing is that sitting behind it?
i need something like that in my life
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External HDD anon How is your experience with these smaller drives? I believe they are SMR and slow down considerably after rewriting data on them.
>>1277978 Don't worry anon, It is backed-up using 3-2-1 rule
>>1277995 I don't rewrite often, the NUC doubles up as a media server too, so the reads are okay 99,9% of the times. I did heavy write sessions only about once a year in which the perf was terrible on any of the drives - 2x5TB, 1x6TB, 1x4TB

Some may ask about the reliability of the USB. I personally haven't got any problems, only once one faulty drive disconnected all of the USBs.
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I have this external hard drive for my tv shows, doujins, and pictures I save from 4chan. I have a separate 8TB internal HDD for movies, and an 8TB SSD for vidya
What are you seeding?
Mostly anime and megapacks from /t/
God bless you all, sharing is caring.
Nice fleet
I am using thinkcentre m910q as home server.
- i5-7500t
- 16 GB ram
- 256 GB boot drive
- 1 TB internal hdd for storage

Are there any caveats to mounting usb hard drive to rutorrent in docker container? What happens when drive is removed while container is running?
You mount the usb hard drive on the host machine then link the path on docker

Why do you want to remove the hard drive ?
>Why do you want to remove the hard drive ?
i think it's more a case of "if" rather than "when". either by accident or whatever. sometimes systemd doesn't play nice with USB, if you do a kerbel uodate or something it wont reload the usb modules sometimes leading to an unmount or some other issue
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I wish that were me
what the fuck is the point of colocation?
>pay for hardware
>perform all the maintenance yourself
>pay to rent the rack space
>the company still controls the networking
>it's not local
it's like the worst of all worlds
>pay for hardware
yes, I own the hardware. I can move it to another provider or host at home if I could actually get good internet
>pay for hardware
that's kinda the point, its 10 min from my house so it's not a big deal. I do it to learn shit
>pay to rent the rack space
$200 a month for power and 2gig internet is not a bad price desu. it is expensive but it is better than what I can get at home even if I payed a ton of money
>the company still controls the networking
nope, they give me 5 ip addresses and then I have to do the rest, router and switch.
>it's not local
you got me there, I wish it were but I get get anything past 30mbps where I live
second pay for hardware was supposed to be "perform all the maintenance yourself"
oh and I write it off on my taxes
I've never had this problem, if you use Debian I think it's also made for this kind of thing

I use arch for the workstation, during a kernel update if the hard drive is connected during the update I can eject it and put it back correctly otherwise you have to restart, but once connected there is no has no problems
get a nas
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Intel Nuc Poster
Nice but... Ubunshit ?
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It’s Free.
Gets the job done.
It’s what I’m familiar with.
I’m only using it for qBitorrent
No pics:
But I have a dell 3050 running proxmox, which hosts a torrenting VM which is linked to my truenas server filled with various size drives; 250, 320, and 500gb I have no redundancy, because I will will be moving files to my local disks when I need them.
Who do you use proxmox instead of a debian host with docker ? or install your torrent client directly on debian
Hi, new here. It seems I can cheaply get some high capacity drives that use an SAS interface instead of SATA. The guy I’m getting them from tells me he hasn’t pulled them from a server, but the asking price is favorable regardless. I’ve been using my workstation PC for now, and I should be able to connect the drives via PCI-e card. Is this a good idea?.
Anyone got suggestions for the best bluray burner, blank discs and software for it, hell even a dry free player necessary
It'll work, just bear in mind you lose some of the flexibility of SATA like being able to pop a drive into an external enclosure and read from it. Also, if you use the RAID functionality of the SAS controller instead of using it as an HBA, you will need another of that card or one from the same family to recover your data if the card fails. For what it's worth I choose SAS when I can.
SAS is usually a good choise, i find them more reliable than SATA drives. don't bother with hardware RAID, just use your controller to pass through the drives for software RAID like ZFS or BTRFS, unless you're using windows in which case hardware RAID is preferrable over their software abominations.
usually SAS drives are much cheaper than SATA when "second hand" and since they are usually built to higher standards and used very consistsntly/are bettrr cared for, a second hand SAS drive is usually much better off than a second hand SATA drive. as usual though always check the power-on hours; anything over about 50,000 and you should be skeptical.

if you need a cheap SAS card i would suggest a H200 series card, preferrably pre-flashed into IT mode (if not, it's not that hard to do it yourself) so you can pass through the drives to a software RAID. bear in mind nit all SAS cards allow passing through individaul drives. the H200 is a super cheap, super common and super reliable SAS card so it's easy to get, easy to use and easy to replace. Very good performance, too, compared ro other cheap cards. Just be sure it's in IT mode. any ebay listing will specify this, and even better if they specify it has LSI firmware as opposed to Dell firmware.
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also forgot to mention in addition to the SAS card you'll need specific cables.
the H200i for example uses two SFF8087 plugs, so you would want something like picrel which allows you to plug in four SAS HDDs per connector, for a total of 8 drives on the H200i. they will also need traditional SATA power cables.
if you have a chassis with an expander backplane you can get more drives, i have a H200e (e for external connector as opposed to i for internal) running 12 drives right now.

and one last thing, SATA drives will usually work just fine in a SAS backplane or on a SAS card, so mixing and matching is generally fine.
however a SAS drive will never work on a SATA port and in fact you cannot plug a SAS drive into SATA (but you can plug a SATA drice into SAS)
What is the 3-2-1 rule anon?
3 copies, 2 different mediums, 1 off-site (somewhere other than your room)
This thread need more cute Pi's
Until I can buy one :(
idk i just use my main computer with some drives
Is it on 24/7?
Just torrents or more services?
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i hate this fucking thing
it takes up too much power
its old and slow
fucking dell proprietary drivers and iDRAC
the diskshelf is a jet engine unless i tell the fans to slow down every 3 seconds over serial

but man has it got some shit on it
40TB usable storage, 10Gb nic, 128gb of ram for VMs
i just desperately need to replace it with something modern
Cost me less than 50 a year to run several of these, what third world do you live in?
NTA but why not? If you have the hardware for it you can do so much more with proxmox.
third world electricity costs nothing
first world electricity is what's expensive. this runs me $250 AUD/month at nearly a full kilowatt for the whole rack
the t420 alone IDLES at 150W with only one CPU or 200W with two, the diskshelf closer to 250W

if this costs you $50 a year then you either generate your own power or live in the middle of somaliland where whites are hung daily and gas/power are effectively free due to the huge amounts of money china dump into it
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I have this 2TB NVME plus other external harddisk, quiet and cool to run.
Bumpers and microcenter
i want to make something big, but know little.

what options are there? nas, seedbox? and from what company should i get my 6TB drives?

thinking about downloading animebytes if it comes up again
whats he 123 rule? i currently also not backing up properly and just have some drives plugged in
why no nas?
to preface, check out >>>/g/hsg for tonnes of useful info

make your own NAS, it can be quite cheap if you know how. even a simple SFF office pc and some USB drives is fine, just don't use any kind of RAID on USB drives as USB controllers can be finicky with RAID.
off-the-shelf NAS boxes, eg synology, qnap, have issues as they use a proprietary OS that *will* only have 3-5 years of support, and once that window runs out the device loses any ability to update, and in some cases can't install programs or worst case scenario (WD MyBooks) get factory reset by an unpatched virus
>and from what company should i get my 6TB drives?
check this list and get anything cheap that is CMR. CMR, aka Conventional Magnetic Recording are generally faster, last longer and all around more reliable for most workloads. SMR, or Shingled drives, are basically just worse for most scenarios - but they are cheaper to put in nana's PC with a few hundred family photos, hence their existence.

personally i get used HGST or Dell SAS (enterprise) drives, they are usually well cared for and super cheap, but need a seperate SAS controller to use. segate would be my pick for conventional HDDs.

>whats he 123 rule?
3-2-1 is for backups
>3 Copies
>2 different storage mediums
>1 off-site
it's more for critical data than just whatever porn you torrent. regular backups like having a USB HDD with a copy of your data is also just fine, but 3-2-1 is what you use if you absolutely must not lose this data. it's also fine to not back up easily replacable data, eg most torrents, if you don't have the space to do so.

and lastly, no matter what anyome tells you, you do NOT need RAID at all. if you have money for extra drives, get a BACKUP first. RAID is only a nice-to-have, backups (of important data) are essential.
/g/ usually is to advanced for me right now.
i currently have 6 of these
because they where on sale for 80 a piece.
i figured i could just buy more of these to keep them all the same.

where do you get second hand usually?
now that i look at prices the 18tb ones actually seem way better.
i could get like 4-6 of these to make a nas
>/g/ usually is to advanced for me right now.
just ask in /hsg/ for some advice ob setting up your first home server with no experience. you can't learn if you never try
>where do you get second hand usually?
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ab back up
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So check mine, OrangePi PC! Got it before the chinks though it was a good idea to double the price, I'm happy with it but it's amateur torrenting with its 32GB SD memory card. For 15 euros was a steal, now I'm not sure it's worth its money.
No offense but what's the point of these boards if you can buy used j5005 or ryzen based terminals which are just so much better
Using a fraction of power to run, have a fraction of footprint and having fun doing it? Also, those thin clients are not so cheap where I live.
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I upgraded my mini server intel nuc cluster, I have downloaded so MANY fitgirl repacks, and a bit of porn.
Why would you want to live in a server rack?
hp mediasmart server running Utorrent and d'link sharecenter dns-320l

1 have 6TB HDD and i uploading my personal porn library
10tb ironwolf HDD on my workstation. I want to put together something low power that I can leave on 24/7 but for now I serve up what I can.
Been using an old synology desktop nas forever, i think its been on for about 10 years straight at this point
The SD card slots in those NUCs are shit.
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The intel nuc tower... grows...
I measured my NUC, it consumes 7W on average, a little more using jellyfin, but at least it can transcode, a pi 4 7W too too, so no point using a pi 4 for that
would it be better to seed with a cheap laptop or a nuc ? i have external SSDs for storage.
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Am I far behind in the P2P sphere if I just found out there are special hardware for Torrenting?
> been using torrent since uTorrent was a thing
>if I just found out there are special hardware for Torrenting?
there isn't. these are all just different computers, they can all just run windows and do whatever, but people are just using them exclusively for torrenting, like having a dedicated gaming computer only fot gaming, except this is always on and always seeding
what are you doing with these nucs ?
Can the cheapest NUC handle 200 torrents?
What model is the cheapest? But with something like Intel J5005 it's more likely that your HDD will be a bottleneck
yep my J4005 (NUC7CJYHN2) run some dockers containers, jellyfin (+transcode) and many torrents without problem
a lenovo thinkcenter can be had for like $80 and then 32gb of ram for another $20, that should handle all your torrents and only draws like 28w. just slap an external HDD on it and an SSD with decent DRAM as a cache drive and you're sorted

NUCs only make sense if you want to vesa mount them behind a monitor for office workers, otherwise theres so many more powerful and cheaper xomputers out there that just take up a little bit more space. and a thinkcenter isn't even that much bigger
nuc is good for QSV, don't know if old thinkcenter models got this shit

and 7W idle
5th gen and up all have QSV
i guess lower power is nice but still, 28w is under load I think mine idles closer to 15w which isn't bad by any means
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I use it for everything, 10TB of storage is mainly for seeding
I use my PC for torrenting, I never get issues playing vidya online and seeding at the same time. I keep it on most of the time, depends on if I remember to turn it off before I head out/to bed.
gaming uses less than 1Mb/s, usually only a few hundred Kb/s, it's more about the latency than the speed and theres nothing you can do about internet latency except live closer to a major exchange
Why are NUCs the Mini PC of choice for you guys?

I'm op from >>1277514
They're cheap, reliable, low power, silent.
I just went with it since I wanted objectively the best brand. It can run in the same room I sleep so that's a plus.
If used is your thing, then they are even cheaper.
why do you run multiple nucs instead of one pc with proper sata connections ?

do you know if nuc 12 etc are silent since they use a fan ?
Ubuntu is an ancient african word meaning "can't install Debian"
im printing this post and hanging it up in my office
I wish I could say such quote is mine, but:

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this is the most obvious fedpost and you guys fell for it
love how clean it looks
>implying there is any difference at all in installation difficulty between stable Debian and LTS Ubuntu in 2024
I installed Debian for a computer at work recently, it was so simple a child could do it.
the creator of linux never used debian because he found it difficult to install
workout regimen?
What is "post-hardware"? Former hardware that is transitioning?
why do you fetishists have to insert your niche bullshit into literally every conceivable situation?
why do you assholes have zero sense of humor in literally every conceivable situation?
get the fuck out fucking tourist
t humorless leftoid asshole
Based anon. I've been trying to get some crunchy roll anime downloaded but first need to get berserk manga again.
having a ups sit on top of a router doesn't seem like a good idea?
This is all I have. $30 a month through seedhost, 1Gbps dedicated line. 8TB storage, 100TB transfer.
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Forgive me for my ignorance but, I just realized I have tons of media in an 4TB external HDD, and most torrents for them don't have seeders, so I wanna help
I want to buy a cheap ThinkCentre, but I am not sure which of these 2 deals would be better:
- M700: i3-6100T, 8gb ram, 500gb HDD - For $150~
- M710q/715q: i3-6th gen or AMD A10 pro, 4gb ram, 1TB HDD - For $90~ (SSD 240 for an extra $10)
is the extra 4gb ram worth it? Is the cheaper one a better deal? Help a newbie...
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An open case computer with about 30tb total of drives.
She's a clusterfuck. But she's my clusterfuck. That HDMI cable is 50 feet long and goes to a home theater across the living room.
Also a clusterfuck.
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>having a ups sit on top of a router doesn't seem like a good idea?
OP here, 4gb is enough, a screenshot of the NUC with some dockers containers and transmission-daemon htop

you can buy the cheaper and buy an hdd if you want
>it consumes 7W on average,
a little more using jellyfin, but at least it can transcode,
my orange pi never consumes over 4.5w, even at when using jellyfin.
And yes, it can also transcode shit, idk about other SBCs,
Raspbery piss are shit though.

>a pi 4 7W too too, so no point using a pi 4 for that
Again, RPI is overpriced shit.
Thank you OP!
I'll go with the 4gb then, I have 2 4tb hdd that I'll be using with it for torrenting, so that's not a problem :)
Affirmative, the price/quality ratio of pi is no longer interesting today

No problem, don't hesitate to post feedback once you have the hardware, if you install debian put at least 4GB of swap doesn't do like me, but it's a temporary setup
Pi Zero 2 W with a decent size SD card will handle torrents easily and runs great as a headless setup/NAS
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I use a rp5 with a sata hat. I can daisy chain this up to 20 drives on one PCIe lane (maybe even more). right now I have about 28tb of different disk sizes. works like a charm and it's much faster than any Synology Nas I've ever had.
in the long term it is not interesting
what are you other storage mediums?
I am using my old Intel i5 2500k / P8P67 system running Synology DSM running on it through some witchcraft.

Fucker refuses to die, it's the longest lasting most reliable computer I've ever had so I felt it fitting to give it another life.

I have two 16TB hard drives, three 12TB hard drives, and two 4TB hard drives in an SHR configuration totalling 54TB of usable space.

The Synology torrent software has some quirks but it's certainly easy to use and the NAS is always on

Ideally I'll buy real Synology hardware some day but yeah it's hard to justify at the moment, this has been going well for 4 years now.
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>An UPS on top of any computer equipment
bruh take better care of your equipment
I dunno what you are doing beside seeding, but if its only domestic seeding, and lets say 3 - 5 VMs, then its totally overkill.
sure this is good for reliability, but beyond that why not buy some consumer motherboard that is desugned for corporate environments (I forgot the brand that makes this, gigabyte or asus) get 2, get some ram, a RAID controller, some enterprise grade helium HDDs (for reduced wattage) and (or a NAS with good network interfaces) and you'll be set
I use a computer. My government doesn't care about torrenting. Even VPN is not needed.
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Intel NUC Update
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I upgraded the Intel NUC tower, it has better cooling now (and yes it is the Ryzen cooler fan)
You people have some sweet tiny setups. So are these powerful enough to basically run a rutorrent seedbox and a plex server with 2 to 3 users at a time? I assume they have very slow CPUs.

I have not opened a computer case for years. I have this Fractal Design node 304 case and I guess I could buy a low wattage cpu and motherboard to go with it, then run any flavour of linux and run whatever apps I want.

Also seeing tiny Jonsbo cases out there and those are the right size to carry around (I move house a lot), but paying 150+ dollars for a case when I have my unused Fractal Design case seems more hassle than it is worth.

Not even sure what I am trying to ask: Guess I am trying to figure out what kind of setup is the best to go with now in 2024, when my knowledge about seedboxes, operating systems and builds is from around 2020.
How do you people anonymize your seedboxes btw?Do you start a VPN manually? Or do you use firewalls to prevent all connections unless the VPN ip is active? Maybe a paid proxy in your torrent client or linux settings?
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cable wall tracks are good and cool
gluetunn and transmission in the one docker compose stack
transmission has
>network_mode: service:gluetunn

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