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One of the greasiest negroes you ever saw abusing some of the most desperate drug addled white prostitutes you ever saw all for his onlyfans page. The girls payment? A gram of fentanyl and their mortal souls. Enjoy.

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damn this dude got the heirloom aids

More and more data is disappearing from the internet. So let's use this thread to share some archives of our favorite shows that are in threat of being relegated to history.

I'd like to share some of my favorites that are (nearly) gone.
The first is Tekdiff, a comedy variety podcast that is a one-man show, and an incredible display of audio theater. Tekdiff died on the vine because the host, Cayenne, is clearly manic depressive, and the depression seems to have won. Also, he got a bad case of TDS near the end of the show.


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of course my dumbass forgot the link

The older I get, the more I return to the films my parents used to watch, and it reminds me of better times. Post any film (preferably of the "classic-era" variety) that brings you comfort.
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>Grand Prix Bluray Quality 8gb version

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Post hardware that you are using for torrenting.
Here is mine :
- Intel NUC
- WD Blue 2TB
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Previous thread https://archived.moe/t/thread/1149167/

Having a single thread dedicated to answering everyone's questions seems to reduce the number of "please help" threads on /t/. Post your question here, rather than making a new thread.
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anyone got the olympic opening ceremony 2024 recorded? I hate the post livestream cuts they shoved us after the ceremony. some details might been loopholed on purpose.

There are basically no linux games torrents, I"ll drop source ports and native compilations maybe a few gog games.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of pripyat

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keep shitting up the thread, you're REALLY funny
>ok, I'm a moron and I'll keep doing it
we know

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Previous thread: https://archived.moe/t/thread/1312259 #39

1304480 #38
1297654 #37

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I downloaded her stuff a month ago after I noticed her uploads have slowed down. Surely you were planning do the same just in case... right anon?

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Megapack and torrent collections of celebrities
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Nice try, AOC

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>The Empire Unmasked - Ryan Dawson (2017)


>9/11 Missing Links

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Anyone have a Linda Moulton Howe collection? r just the one about Antarctica and Secrets Beneath the Ice?

Anything about Ayylmaos please.

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Hello /t/ community, I haven't been here in a very long time and I would like to see some educational documentary movies.

Golden rule of the thread;
Do not make a request without contributing something.

Previous deleted thread ;

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had a mild chuckle now that I've watched the documentary

Orphicbunny Onlyfans - 2.68GB

I just finished with it - She's worth it SEED

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tsunderebeam's sucrose foot and blowjob anyone? I know someone posted here some years ago but I lost it

The biggest gooner collection ever! Over 6 terabytes (24,000+ vids) of porn to fap your life away to! Enjoy ;)

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I've had this in my seedbox for a week now, it's not even downloading. Can someone please send? I'll leave it up until my ratio hits 5 or 10.

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Post hard to find content content, can be anything - TV , Movies , Porn , etc. If I see something sufficiently rare enough and it interests me I will seed indefinitely. I'll start with some OC:

>The Farm: Angola, USA
This is a 1998 documentary about prisoners in Angola Prison, Louisiana. Not only is there no surviving torrents, I couldn't find a legal copy of the original 1998 DVD anywhere, only VHS or the 10th anniversary sequel. I had to buy a bootleg copy of of some pakistani DVD reseller, and ran it through an AI to remove compression artifacts. This is the only surviving torrent of this documentary, please sneed.

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anyone have dvd rips or other small size version of the entire psych series?
most psych series versions out there are webdl version which are usually around 150 Tb

Post your stats so anons can judge
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nice ratio anon

that's godly

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