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The older I get, the more I return to the films my parents used to watch, and it reminds me of better times. Post any film (preferably of the "classic-era" variety) that brings you comfort.
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>High Road to China (1983)

Never heard of this, I'll check it out.


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/BIG/ Big Insertion General 4

A place for any and all sluts that take giant dildos into either hole(or both). Discourse in the old thread showed that a thread for all our favorite hole whores was necessary, Tweetney posting still very much encouraged.

Return of the Queen edition

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It shows the penetration more? It's just a good angle.
Also lets them be in a comfortable pose, a front angle for that doesn't show much. Probably also because it shows their stomach fatfolds.

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The Soph Archive


Non-banned Video Channels

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Did not know you could do that. Thanks!

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Post hardware that you are using for torrenting.
Here is mine :
- Intel NUC
- WD Blue 2TB
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why not?
it's a good phone for reading manga and ebooks, and I use it to listen to music and audio books.
saves time fucking about transferring from a pc.

Time for more VR porn: It's like regular porn, except with real eye-contact that will make you cry uncontrollably.

Let's make this one a little different: Post your favorites of all time, the ones you keep coming back to. Here's some of mine:

DSVR-1482 (pic related) : The third video has a pretty intense gircle-jerk

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hm...looks like quest3 is my best bet for just watching videos or doing something like beatsaber.

anything else with more tracking is going to need a vive with trackers

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TLMC (Touhou Lossless Music Collection) - 3,2TB

Calling out all datahoarders.

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Hustler magazines , only problem it's 99% available

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Looking for this as well

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Last thread:

Share and discuss newhalfs, otokonokos, josou, bishounens, ladyboys, shemales, cross-dressers, traps etc


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any vpn recommendations?? not some gay shit like nordvpn
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sent cash, got lost in mail. big sad.

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post what you have

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>[TTC Video] Kenneth W. Harl - The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes
any seeders for this one?

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As we begin heading into comfy spooky Autumn with a Halloweeny vibe, let's gather shows that fall into the realms of conspiracy, science fiction and supernatural mystery
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>>1349214 = MFW Fox Mulder was also an actor in-universe.

Collection: https://gofile.io/d/8dhMXW
Can't find any other free +10GB file sharing place other than there. Tried Pixeldrain and it copyright blocked. If anyone can start a torrent from the files open to it.

I've done an upscale collection of every video of Carrie Cummings to my knowledge from perusing forumophilia and planetsuzy for the source highest resolution videos. They're at least 1080p and all 60FPS with Topaz Video AI.

I've also got the source videos in a folder for those that don't want the upscaled versions, especially with how subtly uncanny/smooth the result from sub-480p ones are. But imo the tradeoff for no blocky artifacts is worth it.

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i have 21 videos in my carrie collection coming in at 12.1GB although 2 videos i re-encoded to h265 to reduce space, bottoms up big and bangbus show us that ass, most likely grabbed from a mix of EMP, PL and forums like viprgirls

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When you create a torrent, what public tracker do you use to announce them?
Here's few I use, but I'd like to make a longer list:

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aaaaaand it's logging...


Just downloaded all 119 currently members only videos as compiled from here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMO7_YxT-KID8kRbqZo7MyscQ

If there's any corrupted videos please let me know.
why would anyone want to watch mystery meat man

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onlyfans thread
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Anyone got momokun's recent stuff? Specifically the anya cosplays

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