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Rachel Cook:
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Swimsuit Heaven:
why is it so hard to fnd imagesets online
Coomers just want videos I guess.
Does anybody have this torrent of Lidiya Krasnoruzheva from Just For Laughs ? These are funny videos in public with her amazing tits and comedy skits.

Thanks for sharing.

Anyone have the Swimsuit Heaven video sets?

Especially Marissa

Thank you!
Thank you for seeding this treasure, anons! Divided by caste, creed, culture, religion, race, nations etc. and yet we're all united by our love for big juicy natural tits.
not even videos they need videos with cocks next to them or they can not function

want more imagesets
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This is a really good thread concept. Just to check with this particular one: Do the swimsuits every come off at any point with this website?
Asking before downloading 138gb of softcore
anyone have wildamaginations/wilderamaginations?
Its softcore afaik, came across a few of these sets years back and nothing comes off.
But some chicks in there are pretty hot regardless, a glimpse of a nipple is usually enough to take me over the edge now lmao.
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Ms Puiyi:
Anyone have any Emma Kotos or StasyQ torrents?
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Li Moon anyone? Especially the pic related set
Here you go magnet:?xt=urn:btih:491ac7b4108fc816ae7dc8da377e169c0fd4b8dd&dn=Li%20Moon%20(foto)&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
thanks anon
Anyone have Lena Anderson / Blaire Ivory?
anyone has cassia bree?
Any chance for a GodGirls archive ?
I know they got trouble after some underage model shitstorm but 99% of the site was pure gold
here magnet:?xt=urn:btih:887dd97e57a95ce38e9fbf6dd834fd7013f56650&dn=GG%20V3&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
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you are a gentleman and i wish i had something to trade for it
here's a Zishy archive but i don't thing it's alive...
Riley Reyes is hot . is there a magnet to her megapack? Thank you kindly.
any milf stuff? Cory Chase?
god I love Kelsey Berneray
I hate to ask, but who is the woman in the image?
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Amelie, Western and Japanese work included

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Here some Chloe Welsh magnet:?xt=urn:btih:035f8be989cd080c8f1ab15ef5975028b59f7e7b&dn=Chloe%20Welsh&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
Looking for full sets of Nancy A, Elena Koshka and Emily Grey
Emily Grey magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d5d23c1f12f426bde8f39c61de959718c37d64f8&dn=Nancy%20Grey&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237

Need seeder to cap 100% of this torrent.
Elena Koshka magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fca8abb7adcf8265d32c7140e3a6fc81de77c7a5&dn=Emily%20Grey&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237







Be patient, I shut my machine down at night but otherwise leave it sharing. Others could share more, though.
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Wish I had some good image sets of Alia Janine, Samantha 38g, Iori Yuki and Hitomi Tanaka
these seem to have something wrong w the metadata. i see peers but all of them at 0%.
How about that one? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:df4f2fa7277cb79c3cdc57f8cd3ac6441d67e86b&dn=ftv&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
Hitomi magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c3bed7a3625fc8979d1f2e80cc690e24c8c08ddc&dn=Hitomi%20Tanaka%20Photocollection%201&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237

Any Proxy Paige?
thanks anon
any real complete one ? this only have the small tits models ...
requesting m4gn1f1k magazine
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1.22 MB JPG
Gloria Sol magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a1ea7a5e48f46a7fbe37e25081d7a197cd202cef&dn=Gloria%20Sol&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
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1.33 MB JPG
Mila Azul pack magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a485c7a2299bb28b5725966a2eb892044d866271&dn=Mila%20Azul_2016-2020_Collection%20Photos&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
'm looking for vintage auntjudys/atkarchives
all pre-2002

also old Southern Çharms
Fantasy Factory magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9dcbcafaf62ac7091f0a6f7b70ed786163004d4f&dn=FantasyFactory&tr=http%3a%2f%2fplab.site%2fann%3fuk%3dEb9depk237
No one is seeding this?
>Riley Reyes
2nding this

anymore like these two is also welcome
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>tfw ruined by a horrible boob job
and bad facelift too
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always looking for Allie Sin and Elkie Cooper
Amazing !!

Anyone have newer ones after 2018?
>Its softcore afaik, came across a few of these sets years back and nothing comes off.
OK we need to clarify some things here:
What do you guys think qualifies as:
I suspect we are all using the same words to have different meanings.
Anon... They are all medium plus. IDK what you're smoking. There's like only 4ish that are small.
Sorry wrong thread
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Hello lads I am sharing amourangels photosets from the start of the website to 2023-10.
It's around 1.5TB big with 2549 sets

humbly requesting magnifik magazine
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anyone has all the imageset of this goddess?
at least use an attractive woman as preview instead of this alien looking asian
She's not even Asian you dopey cunt.
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Anyone got any Heather Carolin?
anyone got teen kasia imagesets?
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Can anyone seed this? I'm stuck at 50%.
femjoy Photosets - 2004 to 2023-06

ftvgirls Photosets - 2002 to 2023-06
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Forgot the pic
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Here's showybeauty Photosets from 2011 to 2023-10. The reason why I'm doing this is becuase I want to clear my storage and I do not want all my work to go to waste. I hope someone wants it. I will seed these for a few months. Also for showybeauty,amourangels,femjoy and ftvgirls the ages in the files names are just guesses calculated from the model's info page and the date when the set was released. Because I saw some sets that looked like continuations uploaded a year later. Anyways here's the Base64 data

Fuck 4chan's new IP blocking, I used to be able to post normally but now all I get is image posting from my IP range has been blocked. And posting magnets without photo is just shit
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hegre Photosets 2002 to 2023-07

It's dead... Can anyone get a link back up?
just post the magnet. post a few words with it as a description. it is at least something.
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mplstudios Photosets from 2003 to 2023-07

thanks anon. are there lots of packs left? what's the total size?
I have nubiles(2.2T)+wowgirls/allfinegirls(3.3T)+teenpornstorage(626T)+metart(6T)

MetArt will be next. However I do have the whole metnetwork (but without the lesbian only and the high heel one) totaling 12TB. But I failed to keep my archive completely alone and deleted maybe 50 sets. I'm too lazy to track them down.
Btw Anond if you were wondering a best way to view zips.


Just throw up a smba/ftp server and view all the stuff on your phone. Don't like the adds? Use lucky pacher to remove them.
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For the love of God, does someone have Azzurra Moretti sets?
Three on Metart: Barely Contained, Flirty Bows and Presenting Azzurra Moretti
Anything else very welcome too
Anna Zapala megapack anyone?
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>MetArt will be next
Getting the last 3 months of last year finished then I'll have 1999 all the way to 2023 complete.
Will you a add 2024 aswell?
ATM no. I'm getting tired of space taken on sets I do not like. Also pornolab.net is a good source for mainstream stuff like MetArt. Also I got the majority of my stuff from there. And yeah they do monthly torrents over there so you can get 2024 stuff from there. Google Translate works enough to navigate the site.

Also everyone waiting on MetArt find 6.1TB of free storage or be sure to only choose what years you want. It will have 26215 sets in total. I should have the torrent check done by tomorrow. Also I would love if some anon could throw this torrent on a seed box or something.
Mila Azul is allways toptier, skinny with great breast ratio way better than Emily Bloom or Eva Alfie
Well lads here it is 26215 photosets from 1999 to 2023. Complete! Now if they removed stuff from all those years ago I can't help you there.
So for this one it's the oldist and you can tell by the file names compared on my other releases. But I tried to get as much information that's in the info.txt on the file name. However if the set had more than one actor it will only have the name of the first one. Sorry about that. Also not all the info files had everything, some did not even have it.

Size: 6.1TB

Base64: bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDo1ZmQyN2Y0MDc2YzQ0ZGEwM2I5NDI3OTQ5MzVmNWQ4M2E0MTUyODQ5JmRuPSU1Qm1ldGFydC5jb20lNUQlMjBQaG90b3NldHMlMjAtJTIwMTk5OSUyMHRvJTIwMjAyMyZ0cj11ZHAlM0ElMkYlMkZvcGVuLnN0ZWFsdGguc2klM0E4MCUyRmFubm91bmNl
Remember anons I recommend using this app to view your sets: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.viewer.comicscreen

It works amazing. Just setup a ftp/samba server and your golden.
So anons I ran into some power issues... The seeding has stopped until power comes back.
does anyone have some victoria justice? :)
Thanks anon. Old is gold. The recent stuff doesn't do it for me. Any chance of uploading it to a hoster? The logistics of downloading such a massive torrent are not within most people's reach.
Any recommendations?
I commonly see Mega. I could do more research on that.
If you are able to organize torrent folders in 99gb folders, my seedbox will accept them folder by folder. I know you already have seeded so much so it can be too much to ask. IMO this will afford longevity to the torrent.
>uploading it to a hoster
No that's exactly what you don't want to do, if you can't download the whole thing at once just select parts in qbitorrent unless it's an archive
Got it! Anon you're a legend!
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Serenas full pack
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Nubiles Photosets from the start of the site to 2023 10.

What sets Nubiles apart is that the girls are like your nextdoor/amateur types. Also has a wider range from softcore to hardcore and more countries. You have a lot more USA and LEAF (Canada) girls vs all the other siterips I uploaded. The Sub side in my opinion is like 80% trash but it’s complete. Main used an older rip script that did not add more than one actor to the file name. I later fixed it for Sub not I did not want to rerip the whole site at the time. For Main it’s like 90%+ only single actors so not much of a problem but for you lesbian lovers sorry. Note: the male actors in Main did not have their names listed at all.

Anyways for Sub the sets that have more than one actor will have their names listed and set name. All the other info like age and breast size etc.. will not be there. Coding that in would have taken too much work.

Sets: 14292
Size: 2.1T


Fun fact the programming code I used for these rips was just normal Linux scripting BASH. I only know BASH lol.
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I know you archive photosets but hegre has hardcore video scenes. Any possibility on archiving those?
Now seeding this, in case anyone is still interested
The file size would jump tremendously high.
Anyone have digital hotties collection? That was a gold mine from the days before phone cameras made it all common place.
oh man I agree. shit i need to look
can you help a retard get this torrent started? I usually use deluge.
Decode string from any base64 decoder site. Copy to torrent client and enjoy?
Thank you, Anon, for the FTV Girls share. I've been seeding for days. Do you happen to have any image sets from the sister site, FTV Milfs?
Sorry anon I do not. But if you want to throw me a account login I can do it. Since I already have the rip scripts for FTV. But.... the whole point of /t/ is not to pay for stuff lol.
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Hello lads Here’s my next photoset installment: wowgirls (+allfinegirls) and ultrafilms.
I’m proud with this one because I outdone myself in bash scripting. Looks at file name… You sure? This sites was the hardiest one I had to rip from. But I made it with just bash and I’m happy. Anyways What you’ll get in the file names are actor_name(age-country) per female actor. Male actors again were not listed (Site did not have them listed, sexist). Anyways there’s none of the usual info of the actors breast size etc... as it was not listed. Getting the actor’s country was hard enough as it is. Because it was in their bio’s short essay about what they liked etc… So that part may not be the most accurate.

Also you should know about these sites their main focus is videos. They use photosets as a preview before the video comes out. I mean it’s still good and the girls are hotter than nubiles but remember it’s like a preview (if it had a video). Some sets did not have a video so those look normal?

wowgirls start of site to 2023. 5008 sets at 2.2T
Base64: bWFnbmV0Oj94dD11cm46YnRpaDo5MTE1ZjZhZWY1OWIxYjhlMWM5M2QyMzc2ZDUyNmE4MzQ0M2Q3MTIxJmRuPSU1Qndvd2dpcmxzLmNvbSU1RCUyMFBob3Rvc2V0cyUyMC0lMjAyMDA3JTIwdG8lMjAyMDIzJnRyPXVkcCUzQSUyRiUyRm9wZW4uc3RlYWx0aC5zaSUzQTgwJTJGYW5ub3VuY2U=

ultrafilms start of site to 2023. 1423 sets at 1.1T

Contact: ripanon @ proton.me
For you know if some kind anon who sends me an account login for me to try and rip.
Photosets only tho.
Thanks, anon. I need some extra hard drives...
Sauce for that picture?
Torrent on the post

find -iname '*Lena*Flora*'
[digitaldesire.com] Photosets 2000 to 2022-3

[clubsweethearts.com] Photosets 2001 to 2022-3

Not much to say here as I’m just sharing what I got from empornium. I did not possess any of the filenames as I was not the one who downloaded it. So your stuck with the file name the original guy who ripped it. Also I found no easy way to query site to get the info as it required a membership.
sorry if this is unwanted but the dedicated thread is dead, is porn-packs-magnets.net dead? i can't access it. also does anyone have a megapack for steamgirl kato? preferably her earlier stuff before the god awful titjob and horrible tattoos
I installed comicscreen and pushed it through luckypatcher. ads are gone but that retarded "please consent so we can collect your data" menu still pops up. any idea how to get rid of it?
I just noticed this thread but i've been scraping imagesets for a while now and posting them on cosplay general, i thought some of you might be interested

tokyodoll imagesets - 300gb (way more complete and better seeded than the one on the OP)

cosplay photo library 9x300gb torrents, currently working on a 10th part
https://rentry.org/coslibraryv2 (it would be a mess to post all 9 magnets)
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bunnycorp/scorebuns onlyfans magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f3dfdce07ababc9e9ef1dd13e018ed5bf62f8d3a&dn=bunnycorp
To those it might concern this is a Transsexual set. So if your into that have fun.
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Before she was Allie Sinn she had a website, Naughty Nati. Anyone have an archive? Thanks in advance, if so.
You´re still here?
While i despise the shit you´re trying tp peddle, i admire your persistence.
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Yall got anyone fit or a little muscular? Need reference for my art.
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2.15 MB JPG
need metart Elle B
only her if you got it
anyone have all the videos of Maryjane Auryn? I'd love to see someone with such a collection.
Anon look at the 6TB MetArt torrent

And choose years 2007-9 or only her sets.

>40k art collection

>abandoned (buildings)

>Art II

>art rip


>Car Folder



>Fantasy Art
>Hi Res

>Hi Res 2

>Historical Scandinavian Art

>Korean War

>Satellite images



>Red Panda

>Retro Science

>Ancient Russia

>Space stuff

>Thangka Painting

>Vietnam Picture Collection by pho/t/oanon

>Vintage 1

>Vintage 2
>Vintage America

>Vintage L.A.





>Zdzisław Beksiński
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Shy Spice
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Shy spice

Any update on the teenpornstorage collection? Just curious if it was still coming.
Yeah I still got it. Just been lazy updating my script to fix the Age estimates.
who tf is this girl?
No worries! I was just curious. Thanks for your contributions.
Looking for a Nude In Russia megapack
Does anyone have content about Nelly Kent and Darcie Dolce?
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I'm also looking. Anyone have it?
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Can anyone seed the Juventa Club sets?

What years is this from?
Would it be possible to include the cover Pics outside the zips? (or on its own zip)

Especially on these massive Torrents, it would be easier to selectively download what we need
Gianna Michaels?
>[clubsweethearts.com] Photosets 2001 to 2022-3

Please seed! Stuck at 99%
Tagged as Malicious by Virus Total... Sad.
teenlola18 content anyone?
It'd be awesome if you could please share the source of that webm please anon. The look she gives to the camera is so fucking seductive.
I'm retarded as fuck. Meant to reply to >>1301912

Clearly too horny to type.
More of it you mean?
Any plan for sexart.com?
Anyone istripper.com?
bumping. i'll seed for a few months, i just need help getting it DLed
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79 KB
I've searched up and down the web. A Violette Pink picture megapack must exist somewhere - she's so hot. Can someone post?
Hello anon. Yeah sorry for all the delays and my forgetfulness. I plan on doing all of the metart network Except (the two Yuri ones).

At the moment I'm getting familiar with their API and working on getting metadata on all the sets. While I was preparing for this, I found out a few sets have the wrong age on them. Their API says it's different than what was on the file.

Anyways, I plan releasing: ALS Scan, EroticBeauty, Errotica-Archives, Eternal Desire, MetArt, MetArtX, RylskyArt, SexArt, Stunning 18, and The Life Erotic.

It's the whole network, except for Viv Thomas, and Straplez. I do not care for lesbian stuff.
Anyone got this magnet?
No need to be sorry, you are a scholar and a god, my dear!
WeAreHairy pack, someone?
Currently finalizing my file names:


Want to search for age? F<AGE> ie F18 or M18 for males. Want to search Breast size? you have S,M,L options... so S; for small, M; for mid, L; for large.
Please do not use characters that are inconvenient in shell scripting, like: space, colon :, semicolon ;, ampersand &, left angle bracket <, right angle bracket >

It would also be nice if the original filename was included to make the torrent cross referencable with other data sources.
Every zip will have a json of the Gallery. It does have the original file name names. It will be replacing the info.txt.
The json will be this etc... "https://www.metart.com/api/gallery?name=BRIGHT_EYED&date=20241107&page=1&mediaFirst=42"

File Names so far:

I'm thinking of just throwing the @ away. I want the _ to the Delimiter. Should I also get rid of SET?
Example: 'SexArt_20220502_SUMMER-ROMANCE_Matty(F20S;Belarus)Dexter(M23;United-Kingdom).zip'
However if I keep @ then you'll be able to use that to split the models. or just full the info from the json lol
I mean the original zip filename, not just the original jpg filename.
Like if the original filename is MET-ART_sg_500_hires.zip but you change it to something else, unless the original filename is stored somewhere then it is hard to associate other original rips with your rip. For example, with old rips that don't have watermarks on every image.

I would omit any non-variable strings like SET

I still highly prefer not using semicolon in the names but you are doing all the work so do what you like the most

Consider if you like using dot . comma , underscore _ and dash - to delimit fields. Maybe even double up underscore or dash.
Example idea, using _ to separate outer fields, , to separate the actor list, and - to separate actor info:

Thank you in advance for your great contribution!

I'll seed indefinitely, but need help completing
Anon the original zip name is in the json.

The problem with using - Is that metart uses that as a space. It will break your scripts.

Also @ is easily used as a Delimiter.

cut -d_ -f 4 #get the models
cut -d@ -f2etc... #get the model you want.

Yeah I think I'll use a, instead of;
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323 KB PNG
Awesome. Waiting with great anticipation
Does anyone have a Bridgette B one?
teenlola18 content anyone? would love a torrent of her stuff
Sorry for the delays anons... Just been lazy because I have a lot of sets that need manual review as metartnetwork updated some sets names.

Also for some reason Stunning18 does not provide age in their api. It only shows up in normal search.
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Does anyone have a Kelly Collins pack?
Suicide Girls 2020
Saaaaaaars please redeem the following:
Bianca Beauchamp
Sandee Westgate
Susan Wayland
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This has been downloading in chunks off and on for the last few months. I've added a bunch of trackers to it, but it'll go weeks without progress then randomly jump up 1-to-20%. Currently at 61% completed. Any suggestions or recommendations on how to track it down?
Not quite what you guys were looking for but these will be up for 3 days and they're off easynews which has gud retention.

Anyone got every playboy centerfold?
please seed this, hegre is the only site with actual high res images
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Thanks, I was able to dl them before expiration.
I'll have to look into easynews when I get a chance. Been a really long time since i've done anything usenet-related
"[metart.com] Photosets - 1999 to 2023" is now Abandoned @Fri Jan 3 10:58:43 AM PST 2025

in a few days "[metart.com] Photosets - 1999 to 2024" will take it's place.
it will be 6.5TB if I went with JXL it'll be 25% smaller (1.6TB less) with no quality loss. Anyone want me to do this? If no response I will not do anything.
im currently trying to get all of hegre but absolutely i would love to have metart available too
first of all thank you so much for all the stuff you've shared so far and very excited for what's to come, didn't know it was just a person behind it i really appreciate it as i remember i was looking for amourangels stuff and just days later found your torrent floating on torrent search it was awesome, kept checking the keyword "photosets" every now and then and i was pleased every time!
isn't it better to leave everything as is? i mean we just change existing folder name to:
>[metart.com] Photosets - 1999 to 2024
torrent client will check it and only downloads the 2024 portion? that should work right? it seems worth it if that's the case.
i already have it on my seedbox and will seed at least x4 if bandwidth allows lol

i may upload it back to my box but it's scattered on different hdd's and my actual upload suck, so no promises my dude, but i suggest you keep it in your client so either me or anons will help eventually.
>torrent client will check it and only downloads the 2024 portion?

Well... anon your not going to like this but all the files were rezipped. I added a info json to every file and a different name that's better. So the old one is 100% incompatible.
i'm not really stuck in my old ways so in that case maybe we should give the new compression a try? i say go for it.
i'll still keep the old one as a backup.
much appreciated, anon!
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Hello anons once again.
So far I have finished MetArt/X and ALSScan. But I did not expect JXL conversion to take soo long. Took me like 3 full days crushing my 20+24 Core CPUs to do MetArt alone lol.

But the good thing is it's 19% almost 20% smaller.
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It's checking
sexart will take longer and it will be missing most video photosets because no one uploaded the high version of them anywhere... All the normal photosets I have but SexArt is different because the videos also have photosets. People just forget them I guess lol...
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[MetArtX] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2016 to 2024

[ErroticaArchive] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2004 to 2024

[GoddessNudes] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2009 to 2024

[EroticBeauty] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2005 to 2024
[ALSScan] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 1997 to 2024

[Domai] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2004 to 2024

[Stunning18] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2013 to 2024

[TheLifeErotic] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2009 to 2024
[EternalDesire] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2013 to 2024

[RylskyArt] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 2012 to 2024

[MetArt] Photosets High (JXL) Full SiteRip - 1999 to 2024
Enjoy Anons!

I'm tired anons... I need to move on with my life than trying to keep all this.
May someone else take this off my back. However it's fun to see my zips out in the wild lol.
I went with lossless JXL, It saves us 19-20%

I will seed these for around half a year or until I see more than a few seeds. SexArt as I said above will be delayed but it will be my last one. All zips (Not NOT_ON_SITE) have info.json of the set's info. Meaning you can make any script that reads from it to rename the files or make tags. NOT_ON_SITE means it's no longer available for whatever reason. The stuff in NOT_ON_SITE were available at around mid 2023. This makes me think there's more lost sets from the years before. Oh well.

In total everything is: 9.39TB with 61k sets (Not including SexArt)

Praise Kek
Great stuff, anon. I have no disk space right now but will seed as soon as I get more.
What did they share? I missed it
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it was a bunch of archived usenet-type posts. supposedly they had links to Juventa Club downloads. never did anything with it because it required a subscription. ended up not needing it because the torrent is 100% seeded now.

>fully seeded torrent
thanks to all who helped bring this one back from the dead

this was meant as a reply to >>1345965
Do any anon have Karups Private Collection?
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MY MetartNetwork torrents are now complete. Here's SexArt
"ISH" Only 2024-22 and 20 are high video photo set complete, as I could not find the rest of the years.
People just don't upload them lol idk... But this is the best I could get.
NOTE: the normal photosets are all there, it's just not the video photosets.

[SexArt] Photosets High (JXL) Fullish SiteRip - 2012 to 2024
Well anons this is my retirement.

Last stats:
64K sets

Recommended JXL viewer:

Want to host your own MetArt Network?
use this script:

for zip in content/*/*/*.zip; do
JSON="$(unzip -p "${zip}" info.json)"
SET_TAGS="$(jq -r '.tags[]' <<< "${JSON}" | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
SET_DATE_R="$(jq -r '.publishedAt' <<< "${JSON}")"
AGES="$(jq -r '.models[].publishAge' <<< "${JSON}" | awk '{print $0 " years old"}' | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
NAMES="$(jq -r '.models[].name' <<< "${JSON}" | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')" SEXES="$(jq -r '.models[].gender' <<< "${JSON}" | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
COUNTRIES="$(jq -r '.models[].country.isoCode3' <<< "${JSON}" | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
ETHNICITIES="$(jq -r '.models[].ethnicity' <<< "${JSON}" | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
HAIRS="$(jq -r '.models[].hair' <<< "${JSON}" | awk '{print $0 " hair"}' | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
EYES="$(jq -r '.models[].eyes' <<< "${JSON}" | awk '{print $0 " eyes"}' | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
BREASTS="$(jq -r '.models[].breasts' <<< "${JSON}" | awk '{print $0 " breasts"}' | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"
HEIGHTS="$(jq -r '.models[].height' <<< "${JSON}" | awk '{print $0 " tall"}' | grep -v '^$' | grep -vE '^ ' | sort -u | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/, /g')"

# Print everything in a single line
echo "${AGES}, ${NAMES}, ${SEXES}, ${COUNTRIES}, ${ETHNICITIES}, ${HAIRS}, ${EYES}, ${BREASTS}, ${HEIGHTS}, ${SET_TAGS}, released:$(date -d "${SET_DATE_R}" '+%s')" > "${zip//.zip/}.booru.txt"
Forgot to enable JXL on faccina you will need to run:
sudo apt install libvips-dev

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