Torrents of full images from /gif/ - Adult GIF, released monthly. >>>/gif/ is a NSFW 4chan board. Info:- Contents: porn, random videos, LiveLeak-esque videos, and other videos which were too interesting for weak video sharing sites like YouTube.- Stats so far: more than half a million files, totals to more than one terabyte.- Why? Among other reasons, no one else is archiving /gif/, so I decided to.Previous: >>1231730
== History ==/gap/ began in 2022-10. Archive files from 2022-10 to 2024-03 only have full image files and not threads (plain text). Starting in this thread, including 2024-05, each release going forward should have threads.== How does it work? ==Every 24 hours, this happens:1. Full image links obtained 24 hours ago get downloaded.2. All /gif/ threads get downloaded in API/JSON format.3. Full image links get extracted from the JSONs. Goto 1.
*more than half a million video files (gif, webm)
bump, not sure if u did but it would be good to publish your exact setup and workflow for this just in case someone else might want to use it for another board or do it for gif themselves or continue doing it one day if you disappear
>trying to find archive of two specific threads, grab torrents>it's a zip instead of folders i can pick through properly but whatever>open one today>it's a flatfile dump>no index file, no metadata, filenames are presumably md5>go to archivedmoe to find the thread to pull the hashes out>the archive for that is 404 for some reasonI don't want to bitch too much because this is all still better than nothing, but please, I beg, an SQLite file, OR simply putting the thread number in the name.
>>1311696>flatfile dumpIs that what that's called? In the past I called a similar thing a "simple many-file folder" (which contains zero folders).>simply putting the thread number in the [file]name.Sounds like a bad idea. One reason: same files in multiple threads. Could have thread number of only the first thread it showed up in, but still.More data stuff - unrelated to your post... I run an ipfs node which is consistently online in one computer. I run another IPFS node which is inconsistently/temporarily online in another computer. I have a cid which is only in the temp-online one. After recursively providing that cid to the dht in the temp one (for hours, probably still doing it) I saw that its storage went from 666 gb total to 669 gb. Conclusion: recursively providing a dag/CID which you don't have to the DHT seems to make you download it (if running as read-write which you are almost certainly doing).
>>1310152is 2024_05 available yet?
>>1310152Fuckin piece of shit, I found a fault that shows that 4chan /gif/ 2024-06 wasn't being downloaded for days. I think I fixed it now. I could check on logs and stuff going forward to see that it's working correctly.
>>1311996 = day that I fixed that problem, has worked fine since then.
>>1310152What are you using for this? GChan?
>>1310152Where is the magnet link?
>>1314207See the previous thread. I didn't share 2024-06 and 2024-05 yet.>>1313666No
>>1310155Post source code plz
>>1314635>See the previous thread. I didn't share 2024-06 and 2024-05 yet.But the previous thread is 404 already
Fuck cloudflare captcha
>>1310152>>1310815>>1314645Setup: GNU/Linux computer, set .sh files to executable by running "chmod +x". I use simple/crappy code to download this stuff. My code does not enable /gif/ users to do remote code execution because it parses JSON in such a way that it deals with privileged bytes that are part of the JSON structure and not the contents (same thing with older versions of the code that I used which parsed HTML instead).Folder: /path/4changifFolder: /path/4changif/testFolder: /path/4changif/threads- Maybe sure you have those 3 folders created (replace "/path/4changif" with whatever you have.)File: ipfs://bafkreidzrvqgtjebkj7uqzibqjz6jri3ei3tvsjscf5i2lebejr5s3wgga / Checks if is running, if not run Specify the full path to "".File: ipfs://bafkreiclpya533snasw6crtg4f6dgdoikkuudsgnmvz4uw4s53f572ugvy / Main downloader. Change "basepath1='/path/4changif'" to whatever folder you have set up to download /gif/. Manually run lines 11 through 37 when first running it to kick things off. Make it so 11-37 lines are one command then run that command. After doing that, the downloads all happen automatically.- In depth on each line. 1=Bash. 2=basepath1 variable. 3=HDD history. 6=if statement 1, 86400-second wait between links obtained and downloading the files of those same links, runs if above that number. 9=runs commands to download files, logs it. 10=clears commands to run. 12=Does stuff, gets thread OP numbers from . 14=threadcount variable which is a number of all OPs. 16=while loop 1, to go over all the OPs. 18=selects a specific OP (var ii). 20=debug output. 22=Downloads a thread$ii.json > $basepath1/threads/$ii.json.$now1/?
>>131488624=imgcount variable which is a number of all images in a thread ii - calculated as a count of JSON parts>jq ".posts[].ext, .posts[].tim, .posts[].md5" | grep -v "^null$"divided by 3. 26=filename variable - array of POSIX time filenames from the middle $imgcount lines of those JSON parts. 28=ext variable - array of file extensions from the top $imgcount lines of those JSON parts. 30=md5 variable - array of Base64(MD5) strings from the bottom $imgcount lines those JSON parts (formatted to "standard" URL-safe strings). 32=while loop 2: saves commands to download each image into a text file (downloads as "TZ=UTC wget -nc${filename[$n]}${ext[$n]}" -> "$basepath1/test/${md5[$n]}" - cmds in $basepath1/torun.txt); end while loop 2. 34-39=iterate while loop 1, end while loop 1, end if statement 1.Ignore the/this "In depth on each line" section if you just want to use it and don't care about how exactly the code works. You can also replace each case of "/gif/" with "/mlp/" if you want to download another board. This skips downloading janny-deleted files, which is good and bad. Bad if it was some harmless video that got deleted because the poster was too based and got his post deleted due to politics. There's no HTTP archive of HTTP 4chan /gif/ files, so no thing to fall back on and check if it's a harmless file. In the /mlp/ example, there is. I don't have a thing to specifically record "found deleted", but you can look at cronlog2.txt for 404'd files if you want to use this script on other boards then check found-deleted against what's saved in, for example. And since I brought it up, here's a one-terabyte torrent that an anon (not me) downloaded from desuarchive /mlp/ and other captures of /mlp/:>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9671fb0855c7931fe98f03f7612c18010fb10121&dn=4chan-mlp&
>>1314887Run "crontab -e" (NOT as sudo) and put this in there:>0 * * * * /path/4changif/cron.shcrontab runs hourly, cron*.sh runs daily. I guess I could simplify it to not be hourly->daily and just have crontab run it daily, but what I use works to only download it daily, so whatever.File: 404.txtFile: addext.shFile: howto.txtFile: 4chan_gif_2024_03_empty.txt- see the latest torrent, magnet:?xt=urn:btih:84b2a6b0865a26bac9b7deef0ba63f893d6931c4&dn=4chan_gif_2024_03.zipFile: cronlog2.txtFile: cronlog1.txt- automatically created, see the latest (4chan_gif_2024_03) for one of thoseFile: time.txtFile: chkcmd.txtFile: torun.txt- automatically created3/3 for now.
>>1310152>>1314207>>1314635Hey OP not to be mean or anything but why did you create this thread, just post the fucking magnet link, the previous thread is long gone from the archive
== Links to 4chan /gif/ 2022-10 to 2024-03 files? ==Those are all in thread #1231730:- with working CSS/JS (WARC in a parent folder): as a text file: - includes .gz version at folder bafybeic...tpbu also includes a text file which only contains the magnet links posted in that thread, with 4chan /gif/ ones at the top: = >>1310152Replied to: >>1314207 >>1314778 >>1315187
>>1315342yeah I'm not clicking that shit glowie bot
>>1315353Wow, you are dumb. Here's that same text file:>text file which only contains the magnet links posted in that thread, with 4chan /gif/ ones at the topwhich is also here: go back to watching CNN.
>>1314896Thank you. Not trying to be annoying but, putting this somewhere like a GitHub equivalent would be cool (we should probs stop using GitHub at this point because u are training an LLM with every commit)
>>1310152Great initiative anon.Looking forward to 05 and 06. Got all the other ones already. Im archiving some threads myself, mostly wsg and pol stuff.
Done: stuff such as segmenting 06 into its own folder, created folders for 07, updated howto.txtTodo: info on 05 and whatever
>>1316804Guess I will work on 05 "soon". It's here:/zc/z9/>4mb/wsg/ seems to have raised their max file size limit to like 6MB:https://boards.4ch>>>/wsg/5618193 - can upload a video where upstream size=6MB, or is that derived size?Maybe /gif/ raised that limit too.
>>13179984chan_gif_2024_05 is like 10 GB for certain reasons, and I'm just gonna have to accept that for now. In order to get the rest of I need like 100 USD so I myself can do a HDD repair, 1000 USD to get a "professional" HDD repair. I wish this was a data ransom situation because that would mean I have all of the data for that month and am pretending not to have it. I don't have a big part of it, so less motivation to release 2024_05 which I felt like releasing before releasing subsequent months. It's been 2 or 3 months and I haven't got on 05, now at the acceptance part of the stages of grieving, so I guess I will be more likely to get on it soon. Trump catching an octopus AI video from the following (can't attach extensionless WebM file then post it to 4chan):>4chan_gif_2023_05 , 4CHAN'S KEKFLARE CAPTCHA!!!!FIX THIS SHIT MOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>1320059Oh look, a new wordfilter. I hate this website even more now. It's C U C K -> KEK.
>>1320059For 4chan_gif_2024_05, I'm on step 9 out of 29.
>>13205744chan_gif_2024_05 is available in IPFS:file:///ipfs/bafybeigamrivrveeoctw6qfuw6siiinmsgamekf4z4hmdqhghcoyzscze4- packed and non-packed version- extra dataIt'll take some time to share a torrent of it. A highlight from that folder:
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-05:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dc88d6317891957e462a0af085c2f5d1cee33127& >>1310152. Music for this release - "Pinkie's Brew" by Sherclop Pones: various musical "Pinkie's Brew" videos are related to time traveling into the past. I kinda wish I could go into the past and prevent myself from making certain mistakes, including as related to this /gif/ release for the month of May.
Release for 4chan_gif_2024_06 shouldn't be missing any files...
How do you know what webms came from what thread? It's a pain to open each video and delete the unnecessary ones.
>>1310155Was 2024_04 never done?
>>13211474chan_gif_2024_06 is missing roughly 2 or 3 days >>1311996. I'm creating the .zip for 2024_06: it'll be like 70 GB.
>>1323239I finished making that zip some time ago. Also finished creating a dag of the packed+nonpacked versions some time ago.Search became horrible in 4Chan archives.- - cuc kflare; ckflare+search not enabled for /pol/- - c uckflareI have some positive experience using Selenium, so I can still get those webpages in a semi-automated way, even with those annoying anti-human and anti-good-bots captchas.
4chan_gif_2024_06:BitTorrent release: todoIPFS release:/ipfs/bafybeianmslb3rcwovkbciuz7p27e5t6uzipjqhwzshwnzcsqk7uzzfk74- has extra data; in MFS, not pinned- packed + non-packed version = 138.94 GiB- previous version/pin:>ipfs pin update --unpin=false bafybeibie5qrgjalyghiczrj7q4dwserzpci6bsrytl63x7d67wx4fp3ge bafybeianmslb3rcwovkbciuz7p27e5t6uzipjqhwzshwnzcsqk7uzzfk74- previous + this = 170 GiBIt'll take some time to share a torrent of it. A highlight from that folder:
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-06:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b90ef006b7f7e4d069d310472f9a32413813f4a3& >>1310152. Music for this release - PMV of Apple Jack by Lisa McHugh ("My Little Pony AppleJack - Apple Jack(Lisa McHugh)"):'s a folder to a copyright-deleted YouTube channel which contains the original WebM + derive MP4 (>>1323761).
*derived MP4. Size of = 69 GiB (contains threads+full images). 4chan_gif_2024_07 shouldn't be missing any files, but I think it extended too far into 4chan_gif_2024_08...
>>1310152Serious question, deleted videos are there too? some images are illegal in some countries.
Upload on was slower than wanted: avg. ~165 KiB/s. 100% of it finished uploading roughly 16 hours ago. Upload for 4chan_gif_2024_07 should be faster: I have a couple solutions for this. If one doesn't work, I can pause for a while to work on plan B.
4chan_gif_2024_07: on step 10 out of 28. Captcha: DART
>>13250704chan_gif_2024_07 is >100 GiB; step: 25 out of 28.>>1308979 [~2024-06 post in previous /gap/ thread]>Hope to put those blocks back online sometime this month.I was listening to tracks in this small folder, such as>/ipfs/bafybeiexmw4i57jgr3esuda7q2n4i45erll7vkaiask4t2tbpkxacaxove/keygen-music/KEYGENMUSiC MusicPack/!Others/909DEAD - Adobe CS6 All Products>Title: Pokemon RBY Lavender Townand was reminded of that. 4.7-GB keygen_music folder is back online: /ipfs/bafybeibeuoggietcp2dt3qtnsp6ul7cwcuubo4mmvswwzyb652me2cs6ou/ (also in 2 HDDs). Just put it together (realized it) today: hovering over a color word in Konsole version 21.12.3 shows a box of that color. I was confused about "randomly" seeing that GUI square in the past. So if you hover over "lavender", "green", "red", etc. (text in Konsole) then it will show a square filled in with that color.
>>13253172024_07: writing metadata. Will make another copy after that finishes.>>1325317>small folderThis track sounds familiar: "ANGELS + DEFJAM - Ranx English intro.xm" ("Title: daley").>CID back onlineAlso back online - contents of deleted upload which I downloaded some time ago: /ipfs/QmWRdfw7YxaXY38wnFNvYaR9J1oNtJEeo6jNzsn827mbX2 (13 GB). It's more than 1000 dance music tracks (in 2 HDDs). Like bafybeib...s6ou, it would have been better if I stored it as raw blocks (it's not), but whatever. (Neither are repinned, yet - will maybe do that later after doing stuff with /gif/ 07.)
4chan_gif_2024_07:BitTorrent release: todoIPFS release:/ipfs/bafybeibfcnmvsxigcbbrdknuf4h4ziwqey5c5rwtp4od3huznx2ucseuli- has extra data; in MFS, not pinned- previous + this = 424 GiB- pin for this month only: /ipfs/bafybeidjxg6jqs5p5oakwfflaijvisxx2d5fhjbw64xtcgrhgmna37g7mu- packed + non-packed version = 226.39 GiBHighlights from that folder:-
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-07:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:352c3ee75397c6ffde9b6786e01441990bc57641& >>1310152. Music for this release - "Best Friends Until The End Of Time" from MLP:FIM (incl. singalong video from the DVD): created in about 13 hours for 121,465,843,003 bytes (113.12 GiB) = 2.6 MB/s.
What are all these magnet links about?
About 15 hours ago my average upload speed on 07 was approx. 256 KB/s. Had something annoying happen recently (which is still a problem or an annoyance): not messing with that now, so the upload speed should be better. (300 K/s avg. should be the minimum goal, and perhaps I can get that on 4chan_gif_2024_08.)
Someone please guide me through how to use the MD5 hashes from the file name to find the related thread. Archive.Moe is giving me the "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." error.
>>1327935Look in ./4chan_gif_2024_07/threads/ - JSONs show which post in which thread has which MD5 filename.
>>1328080Thanks!! And for the older torrents that don't have those JSON files?
>>13282372024-05 and after all have threads. For before that, tell me a good way to mass download those threads if I don't bother to figure it out myself. disabled search months ago. Maybe with their API thing I can still get all pre-2024-05 threads from /gif/ which didn't delete. Unlikely, because IIRC the api requests for search are as weighty as the non-api or web scraping requests for search.
>>1328242Yeah I'm no help there :(. Is there a way to convert MD5 hash to plain text? I just want a way to organize these files, It's like 40,000 webms per archive.
>>1328254>Is there a way to convert MD5 hash to plain text?So you mean this, basically: Base64(MD5) -> MD5? How to do that:>$ wget -qO- | md5sum - # video about Jewish scammers next to the Wailing Wall in Israel>fed02693d6a7c5ad5b24a5ab0232f35c ->$ echo -n _tAmk9anxa1bJKWrAjLzXA | sed "s/_/\//g" | sed "s/-/+/g" | base64 -d - 2>/dev/null | xxd -p>fed02693d6a7c5ad5b24a5ab0232f35c>$ # matchesSo, MD5+B64 string -> /_/\// -> /-/+/ -> Base64 decode -> hexdump
>>1328694Then what do I do with the hexdump file (fed02693d6a7c5ad5b24a5ab0232f35c)? Hex to text converters don't seem to work. Unless I'm stupid and supposed to be doing something else?
Guess I'll work on 4chan_gif_2024_08 after certain parts of HDD z2 finishing copying into HDD zc.>>1328724What exactly are you trying to do? What text did you expect to get out of that hexadecimal string? The original filename? Like "cupcakes.webm", for example? I think you misunderstand some things. Filenames in the packed files in these torrents are in this format, which is what 4chan and 4chan archive HTTP websites uses:>filename = urlSafe(base64Encode(reverseOperation(md5(file))))Explanation:- file: a webm or gif video.- md5: this is a non-cryptographically-secure hashing/checksum algorithm; it does mathematical operations on a segment of data, like a file, then outputs a set-length deterministic hexadecimal string (32 characters). MD5 hashes, each hex string, are basically non-reversable, and when hashing a file, the hash does not cover any external metadata for the data, such as the file name and file mtime (timestamp). Deterministic means that exactly the same data = always the same hash; cryptographically secure algos include SHA256, which I think is used in BitTorrent v2, and SHA512.- reverseOperation: takes a hexadecimal plain text string as input then converts that to binary data- base64Encode: in this case, this takes said binary data as input and encodes it as Base64 plain text- urlSafe: does certain text character replacements (different from a $urlsafe "programming module" which I wrote). Base64 can output these characters -- + and / -- which don't work so well as-is in filesystem paths and in URLs. Base58 is used in IPFS and it's like a safe text and more readable version of Base64. Base32 is also used in ipfs, and it's lowercase text-safe characters only.Read about MD5 message-digest [toy] algorithm with no donation begging:, I could elaborate.
Correction:filename = urlSafe(base64Encode(reverseOperation(md5(file)))) + "." + fileExtension
>>1325318>dance music set of deleted MP3s from IA "MEGA Dance Hits Collection 1990 - 2001 (Lossless)" back onlineI see that I am missing some of those blocks, but I think I have most of that data. If I can't get those blocks in some other HDD, then I hope that the probably-matching torrent is still online:
>>1328871>Guess I'll work on 4chan_gif_2024_08 after certain parts of HDD z2 finishing copying into HDD zc."Finished" some time ago, so...
>>1310152Ah shit, checked crontab and saw it was empty for some reason = missing >20 days = 2024-09 will be missing a bunch of files. 2024-08 is missing ~4 days.
4chan_gif_2024_08:BitTorrent release: todoIPFS release:ipfs://QmQn4yuGcGBwXBvt3prxZ3NtFgQxQARt1fA7cTZvc1Uc5N/root/video/4changif/imageboard- has extra data; in MFS- previous + this = 435 GB- packed + non-packed version = 22 GBHighlights from that folder:- Friendship is Magic fan-made video with music: Crackhead strength: release:http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmQn4yuGcGBwXBvt3prxZ3NtFgQxQARt1fA7cTZvc1Uc5N/root/video/4changif/imageboard/
>>1331632>Crackhead strengthAttached. See that link for the original version which has audio commentary.
>>1331632the fuck is IPFS
>>1331772Inter-planetary file system, a different type of decentralized file hosting from torrents.
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-08:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:985c29c86c49b3464a9c22239fd91e7cc05bd64e& >>1310152. Music for this release - "Andrew W. K. - Ready to Die (Cupcakes) ~ Lyric" (fan-made MLP:FIM video with lyrics):
>>1331816I was reading this comparison sometime ago, found it to be kinda interesting:>>IPFS comparisons>IPFS is a general-purpose file system that uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to route and transfer content-addressed data. This sets it apart from other solutions with a more specific focus or use of a specific data storage mechanism. For example:>- BitTorrent (opens new window) is a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol that uses a centralized tracker to manage the distribution of files among peers. It focuses on file-sharing rather than file storage.>- Storj (opens new window) and Sia (opens new window) are decentralized cloud storage platforms that use distributed networks of nodes for data storage. They focus on providing cloud storage services rather than a general-purpose distributed file system.>- Arweave (opens new window) is a decentralized, permanent storage platform that uses a novel data structure called a "blockweave" for data storage. It focuses on providing permanent storage rather than a file-sharing system.>- Filecoin (opens new window) is a decentralized storage network that allows users to rent out disk space. It focuses on providing a decentralized storage marketplace. It uses a proof-of-replication consensus mechanism and supports payment in various cryptocurrencies.> Filecoin is built on IPFS and uses the IPFS network for data storage and retrieval. Filecoin and IPFS are complementary technologies providing decentralized and efficient storage solutions.>- Hypercore (opens new window) is a decentralized data-sharing tool that uses a distributed hash table (DHT) for data storage. It focuses on enabling data sharing and collaboration.>- Holo (opens new window) is a decentralized hosting platform that uses a unique data storage and sharing mechanism called Holochain. It allows users to host and run web-based applications on a peer-to-peer network.>- Swarm (ope[...]
I guess that torrents will be released soonish!
Text in the previous thread:>Convert Unix time to UTC time = IDK, so here's the other way around:>$ date -d "2024-04-02T13:37:00.536419346Z" +%s>1712065020Unix Epoch -> GMT:>$ TZ=UTC date -d @1700000000>Tue Nov 14 10:13:20 PM UTC 2023
>>1335046I said 11 days ago...I was working on this one project but it ended up being fucking sad or disappointing, so to speak. Aiming to work on /gif/ torrent today or tomorrow.
>>1331632>BitTorrent release: todo>09/24/24its never coming, is it, anon?
>>1337578look 4 posts below that post, it's right there: >>1331848
4chan_gif_2024_09: on step 11 out of 26
To add to "howto.txt":view found>$ #cat ../404.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do stat --format=%n "$args" 2>/dev/null; done' _ | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo "$args"; mpv "$args"; done' _delete filenames from missing list>$ cat ../404.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do stat --format=%n "$args" 2>/dev/null; done' _ | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do sed -i "s/..$(echo $args | sed "s/^..//g")//g" ../404.txt; done' _>>1337727I'm now on step 17/26.
video from upcoming release
>>1337735Also these:./9rwJ4y16gHSl03OwqnFJPQ Russians vs. Ukrainians, not a boring video./CMD212AhOEAtCqp-odyGQA attached./ETMgECUp203fvJ1LAXU3yg next attached
>>1337737More videos of some interest./FICPFAQuEog_OO3exnHu2Q attached./Gqk0-4GhnrY1JABB8iq2NQ a Russian made this homosexual compilation video, TF2, video games./HNZN5bBhLP-WnjRBQwTHlQ trap/shemale./HRK8uXglhcM34_Z1R-Z41Q trap/shemale./KOTYi0-nzcMvaJjgtL3Nyw amateur porn, better with audio, next attached
>>1337738./LXx_Yk4LEXbbImDLTc3tMA boys, don't hit girls; girls, don't be a bitch and pick a fight with a boy because you'll likely loose./LjLTHA0-UiDL4w1MGptueA "[...]Allah would side with a white Christian man over a Muslim woman[...]that bitch[...]it's a fella's religion"./MYH4LznPJcnUP_H6UtOg-g watermarked with "Do Not Share"; irony: it's a dumb farting video./NPpJKiYOEkvIe-8Zx0GAQg next attached, music, better with audio
>>1337741Pajeet sings the song of his people./RJcauKXxHuv2ARnECpQ2Ew shemale on male, BDSM./ShqorByqG4Ta416XpzgJfw not much debris left at the foundation/base from WTC 9/11 event: because the towers were exploded with explosives planted inside of the buildings, better with audio
>>1337734finished step 17>>1337742>ShqorByqG4Ta416XpzgJfwattached
4chan_gif_2024_09: 34,793 files amounting to 83G>>1337738./TE8qanyb2Hz3llCOzGpf2g sex toy, material science, rubber/plastic/silicon, position./ULHpKdxDwkW4QUkbTzuzmQ Peter Griffon obtained crack from a nigger
>>1337738./VTBcoV8jx8WxRC5rxySKVA Russians vs. Ukrainians, odd, odd music./YovS1vfyFyWKep4L6P0jGQ Ukrainian, attached, better with audio, shortened to <1min
4chan_gif_2024_09: on step step 22 out of 26more videos of interest./_j51cxFfN9Vuvljbvp9YlA hunting video, domed, animals./ci00UiQ7gTi5qcW97A5HVg WTC, next attachment
>>1337746./dmEyubO43BwMFJs7GRHXAA bitch whore in office job, unprofessional./eRQtCzdIytKCdSKl4rBbQA Hillary Clinton: "we're all going to die"./gdozM46nWWVR_yQFC38lJA black shemale./hJArS5vMDjoGbRedHxvnbg unique sex position, next attachment
>>1337747./iwxkKo3SLVaBHdEy23AWXw my body's neat, your body's neat, no trannies./jS1V2YIdKfP4_9nEVSIfdA colorful/beautiful horsecock dildo, interesting/informative video, next attachment
>>1337748>jS1V2YIdKfP4_9nEVSIfdAover here: sex with a shemale, would be better with no negro./liuJ2uNS1ZHtDyDjs4qe7w WTC, 3m25s, "free energy" nonsense IIRC./otCg2f82eTmcdZZImCC7rQ female
>>1337749./pi5NPS6FYYFOlbCTGSziOQ balls./sB1PHCu11HXTSzdBbW7bBg Trump is bad for Jews./tKjZUHLjW1xK-ZC3p8B0wg dumb child gets ran over by a car./xS8u_SR0CyN-iSYVaZa_XA shemale, maybe better without the pissing part./xkt_d7rQVv_ZkYDdYH534w shemale, small penis, next attachment
He reminds me of Heavy Weapons Guy from "Team Fortress 2". from a previous release
>>1337746closer to release now. I have: packed + nonpacked versionsUse vim to parse a text file for IPFS CIDs>:%s/\(Qm[a-zA-Z0-9]\{44}\|bafyb[a-z0-9]\{54}\|bafk[a-z0-9]\{55}\|bafyk[a-z0-9]\{57}\)/\r===-notthistext-===\1/g Copy them to these locations in MFS:>/shared/cid/$args
4chan_gif_2024_09:BitTorrent release: todo, see belowIPFS release:ipfs://QmYehbqHKvPGWgpCdDFqaDdQKzd9XyRBrEdcsAr5cRiSTh/4changif/imageboard/- has extra data; in MFS- previous + this = 624 GB- packed + non-packed version = 176 GBHighlights from that folder:- GIDDY UP: Based on: release:http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:8080/ipfs/Qmf4HbBPX3tFY8iHR1PxM3ZKyYwCsSb1fnqXXTo3KDuZEn/a/root/video/4changif/imageboard
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-09:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a987a4f0a35757c848c44923e3e743d766121b98& at >>1310152. Music for this release - Pony Music Video of Network Music Ensemble's "Giddy Up" (this little horsy kissing me):
I had two copies of this:>81.94 GiB, /ipfs/bafybeig36aba5qldy2wk3tnpu24ll32hvfin6zlrcxlxrkfadyujscgkju 4chan_gif_2024_09>81.95 GiB, /ipfs/bafybeiekhe6uxj2x3z5msvj5ime4np43avewro6faylkyhxe2wqkr6ag5i 4chan_gif_2024_09.zipdeleted one.
Not only do I despise or dislike certain 4chan user(s), the 4chan system itself keeps getting worse. I looked at the log file and saw this a bunch or too many times:>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 429 Too Many Requestson add a delay in, more shitty work I don't really want to do.
>>1340333Easy fix - for "" (->"torun.txt") was:> n=0; while [ $n -lt $imgcount ]; do echo TZ=UTC wget -nc${filename[$n]}${ext[$n]} -O $basepath1/test/${md5[$n]}; n=$(expr $n + 1); done >> $basepath1/torun.txtchanged to> n=0; while [ $n -lt $imgcount ]; do echo TZ=UTC wget -nc${filename[$n]}${ext[$n]} -O $basepath1/test/${md5[$n]}; n=$(expr $n + 1); echo sleep 1; done >> $basepath1/torun.txtNewer (>) a mirror zpool was created to host/store stuff such as /gif/ data. Using two different 18-terabyte HDDs for redundancy, I think it's a two-way mirror. Start time:>$ TZ=UTC zpool status zc>[...] in progress since Sat Nov 9 19:07:40 2024> 72.4G / 14.8T scanned at 125M/s, 37.0G / 14.8T issued at 63.8M/s> 37.7G resilvered, 0.24% done, 2 days 19:18:58 to go[...]Resilvered 8 hours earlier than initially estimated:>$ TZ=UTC zpool status zc>[...] scan: resilvered 15.0T in 2 days 08:20:30 with 0 errors on Tue Nov 12 03:28:10 2024[...]
Very curious to see how the size of the monthly archive change now that they removed five pages of /gif/. Archive was also removed, but it looks like that have returned.
>>1340348>>1340333Even with a fat one-second delay I still got http 429, begrudgingly will up it to two seconds.
4chan_gif_2024_10: on step 12 out of 26. Month 10 = 37 GB from 15,394 videos.Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I had some interest in a /gif/ video in a previous torrent. The video was like fortnite zoomers back-flip away from covid cougher. Perhaps originally from ShitTok. It's similar to story expressed by dance or choreography like a play. I feel a tad dumb for posting or thinking this...Ever wondered about not sleeping to a degree where it's unhealthy? In the past, I was talking or communicating to some Internet friend(s) about that. I had read some like science news article on it, and said something to the effect of "it's like an overly aggressive garbage collection mechanism in programming or execution thereof." Here's a recent (November 11, 2024) video on that titled "How Not Sleeping Actually Kills You":
>>1340555>The video was like fortnite zoomers back-flip away from covid cougherAn IRL/AFK video (not in a video game), I think when they did the flip it put their hoods on their heads.>Ever wondered about not sleeping to an unhealthy degree?Months ago I typed something like "if you don't sleep" in DuckDuckGo (intended to search "if you don't sleep will you die"). One of the search suggestions was something like "if you don't sleep will your brain melt". I regrettably didn't take a screenshot and haven't been able to replicate it since then, so all you got is my memory here.
>>1340542Even with a big two-second delay I still got some HTTP 429 errors, begrudgingly will up it to three seconds. Delay between successive downloads of files at[...]. Also, what I need is zero delay if wget says>File ‘$path’ already there; not retrieving.Otherwise it takes too damn long.Some 4chan_gif_2024_10 files:./JgMl10-puf179JULUlaCHQ.webm politics, has audio./JpWCPCAe7Bgz860i1Aj6vw.webm politics, has audio./RyQvhKM9FK7P3FHn_zFK5w.webm politics, has audio./4chan_gif_2024_10/./././d6XjxmfAzSaYX77A0cxEXA.webm attached, fellatio, human
>>1340982Dammit, Wget has the same exit code with not there vs. is there:>$ TZ=UTC wget -nc>[...]2024-11-17 07:08:17 (2.52 MB/s) - ‘vmqtde.gif’ saved [503181/503181]>$ echo $?>0>$ TZ=UTC wget -nc>File ‘vmqtde.gif’ already there; not retrieving.\>$ echo $?>0>$ # both zeroGuess I gotta do some gay shit like have wget delay or not based on previous wget stdout/stderr.
>>1340984Huh, perhaps not too difficult to reprogram GNU Wget to do what I want:> if (opt.noclobber && file_exists_p(opt.output_document, NULL))> {> /* Check if output file exists; if it does, exit. */> logprintf (LOG_VERBOSE,> _("File %s already there; not retrieving.\n"),> quote (opt.output_document));> exit (WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR);> }just change it to> exit ([some exit code, maybe 9 or 99, however I do that.]);Source code from ->;O=D -> wget-1.24.5.tar.gz -> ./wget-1.24.5/src/main.c . Exit codes enumerated in ./wget-1.24.5/src/exits.h:>enum> {> WGET_EXIT_SUCCESS = 0,> WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR = 1,> WGET_EXIT_PARSE_ERROR = 2,> WGET_EXIT_IO_FAIL = 3,> WGET_EXIT_NETWORK_FAIL = 4,> WGET_EXIT_SSL_AUTH_FAIL = 5,> WGET_EXIT_SERVER_AUTH_FAIL = 6,> WGET_EXIT_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 7,> WGET_EXIT_SERVER_ERROR = 8,>> WGET_EXIT_UNKNOWN> };Cum truck from 4chan_gif_2024_10.
>>1340984That's withGNU Wget 1.21.4 built on linux-gnu.VersionGNU Wget 1.24.5 built on linux-gnu.does the same thing, zero exit code with "$ /usr/local/bin/wget -nc"I see that you can't upload more than 100 files at a time to a repo. Took 30 minutes to upload all of folder "wget-1.24.5/" from "wget-1.24.5.tar.gz" to GitHub.Build/compile and install newer Wget:>[extract wget-1.24.5.tar.gz]>$ apt-cache search 'libgnutls.*-dev'>libgnutls28-dev - GNU TLS library - development files>$ sudo apt install libgnutls28-dev>[...]>$ cd wget-1.24.5 && ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install>[...]>$ # older = "/usr/bin/wget"; newer = "/usr/local/bin/wget"More 4chan_gif_2024_10 files:./o5mo3b4IyYspgmtYqlSfYg.webm politics./pmezHBWDPrqsf38fqWlbjg.webm politics./pf6oUNY8wmaacdhhDrQpQA.webm gay porn/trap/femboy, attached
>>1340984Getting Dumbledore to drink the insanely spicy vomit diarrhea mixture in order to possibly destroy part of Lord Voldemort.>>1340989I changed that single line of code to:> exit (WGET_EXIT_IO_FAIL); /* was WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR */then compiled it after deleting /usr/local/bin/wget, but I'm not getting any different exit code with that.
>>1340985>>1340989>>1340992>WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR outputs zeroThis does look like a bug in Wget. WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR should have an exit code of 1 and not 0.For example, this works:> if (opt.warc_filename != 0)> {>[...]> if (opt.spider)> {> fprintf (stderr,> _("WARC output does not work with --spider.\n"));> exit (WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR);> }->>$ src/wget --spider --warc-file=a>WARC output does not work with --spider.>$ echo $?>1>$ # NOT ZERO
>>1340994Because that code in main.c does nothing. See - short link = real action is at http.c and exits.c:> /* TODO: perform this check only once. */> if (!hs->existence_checked && file_exists_p (hs->local_file, NULL))> {> if (opt.noclobber && !opt.output_document)> {> /* If opt.noclobber is turned on and file already exists, do not> retrieve the file. But if the output_document was given, then this> test was already done and the file didn't exist. Hence the !opt.output_document */> return RETRUNNEEDED;> }->> case RETRUNNEEDED:> /* The file was already fully retrieved. */> ret = RETROK;> goto exit;->> case RETROK:> return WGET_EXIT_SUCCESS;and I think that's where the bug is. Attached = random /gif/ video.
>>1341004Yes! I change that C code and now it works better for task >>1340984 >>1340982. See which is changed to "return PROXERR;" on lines 2354 and 4296 of http.c. Proof:>$ /usr/local/bin/wget -nc>File ‘vmqtde.gif’ already there; not retrieving.\>$ echo $?>8>$ # Not zero :)An exit code of 8 is better than 0, but it should be an exit code of 1, which would be even better (1=WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR). Go tell these guys that they're dumb, so to speak:
>>1341004Also exits.h>>1341008"ERROR 429: Too Many Requests." also has an exit code of 8, so not really useful to me. Therefore, changed to exit code 7: "return PROXERR;" -> "return HEOF;". Looking over the code, it seems that there isn't a simple drop in thing to trigger WGET_EXIT_GENERIC_ERROR. There is a drop-in thing to trigger each of the following:>case HEOF: case HERR: case ATTRMISSING:> return WGET_EXIT_PROTOCOL_ERROR;and>case PROXERR: case GATEWAYTIMEOUT:> return WGET_EXIT_SERVER_ERROR;So I've used one of those. exits.c has no thing for generic error. I could add a thing for that, but that would entail more work, probably changing other files for that addition, and making sure it all random /gif/ vid
>>1341009Learned more about that: If ran a second time,>$ wget -nc https://example.comshould have an exit code of 1, but doesn't. If ran a second time,>$ wget -nc -O ashould have an exit code of 1 and it does. If I email them with this info, I should include that details. More info: >>>/g/103218639>>>/g/103218639>Exit code for no clobber and file exists is contradictory or inconsistent and some of the code does nothingSo, I can do this:>$ wget -nc; if [ $? -eq 8 ]; then echo exit 8; fiFor /gap/:> n=0; while [ $n -lt $imgcount ]; do echo "TZ=UTC wget -nc${filename[$n]}${ext[$n]} -O $basepath1/test/${md5[$n]}; if [ "'$?'" -eq 8 ]; then sleep 3; fi"; n=$(expr $n + 1); done >> $basepath1/torun.txt
* - short link: this code update actually work? Will see in like 3 hours (zero hour UTC), check /zc/vid_4mb/cronlog2.txt
>>1341106For what it's worth, rate limiting is not just a "you" thing. Been using jdownloader to scrape the archive boards every few days without issue until ~ a week ago, and now I'm getting either a huge amount of 429s, and/or <50kb/s download speeds with only 5 simultaneous downloads (compared to 3-5 Mb/s before). Something has changed significantly for the worse.
Some porn of interest - possibly shared as WebMs in /gif/:- woman masturbating, top vagina both linked from watched this some time ago, forgot my opinion on it female, sex do I convert these links to the older format links like the following?> version now redirects to> it possible? Other than using their search thing?>>1341106>if server error (exit 8), then sleep for 3 secondsThat's not right. It should be if not already exists (exit 1 if output file is specified, which it is), then sleep 3.>>1341112I could look through log file(s) for the first instance of HTTP error 429.
This lame update slowing down downloads of full images, along with the 15 minute wait on posts. Hella gay. I can say that I have 15 minutes now to formulate my ideas on irrelevant shit, lulz.I should get WARCs of certain links which I have an interest in but are not so much at hand. I do have a thing to check if I already captured the URL or not. I could even change the code to get WARCs of /gif/ thread JSONs. Would be worthwhile and would not use much more space since those are saved as gzipped automatically by wget.>>1341112>Something has changed significantly for the worse.I agree. Likely also a pain for websites such as Site is getting a taste of it's own medicine since they overly use Cloudflae to block access. ( kinda does that too.)>>1341175>How do I convert these links to the older format links?Nice, in the source code of that Xvideos webpage you can see>"id":60083129,"vmdata":{"pub_comments":7,"has_comments":true,"vote_good":"\/video-vote\/60083129\/GOOD\And therefore can go to>>Other than using their search thing?Why'd I say that? My mind was a bit misconceived when writing that.>>1340984>>1340992>"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1"More like "Harry Potter and the Rise of Magical Hitler">"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2"More like "Harry Potter and the Decline of Magical Hitler"Also, apparently gamers really liked the Harry Potter PS5 video game - "Hogwarts Legacy - Official Reveal Trailer | PS5":
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-10:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:27c4953df3d947a3b2a22dd70ac90241cd09f538& at >>1310152. Music for this release - "It'll Be OK" by Sherclop Pones (from "Friendship is Witchcraft"):- clearweb privacy http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:8080/ipfs/bafybeifdyivnv3ix4vtepxkuazlx5ujpp6f44dzzdd3noc5k6c7auomxle
Hot and Dangerous (2007) - incompleteDownload:- Folder:ipfs://bafybeihh4v7q56yavpauw5pcy2bowrju54biedlqcbciz6vhpmrrwntscy- File: boot partition basically idiotically exploded again. For now I'm kinda tight on storage, so I'll share some porn DVD ISOs. Not sure if I have this correctly stored, but I intend to repin it in the future. It's incomplete because the disc was scratched and it had 43,500 read errors over 27 hours 43 minutes of ImgBurn's effort. However, some of that video is likely still watchable and audible. The complete version of this possibly still exists somewhere in the world. Or, it's lost media.Info:>The pornographic film "Hot and Dangerous" was released in April 2007 by Avalon Entertainment. The film features cast members Heaven Leigh, Leanna Heart, and Marylin Star. It has a duration of 300 minutes and was distributed in DVD format.
>>1342405>boot partition basically idiotically exploded againI was able to fix this! Therefore, I can keep downloading /gif/.>Hot and Dangerous (2007) - incomplete, DVD ISOSample attached, in the .iso in Linux:>$ sudo mkdir /mnt/o; sudo mount -o loop HOT_DANGEROUS.ISO /mnt/o
>>1341175>It should be if not already exists (specified by exit 1 if output file is specified, which it is), then sleep 3. [So if not exit 1 then sleep 3.]Not implemented yet...>>1342713That folder also includes:Rack It Up 4 (2009) - incompleteDownload (DVD ISO, 3 x 1.4 GB):>[Scratched DVD, ImgBurn said:] 700 read errors over 2 hour and 5 minutesInfo:>The pornographic film "Rack It Up 4" was released in 2009 in the United States. It has a duration of 120 minutes and was produced by Diabolic Video. The film features cast members such as Hunter Bryce, Brooke Belle, Alex Gonz, Avy Scott, and Shawna Lenee. "Rack It Up 4" is/was available in DVD distribution format and is priced at $5.00. The film's IMDb ID is tt1504469.
>>1342739>Not implemented yet...Implemented:> n=0; while [ $n -lt $imgcount ]; do echo "TZ=UTC wget -nc${filename[$n]}${ext[$n]} -O $basepath1/test/${md5[$n]}; if [ "'$?'" -eq 1 ]; then sleep 0; else sleep 3; fi"; n=$(expr $n + 1); done >> $basepath1/torun.txt>Rack It Up 4 (2009) - incomplete, DVD ISOSample attached. FFmpeg went to 4.9M (5,105,536 B) before exiting, not under 4,194,304 bytes as stated in this command:>$ ffmpeg -i /mnt/o/VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB -an -fs $(expr 1048576 \* 4) RACK_IT_UP_4.ISO.1.bin.VIDEO_TS.VTS_02_1.VOB.sample.webm # next: <s>-q 10</s> -vf scale=-1:400 -fs $(expr 1048576 \* 3)480p:
>>1342791>changed /gif/ grab logicHow it worked before: if (previous=http 429) {then sleep 3}. How it works now: if (not previous=file already exists) {then sleep 3}. May need to sleep for 4 seconds instead to avoid 429.>>1342405>>1342713>>1342739>>1342791About those two DVDs: they either never were shared via BitTorrent, or they were in the past but are all dead torrents now. Maybe only DVDRip video files were previously shared and not ISOs. See:- - zero seeders on all of the matches- - none matching, apparentlyThose two APIbay links are in (WBM). (Yesterday, WBM was not very meaningfully functional - too much delay; now today, web gyotaku is down: http 5xx.)>[fixed] this!Details: .org/g/thread/103311491/fglt-friendly-gnulinux-thread#p103331897
When was /gif/‘s pages cut in half from 10 to 5? Sometime between 5 Nov 2024 22:41:03 UTC and 6 Nov 2024 21:43:28 UTC:>>>>/gif/>>>>/gif/Open WARC> {"Name":"","Hash":"bafkreigyyil5aa2bppaids5ww2d6xd5i3cx6yo4z3nds7xpjazo7vpmfni","Size":"586"}Includes this post:>adds .mp4s>halves the pages>[...]MP4 files can be posted to 4chan now (incl. /gif/).> when was this a thing? May need to change for this change.>>1342739> reasonator.toolforge.orgSeems to be too JS-heavy.>>1342794> web gyotaku is downBriefly. Back to http 200 now. However, errors when requesting that pages be captured.Thread of possible interest:> https://boards.4ch
Competitor: - "Serving 794,424 posts - Running Gelbooru Beta 0.2". That site is owned by deletionist website That site unnecessarily did mass deletions over the years. Screw them; you're pathetic, like a fucking cockroach.These /gif/ torrents have >600,000 unique video files which beats scum.>>1342803> Thread of possible interest> includes /gif/ torrents filenames = B64+MD5, and the original Unix timestamp filenames are specified in log files in the hashtrees. Also, some porn which appeals to coomer brain:>>1342713That folder has this text file> includes these links:>> = "File Search Engine". Not sure how extensive it is, but from what I saw of it, it was cool or interesting or helpful. I was interested in something like that year(s) ago. There's a /bin/zst* file indexed by but none of the sites it said hosted it are up/reachable. I have that file (matching SHA1). That File Search Engine website can be used for security and privacy; like if you have a binary file and you're not sure if it has privacy/security breaking things in it, search it at that site. seems to only index "open directories", like clearweb sites running Apache/nginx with no index.html.Fixes for links that got messed up ITT:- >>1342803 short short >>1342794 …/fglt... short
>>1342791Oddly, if previous was- http 200 (exit 0) = sleep for 0 seconds - WHY?- file already exits (exit 1) = sleep for 0 seconds- http 429 (exit 8) = sleeps for 3 seconds
>>1343009Maybe because it needs 2 days instead of 1 for it to take hold. It was last ran in 2024-11-30 17:42:44 UTC. Grep wget log for "ERROR 429: Too Many Requests." I downloaded all as-is/live the threads+images of a different 4chan board and it worked as expected. I downloaded picrel. Why did someone make an image of this instead of just post the text? zb2ann.png 9h0z6u.png Ah, I see. Due to "Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again."
>>1343012>needs 2 days instead of 1 for it to take holdThe benefits of being lazy when trying to get this stuff to work.>downloaded all as-is/live the threads+images of a different 4chan board and it worked as expectedUsing essentially the same scripts that are used to download /gif/>reformattest with two different links edit: to ./addext to factor in MP4s.
>Next edit for /gif/: to ./addext to factor in MP4s.There was two conditions for webm or gif:>if [ "$thisarg" == "1a45dfa3" ]; then> mv -n "./$args" "./$thisarg1"".webm">else> mv -n "./$args" "./$thisarg1"".gif">fiNeed a third one for MP4. WebM head bytes = 0x1a45dfa3 and GIF head bytes =>00000000: 4749 4638 3961 cf01 1702 f7ff 0071 cacf GIF89a.......q..shorten that to 0x47494638.>>1343012>>1343013so what triggered that filter? test /zb2ann.png /9h0z6u.png
>>1343016>todoDone. Should work for all /gif/ files:>find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | grep "^........................$" | while read args; do>thisarg=$(xxd -l 4 -ps "$args")>thisarg1=$(echo -n "$args" | sed "s/.*\///g")>if [ "$thisarg" == "1a45dfa3" ]; then> mv -n "./$args" "./$thisarg1"".webm">elif [ "$thisarg" == "47494638" ]; then> mv -n "./$args" "./$thisarg1"".gif">elif [ "$thisarg" == "00000020" ]; then> mv -n "./$args" "./$thisarg1"".mp4">fi>doneMP4 top bytes:>00000000: 0000 0020 6674 7970 6973 6f6d 0000 0200 ... ftypisom....test again: oe/zb2ann.png oe/9h0z6u.png
>>1343019>Should work for all /gif/ filesToday is 2024-12-01, so if I work on releasing 2024-11 soon then I can test it. Speaking of tests, moe/9h0z6u.png
>>1343020>work on releasing 4chan /gif/ 2024-11 soonwould also "fix" the month alignment thing. can't post "m" + "oe/zb2ann.png" where it's "moe/..." because 4chan/cf/something thinks it's spam for some reason.
Opposite of the openness of these /gif/ torrents, many 4chan archive websites now are too much DRM bullshit / cuckflare garbage. At least in regards to the search, the threads may work in a browser, but trying to download them with wget = c||ckflare. For example, I was looking for a /t/ thread which is now 404'd:>> of those pages/websites had me stuck at "Verifying you are human. This may take a few seconds. \\ needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding." for minutes. Capture of that thread:> I tried downloading it with Brave Browser's Save As... > HTML complete or MHTML. Neither fully worked because neither also saved the thumbnail images.Those despicable sites are certainly walled gardens. Why did they do it? Either due to greed or kuckflare marketing team hit them with scare tactic when describing the big bad web scraping boogeyman. Would take a fucking millennium of effort to download all of the contents of said websites. Websites without such restrictions can be downloaded in like less than a month. Probably those websites won't last enough years and once they end they will take their walled garden with them into oblivion./t/ thread #1203208 is kinda related to requests. I thought of posting something in there but since it's a thread no longer in I'll post it here:1/2
>>1320059>>1320064wordfilter undone>>1343107Forgot to say in this post, since Brave Browser's save webpage thing didn't fully work with that site, I looked for something else. Brave used to have a "import page into IPFS" option when you right clicked on a webpage. I used that multiple times before. Now, using the latest version of Brave it looks like that option is gone. (Oh, and desuarchive isn't so much corrupted by greed/whatever as described above like is.) On to the post I was thinking of making in that /t/ thread:I could make a request for>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8f64cbd47f4761f10eb259db551a297b6e86d0c9&dn=The%20Residents%20-%20God%20in%20Three%20Persons& probably no one ITT has it. Instead of ruminating on that or something, here's a P2P version of it which is currently alive (MFS="/a/root/audio/music/The_Residents/"):- IPFS, path based on their discography: "/ipfs/bafybeigpoa3g6oxyanr5nzfomtbdlnla7jctbel6ejxa63desmtu5rxvc4/16-1988 - The Residents - God In Three Persons by"- IPFS, path for that album specifically: "/ipfs/bafybeifvmpebduyli3uqe22iu7enq2snkdj44j22yixwjaywwqrvuq3xd4/"- From 4chan /mu/ -> -> extracted- Comparing that .torrent file from like the 2000s with that RAR file: significantly different filesizes = no match2/2
>>1343012>downloaded all non-read-only threads and their images of a different 4chan boardSize of that was like 6 GB. Wait time of 3 seconds between concurrency-one requests = no http 429 errors = helpful for downloading /gif/. moe/z
>>1343123>>1343013Since this update: last 168,000 lines in /gif/ download log = no http429
Back to the old /t/gap thread. I finished basically moving all tabs (urls) from a smartphone and a tablet to text files. Took hours over days to do that (used Apache server's because unfortunately nothing has a "save all tabs' metadata as JSON" button. A ZFS pool is now scrubbing the terabytes, which may take days. A scrub happens in a scheduled frequency and automatically. Maybe every month; IDK the system became it operates like that by default. Point is that while it's doing this I may work on /gif/ 2024-11.
4chan_gif_2024_11: 62 GB from 26,491 videos. Progress on this release: on step 11 out of 22.
Bollywood Star Wars movie>>1345469step 14
Can I post an MP4 in /t/?
>>1345471Seeing quite a few AI slop videos as MP4s. This one: Hitler kissing Taylor Swift ("69" in the filename).
>>1345471This video reminds me that 2 or 3 days ago I drempt that someone shot me in the head with a handgun. Such a malicious action. I thought "Great, now I'm dying" in a semi-sarcastic way. Some of my last thoughts were bascially: the idiot jackasses remaining who are still alive won't know how to deal with my ZFS HDDs which have lots of IPFS data on them; they'll probably fuck it up by deleting it all and replacing it with shitty NTFS to use with shitty MS Window$. Lots of media would be lost from that, including very rare stuff.>>1345473attached
>>1345469step 16/22>>1345469like 4000 filenames added to the 404 list, I think due to new 4chan rate limiting crap>>1345474*lost from that, including very rare and 100% exclusive stuff.
this video: "this bitch pissed her pants"Ehtb6HBKxrOjtxHSXAUfLw.mp4tags: tranny, transwoman, has audiotitle: Lesbians say that you will never be a woman>>1345474In that dream where I went to another dream after dying: soon after I got shot, I could see the blood that feel out of my head onto a pillow. I died while lying stomach-down on a bed. I was the second victim of the murder, who soon before killed another human with a gun. In a way, dreams are like the original video games; you can die in them and respawn.
*could see the blood that fell out of my head onto a pillow*second victim of the murderer
This woman's like as large as a horse. Get a load of this filly.>>1345469step 18/22
4chan_gif_2024_11:BitTorrent release: todo, see belowIPFS release: has extra data- packed + non-packed version = 900 GBHighlight from that folder:- Sexy heterosexual porn: release:http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion/ipfs/bafybeie2wid7kpalydyeeaxrxtdn5biycdvq346yksexbel74ollczc5py
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-11:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a3b40ce8ea937977145ac0026b3fd8cde846f3c5& at >>1310152. Music for this release - "Ponies and ponies and ponies and ponies" (MLP PMV):- clearweb privacy http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion/ipfs/bafybeieknkbghwwjl26kcthfvttp5rp2ppzt4cqvgnre3pdz4pkz4tzjka
Uploaded all of - 347.8 KiB/s avg., 1.7 or 1.9 MiB/s max. This video is from>
I had 4 copies of this, now only have 2:>ipfs://QmRnQDL8jirbh1qiirYHKQ9MtGAFsv87Qd251iY1RQ7r73 = 4chan_gif_2024_11/>ipfs://QmWNXgdsBycHzPqgbrSrDYj2Wj3qWcSu9ntFjj18HmsUBV = 4chan_gif_2024_11.zipSome videos from /gif/:>ipfs://bafybeihzlhjbozqyw5xkahdf44lv2wrprsdu5txmrn3ktp6nnm2sglqx64 = no audio version attached, small bouncing tits>ipfs://bafybeibyv64hanopqeaxmrjkc3yancmriehbo6r3ssdnb7gqylnhvngokm = more jewish lies>ipfs://bafybeicbg4dmyxchhqnfuwxhtvpxvaujkszvynwtskrpmrhezggkfhan3e = shemale blowjob threesome>ipfs://bafybeigof5vbiepzronsehoco3o6ijkd3zhplfx3v7a23c2ppmbj2vedge = kinda sexy
>>1346020>more jewish liestest
I have a mirror zpool, which protects against single-disk failure; it doesn't protect against (1) multi-disk failure and (2) accidental deletions or software fuck-ups that mysteriously delete your data. Therefore, to protect against (2), in 2024-11-26 I created a ZFS snapshot. About the only downside is those snapshots are read only ("mount -t zfs -o rw" = read-write option does nothing). They're RO with ZFS on Linux, maybe things are different with ZFS on BSD or whatever. Create a ZFS snapshot: [steps here] - allows you capture all of the filesystem/data at a certain point in time and rollback to that point if you want. Mount a snapshot to access its data:>$ # zfs list -t snapshot>$ # sudo mount -t zfs -o rw zc@s2024-11-26 /mnt/zfssnap>$ # sudo umount /mnt/zfssnapSo I have 4 copies of I think 4chan_gif_2024_08. I wanted to delete 2 to free up some space, but I basically can't do that. Oh well, guess I'll have to buy more storage sooner than I thought.>>1346022Wasn't sure if that post would go through. /t/ now allows videos which are longer than 1 minute to be posted. (Neat. It wasn't always like this.)>Fricken laser beams"Hit me with those laser beams":>
>page 104chan /gif/ 2024-12 hasn't been released yet, in part because I basically ran out of storage space and am yet to pay hundreds of dollars to buy more of it.Before posting this post, this thread still had the Christmas theme. Captured at - after this post = removed, because the default theme is removed and maybe also added at each webpage update (meaning each post).
>>1349587I do have the money to buy non-redundant storage. Guess I will do that soon.And yeah I was right about the default theme removed by post/update and so on. As of >>1349587, this thread looked like this:
>>1349589Stop being cheap and buy more disks.
>>1350145Stop being cheap and give me money. HDDs zc are redundant storage (zfs mirror pool) = ~15 TB. I aim to buy the next 15TB before end of this month.
>>1350645I did buy the next amount of storage today (2025-01/28). 7-character captcha: VWDXWGY
4chan_gif_2024_12: on step 11 out of 22. MR4MPJA
>>1350828Size of it:32994 files81 GBSomething I noticed like two or three days ago: if you're logged in to and tell it to save a webpage and its outlinks then it only saves a maximum of 10 outlinks. In the past, it would save or try to save all of the page's outlinks. KYY2V4
/gif/ video: Rat temple in India, 25000 rats, kinda interesting. It's like a hamster habitat that I kid would have, but the whole building and they can escape it.>>13508287-character captcha>>13508316-character captcha>>this post5-character captcha 2TKHA
>>1350832Sir, do not redeem rats!/t/ is slow, bet I can make a post referencing itself. This post is >>1350833 D8HVT, AYMKA
Nice tits>>1350833Successful self-referential post>>1350832And back to 6 characters: 4RVKDH
Black guy: "I'm not reaching for nothing man"Cop: "He's got a gun"Dumb white whore: *says something*>>1350834Back to 7 characters: MRJ0DS4
>>1346025>Wasn't sure if that post would go through. /t/ now allows videos which are longer than 1 minute to be posted. (Neat. It wasn't always like this.)Here's a 2min 48sec video from a Nature documentary about Pajeets and trains. T8N2HK4Fail: it said>Error: Maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds.So longer than 2 minutes can be posted to /gif/ but not /t/. YDKVM
In ./v6ur3Quvv586wVSkRJZ1OQ.webm:>Bloody benchod bastards>benchodWhat did he mean by this?
That's about all of the "promotional videos" for the upcoming release. Britfag traitors:
>>1350828Now: 19/22
>>135087320/22>>1346025>Create a ZFS snapshot: [steps here]Create a ZFS snapshot:>$ sudo zfs snapshot poolname@s2025-01-31>$ sudo zfs snapshot pool/home/user@yesterdayInfo:>$ zfs snapshot --help>$ man zfs-snapshotList snapshots:>$ zfs list -t snapshotMount a snapshot to access its data:>$ sudo mount -t zfs -o rw poolname@s2025-01-31 /mnt/zfssnapUn-mount it:>$ sudo umount /mnt/poolname@s2025-01-31Be considerate:* Pro: prevents accidental deletions or fuck ups* Pro: block sharing / dedup?* Con: can only delete the entire snapshot, not something specifically within it.
>>1350840>>Bloody benchod bastards>>benchod>What did he mean by this?I think it's a reference to a video titled "You bloody fuck you bastard bitch": for what he was trying to say, IDK.>>1341175More porn of interest.(1) Censored Asian bitch, but still kinda sexy: Perhaps one of the sexiest mare pussy pics that I've ever seen:
Search on is dead now? New posts just don't show up there.
>>1351155For /t/ use
I was creating the torrent for 4chan_gif_2024_12. It went unusually slowly, taking like a day or two with the IPFS mount. I should have thought to check "zfs status"/"zpool status". If I would have, it would've said that HDDs zc were being scrubbed. Background automatic scrubbing makes it operate significantly slower. qBittorrent crashed at 60%-80% hashed for 2024_12, so I'll have to redo it.There will be no 4chan_gif_2025_01, but don't worry, 2024_12 rolled into almost all of 2025_01. The only possibly missing thing is 1-3 days at the end/start of previous/now month. Because I had all of the Bash/script variables set correctly when switching HDDs: all except one. Annoying piece of shit. Anyways, it's fixed now. (The only truly missing month so far is one in 2024 IIRC; that was due to enshittification, and I haven't used that since.)
>>1351198> should have thought to check "zfs status"Also for the following reason. ZFS mirror pool zc is made of two HDDs. I created a ZFS snapshot of zc, exported (unmounted) the pool, physically disconnected one of the HDDs, then imported it. (Import=mount.) As expected the status was "degraded" since half of it or its redundancy was disconnected. The status text also said it was 98 point something scrubbed (almost done). I wonder if it can finish the scrub if it was fully online for most of the time then half online for the remaining small part of the scrub. I disconnected half of 2x18TB pool zc to connect shitty scam 5TB HDD z5 (which I bought new). I'm rsyncing z5 to 20TB HDD zd. Hardware of zc and zd are similar and I think better than the HDD model of z5. Both >10TB ones gotta use significantly more electric power than the crappy 5TB ones.
>>1351200> wonder if it can finish the scrub if the mirror's redundancy was disconnected partway throughI expected that it could as that would make sense. I verified that it can or can make progress: saw it go from 96.28% done to 96.72% done.Other (important) technology realization: you can't run a Tor relay without port forwarding enabled in the physical router. I realized that yesterday when I saw nyx (Tor relay stats CLI program) complain about it; then I did some more research. Days ago, I looked at two guides which detailed how to run a non-exit Tor relay/node. One of them was the official Tor project docs. Disappointingly, neither specified the important step that you gotta enabled port forwarding in the router's config to make your public IP address reachable all over the Internet. With that setting you can also run a web server and make it (say an nginx open directory) reachable at your public IP address at or Port forwarding is in contrast to Network Address Translation (NAT), which is used by BitTorrent and IPFS. I don't know a lot about this, so I could be wrong about NAT. Like maybe something else is what's used to get computers to talk to each other. (Port forwarding is required for Storj, and port forwarding is optional but recommended for Arweave.)
In the past, there were some question(s) about accessing webm/gif files. What I could do with the more recent torrents' data which I have on hand: create HTML indexes... Beyond that: use thread JSONs to recreate thread webpages with links to full images... Generated webpages are like the web's bread and butter. Automatically generated HTMLs can be collaborative (such as shitty website Generated HTMLs can have more of a client side or server side focus (server-side-heavy = elitist). Non-collaborative HTML gens = made my one guy or a specific exclusive group where not everyone can edit or create. I created my own HTML generator. It's fairly good, but it needs better search and aggregation. With aggregation, the indexes would be compiled/combined into one-megabyte-per-webpage indexes or something. Other examples of HTML generator things: so many websites, such as and've seen some /gif/ webms which are just music. Here's the 2007 Essential Mix for Justice from BBC Radio 1 (one of the best if not the best mix from that radio program):>>1350831> updateNot the case with WBM as of ~3 days ago and going forward from there.>>1351198>>1351200It's "zpool status", not "zfs status">>1351155For /gif/, look at the JSONs saved in the torrents. Started saving all /gif/ thread JSONs starting months ago.>>1351203That should directly be part of the official docs for setting up a Tor relay, not some webpage elsewhere in their site (the following link). enshittification: after waiting 900 seconds I was in the process of writing this post and saw the 5-to-7-character captcha below. Then soon after it disappeared and was replaced with another 900-second wait. Guess I spent too much time after the first 900-second wait and it reset.
^*Started saving all /gif/ thread JSONs months ago.>Generated webpages are like the web's bread and butter.I communicate via a user-generated-content+webpage-generator website Webpage(+file) generators or sharing sites have value in what the generated page looks like, but also the information communicated by it. While the generation is automatically, sometimes the content like text is manually written or created. As such, sites have value as they aggregate the collective labor of its users. Such labor, work, and creations is more than any one individual could do. Then shitty websites go on to put it all behind a CF wall or some shit, or just delete it all. Fuck those websites that knowingly exited the open Internet.
>>1351155Oh search on is working again. I thought that it was an intentional change(considering that it wasn't working properly for like a week) but I guess it wasn't.
I guess the creation process for the lastest torrent finished.(I was playing Sudoku -- -- and I won! If you don't know what you are doing it's kinda enraging and will make you say "Fuck Sudoku!" However, you have to know the correct strategy, which is: only building on plays which are necessarily true with more plays that are also necessarily true. No plays or only the minimal amount of plays should be "maybe true". The goal is to make every play a completely correct or perfect play with zero guess. That is the ideal case and can be done with easy/medium mode, and with hard mode you probably have to explore different branches. I beat the second game in 56 minutes and it was fun. The first game was not fun and I spent more than 3 hours on it and didn't win; it was annoying.)
^nope, 58% completed. [Details on method 1 vs. 2 and how that may affect torrent creation speed here.]Non-hard/fun game of Sudoku, screenshot:ipfs://bafkreibizmo3opal2rbfamxfluwnt5spvyeuducopboei4vvav5l3wzvcu
== Presenting ==Full images of 4chan /gif/ - 2024-12:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:224c467be68355982c866ea0f795083bb8395b15& at >>1310152. Music for this release - "Twilight Sparkle, You're My Reason to Live" by Meelz:- clearweb https://[2606:6080:2002:19::222]/ipfs/bafybeigao3a5ae2qbyicfktnnypfrbkw5zzzrkievukpileusfrsvf2dku/music/twilight- privacy http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion/ipfs/bafybeibv3tj2qavysbnkobush7lpf3sanzvevzesgvero2gu3gnto7abim
>>1351198>There will be no 4chan_gif_2025_01, but don't worry, 2024_12 rolled into almost all of 2025_01. The only possibly missing thing is 1-3 days at the end/start of previous/now monthAnchoring in case of future questions or something >>1310152>>1351203>ArweaveArweave is a decentralized file storage and sharing system which is distributed by design. As opposed to other decentralized systems, which have no guarantee of distribution (data replication and availability by other peers), Arweave's crytocurrency incentives promotes archiving. With each transaction, a one-time payment is made to archive whatever data forever. Very legally problematic data is dropped from servers worldwide (likely no central authority forcing deletion, rather done by consensus or opt-in or operator's choice), effectively deleting it. Everything else is fine. Helpful thing to search Arweave for an IPFS CID or to do other searches:>>>$ curl '' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Origin:' --data-binary '{"query":"#Text file containing the text \"I love unicorns\"\nquery just_values {\n transactions(\n first: 1,\n tags: [\n {\n name: \"IPFS-Hash\",\n values: \"bafkreienc6ude677fwh32vx2denjkpj6rew7iy5prifbtw7uc5ta33f4ti\"\n }\n ]\n ) \n {\n edges {\n node {\n id\n tags {\n name\n value\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n"}' --compressed
>>1350660Other thing I might spend money on:>Search "motherboard where a bunch of hdds can be plugged in" -> -> 2020 board board (for example) has 6 SATA connectors, so with 20-TB HDDs:- 60 terabytes online, redundant- 120 terabytes online, non-redundantCompared to my current storage power of 38 terabytes online (18 redundant + 20 non-redundant).>>1351796URL-friendly version:>
I downloaded this 4chan /gif/ release from ~2015 to one HDD:https://archivep75mbjunhxc6x4j5mwjmomyxb573v42baldlqu56ruil2oiad.onion/details/archive-moe-files-201510-gifAs expected, IA's autogenerated torrent is broken. (I used "$ python3 /path/to/ download -i archive-moe-files-201510-gif".)It contains TAR file(s), not ZIP(s), so no fast random reads, very slow seek if no bytes skipped via a tar index.
>>1352126Would someone be interested in downloading a complete torrent of that? It's 236.1 GB from 4chan /gif/ from the old It would take less work to release it as-is than to release it repacked as ZIP file(s).That gif is sorta broken. Not as broken over here (no-derive version, cid created by .bashrc->tag3):
>>1352339Ok. >>1352128As a middle ground between original and repack I could release it with .index files:>python module for indexing tar files for fast access>Usage:>create index file:>tarindexer -i tarfile.tar indexfile.index>lookup file using indexfile (prints file to stdout):>tarindexer -l tarfile.tar indexfile.index lookuppath
>>1352342But would that work if the files look like the following?>gif-images.tar.aa 09-Nov-2015 00:56 10.0G>gif-images.tar.ab 09-Nov-2015 01:26 10.0G> 09-Nov-2015 02:01 10.0G
>>1352345>But would that work if the files look like the following?Not really. For gif-images.tar.aa (1st file), it works until the end of it:>tarfile.ReadError: unexpected end of dataFor the 2nd file (" -i /zd/4changif/archive-moe-files-201510-gif/internet_archive_downloads/archive-moe-files-201510-gif/gif-images.tar.ab /zd/4changif/archive-moe-files-201510-gif/test2.index) it fails at the start:>tarfile.ReadError: invalid headerBecause gif-images.tar.* = one file simply split into multiple files.