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Looking to start a thread for rare film and tv shows that don't have any seeders, or aren't listed on public trackers.

Help people find the content that is slowly being lost.
Looking for all seasons of Sons of Guns (1-6)
And all Steve Irwin crocodile hunter content
Need bob ross s02-s14, s22, s23, s25, s27, s28, s30, s31
anyone got Out daughtered season one - nine?
All Steve Irwin shows can be found here
Anything missing is considered lost media. DVDs didn't include many early episodes.
>Create thread.
>Doesn't even post any link related to thread.
BEGONE Freeloader!
Creates thread about fulfilling requests for rare content that other users are hunting for and doesn't have the foresight to guess what rare they may be searching for.... the outrage.
Thanks, this is a great
Looking for Five Summer Stories (1972) in decent quality. Best I can find is shitty 360p from streaming sites
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1) Sign up for 7 day trial on the Surf Network
2) Install free Video Download Helper or XDM extensions
3) Rip 1080p remastered version of Five Summer Stories (and 100s of other surf movies while you're there)
4) Cancel trial membership within 7 days (or just pay $5.99 per month to support the sport you love. Even as a longtime pirate I support niche content collectors that keep entire genres of film from disappearing forever)
5) Profit!?!

t. teach a man to fish
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Canoa (1976) by Felipe Cazals

A group of students arrives in a small town during a hiking expedition. Once there, the local priest accuses them of being communist agitators on the run from an army crack-down against student demonstrations in nearby Mexico City and rallies the townsfolk to lynch them. Based on true facts occurred in the town of Canoa in 1968.

Only active copy I could find of the Criterion edition with the video featurette included. Very low on seeders.

All the public torrents don't have seeders, but apparently it exists on some private tracker that I can't get access to.
I'm hoping some of you rare film finders can help me out. I've been searching high and low for some of these and turned up nothing.

Rising Dead (2007)
Rabid Rage (2008)
The Invaders: Genesis (2010)

and the rarest one on my wishlist: They (1974)
*the Regal Home Video uncut version of Invasion from Inner Earth.
Kill Bill vol 1 - Japanese cut
I don't think vol 2 had a different version for Japan.
looking for the takashi miike dead or alive trilogy
I think this might be the rarest show I've tried to find so I'll gladly take any help I can get. I'm looking for Operation: Junkyard. It was a TLC show spin-off of Junkyard Wars but with kids.
This telegram has over 100 35mm films scans, can anyone get the links from there?

I second all of these, but I've never seen them. They sound interesting!

Here are some I've been looking for for years:
>Susie Q (1997 TV movie)
>The Size of Watermelons (1997)
>Dark Dungeons (2014)
>Santa Isn't Real ('23)
>The Dogman Triangle (23)
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anyone got bella de morire 2002(/2001(?)) in decent quality??
they're all here: https://yts.mx/movies/dead-or-alive-1999
Hello! I'm requesting all of the show Bunny Maloney. I have found this one torrent:


but my internet is too slow to even fetch the metadata...
Here is the description page for that torrent, though:

The show is available on youtube...
excuse my poor searching skills and have a good day!
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Cant seem to find working torrent for the movie "The Fall" - 2006. Kindly help.
i'm looking for BBC One mini series True Love 2012..
Anyone have this?
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Looking for all the seasons of the documentary "How the Universe Works"
English is welcome to have, but I couldn't for the life of me find the Spanish (Latin America) dub and it's been a pain in the ass these 5 or 6 years trying to find them in good quality and not a 1/3 segment in 240p
So far I've managed to snatch the first season on Spanish (Spain) dub so if anyone's interested let me know and I'll upload it somewhere
> The Fall (2006) (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 Tigole) [QxR]
> 5.8 GB

>Looking for all the seasons of the documentary "How the Universe Works"

All 11 seasons, 1080p, x265, well seeded
Can't find spanish dub anywhere

>The Size of Watermelons (1997)

is on secret-cinema.pw
>>The Size of Watermelons (1997)
>is on secret-cinema.pw

It's also watchable on YT if you don't have a secret cinema account: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeCAyNz1KHU

But none of my usual browser extensions can download it from YT.
>i'm looking for BBC One mini series True Love 2012..
>Anyone have this?


How long do I have to wait when applying in an official thread for recruitment?

Ghosts... of the Civil Dead

The Acid Eaters

If you find those movies than please follow this instructions to make a new torrent file/magnet link...
The most important thing is a tracker URL which you will have to put when creating new file.
Also, when you are creating a new torrent file for sharing, disable PEX and DHT in your Bittorrent client and don't forget to click on the column where it is written "private". I don't want for my IP address and for my downloaded files to appear at https://iknowwhatyoudownload.com/en/peer/
here you go, anon. will host on my 1gbps seedbox for a while.

can't seem too download the metadata on this
>Here are some I've been looking for for years:

Susie Q (1996) - 2 Versions
HQ German & LQ English


The Size Of Watermelons (1996) Upscaled 960p




Dark Dungeons (2014)




The Dogman Triangle - Werewolves in the Lone Star State 2023 720p WebRip X264 Will1869

>can't seem too download the metadata on this

I was offline for a while, go for it
still can't. must be a problem on my end.
oh it works now. thank you


Look Me in the Eye (1994)

Part of a long running BBC drama series called, Screen Two.

Some of them exist online, youtube etc, but not the one I want to watch, Look Me In the Eye.
Its on Prime, but not only do I not have prime, its not available in my region anyway.
has anyone got family brat camp?
I am looking for banshee origins
season 1 to 4
kind of hard to find so far all I could find are russian versions or just the banshee series but not the prequel
Looking for some lost 2000's media, "The Damn! Show". There is a couple of torrents, but they're not being seeded, and youtube compilations out there don't have all the material. Volume 1 guess would be the easiest to find, but a DVD for Volume 2 also existed.
Requesting Alifu, The Prince/ss. I did manage to find one copy of it but it has hardcoded subtitles in another language. I'm already asking for the moon but if anyone would also have English subtitles I would be eternally grateful.
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Family 1976 seasons 3 and up
The Bay City Rollers Show
Matt and Jenny
The Next Step Beyond 1978–1979
The Secret Railroad
70's and 80's Nova seasons
early Nature of Things seasons
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 1982-86
Lorne Greene's New Wilderness
Untamed World
oceans alive
Hammy Hamster's Adventures On the Riverbank
These Are the Days 1974
Jamie and the Magic Torch
The Prisoner
Arrival - alternate original version
>from The Complete Series blu-ray
The rest of the show, including the alternate original version of The Chimes of Big Ben, are easy to find.
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scratch These are the days, i just found it on internet archive
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bay city rollers show is also on internet archive
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If anyone remembers that National Geographic documentary "The 90s: The Last Great Decade" and knows where I can find it, I've been searching for it for a LONG time now. The only listings I can find are on 1337 and they're for dead torrents with 0 seeders and only for an episode or two. I can't find it on Internet Archive and its not available for streaming anywhere as far as I can see. The only lead I had was Disney+ in Australia but that was a dead end.

It was narrated by Rob Lowe and is about 10 years old at this point, it aired in 2014. Pic related is the logo. If anyone knows where I could find it I'd be extremely grateful
I'm looking for National Geographic's Animal Intervention in English
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it's got mostly half episodes, does anyone know how to rip from pluto or tubi
did you check the internet archive..i found lots of stuff there
I've tried "90's" "The 90's", "The Last Great Decade" and a few variations with "National Geographic" as well, nothing came up sadly.
I'd like to request the 1999 comedy film Siam Sunset.

Myspleen has a dead torrent
I came here looking for a complete Very Important People Torrent but managed to find a Pixeldrain with all of the season one episodes. I might as well share that here.
pixeldrain com/l/6aBmL4jz

Anyway I have a few things that I am looking for:
The Most Extreme. That show from Animal Planet where they would rank animals in a top ten list based on various traits. There is a torrent on archive.org but it is apparently missing a season.
Urban Legends. Kind of like a more playful version of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction that ran on the biography channel for a few years. I haven't found this one at all.
Can you post a magnet? I don't have a login for that one
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Anybody have complete seasons of the 2005 MSNBC documentary Lockup??
requesting law and order svu seasons 1-5

I would if I could but like I said, the torrent's dead
Where can I find Grand Designs (this isn't an official request just hoping you can lead me in the right direction)
All I have are the first 3 episodes



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Anyone know where i can find 'The Bronx Bunny Show'? All magnets seem to be dead in my usual looking spot and i don't know where else to look.
I was hoping this would be all the episodes in french, but I guess my search must continue... how has nobody reuploaded the episodes from itunes yet?
I'm sure nobody will be able to help but worth a shot on any of the following:

- Looking for most episodes of the 1977 sitcom All That Glitters. I have episode 1, 2, 4-11, 23 but I need everything else.

- Betaville (2001)

- Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln

- Francis Gary Powers: The True Story of the U-2 Spy Incident

- Bill T. Jones: A Good Man

- Colt .45 "The Man Who Loved Lincoln"

- Karl Rove, I Love You

- Inherit the Wind (1965)

- Richard (1972)
It appears to be lost media fren, could not find anything anywhere


All I want is the nudist ep
I am once again asking for City Life (1990)
nevermind, found it.
pls halp
-The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, the 1965 episode with yogi berra
-The Bob Braun Show, the June 1983 episodes
-I've Got a Secret season 13
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Anyone know where I can find the TV show Super Force? It ran for 2 seasons beginning in 1990. I remember seeing episodes in syndication back then but I've not been able to find it online.

Can anyone help me find the 8 webisodes for the show Sanctuary (2007)?
Thanks but that torrent has no seeders, I can't even download the metadata.
Kung Fu The Legend Continues
Thanks again anon, a seeder finally showed up and I was able to download the entire series.
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Hey all, hope everyone is having a good christmas? Do any watch the bbc ghost story at christmas series? Trying to the the latest one called women of stone? I am having no luck, i am thinking the experts here are much better than I
>women of stone

>Kung Fu The Legend Continues

>Can anyone help me find the 8 webisodes for the show Sanctuary (2007)?

They were repackaged as season 1 episodes 1, 2 & 3


Part One
Part One consists of Webisode 1, Webisode 2, Webisode 3, and Webisode 4. These four webisodes were re-written to become the TV series two-hour pilot episode. This pilot was originally premiered as a single episode in the United States; later split into two episodes. Webisode 1 and Webisode 2 became Episode 1x01 - "Sanctuary for All, Part I", while Webisode 3 and Webisode 4 became Episode 1x02 - "Sanctuary for All, Part II".

Part Two
Part Two consists of Webisode 5, Webisode 6, Webisode 7, and Webisode 8. These four webisodes were re-written to become the singular Episode 1x03 - "Fata Morgana".
I'm looking for Ibu wa hatsukoi no yō ni (1991). Here's links to some details. Can't find a torrent.

If you're talking about the 1967 tv show The Prisoner

Crocodile Hunter Diaries please
where is it
>If you're talking about the 1967 tv show The Prisoner
That's what I'm talking about, but I'm not talking about the standard episodes, but the alternate versions of 2 episodes, that were Blu-Ray exclusive.
>That's what I'm talking about, but I'm not talking about the standard episodes, but the alternate versions of 2 episodes, that were Blu-Ray exclusive.

One was on the DVD set, one was on the Bluray, they're all over the usual magnet aggregator sites

Alternative versions of two episodes exist and have been commercially released. An early edit of "Arrival", with a different music score and additional dialogue and scenes not in the broadcast version, was located in the 2000s and released to DVD in the UK and in 2009 in the A&E Home Video DVD and Blu-ray box sets. This alternative version was located on a near-pristine 35mm print and has been transferred in high-definition along with the 17 episodes for the Blu-ray release. An early edit of "The Chimes of Big Ben", again with an unbroadcast music score and additional scenes and dialogue not in the broadcast version, was located in the 1980s and initially released on VHS videotape by MPI Home Video. It was later included as a bonus feature on the A&E Home Video DVD release of the series in the early 2000s. In 2009 it was also included in the expanded A&E Home Video box set, but owing to the low quality of the print it was not upgraded to high definition as was "Arrival", and was instead included as a bonus on the set's standard DVD extras disc, which was included in both the DVD and Blu-ray editions.
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Awwww did he not post another fucking porn thread and that's got your Jimmies all a-rustled?
>they're all over the usual magnet aggregator sites
Every one is dead. I've had 1 stuck at 34% with 0 seeds for months.
Unless you know of 1 that's actually seeded.
Looking for a 1080p blu ray remux of Sunshine (2007)
only been able to find lower quality versions thus far
>I know the sticky says no requests
>but I'm special so here's a request
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>>>1347468 (You)
>>they're all over the usual magnet aggregator sites
>Every one is dead. I've had 1 stuck at 34% with 0 seeds for months.
>Unless you know of 1 that's actually seeded.

thank you anon!
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I'm looking for any torrents for seasons of Mountain Monsters. Anything on a public tracker is long dead,
You're not understanding. I'm not looking for the regular episodes, just the alternate versions.
Any Aussies here? Does anyone have For the Juniors? Educational show that teachers used to play in primary school back in the 90s. Can’t seem to find many episodes, aside from a few uploaded on YouTube and the Internet Archive.
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I'm looking for quality quality versions of Jame Burke's Connections series.It's fantastic. I have crap xvid versions but nothing of decent quality.

Requesting seasons 1-3

>Connections is a science education television series created, written, and presented by British science historian James Burke. The series was produced and directed by Mick Jackson of the BBC Science and Features Department and first aired in 1978 (UK) and 1979 (US).


1: 1978
2: 1994
3: 1997
4: 2023 - easy to find

Here's the 2023 series:

I understand. My understanding was that the standard versions were replaced by the alternate versions on the A&E bluray, but I am now seeing in other places that they were additional bonus features.
Does somebody have Apocalypse Clown?
>Does somebody have Apocalypse Clown?


I feel your pain, I've been looking for Births (educational show about animal reproduction that they would show during school time)
>1.98 MB
> I'm looking for any torrents for seasons of Mountain Monsters. Anything on a public tracker is long dead,

Mountain Monsters S01 - S08 Complete - plus By The Fire 720p

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I've been struggling to find the English language version of The Fox and The Child
https://temp (dot) sh/deyqe/The.Fox.And.The.Child.2007.1080p.HDTV.H264-CBFM.mkv
Thank you anon, very cool
anyone have any of the works of Toshio Matsumoto (other than Funeral Parade of Roses) with English subs?
Does anyone have Toilet(2010) by
Naoko Ogigami. An ex had it but I haven't seen it on any website or any torrents.
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Gary Busey plays a cop named McBain, calls Danny Trejo a butthorn, and jumps out of the rafters


I have to see this movie.


Anybody have a link?
Gary Busey plays a cop named McBain, calls Danny Trejo a butthorn, and jumps out of the rafters

>Does anyone have Toilet(2010) by
>Naoko Ogigami. An ex had it but I haven't seen it on any website or any torrents.


Any decent rips of The Mist but the black and white version? Can only find decent seeders for the regular version
>Any decent rips of The Mist but the black and white version? Can only find decent seeders for the regular version

AMAZING!. Thank you!

I will reseed for a while if there's any other interest here.
Looking for The Frenchman's Garden (1978). YTS isn't working for me.
>Looking for The Frenchman's Garden (1978). YTS isn't working for me.

Spanish with English subs

Hi can anyone help me find the complete uncut the sixth sense tv series.
Thanks man
>Hi can anyone help me find the complete uncut the sixth sense tv series.

Here you go, fellow old timer. I remember my parents watching these. When I saw Sebastian Cabot, I asked my mom "Where are Buffy and Jody?"

Direct links, 2 zip files:

Circle of Fear (Ghost Story) Complete (1972).zip

The Sixth Sense Complete (1972).zip
Thank you for the help, i was searching everywhere for these.
I don't suppose anyone has this ~40GB fan upscale of the speed racer film? it was available for a short time via gdrive
4K fan unscape
Odd question but is cinema hd apk working for anyone?
I usually switch between torrents and apks for stuff but for the past 3 days each time I open the app I just get a server crash message
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In desperate need of a rip of Hornblower: The Complete Collection Blu-ray.

I'm looking for this version: https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Hornblower-The-Complete-Collection-Blu-ray/269132/

and i'm looking for 1:1 rips of the blu ray disks (NOT TRANSCODES) I need the files because i'm making a remux since I haven't been able to find one so far

this australian release seems to be the only one that isnt interlaced
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Looking for the 1982-1987 TV Series FAME, if anyone has it. I've not been able to find any of the seasons other than the first two.
>Looking for the 1982-1987 TV Series FAME, if anyone has it. I've not been able to find any of the seasons other than the first two.

Complete Seasons 1 - 6

Found it as a non-torrent if it helps.
rapidgator DOT net /file/3a32dc0c554cad0502abd84efb9b604a/AifThePincess2118pWBLAC20H24PB DOT rar DOT html
I'm lookin for the early seasons of Ax Men, if anyong can provide a mag, it would be much appreciated B)

Ax Men (2008) S01 - S10 720p x264
Missing a few episodes, but not many

Ax Men S01

Ax Men S02

Ax Men S03

Ax Men S04

Ax Men S05

Ax Men S06

Ax Men S07

Ax Men S08

Ax Men S09

Ax Men S10

Apend this to the end of each link above:

you're a legend to me brother, thank you.

Fuck yes, thank you anon. You are a real one.
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3.65 MB MP4
Not a rare show, but a rare version of it...

I'm looking for a 4:3 fandub version of To Love-Ru, since that's what I originally watched when I was younger. This was pulled from Youtube and then re-encoded to fit on the board.

Features names of people who worked on the encode/sub, hopefully that helps.
I'll also accept the raw tv version too.
Lost show I been searching for for years.

Anybody have a rip of Coal Miner's Daughter that features the DVD commentary between the director and lead actress?
>Lost show I been searching for for years.


>Anybody have a rip of Coal Miner's Daughter that features the DVD commentary between the director and lead actress?


Thank you
Fastest request/upload/download in /t/ history

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