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Feel free to post old japanese eroge and visual novels, forgotten and lost in time.
Collections of old/lost games are also well accepted.

Previous Thread here >>1108580
And don't forget to upload them on GGn
Anybody got ToHeart. Not PSE.
Bump, for the sake of preserving old vns.
>preserving anything on a 4chan thread
yeah, sure
Futa Dick Dine and Dash anybody?
Also, Hard Times at Sequoia State Park would be nice. And whatever other Futa focused VN's you people have.
even with no posts this thread will last a while at the speed /t/ goes
Not old and it's fucking garbage.
Bumping this thread. I'll post a mega filled with my finished VN's here at least within 24 hours.

I've been wondering what to do with them, since some of them were kinda hard to get or fix up. I'd feel good inside giving back.
Thank you, kind anon.
Based, eagerly awaiting it
Fate is a classic. Good on you for sharing anon

This is the first time I've used mega for this, so please be patient. Let me know if there were any issues, and I'll fix them on the next set of uploads.
Thanks anon
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thanks man
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Gonna post some Nasu VNs

Tsukihime OG VNs

Tsukihime Remake English Patch
NSP file for Tsuiki (use Yuzu or Ryujinx)

Prepatched and portable Fate/Stay Night

Fate/Hollow Ataraxia

Mahoyo English Switch release (use Yuzu or Ryujinx)
anyone has the School Days visual novel? it's called school days HQ or sth. I really need this visual novel it's so nostalgic to me given that i've watched the anime long ago. I also don't trust steamunlocked for that.
Anyone has Toradora?
Should be available on a-s and nyaa.
the psp game?

yeah, the psp game
From the Eroge thread on jp, requesting オンリーワン~ひかりとはるかの大運動会~ https://vndb.org/v6636
It's on a-s, but only with a rapidgator account link.
anybody have any of the eva games english translated? specifically looking for the girlfriend of steel ones but any of them are fine
here is school days https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3394012

btw anybody have shiny days? Ive seen some torrents for it but they took ages to download and my anti virus detected malware. Also unrelated but Ive heard cross days, the third installment of the series had some peculiar anti piracy techniques
Reposting from /jp/ オンリーワン~ひかりとはるかの大運動会~
https://pixeldrain com/u/ou761b61
anyone happen to know if there is a dump of the sukebei database? I'm primarily interested in the visual novels/game torrents on there but I don't want to have to scrape 4m+ pages for them.
thanks anon
>Anyone has Toradora?
>yeah, the psp game
Finally took the time to track it down for you, here it is (JPN version):
>gofile (dot )io/d/HfdXmv
>thanks anon
the game is crashing in a certain part, is there a fix?
No idea, I downloaded it for archival purpose.
Try asking on the /jp/ エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General, referring to this thread >>44296219 as the original download source.
From >>/jp/ エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General:
Could someone reupload 家族計画〜絆箱〜 Kazoku Keikaku Kizunabako collection from that post a couple of years ago: https://warosu.org/jp/thread/S38378932#p38390369 ?
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From >>/jp/ エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General:
pass 4chan
Grab it while c
Meant to say
>Grab it while you can.
while c:
anyone have https://vndb.org/v362
the two torrents I found on nyaa seem to be dead
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Anyone got this classic?
I am guessing this is a stretch, but anyone have Edelweiss? I like the idea of a story based detective game with a female protagonist where you can apparently encounter some bad ends but it isn't just all about getting raped all the time.
There are working non-premium links on a-s.
> gofile [dot] io [slash] d [slash] JxPg5r
anyone have muv-luv with uncensored patch?
I guess there's no english patch for this?
Alas, I have to learn japanese to be able to play this?
I'm afraid it's time for you to face dekinai-chan.
Uncen never happened - sry
Pick any of these:
Any kind soul got https://vndb.org/v13264 or alternatively RG premium?

you guys happen to know where to find quartett (the littlewitch game) untranslated?
This is what I got in my backup folder, test it and confirm that it works please:
> (18禁ゲーム) [040423] [Littlewitch] Quartett! + 公式通販特典 + OST + Standard Edition アップデートパッチ
I've had this sitting on my computer for years, almost forgot about it.


aarinfantasy forum's BL Games torrent from 2015
266.57GB of untranslated gay VN's

A bit old and out of date, but still a pretty valuable collection.
I think it's quite impressive given it's age and focus on exclusive yaoi content.
I've been looking for some of the old Empress games, Lewdness / Dominance / Saint Girl etc.

Anybody got any of this? Only magnet I can find is old and has no seeders left
by chance anyone has Viper RSR? all the links I've found thus far are dead and I forgot to backup the game before my hdd crashed
>I've been looking for some of the old Empress games, Lewdness / Dominance / Saint Girl etc.
If you look REALLY well, there are working non-premium links for at least Lewdness (couldn't be arsed to look all of them) on a-s.
>by chance anyone has Viper RSR?
There are working non-premium links on a-s, just confirmed it.
Anyone got Minato Soft's Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de on a torrent i have only found them on premium filehosters.
>Anyone got Minato Soft's Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de
There are working non-premium links on a-s.
Why does old anime draw faces like that
anyone have Bible Black? I didn't see it on nyaa but I am retarded
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Please tell me someone has this vn
i want to know too now
what is GGn?
it had 2 episode ova (hentai ofc) but the vn it was based on is only available in japan. It was released in 2008 when xp was a thing so it's old by modern standards. I'm hoping someone has a torrent of this vn
working links on a-s
what is "a-s"?
Thx anon
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Here is Indigo by Hanpamania-Soft, host is gofile:
>[100814] [半端マニアソフト] Indigo
> /d/6bsI1I
Also bump, I guess.
This looks interesting, is the story good?
priv tracker
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Does anyone have this VN?
I had this backed up, never checked it tho.
Take a look, host is gofile :
> /d/LYkBks
Thank you, it works
Does anyone have Schooldays HQ or any other 0verflow title? Preferably the JP versions not English.

looking for the first Koihime † Musou game in japanese, anybody got a copy of it?
I want to read Yume Miru Kusuri, should I get it from https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2512148 or is there someplace else to get it from?
cant find a torrent link for Class of '09 VN anyone
Nevermind, I think the best version can be found here https://f95zone.to/threads/a-drug-that-makes-you-dream-final-ruf.689/
not sure if this is safe or not since it's an igggames release but here's Class of '09 from 1337x magnet:?xt=urn:btih:F14FE6B775E4CC6EB23DDE987E9F3175CB70C2FA&dn=Class+of+09-DARKSiDERS&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.me%3A2720%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.to%3A2800%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.internetwarriors.net%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopentracker.i2p.rocks%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.internetwarriors.net%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fcoppersurfer.tk%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.zer0day.to%3A1337%2Fannounce
does anyone have a link to yami no koe. i had a quick nyaa trawl but can only find 2 & 3.
Here, grab it fast, host is gofile:
>闇の声特別編 Windows8.1動作版 DL版
>d/ F2qryr
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worth ripping this or not?
Always archive your stuff, you never know when you might need it.
Off topic but does anyone have that megapack of SFM videos that was posted on this board a few weeks ago? I can't find it.
Friendly bump because I love VNs
I know this is a long shot, but anyone have a torrent/link to either the full Hardcore or DVD version of Escalation ~Aoi Houyou~ developed by Melody?


The Hardcore PC95/98 versions I found on sukebe, a-s and some rando sites are apparently missing the 2nd CD for the OST.
>apparently missing the 2nd CD for the OST.
Since I don't have it and this really seems an obscure request, I also suggest you crosspost in on the Untranslated VN thread on /jp/ for better visibility.
People over there are notorious hoarders.
Will do, thanks for the heads up!
Doesn anyone have a torrent with Kamidori - Alchemy Meister + patches + english translation?
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Whoops! I screwed up the spoilers... twice. I need to go to bed. Anyways, I don't think I'm going to eat after this. I feel a bit sick. Here's a 'classic'. Discipline, the original erotic VN, featuring 5 routes. They may be obtained in any order. They made a animated adaptation of this but I don't think I'm going anywhere near it... I've had enough internets for a while. This is the official english translation from 2007 (which has a noticeable amount of misspellings or improper capitalization) and it requires DirectX 6.1. I didn't need any fixes otherwise on my system (Win 10 LTSC).


DirectX 6.1:

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Try family trouble.
More information on the link below.
Where can I find a euphoria vn?
anyone happen to have シルバーバレット萌え萌え銀弾9連発 https://vndb.org/r60927
It's seeded on nyaa
I'm afraid it has never been uploaded....
You might have to be the one that will buy it and kindly upload it for everyone's enjoyment :)
any update?
Please share if you have ripped this
May I have Aishima (Inmoral sisters) ?
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anyone have any of Yama Glass games?

wanted to play this for some time

Thanks Anon!
Where can I get Saint Dorei Gakuen 2?
there are working links on a-s
What's that? Also sukebei nyaa doesn't have it.
Can't google "a-s" no results.
this >>1269886
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Anyone have the English version of Tsui No Stella?
ryuugames has it
Does anyone know where I can get both Kagikko L-only in japanese?
both are on sukebei from what I see, please do some cursory research before asking - sukebei should pretty much always be the first place you check, followed by A-S and search engines. it's even indexed by search engines.
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someone has Gothdou no Otome-tachi?
Sure, here it is (host is go file):
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Anyone has the DLC of [Waffle] Shinyuu ga Kizukanu Uchi ni Kanojo o Netoru Boku ?

The CG set is available but never found the actual DLC to play, it can be apparently claimed from here granted one has the code: http://www.net-ride.com/free_dl/index.php?R_km_url=w144
> 親友が気づかぬ内に彼女を寝取るボク「だくだく汗だくシナリオ」追加データ
You're in luck, I got it. Host is go file:

Oh! Thank you very much Anon! To think I had given up long ago on it, this was a last feeble attempt, hugely appreciated!
No worries, I also have the "Official Bonus Scenario - Amayadori", "Nurunuru Lotion Scenario" and "Komazaki Makoto NTR Commentary" for the game if you need them.

Uh right, was so hopeless over the DLC I forgot there was additional content to it, If you'd be willing to share them aswell, would be all the more awesome!
Sure, host is the same as before:
>Komazaki Makoto NTR Commentary
>Nurunuru Lotion Scenario
>Official Bonus Scenario - Amayadori
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anyone has Sora no Takaku?
b64 cGl4ZWxkcmFpbiAvdS9iMjJEQU11TQ==
Thank you very much!
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anyone have Lost Rarities' Soul Foundation Series?
anime-sharing has it
sorry for asking anon, but what is a-s? I've been looking for rsr for quite some time too
read >>1269886 >>1303786
Anyone have Stein's Gate? Trying to get into VNs, not like eroge but like romances and shit
anyone has it? https://vndb.org/v1923 I know a-s has it, but I'm looking for the 2009 version (the ~the first moon~ remake version) :/
That should be on nyaa easily. Or ryuugames etc.
thanks anon
>I'm looking for the 2009 version (the ~the first moon~ remake version) :/
You're in luck, somebody uploaded a copy on the game just now ns a-s;
>a-s /threads/request-queen-of-darkness-the-first-moon.1482575/#post-6668866
I'll probably upload it to nyaa as a backup measure.
anyone have innocent grey stuff with english subs/patches?
A Type/Moon fan? Based.
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Reminder that the Caucasus English fan translation died because the guy who was in charge of the translation just disappeared. It was the same team who translated Kamaitachi no Yoru their site went offline as well.
games drawn by Sei Shoujo would be so good if he wasn't a massive masochist
Anyone got a working torrent for the fully updated version of Shady Lewd Kart please?
not japanese and certainly not a VN
private garden games by tetratech anybody?
I'm looking for Sengoku Hime 3's expansion pack. Does anybody have it? The links I've scoured across have mostly died. Is it a lost cause?
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anyone in this thread know how to play higurashi on android?
You can just download the Android port...
Not sure why you'd want to do that though.
Do Japs have a direct download site that has a big catalogue of eroges? I'm desperate to download something old by modern standards.
they mostly use dlsite.com
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Is this repack legit? Person who put it on sukebei is banned (only upload) and there's no comments, but there are 30 seeders so I'm not 100% sure.
Yes, users are usually banned for acting retarded in comments. If they post malware their torrents are wiped too.
Hello, guys. Do you have the visual novel Yukuhito no Pleroma?

Does anyone know why Kichikuou Rance doesn't run on my PC? I found the english version on nyaa, installed thing inmm thing in a non-default folder, and ran the system39 file but it just crashes.
nvmd i set the compatibility setting to windows xp and it runs.
begging you guys to seed the torrent from >>1108580

i've gotten 2% in 24 hours
how come none of these links works :<
Because gofile removes them after several days, I think.
If you need them reuploaded, it will take me a day, I think.
Nevermind, managed to do it really fast now, host is still gofile:
>[100814] [半端マニアソフト] Indigo
>(18禁ゲーム) [040423] [Littlewitch] Quartett! + 公式通販特典 + OST + Standard Edition アップデートパッチ
>[061222][inspire]エーデルヴァイス (iso+mds rr3%)
>Toradora PSP (JPN)
thanks anon. is quartett english version?
nope, it's the japanese one.
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Not old but there's no other VN thread so...
Anyone's got:
>Omae no Kaa-chan, Ii Onna da yo na
My file, I "lost it" after a series of incidents involving multifactorial problems.
anon, there are working download links on a-s....
I found it.
Anyone got the Resort Boin eroge?
I mean something like sukebei but direct download. Or is the piracy scene in Japan more underground?
i am once again begging anyone who could to seed the torrent from >>1108580 of the 1tb of VN's.

I am at 35% and its been 15 days I beg.
You are a gentleman and a scholar
I'm not the same anon I'm replying to but I want to remind everyone that Mahoyo has been officially released for PC so emulating this is no longer required.

Mahoyo (repack):

A PC release for the Tsukihime Remake has also been announced.
I forgot to mention that an official English Switch version of the Tsukihime Remake has been released last month.

Official Tsukihime Remake English release:

As for which translation is superior you can decide that for yourself, they're pretty similar.

Top is the official. Bottom fan translation.

Some more (excuse the R*ddit link):
if this anon is still here pls rip and share the game
This is a collection of about ~1TB. Old visual novels and H games. The name of the torrent is Visual Novels and Similar, it was all the rage a year or so ago.

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someone has Inran Seifuku Choukyou [Mission 1 Yogoreru Seifuku] ?
Any sage here that can help me find a japanese version of Sengoku Rance? Or where to look. Thanks
you can't access the torrent at /haniho/?
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Does anyone happen to have "Alive" or the remake "Alive Renewal"? I have been searching like crazy for a download of this game all over and I can't seem to find anything on your avarage torrent sites. Hell I can't even find game play videos of it. Any help finding this game will be greatly appreciated. https://vndb.org/r4000
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Anyone got ef ? All torrents I find of it seems to be dead. https://vndb.org/v88
sure, please seed for as long as you're able to.

one of these should eventually work. make sure you have DHT/PeX enabled.
Anyone got Itsuka, Todoku, Ano Sora ni?
Had the iso backed up here it is (host is gofile)
arigatou anon-san
For "preservation" sake (temporary; self deleting after a month, so better save fast); here's a full rip (CDDA missing, MIDI present though one needs a VM or TiMidity or smth) of this stupidly rare thing (sequel ISOs are thankfully on a-s) - better than nothing I guess:
thanks for the share, anon
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>Reposting from the エロゲスレ/Untranslated VN General on /jp/
"Does anyone have a copy of 百色眼鏡~Kalos Eidos Skopeo~? The zip file "available" on the Wayback Machine doesn't finish downloading. I contacted Wayback Machine support, and they informed me it hasn’t been backed up properly."
Note, it's not on a-s, AB or nyaa.
old magnet since no one else posted it

can someone please reupload this or share a magnet? the link no longer works
here, please download it fast:
>files(dot)cat box(dot)moe
>go file
In practice does using something like trrntzip actually increase your seeders on public trackers?
Does someone have "A kiss for the petals" collection with english patch?
Does anyone have a working version of Moke Moke Taishou Dendou Musume Arisa?
This should fit:
>archive org/details/sono-hanabira
Latest upped - should have crk issues fixed:
>a-s /threads/2004.1526440/
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Long shot here but I've got a physical japanese cd version of Milk Junkie 3 visual novel that I got in a blind box of anime stuff from a garage sale (funny story I know) does anyone know if there exists an english patch for it? I've been wanting to read it for a while but I have no jp knowledge at all and google throws up blanks.
>does anyone know if there exists an english patch for it?
sorry bro, no dice.
you'll have better luck using ai translation.
thank you
the two torrents I found for this seem to be dead
Looking for TenshiSouzou RE-BOOT! from Yuzusoft
Nyaa only has the Game CGs
Search the Japanese name on Nyaa.
Bumping the thread, also reposting a vn request from /jp/:
>does anyone have a download link for the steam edition of this? https://vndb.org/v1152
>all my usual go-to sites either don't have it or just host the original 2000s release
Please seed for as long as you're able to.
nyaa /view/1879408
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Anyone know where I can find this one? It's called "Sister Mermaid" (シスターマーメイド). Sukebei doesn't seem to have it and I don't know where else to look. I'm assuming no translation of this exists? Thanks.

Link expires in 3 days.
we (dot) tl / t-noJ1DSqQeg
Cool, thanks! Is there anything special I have to do to get this running on Windows 10?
Also, should I mount the .cue or the .ccd file? I have Daemon Tools Lite.
It doesn't seem to reliably work on 10/11, so you'll need to boot an older version of Windows (VM or otherwise). You should be able to install it fine once it's mounted with Daemon or whatever other tool you prefer.
.ccd file is what you should mount.
I tried installing in Win 10 and the .exe wouldn't open at all, so I made a Win XP SP3 virtual machine in VirtualBox, but every time I try to run install.exe from the .cue (VirtualBox can't load .ccd files, it seems), a blank command window shows up for a split second and closes. Trying to run it in command prompt results in "Program too big to fit in memory". I tried installing East Asian languages and setting Japanese as the language to use for non-Unicode programs, but it still doesn't work. Maybe my Guest Additions installation is borked?
Is your XP a Japanese version? It worked in VMware on a Japanese XP VM for me. I've never used VirtualBox, so I can't offer any advice for that, sorry - maybe somebody else can help further.
Nope, but I was wondering if I needed the Japanese version. I found an ISO online, so I'll try that later. Hopefully it'll work. Thanks.
Never mind. Just installed the Japanese version of XP SP3 and the game installer still won't load.
Yeah, not sure what the deal is then if you're using Daemon, sorry. May be something with VirtualBox.
I was only using Daemon Tools when trying to install directly on Windows 10, not when messing around with VMs. I was using VirtualBox for that. I don't think Daemon Tools was the issue since it mounted fine and the game installer ran fine. Maybe I'll try VMware like you said. I think VirtualBox doesn't work nicely with all-AMD setups like mine anyway. Thanks.
Yeah, I personally use an old version of Daemon (4.40.1 specifically) in my XP VM when installing. If you weren't doing that, maybe that was the issue.
My dumbass didn't actually think to use Daemon from within the actual XP VM itself, but that was what I needed to do to fix it! The game installed fine and boots up fine (though the game needs the .ccd mounted to start). Thanks for the clarification!
It's too bad there doesn't seem to be a way to run it in fullscreen, however.
428 ~Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de~ (Steam Japanese version)
Looking for this
Wtf I just downloaded that one to play. Weird seeing it here.
Link expires in 3 days. Instructions are in the .txt file.
we (dot) tl / t-XI01LCTRKq
if you're looking for 3 after playing that I'd help you out.
Thank you!
Anyone here got the very initial 2CD (pre-XP) version of Words Worth? Thanks in advanced...
Link expires in 3 days.
we (dot) tl / t-dFk7vgqFUU
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Would've thanked again if the thing wasn't Chinese :|
NTA, but this should be the one you were looking for (it's in japanese)
we (dot) tl / t-YKeIQlbf3m
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Looking for this one
There's a working link on a-s for the download version.
Found it there, thanks. Outing myself, but I'd only used Nyaa before.
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Requesting https://vndb.org/v7000
It's not on Nyaa or a-s (with free download links).
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I know this game isn't old but I was looking at shoujo ramune game and saw in vndb that it had a DVD release last year? do someone know what's that about? just a re-release?
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Does anyone have "Fashion Town" (ふぁっしょんタウン) by chance? https://vndb.org/v39337
Can't find it anywhere due to how obscure it is.
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it's a stretch, but i haven't been able to find a working torrent of it and can't seem to find it through any other sites. does anyone have the files for Little Little Election?
it never had an english release, nor a download one, so im sure that's mostly why it's so hard to find, but i figured id ask here!
I think it is a re-release, tanukisoft's page has been down for a long time, and I can't find any annoucement on X.
here is a collection with most of the games made by liar, LLE is there

thank you i will die for you, anon
Cross yer fingers DL ain't dead:
>h-suki com/en/games/12132
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Any one have 黒薔薇は夜に咲く (Kuro Bara wa Yoru ni Saku)? https://vndb.org/v4290
Link works, the game seems to work as well. Thank you very much, anon.
>archive org/details/pcgames-jp-part4
Thanks anons
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Anybody got the colorful series? There's 3 games:
wanted to grab this but the link doesn't work for me and the one on nyaa has no seeders
>wanted to grab this but the link doesn't work for me
There are 2 working links on the second search result...
yeah, never mind i'm just retarded
I was an idiot and didn't know about torr'ing so I've just been getting vns off the usual pirate sites like ryu kim and h-s. How fucked am I?
Anyone have the JAST USA release for Shiny Days (school days spinoff)? Preferably a DVD image.
Anyone have Song of Saya?

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