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Why the hell there is no specific thread for Audiobooks ? Are you guys that de-based to focus on porn stuff mostly ?

I will restart...



I will start
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The Sot-Weed Factor, by John Barth
>complain on torrent board about lack of audiobook general
>post links that arent magnets
anon r u retard?
Anyone happen to have the Graphic Audio for Mistborn by Brandon Sandersen?
post magnets, faggot

Massive collections of audiobooks sorted alphabetically.
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these are alphabetical btw, unfortunately they are mostly dead thom might get lucky and find something you are after.
Personally kinda wanted Tom Clancy but hasn't moved in over 1year. cbf looking elsewhere yet
Star Wars Audiobooks LEGENDS and canon(gay)
Any chance anyones got the NOFX audiobook read out by members of the band? The book is called NOFX, the hepatitis Bathtub and other stories.
1. There is?
2. Make one?
3. Audiobooks are gay?
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Best place to ask is here i guess. Anyone got pic related as a magnet link or Torrent? I'd love to listen to it but fuck paying audible amazon Jews for it. If im paying any money for it ill buy a physical copy but i want to know if ill like it first, like i did with blood meridian.
>/t/ - torrents
>magnet links
atleast the porn threads use magnets
get out nigger
anyone help me complete
Bust Hell Wide Open the life of Nathan Bedford Forrest?
likewise with Vampire$
Check out rutracker
Does anyone have Japanese raw audiobooks? Specifically those only found on audible.jp such as Nisio Isin's Zaregoto series.
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Audiobook of this?
This. Need this as a fellow AJATT enjoyer
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:66E4A63D0FC589A8ECD9D61CE29030FCEF6CE4D4&dn=Samuel W. Mitcham Jr. - Bust Hell Wide Open The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftracker.files.fm%3a6969%2fannounce&tr

Here is the link to Bust Hell Wide Open.
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Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman - A.J.P. Taylor
Read by Nigel Patterson
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 64 Kbps
>In this compelling biography, historian A. J. P. Taylor reevaluates Bismarck’s motives and methods, focusing on the chancellor’s rise to power in the 1860s and his removal from office in 1890.
Does anybody have a Bibliotik account? What is it's audiobook selection like compared to MAM?
Anyone have a link to the Spud audiobooks by John Van De Ruit? Would really appreciate it
Does anyone have a magnet for The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin? thanks!
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the 6 Dune audiobooks
Been looking for this one audiobook for years, wonder if anyone has it or heard it cause basically lost media at this point, a congregations of jackals by S. Craig Zahler (wrote six books including the one mentioned, wrote/directed Bone Tomahawk, dragged across concrete and brawl on cell block 99)

Would be very grateful if someone happens too have this, can post a bunch of magnets I have in a bit, away from pc
>Would be very grateful if someone happens too have this
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
anyone got a set of the dresden files audiobooks?
There are amazing free text to speech apps and software that can read epubs in any voice you like, why do I need massive mp3 files eating up my storage and bandwidth?
Some people have stricter standards than you. I really dislike every TTS voice I've heard in the past & wouldn't want to listen to that on an already boring drive to work.
I guess we'll seed this for a while...
can someone get me the magnets for the LOGH audiobooks?
anyone has the damned trilogy (A Call to Arms, The False Mirror, and The Spoils of War). Also why does this board not have archive search, it's the board that needs it the most
AI voice stuff has come a long way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-GxACvW8aA&list=PLeovmSLZhk3W_kw0HA-2ogTcY3WeK5rmY im amazed more haven't been made
There's a request for this on MAM if anyone wants to updoot it.
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Anyone has the United States of Japan trilogy?
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f19ee9fb711d163315be2e89243b7eed15abfa85&dn=Mistborn series book 1 to 6 graphic audio%2B7th regular book%20 - Brandon Sanderson&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3A451%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.open-internet.nl%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A69691337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.vanitycore.co%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.baravik.org%3A6970%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fretracker.telecom.by%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.vanitycore.co%3A6969%2Fannounce
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Is there a audiobook of Infinite Jest that has all of the footnotes from the physical book? The first audible version didn't include them, but I heard they recorded them later after fans complained, the torrent on ABB doesn't have them though.
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anyone know where I can find Looking for Part 1 of A court of mist and fury Graphic audio ?
Very large audiobooks collection. These are hashes you can paste them like magnets

Half a TB of audiobooks

hash: 9e216d01ed10846301ed41c176621e57729d3ad1

magnet: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9e216d01ed10846301ed41c176621e57729d3ad1&dn=TE_Audiobooks_A&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce

Blinkist mega collection


The Histories - Polybius, W. R. Paton - translator
>64 KBPS M4B
>Read by Jonathan Booth
> The Water Margin is one of the most popular classics of early Chinese literature. It tells the vigorous story of 108 characters who, falling foul of the established state authorities, are forced to become outlaws. They form a bandit community in Liangshan Marsh, becoming such a formidable force in their own right that they threaten the power of government itself.
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Gimme audiobooks about machine learning, data science, feature engineering and deep learning

Please and thank you
is there any python, i want to learn it
anyone got the godzilla movie novelization audiobooks?
If anyone has parts 2 3 and 4 of the TMW Japanese Audiobooks Collection please seed thank you
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I am looking for books on social engineering and cryptography, please aanddddd thank-you.
You can generate audiobook from any pdf file.
The voice is decent, and help with those niche books that aren't going to be viced anytime soon.
Anyone got Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier?
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anybody got the "alice girl from the future" series?
saw that there's audiobooks in english but I can't find any links to get em
Kys faggot. That's only for threads
Name some that sound nice
Graphic Audio site rip 1 TB

You'd think with all the AI advancement there's a tool that turn any book into audiobook with the voice of your liking.
Imagine Lord of the rings voiced by Gandalf.
There is but the jews put it behind a paywall and put limits on the amount of text you can use
based as fuck
Anyone got Warriors, Redwall and Guardians of Ga'Hoole?
Just a warning for anyone who's going to import these into iTunes. The metadata is totally fucked up, and you're going to spend a bit of time editing so Apple's shitty software doesn't freak the fuck out and make a billion separate albums.
What’s a magnet? I swear, you faggots make up new lingo for every board here
I know you can transfer files from your computer to your iTunes and it’ll work, but is there an app I can download these on to just do it from my phone?
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ASHLI: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6
Found this but it doesn't seem to be seeded. Will hang around hopefully...
Looking for the LOTR audiobooks read by Andy Serkis, specifically The Two Towers, Return of the King, and The Silmarillion

I'm the fourth or fifth person to ask for japanese audiobooks, I know there are some floating around on nyaa - don't we have anything else?
where is the clever anon who knows everything?
I never understood why audiobookbay has the worst search function ever.
Somebody should scrape that site, or hijack it. Then also combine the scattered files they have.

Another thing: I am amused by the fact that they obviously have a seedbox supplying the data. Every single title is still active AFAIK. That is why one sometimes needs to wait hours for the DL, but it will always start seeding sooner or later.
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Can't find this one. Audiobookbay gives me nothing
That is:
Ronne: the autobiography, by Ronnie Wood
I don't know. I've been sitting on The Land of Laughs by Jonathan Carroll from them for like 3 days and it hasnt' moved. Comments confirm that it hasn't been alive for a long time. I'm kind of disappointed.
They're on audible; you're welcome.
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>anyone know where I can find Looking for Part 1 of A court of mist and fury Graphic audio ?
This is a Multifile Torrent
A Court of Mist and Fury_ Part 1 (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) (Unabridged).m4b 460.35 MBs
A Court of Mist and Fury_ Part 2 (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) (Unabridged).m4b 457.26 MBs
Combined File Size: 917.62 MBs
Dead link
anyone have audio book collection of classic epics like Gilgamesh,Beowulf, Iliad etc
Audiobooks in German (maybe someone learns the language):
(A registration is needed; they save audiobooks as RAR-archives on free file hosting services)
Anywhere I can find an epub, pdf or whatever of this book? I don't wanna spend damn near $80 on this shit
Can't you write its title in the thread? Find me this book, you stupid fuck
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: 50th Anniversary Edition

Read by John C. Reilly

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Does anyone know where i can find this? I liked the first book so wonder what the sequel is like.
It was released as The Gripping Hand
You can find it on
(Registration is needed there to obtain magnet-links)

For example

There are other narrator, as I understood.
that book on how to quit porn is on youtube, does anybody have a torrent for that?
Does anyone have Stephen King's "The Little Sisters of Eluria", "The Dark Tower: The Wind Through the Keyhole", and/or "The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger"? The first 2 is missing from the Stephen King collection i have and Gunslinger seems to be missing something as it doesn't start at the beginning, instead starting at part 6 of some chapter.
Is there any decent site other than Audiobook Bay?
It seems like if it's not a 40k book or a trashy romance novel, it's not there.
I've never torrented books or audiobooks before, is there a site that people typically use?
Is there a smut collection ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Where my 40k chads at? I found these too only so far.
Any other good sources you can point me too? Looking for blood angels books preferably, but anything will do.
Just found out about this. I am a tourist at this board... Anyway good to know. 4chan delivers yet again.
is this still active?
Seems like it but it is slow, here is an alternative that seems to have more/better seeds:


Also one just for legends in case you care:

I appreciate it.

Do you know one with the unabridged Rogue Squadron audiobooks?
disregard >>1329381
i missed them

this is the first 15 books and side jobs it would be a huge help for my gaming group if anyone had the rest of the series.
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Does anybody have "On Politics" by Alan Ryan?
Does anyone have the BattleTech Legends unabridged audiobooks?

Specially looking for the Gray Death Legion series.
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Jeremy Clarkson
Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm

Narrated by Jeremy Clarkson

Cyber Pour
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The Culture novels:

Anyone has The Man From the Train?
I don't want to pay bezzo
Does anyone have the AmazonClassics Audiobooks?

Specifically looking for the Bronte novels, but interested in some others.
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Does anyone have a torrent for a complete collection of Alan Watts lectures and audiobooks?
what was this?
Where can i find audio books for webnovel?
(free registration is needed to get magnet-links)
Based on the rest of the comment it seems like an AI that would read a book if saved as a .pdf file thus making it an audio book.
Just a heads up: if you can't find whatever you're looking for in audiobookbay, check out mobilism. They have a better collection (particularly non-fiction) which, weirdly enough, don't get (re)posted in abb or rutracker.
Thanks, mate, I have found a couple of books, which I was searching for. Bad, that they don't have categorized subforums (history, sci-fi, literary fiction, etc).
based jezza poster
are there any audiobooks of the horseclans series?
it's real old but since I found audios for the hawkmoon series I got interested in that too
anyone have a torrent for The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes - Jackson Crawford?
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Given the recent success of "Black Myth Wokong" I find an interest in reading or listening to "Journey to the West" does anyone have a good copy in English and on audio?
I found a signed book of his for $2 at a library sale recently
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it took ages of being stuck at 99% but i finally got Butcher's Crossing. will seed generously to try to breathe some life into it.

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Well, now you can turn any book into audio book
guys just get an account on mam.
Very interesting, but what audio is it using for the voice?
How well does it handle inflection?
Is there a place I can find stuff in Spanish? I'm specifically looking for "hábitos atómicos" which I couldn't find on audiobookbay.
>incel manifesto
Does any one have archives of Amae Tsunashino / 十乃あまえ?
She was one of my all time favorites but her yt got nuked.
Requesting Becky Lynch's book
I've got an invite to MyAnonaMouse private tracker if anyone wants in
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Can someone upload Ascendance of a Bookworm Audiobook Volume 1.2 to Mega from this https://nyaa.si/view/1890793 ?
[PZG] has volume 1.1 here https://nyaa.si/view/1777959 but only has 1.2 in this massive heap which I don't have the space for
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Nevermind this >>1347669
/wsr/ just taught me you don't have to download everything in a torrent. I never knew that.
Are there any audiobooks in Norwegian or other European languages besides English? If there are, post some magnets for Norwegian books, please.
Does anyone know any good torrent sites to find german Audiobooks.

Specifically looking for Harry potter read by Rufus Beck.
>>1348420 ---> >>1322647

But instead of data-load.in it is data-load.me now.
The second adress is valid.

Also rutracker.org and audiobbokbay for torrenting

>Harry potter read by Rufus Beck.

Does anyone have Louis L'amour's Sackett series of novels, 17 in all?
It is just google tts
Worthless for this case
There are much better alternatives now with ai
Does anyone have the audiobook for Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch?
Anyone have Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code in French?

>Brown D. - Da Vinci Code [Véronique Groux de Miéri, Yves Mugler, 256 kbps]

>Brown D. - Anges et demons [Veronique Groux de Mieri, Yves Mugler, 128-240]

>Brown D. - Le Symbole perdu [François d’Aubigny, 128]
>Brown D.

That explains why I couldn't find it on rutracker...
Thanks for the Lynch anon I really appreciate it.
is audiobook bay down this week or something?

I cant seem to access it right now.
It works

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