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Liz Vicious
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Hannah Stuart (Hannah Hotpocket)
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Chloe Lamb
Whoa....been a while since I've seen these faces...added to seedbox.
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only downside was her bf
He got what he deserved.
Didn't she do some more stuff recently? I know she's gotten big and I think she had kids, but I'm still interested to see. Only seen one or two pics of her and they're probably a decade old at this point
buddy with the 90-degree dick? yeah i'll never forget that
Excuse me, the medical term is: Boomerwang.
>>1261264 Do you have the photos collections
Anyone remember Ivana Fukalot? Was that amateur?
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Anyone have Emo Amy from the UK?
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IDeepThroat (Heather Brookes) Site Rip 2012 [NG-SITE]

God I remember this chick.
what was that?
The turn of the century brought us a wonderful world of useless whores. I fapped to each of them at least once.
Todays useless whores are just annoying.
Anyone have Raven Riley? I remember having her photosets but haven't found them in years.
Died into a garbage compactor while high of his ass, if I remember correctly.
Anyone remember Ivana Fukalot? Loved that skinny bitch.
nta but might you post just one pick of her I've been looking for for 15 years? shes got her pants pulled down just below the ass and playing Need For Speed Most Wanted on an Xbox.

I'm away from pc and phone has no memory :(
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For once I can't find a torrent on a whore. Anyone know where I can get a pack of Kasia?
I too would love a complete Kasia. Never seen it.
Let me see if I can rustle one up. Gotta be one of the greatest softcore ladies ever. So cute.
You can't see it, but there's a dildo in this photo... just so you know.
I've seen that set many times and I remember the dildo. Not sure if its actually inside her body for that pic or sitting outside the frame.
Thank you. You're the real one.
Anyone have a torrent of her photo sets?
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Any anons here have any content from Dawn Avril?
>good lord the 00s
solid nostalgia boner got on this one
... dude i've been jacking off to that video since it came out. don't think i haven't seen the video for the girl i'm requesting.
Downside was hoe she got shitty tattooes after she aged into a milfy hotness.
does anyone remember a pornstar named Hennessy, no not the one that comes up when you look up the name Hennessy, the one before her name Hennessee? it may have been spelled different. if I recall correctly she was petite she had a great ass and she was latin? she wasn't on the scene for more than a couple of years I think. it was brief. I mean she could have been mildly Mediterranean or something too. she had dark eyes, dark hair, and a gorgeous round little ass.
she pregnant pretty late too
Even hotter. Poor kid, though.
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Does anyone have any early Jassie James packs? I'm looking for her early lesbian videos...
Honestly, she looks better than i thought she would considering i haven't seen anything of hers in forever

And covered with tatts. Blech!!!
anyone got a complete christina model collection?
Anyone have Teen Topanga?
>tfw you realize you fapped to porn that is literally older than most people in this tread and on this board.
I mean, I fapped to lots of 70's porn. Tried fapping to those weird 60's arthouse nudie shorts but just couldn't nut.
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anybody got a SexyPattyCake collection?
I had a full Pattycake set a while back, deleted it to make room and wish I had not. The available torrents are not being seeded any more. Not saying its gone forever, but anyone who has it is no longer sharing.
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I made you a torrent.


13,301 files and 4.04 GB. No videos, only pics

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How about Sofia?
I have a set around here somewhere, if I find it I'll share it with you.
just now seeing this, thanks!
People still jerk to Carrie Fischer abd her death was high profile.
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No one remember Kari Sweets?? Any torrent??
Any pack for her, anon?
I've been trying to find packs of her for a while, the best I've been able to get is from imagefap.
As if it's not allways the case with these hoes

You Welcome :)
I spilled so many loads to her.
sorry man, thats all i could find!
Kates playground?
my god I think I just fell in love.
>Sees pic of whore getting fuckes.
Yes, he'll fit in well here.
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anyone have a complete archive of hailey's hideaway?
Damn, i remember her. its a shame she didn't do more anal before she quit
impossible to locate

just lucky to find some online streamed vids
>Honey, hold my hand and look into my eyes when the nigger is about to come, ok?
OH FUCK! I would pay for that one! My past feels are calling.
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Any Brandi Belle packs?
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I lost my collection of these charming women, if anyone has one.
Forgot about her. She was great.
I dont have a torrent pack of the Milton Twins but in all seriousness has anyone seen or heard from them lately? Did they get married and make babies? Did they die in a car crash? Did one of them kill the other and go to prison for 40 years? Seriously they just dropped off the map and no one knows where they are.
there is porn of them on the sites when they were both pregnant, about the same time I imagine.
Found a few photosets or 255 pics to be exact.
Update, I've found all her photosets.

I bizum for a beer if you share hahaha!!
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Lindsey Marshal


>(Let me know if it didn't work, I don't make torrents often.)
Reminds me of Allison Hannigan

the torrent works btw
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Anyone got a torrent of Katee Owen / KateeLife?
This thread made me think of AlisaChan for the first time in a decade. Last I checked she started doing nudes, but her cosplays were prime fap material in the early 2000s.
Anybody got taylor bow? or zoe voss
There's an AI upscale megapack out there on the private tracker
Anyone got a torrent of Tiffany Cappotelli? Aka Tiffany cooper cappotelli?
the one on the left would be oral and anal all at the same time with that BUTT CHIN
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Anyone got Donatella Pompina's stuff?
motherless com/0C9813C
I remember she having some nice videos, used to cum a lot to her when I was a teenager
I wish I still all my stuff from bustyamateurs.com

Ariana, Daizie Kellogg, the first appearance of Erica Campbell
Thanks so much for this. I always thought Lindsey was that perfect balance of pretty/cute.
pretty good, she just needs to eat a little less
anyone remember a whore named Daisy, she had a website called Daisy's Garden, or Daisy's Diary or something like that. she did a lot of gangbang and watersports stuff. Funny thing was that eventually she disappeared but instead of the website shutting down, they got a different girl who looked totally different to be the 'new' Daisy. it was like when they tried to switch Darrens.
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Long shot any Ariel Spinner ?
souce https://www.xvideos.com/video56021/homemade_emo_chick_gets_fucked
Does anyone anywhere have siterips / collections of the old feet sites? Allyoucanfeet, coedfeet, norcalfeet etc. I've looked just about up and down all available resources and turned up nothing.

Related: Does anyone remember a very short-lived pay-site that featured women in sundresses wearing floral open-toed shoes? This is not a troll, I swear I saw it.
I'm looking for vintage auntjudys/atkarchives
all pre-2002
nice picture sets, anyone have any vids from pattycake?
Guys, this one still only has 2 seeds. Is it so hard to seed a 4GB file?
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anyone happen to have all pics from Joy from sweden? Need to complete her collection again after my HDD went kaput
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;y kingdom for May Marmalade
I know Naughty Nati became Allie Sinn, but I'd love to find an archive of the Naughty Nati website before she went into hardcore.
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Any torrents of ms britt/brittany english? Anything welcome, private photos and sex tape would be legend.

...and no anal.

That one "bathtub anal" video is not anal at all. It's clearly in the pussy.
share pls
just checked and sure enough, reddit has an active community for may marmalade.
No thanks. I have standards.
where do you guys go to look up OF and camvid leaks? All the places I used to use shut down. camclips, pornolab, camgirlvids, camwhorebay, etc. Coomerparty has the girl less than 10% of the time, and when it does it's just a handful of worthless images.
This is a longshot but doesn't anyone remember that camwhore from the early to mid 00s with god tier tits but was a bit of a butterface. She wore glasses and had her hair pulled back in a pontail. The one vid that is imprinted on my mind was the one where she's wearing a yellow tank-top. She's just sitting at her PC flashing her perfect tits to her webcam.
time for a nostalgia fap
stuck at 99.6%
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Kari Sweets vids

for some reason this is ridiculously hard to find, so I'll be seeding as long as I can. Let's refloat this nostalgia GOAT
oh look, there were people already looking for her in this very thread

well, finally, she can be saved
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This will be a longshot but does anyone have anything on True Tere?
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Any Alison Angel?
something about her face always looks wierd to me, maybe its the deer-in-headlights stare she usually does?
shes still hot af tho
Anyone have the original old MILF Hunter videos?
Looking for this girl too
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Remember her? It's Nicole Perker. She had her own website NakedNicole.com (currently the domain belongs to someone unrelated btw). That amateur website was the best of its kind during the early 2000s. She has done some magazine layouts and some Skinemax videos too. But I long for her exclusives. She has also appeared on Howard Stern getting a Playboy evaluation and briefly mentions her website during the interview.

whats her name?
This is very very old clip, from times I called "cd-share faping era" :)
I dont believe someone find source :P
Bless these girls. They walked through miles of dick basically for free so that girls today could speedrun life into OnlyFans multi millionaires.
i have the sauce
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man that took me forever to find it. IIRC it was a german vid. dont have the original filename cause i accidentally wiped my FAT and lost the filenames.
Natasha Lasgo
You are GOD! :)
Now I am think to myself... she's now old ;/
Wonder if anyone remembers Alyssa Doll. She did only soft stuff, but liked her looks. Great booba.
I hope you get your dick sucked by the hottest girl you know. You've done a great service this day.
The dildo is blue
Hey, does anyone has some Twanee Stone stuff?
She was my favorite at the time....
Just sad that she only tried anal once (as far as i know), and the video itsel is bad...
Ariel Rebel?
Dude, she's nice!
Did she ever get around to doing actual porn? I remember seeing her do lots of nude stuff, some g/g stuff with some mild touching, but nothing explicit and I think one or two BJ vids.
I second this
Got any torrents?
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Not sure if it counts as amateur, but anyone have Fuckable Lola/Shiny Dolls?
Was this link any good? anybody seeding it?
I haven't thought about patty cake in years.
She's like 50 now, gross lol
it WAS good for about three months then I noticed nobody was downloading and I needed to clear it from my que, so I finally removed it. Not sure if others are seeding.
Full video from Ryzell Car Lot Twat?
i have a white whale i've been searching for for ages. it was a video that was passed around back when self hosted ftps were the thing. it's basically impossible to search for because it's just a chick fucking herself with a black dildo but it was hot as hell. if anyone has a collection of solo amateur girls from the ftp days please share it here
Guys is there any site with big library of 2000s porn online?
anyone got nicole peters
melina from rubmyboob?
also interested in this. specifically amateur / camgirl stuff from that era
She wasn't 50 in those pics,zoomzoom
do you mind whipping up a torrent of a bunch of stuff from that era? wouldn’t mind digging through a grab bag to see if anything familiar pops out
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Missbella aka Bella Brookz has been a white whale of mine for a while, specifically her circa 2019 camshows (so not quite 2000's but this seemed like the most appropriate thread) and I would be very very grateful to anyone who has anything resembling a complete collection or can point me to where I can find one. There's been a handful of leaks but nothing compared to the hundreds of recordings made, which are mostly on slowly dying upstore links.
have an 11min comp of her
files dot catbox dot moe/5h4wsz dot mp4
I'm looking for an American-Latina teen who was too cute for porn, with dark panda-eye makeup and straight, dark hair, fucked on I think a sofa with her in sitting position every time and the camera locked off to the side. Semi-pro production. Think there were 3 videos. She always kept her top on. One of them she was wearing white.
XxXFuukaXxX or Fuuka doll is still very active nowadays, anyone got some of her new shit and some ofh er higher quality old shit? cant believe there aint no MFC rip for that.
Whatever happened to her?
I don't know if there's duplicates here, but there you go

I don't know if there's duplicates here, but there you go

50 picture sets magnet:?xt=urn:btih:44cfb859dfd680d3eeaecb45cfa3093099cf3f6d&dn=Tawnee%20Stone%20%28Sets%201-50%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3A451%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fzer0day.ch%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969

pictures magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b3cc8108ba93eb2e041ddbbb4518192502bc746e

videos magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6c14bbae9c6c3d121e0f4ddb89fa142e15143f7e

videos magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2f835d7f1af42623d2bc275b7e2c6c520234d2f2

videos magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fbfa2993d62a2566fb7990578c6f52d1f4bd3796
Brandi Belle is 40 years old man, her porno days are long over

She was a pioneer in gonzo amateur porn.
anyone got anything from katies-world?
>anyone got anything from katies-world?
sure, got you senpai.. >>521528
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Anyone have Hotpattie from dreamnet? A milf I used to adore back in the mid 2000's would love if someone had anything on her
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Anyone have compilation of isla summer videos ?
NO but I second this

These captchas hurt my brain. I am too smooth brain for them
I messed up and didn't have all the files unpacked from Usenet

Everything I could find on Usenet. It's a mess though
And I fucked up twice
Grab the .rar file from the first one if you want all the photo sets

Here is everything I could find on her from Usenet
Amen to this one
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Anyone have XoEve, Eve Cates?
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any hollie from CawWithHe?r

Thanks for the memories!
women in the 2000s were so much prettier
Bumping cause I would also like an Isla Summer compile
Does anyone have "Little Anal Whores by Fat Stuff?"
The lens flair nipples bring me right back
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>Heather Brooke
it's odd but no torrent seems to have this gem, an anal classic
I'm looking for this old GILF pornstar called Melanie Skyy (also known as Wicked Sexy Melanie). I've not yet had luck finding a pack of her work. She was active I think in the 2000s era but maybe before then? Anyone remember her?
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im looking for rashadub from xtube
Man she must be like one of the earliest cam girls out there. I was in high school when saw her videos. Currently in my mid 30's now.
What happened to Liz vicious?
she got fat and really normie looking from what I last remember
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This, please.
Bro you have filled a hole I've had for 2 decades.

I don't suppose you know of any other light speed girls? I'd love to find Littletroublemaker (Sarah Blake)
>got high
>crawled into a dumpster
>gets compacted down when dumpster truck turns up to empty out dumpster
many such cases of the early 2000's
Someone remember Ashley Brookes (canadian girl) ?
please learn how to make a torrent and upload it.

Look how fat this dirty fuckpig got!!!
was she Australian? not sure if I'm thinking of the right one
if she were innocent, she wouldn't deny the rumor.
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Anyone have a Dawson Miller Pack? I've never been able to find an actively seeded one.
yeesh she didnt age well then again not surprised there
It don't get more amateur than drug addled white prostitutes being abused by some of the greasiest negroes you ever saw. This is the cream of the crop from my vast collection. Enjoy.

Wow, this is kind of ... freshy :)
What is freshy? Did the torrent work fine for you? I think something got screwed up with it. it seems no one is able to download 100% of it and they get stuck at 99% Let me know.
We'll see how good you look in 20 years, buckaroo
>knows what the problem is
>"let me know"
Fucking faggot
wasn't sure if there was a problem. I said i think something got screwed up with it which it did, but it seems some people are still able to download so whatever. Just trying to provide content for this forum and make sure it's working for everyone so why don't you suck my fucking cock rather than be a retard? You fucking leech. Fuck you.
>Malware Detected. Windows Defender is taking action to clean detected malware.
Don't download this
Lying scum. Probably a jew.
Doesn't work, stuck in downloading metadata
It seems to work for others. try a different client maybe. I'll try again another time and figure out how to do it properly.
I have tried again
Anyone have kirsten's room?
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Sharing 4gb imageset. Does anyone have her videos anywhere?
There's an old clip of her in a swimming pool (see pic) I've been trying to find for years
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I remember having a whole folder of this fine lass's pics ripped from her website, but unfortunately it looks like the pics from her website @ 2004 is all that exists :(
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The link you want is here sir
No torrent, unfortunately. There's some sets on pictoa though
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does this bitch keep laughing non stop throughout the video
she's hot af damn, pretty cute too

i have a special place in my heart for teen topanga, any megapack of her?
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Anyone got more, or even remember the OG?
anyone for VSexie? I think her irl name was Vanessa Rand
Looking for redhead Jewess megapack
MissAlice pack?
Anyone have any more sexypattycake? This is the only torrent I've found:
But I'm lookin for MORE. No idea how explicit she ever got considering a lot of her shit is very
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also, any christina model? I don't think I've found ANY good torrents for her and I similarly dunno if she never did anything more hardcore.
search "Lugatum" on YouTube if you don't find a torrent. some anon has remastered alot of her videos and posted them there. age restricted though
jej weird but thanks anon
i tihnk she started camming again on chaturbate or some shit
i remember this one hot ass teen from 2002 as well. i think he web name was penny. cute teen with braces. fuck i wish her site was up
I appreciate the effort but this isn't close to a complete collection. More is easily found through SC.
I found this one

I found this one
any seeders on the pattycake torrent? 2days in and at 2.2%
Sorry, I shared the wrong sexypattycake magnet. I meant to post this one.


I think the pool video you're looking for is 100414big.mpg in this torrent
Thanks bro, this one's sharing a lot faster
Any anons out there have any TeenLola18? there's fuck all for her on tpb and other torrent sites. Would love a few nostalgia wanks over her stuff. She was mega cute
5 months too late but she currently runs an onlyfans and is still hot as fuck.
>Dawson Miller
I found this one. It's not huge, but it is 100% available

Wha about 'Amateur Facials' from the late 1990s - early 2000s?
Remember the two chicks and their third chubby friend who sometimes joined them?
What ever happened to Raven Riley's stuff?
Was that ever archived by people?
check the user pointdixter on erome. seems to be a pretty comprehensive rip
Does anyone have an active Bluewut torrent? I only find dead ones and I know that there are complete collections on private trackers, but I'm poor :c
Yeah, there's actually no 't' so my bad.
erome. com/poindixter
I just copy/pasted that time. Delete the space of course.
yall actually gonna let this die?
https://www xnxx com/video-qbgx6e/hannah_from_uk_have_sex_with_boyfriend_and_blowjob
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(Na)tasha Sky(e) anyone? Not sure if her screenname was Natasha or Tasha or if she used an "e" in Sky. Camwhore in the late 00s I think. I also seem to remember that she was from Kentucky. And she had perfect tits.
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Anyone have barely18barbie/barbiechuu? I can't find anything with seeds.
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DL links for the videos are down, any hopes anyone has a torrent of her?
does anyone have more of Liz Vicious's stuff?
I'm looking for a pack with all of it
check out https://forums.socialmediagirls.com/threads/sexy-pattycake.8032/ she's still at it
See the more recent posts.
(43.12 GB) 252 Files
holy based
does anyone know where to find her new Onlyfans stuff?
YES! Don't recall the name tho...

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