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Post music, preferably full or close to full discographies.
>Ministry (up to 2014):

>Please wait a while before making a thread
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Bad Religion (up to 2021):
Marilyn Manson (up to 2009)
Any suggestions for how to rip things off of nugs.net? Or a good source for live music outside of Soulseek.
I'm trying to find a torrent that was in all likelihood posted in a thread just like this one.

It contained all of the short songs, themes, motifs, samples, and sound effects made by one guy. Hundreds, if not thousands of files, used in movies, TV shows, video games, you name it. I've heard the sound effects in Starcraft and Stargate, lots of sci-fi across the board.

Everything from the sound of a zergling hatching to alien cantina music.

Heavy use of synthesizers. Came as a zip or rar archive. Royalty free, uncopyrighted, free to use sounds and songs. The file name was the guys name and then some sort of archival name of all the things in one place.

Any help?

Eric Persing
Distorted Reality

The Fifth Element samples heavily from it.
Anyone got Yuji Ohno's stuff?
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cause I fucking hate mongoloid making retarded threads on this board
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Townes Van Zandt (1968 - 2019) [FLAC]

Haven't kept up with how to search stuff. Does anyone have the Teldec Bach cantatas, conducted by Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Gustav Leonhardt? Thanks.

Shelter (1990 - 2006)

>Shelter is an American Hare Krishna hardcore punk band formed by Youth of Today vocalist Ray Cappo.

Joy Orbison - various EPs and remixes

Aphex Twin - Discography (Up to 2019)
Would love to see if anyone has Sublime's discography.
Anyone got Megadeth lossless flac compilation/discography?
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Momus Discography in FLAC

>for fans of Shibuya-kei and witty Scottish pop
Here, I'm posting what I couldn't find in this thread.

Deftones Discography, FLAC

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