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File: dtf.jpg (354 KB, 1200x1198)
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>Hey all you crazy cats out there in 4chanland! It's time to dust off your terabytes of obscure hoarded tunes, share 'em if you got 'em! Requests most welcome!
I'll start!

Does anyone have this full 5 CD set? All torrents are dead.

Oh Yes We Can Love: A History Of Glam Rock (2013)

Discogs link: https://www.discogs.com/release/5401954-Various-Oh-Yes-We-Can-Love-A-History-Of-Glam-Rock
Thinly veiled request thread. Post a torrent.
>Thinly veiled request thread. Post a torrent.

Just waiting for particular requests, I don't want to clutter up the thread with stuff nobody likes except me. But since you insist

Have A Nice Decade - The '70s Pop Culture Box (1998)



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